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Kubernetes Source


Create an API Key in Overmind under Account settings > API Keys

account settings api key

Install the source into your Kubernetes cluster using Helm:

helm repo add overmind
helm install overmind-kube-source overmind/overmind-kube-source --set source.apiKey=ovm_api_YOURKEY_HERE

To upgrade:

helm upgrade overmind-kube-source overmind/overmind-kube-source

To uninstall:

helm uninstall overmind-kube-source

NOTE: Currently the source won't appear in your "Sources" list in Overmind since it's running on your infrastructure, not ours. We'll improve this soon.


This source will support all Kubernetes versions that are currently maintained in the kubernetes project. The list can be found here


The backends in this package implement the Search() method. The query format that they are expecting is a JSON object with one or more of the following keys, with strings in the corresponding string format:

An example would be:

    "labelSelector": "app=wordpress"


    "labelSelector": "environment=production,tier!=frontend",
    "fieldSelector": "metadata.namespace!=default"

Other fields can also be set of advanced querying is required, these fields must match the JSON schema for ListOptions`



The tests for this package rely on having a Kubernetes cluster to interact with. This is handled using kind when the tests are started. Please make sure that you have the required software installed:

IMPORTANT: If you already have kubectl configured and are connected to a cluster, that cluster is what will be used for testing. Resources will be cleaned up with the exception of the testing namespace. If a cluster is not configured, or not available, one will be created (and destroyed) using kind. This behavior may change in the future as I see it being a bit risky as it could accidentally run the tests against a production cluster, though that would be a good way to validate real-world use-cases.