The ClientHandler is the base object that controls the CAS(C).
The path passed to ClientHandler should be the base path of the game install. E.g. where the game executables are. Upon creation, the client handler will load everything required for CASC operation.
string path = @"C:\ow\game\Overwatch";
ClientHandler clientHandler = new ClientHandler(path);
Logging is handled through the TACTLib.Logger class. It has events that are triggered by TACTLib during runtime. Basic logging can be enabled by using TACTLib.Logger.RegisterBasic. That method also serves as an example of how to do custom logging. (see Logger.cs)
// enables the default basic logger. should be called *before* creating the client
(none of this is true yet)
ClientHandler client = new ClientHandler(path);
if (client.VFS == null) {
// invalid install
VFSFileTree vfs = client.VFS;
using (Stream stream = vfs.Open(@"zone\base.xpak")) {
// do whatever
foreach (string fileName in vfs.Files.Where(x => x.StartsWith(@"zone\"))) {
using(Stream stream = vfs.Open(fileName)) {
// could do this too
TACTLib is used internally in TankLib/DataTool.
ClientHandler client = new ClientHandler(path);
ProductHandler_Tank tankHandler = client.ProductHandler as ProdcuctHandler_Tank;
if (tankHandler == null) {
// not a valid overwatch install
using (Stream stream = tankHandler.OpenFile(0xE00000000000895)) { // open any asset you want
// in this case, parse the material
Not all features are implemented yet. Anything below is a concept.
ClientHandler client = new ClientHandler(path, new ClientCreateArgs {
HandlerArgs = new ClientCreateArgs_WorldOfWarcraft {
ListFile = ""
ProductHandler_WorldOfWarcraftV6 wowHandler = client.ProductHandler as ProductHandler_WorldOfWarcraftV6;
if (wowHandler == null) {
// not a valid warcraft install
using (Stream stream = wowHandler.OpenFile("world/maps/azuremyst isle (7.3 intro)/azuremyst isle (7.3 intro).wdt")) { // open any asset you want
// in this case, parse wdt
foreach(string file in wowHandler.GetFiles("world")) {
// will be empty if listfile is invalid
foreach(string dir in wowHandler.GetDirectories("world")) {
// will be empty if listfile is invalid