green_light <img src=“” alt=“Build Status” />¶ ↑
Provides client side validation, with the help of the jquery validation plugin. Keeping validation in the model, where it belongs.
Add green_light to your Gemfile and run the bundle install
gem 'green_light'
Include the JQuery validation plugin in your app/assets/javascripts/application.js
//= require jquery.validate
Since the validation rules are creating dynmically they need to be included in the header of your layout file:-
<%= javascript_include_tag "green_light" %>
Add the green_light
class to the forms that you wish to have client side validation:-
<%= form_for(@model, :html => { :class => 'green_light' }) do |f| %>
And finally, add some validations to your models!
validates_presence_of validates_length_of validates_format_of validates_uniqueness_of validates_numericality_of
For validations that are not yet supported, the gem will degrade gracefully to the standard Rails server-side validation.
For Rails 3 support use the older version (0.0.3) of green_light
JQuery is require for the jquery validation plugin. Be sure to include this in your application.js
//= require jquery
bundle install bundle exec rspec spec