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Flyter is a javascript library used to perform inline editing. It is inspired by x-editable, but doesn't rely on jquery, offers tons of customization options and can be easily extended to fit your needs.


See Flyter in action here

Some cool stuff about it

  • Developed in Typescript
  • Uses DOMPurify under the hood to clean templates and markup
  • Popup renderer makes use of Popper for perfect positioning
  • Ships with two renderers (popup and inline) as well as four types (text, select, checkbox and radio) to start quickly
  • A bootstrap 4 theme is available if you use the well-known framework

Content of this file


Including it in your webpage

You can quickly start working with flyter by using one of the pre-built bundle. It comes in 4 flavor:

<!-- vanilla build, core flyter, renderers and types -->
<!-- 68 Ko minified, 15,7 Ko gzipped -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

<!-- loaded with bootstrap theme -->
<!-- 69 Ko minified, 15,8 Ko gzipped -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

<!-- bundled with Popperjs directly -->
<!-- 87 Ko minified, 22,1 Ko gzipped -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

<!-- bundled with Popperjs and the bootstrap theme -->
<!-- 88 Ko minified, 22,1 Ko gzipped -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
// flyter is now available through window.flyter
flyter.attach('my-element', { /* config */ });

If you want to use the Popup renderer but don't use the bundle including Popper, you'll have to include it manually in your webpage (or provide it later as explained below).

<!-- include popper before flyter so that it can find it automatically -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=".../path-to-popper-v2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=".../flyter.bootstrap.min.js"></script>

Installing it through NPM

Flyter is also available on NPM. The difference with pre-built bundles is that you must manually import what you need, this in order to keep your build size as low as possible.

npm install -S flyter

You can then import it in your project.

import flyter, {
} from 'flyter';

withPopupRenderer(); // Load the popup renderer
withTextType(); // Load the text type

const div = document.getElementById('myDiv');
flyter.attach(div, { type: { name: 'text' }, /* other config... */ });

Importing the bootstrap theme

If you also want to import the bootstrap theme, just run the following

import flyter, { withBootstrapTheme } from 'flyter';

withBootstrapTheme(); // Call this once


You can call flyter by doing the following:

flyter.attach(document.querySelector('#myDiv'), { /* config */});

flyter.attach('#myDiv', 'text'); // You can directly pass the type name if you have no other config value

/* Or on multiple elements at once */
flyter.attach(document.querySelectorAll('.multipleElements'), { /* config */ });

flyter.attach('.multipleElements', {
  initialValue: 1,
  type: {
    name: 'select',
    dataSource: [
      { value: 1, label: 'first value' },
      { value: 2, label: 'second value' }
  server: {
    url: '',
    queryParams: { id: 143 }


Flyter supports many configuration options explained here.

⭐ Configuration can also be set through data-fcnf- attributes for all non-callback values, for example data-fcnf-type-name="text" to set the type's name to text.

When you deal with values that should be of a specific format, such as json, you can append modifiers to your config attribute with a :. The following modifiers are available:

  • json to parse value to json
  • bool or boolean to parse to a boolean value
  • int to parse to an integer
  • float to parse to a float number

For example data-fcnf-renderer-config-popper_config:json='{"placement":"bottom"}'

Also note that camelCase options can be writen using _ (refer to previous example).

🌟 Note that some configuration options have a type set to something*, this * indicates that this option can either take a value or a function of the format (instance) => expected type.

Flyter configuration

key type description default value
themes object If you want to configure your themes, explained in the theme section {}
trigger string Flyter instance trigger, can be either click, hover or none 'click'
triggerOnTarget boolean* Wether the trigger will be attached to the given target element, or on the appended custom flyter element. By default trigger listener is attached to custom flyter element false
emptyValue any* the empty value, which indicates to flyter that this instance has no value yet null
submitOnEnter boolean* If true, will submit the current edition session if the user hits enter. Pay attention if, for example, type is a textarea, it can submit when not expected false
initialValue any* The instance's initialization value null
emptyValueDisplay string* What should be displayed when the instance has no value 'Empty'

Server handler

Flyter ships with a simple server handler which performs an async request on submit. This can be easily overriden using the onSubmit callback (explained below), but these options allow you to configure how the request is sent if you keep the default handler.

key type description default value
server.url string* url to which submit data null
server.method string* which method to use (GET, POST...) 'POST'
server.queryParams object* some additional data to pass to request body null
server.resultFormatter (data: any, value: any) => any Called after server response, can be used to format received value before forwarding it to flyter given value

Type and renderer

Here you can choose which type and renderer to use as well as override their default configuration if necessary.

key type description default value string* Name of the type to use, for example text, select, checkbox or radio 'text'
type.config object* The type's config (See each type for what kind of config they accept) {} string* Name of the renderer to use, for example popup or inline popup
renderer.config object* The renderer's config (See each renderer for what kind of config they accept) {}

Buttons and actions

Flyter uses two buttons once triggered, the okButton which will trigger a submit on click, and a cancelButton.

key type description default value
okButton.enabled boolean* Wether or not the okButton will be displayed true
okButton.text string* okButton text content 'Ok'
cancelButton.enabled boolean* Wether or not the cancelButton will be displayed true
cancelButton.text string* cancelButton text content 'Cancel'


Flyter allows you to override the templates used internally, mostly used if you define a new theme.

key type description default value
template.edit string* The edit markup which will contain the editing type and actions (buttons) See below
template.buttons string* The buttons markup See below string* The displayed value (when not triggered), as well as the loading container See below
template.loading string* The loading indicator See below

Here are the vanilla templates used. Please note that they have some data-flyter- attributes which are mandatory if you override those templates.

<div class="flyter-edit-container">
  <div data-flyter-edit>
    <!-- will contain the type markup -->
  <div data-flyter-action>
    <!-- will contain the two buttons if enabled -->
<div class="flyter-buttons-container">
  <button data-flyter-submit><!-- contains okButton.text --></button>
  <button data-flyter-cancel><!-- contains cancelButton.text --></button>

This template is used when flyter is not triggered, when not open in edition mode.

<div class="flyter-read-container">
  <span data-flyter-read><!-- contains the displayed value --></span>
  <div data-flyter-loading><!-- contains the loader --></div>

Callbacks and hooks

Those configuration options allow you to hook into the instance lifecycle and perform various operations.

key type description default behavior
valueFormatter async (value, instance) => string Formats the value to be displayed Uses the type to generate a string
onOpen async (instance) => any Called when the instance is triggered and opens its edition session () => null
onClose async (instance) => any Called when the instance closes its edition session () => null
onDestroy async (instance) => any Called when the flyter instance is manually destroyed () => null
onSubmit async (value, instance) => any Called when submitting the value, can be used to override the default server handler Simple server handler (see server section)
onLoading (status: boolean, instance) => any Called when the instance (not in edition) is in loading mode () => null
onRendererLoading (status: boolean, instance) => any Called when the renderer (instance in edition) is in loading mode () => null
onError async (error, instance) => any Called when an error is thrown somewhere (e) => console.log(e)
onCancel async (instance) => any Called when an edition session is canceled () => null
validate `async (value, instance) => boolean Error` Can be used to validate the submitted value, before calling the onSubmit callback


Flyter ships with 4 types by default which have their own configuration you can override by setting type.config.


You can use it by setting = text

key type description default value
class string A class that will be set on the input ''
type string the input type, for example text, textarea, number, date... 'text'
attributes string Some additional attributes to set on the input ''
treatEmptyAsNull boolean Wether to treat an empty string as a null value true


You can use it by setting = select

key type description default value
class string A class that will be set on the input ''
dataSource Array<{ value: string, label: string }> The possible values. Can also be a callback or an async callback that returns an array. []
multiple boolean Whether the input is in multiple mode or not false
showEmptyValue boolean Show an empty value which maps to the emptyValue false
displaySeparator string Separator when displaying multiple values ','

Here is a configuration example using the select type.

flyter.attach('div', {
  type: {
    name: 'select',
    config: {
      multiple: false,
      showEmptyValue: true,
      dataSource: async () => {
        return new Promise((resolve) => {
          setTimeout(() => resolve([
            { label: "isnt it cool", value: "cool" },
            { label: "Yeah no", value: "not cool" }
          ]), 1000);


You can use it by setting = checkbox

key type description default value
class string A class that will be set on the input ''
dataSource Array<{ value: string, label: string }> The possible values. Can also be a callback or an async callback that returns an array. []
inputContainerClass string Each [checkbox, label] is wrapped in a div, you can add a class to it ''
checkboxClass string Add a class to each displayed checkbox ''
labelClass string Add a class to each displayed label ''
displaySeparator string Separator when displaying multiple values ','


You can use it by setting = radio

key type description default value
class string A class that will be set on the input ''
dataSource Array<{ value: string, label: string }> The possible values. Can also be a callback or an async callback that returns an array. []
inputContainerClass string Each [radio, label] is wrapped in a div, you can add a class to it ''
radioClass string Add a class to each displayed radio input ''
labelClass string Add a class to each displayed label ''

Creating your own type

You can easily create custom types by creating a class which extends FlyterType.

import flyter, { FlyterType } from 'flyter';

type MyTypeConfig = {
  name: string;

class MyType extends FlyterType<MyTypeConfig> {
  async init() {
    // Here you can initialize your type, for example plugins and stuff as well as your markup

    // You also have access to the edition session (see below for API)

  async show(container: HTMLElement, value: any) {
    // Here you have to append your markup to the given container using appendChild for example,
    // And initialize your input with the given value

  getCurrentValue() {
    // This method must return your input's current value

  getReadableValue(val: any) {
    // This method must format the given val to a string which will be displayed

  disable(status: boolean) {
    // Here you must visually reflect the disabled status provided, for example setting `disable="true"` on your <input>

  async onDestroy() {
    // Here you can remove all side effects, listeners and so on...

flyter.registerType('myType', MyType, {
  name: 'me',

flyter.attach('div', {
  type: {
    name: 'myType',
    config: {
      name: 'Me myself & I'


Flyter ships with 2 renderers which you can use out of the box.

💥 Note that some configuration type are marked with *, this means that they can also take an (async) callback which returns an value of the expected type, which takes the renderer as single parameter.

Inline renderer

You can use it by setting = inline. This renderer will hide the field and display the edition input when editing.

key type description default value
closeOnClickOutside boolean* Close the edition session when clicked outside true
inlineTemplate string* Template used by the renderer See below
containerClass string* A class that will be added to the inline renderer container ''
onInit async (renderer) => any Called when the renderer is initialized () => null
onShow async (renderer) => any Called when the renderer becomes visible () => null
onHide async (renderer) => any Called when the renderer is removed from the DOM () => null

Default renderer markup is the following:

<div class="flyter-inline">
  <div class="flyter-inline-content" data-flyter-inline-container>
    <!-- Will contain type and actions -->
  <div class="flyter-inline-loading" data-flyter-inline-loading>Loading</div>
  <div class="flyter-inline-error" data-flyter-inline-error>
    <!-- if error, will display it here -->

Popup renderer

You can use it by setting = popup. This renderer depends on Popperjs to work. If you include it in your webpage, flyter will automatically find it from window.popper. Otherwise you have to manually provide it like so:

import flyter from 'flyter';
import { createPopper } from '@popperjs/core';

flyter.attach('div', {
  renderer: {
    name: 'popup',
    config: {
      popper: createPopper,
key type description default value
closeOnClickOutside boolean* Close the edition session when clicked outside true
popper createPopper The popper builder `window.Popper.createPopper
popperConfig object* Some additional config to pass to popper, such as placement { placement: 'top' }
transitionDuration number* Duration in milliseconds of the renderer fade transition 300
title string* Add a title to the popup null
popupTemplate string* Template used by the renderer See below
popupClass string* Add a class to the renderer container ''
onInit async (renderer) => any Called when the renderer is initialized () => null
onShow async (renderer) => any Called when the renderer becomes visible () => null
onHide async (renderer) => any Called when the renderer is removed from the DOM () => null

Default renderer markup is the following:

<div class="flyter-popup">
  <div class="flyter-popup-arrow" data-flyter-popup-arrow>
    <!-- arrow, managed by popper -->
  <div class="flyter-popup-title" data-flyter-popup-title>
    <!-- if there's a title to the popup, will be here -->
  <div class="flyter-popup-content" data-flyter-popup-container>
    <!-- will contain type markup and actions -->
  <div class="flyter-popup-loading" data-flyter-popup-loading>Loading</div>
  <div class="flyter-popup-error" data-flyter-popup-error>
    <!-- If there's an error, will be displayed here -->

Creating your own renderer

You can create your own renderer by creating a class that extends FlyterRenderer and register it.

import flyter, { FlyterRenderer } from 'flyter';

type MyRendererConfig = {
  swagLevel: number;

class MyRenderer extends FlyterRenderer<MyRendererConfig> {
  // your configuration is available through this.config

  async init() {
    // Here you can initialize your renderer before it is shown, for example listeners, your renderer markup and so on.

    // You also have access to the edition session (see below for API)

  error(error: Error) {
    // When this method is called you must display the error somewhere in your markup

  async show(markup: HTMLElement) {
    // Here you must display the given markup which contains the type and actions in your markup

  async destroy() {
    // Here you must destroy all stuff you created (listeners...)

  setLoading(loading: boolean) {
    // display a loader based on given loading

// Then register it
flyter.registerRenderer('myRenderer', MyRenderer, {
  /* Some default config your renderer exposes */
  swagLevel: 10,

flyter.attach('div', {
  renderer: {
    name: 'myRenderer',
    config: {
      swagLevel: 99999

Global configuration using Themes

Themes are a feature to override global configurations everywhere. They simply are functions that take a config object and return a Theme object, for example:

const myTheme = (config) => {
  return {
    types: {
      text: {
        // Override text type config here
      select: {
        // ...
    renderers: {
      popup: {
        // Override popup renderer here
    config: {
      // Override config here
      onOpen() {
        console.log('Flyter instance open');

// You can then load it, give it a name, your theme and a default configuration object
flyter.registerTheme('myTheme', myTheme, {});

That's it, whenever flyter opens on an instance, it will output Flyter instance open in the console. Note that you can register as many themes as you'd like, the configuration will be merged whenever the instance is created based on the order at which they were registered. In order, configuration is merged like so:

(((baseConfig + themeDerivedConfig) + attributeConfig) + given config on `attach`) 

Overriding theme config

You might register some third-party themes which expose a config that you want to override. That's easy to do in your configuration:

flyter.attach('div', {
  themes: {
    myTheme: {
      onOpen() {
        console.log('Flyter instance overriden open');



When you attach flyter to an element, you can either attach it to a single element or a collection of elements.

const instance = flyter.attach('#myDiv', { /* ... */}); // or document.querySelector('#myDiv');

You'll find the instance here as well as in almost all callbacks from the config.

 * returns the HTML element this instance is attached to.

 * returns the element automatically built by Flyter when the instance was created.

 * Updates the config of this instance
instance.updateConfig(config: Partial<Config>);

 * Returns the config value which can be found at the given key. for example server.url.
 * The second parameter must be set to true if you expect a callback.
 * This allows flyter to resolve the option if it's a value that can either be a primitive or a function returning it
instance.getConfig(key: string, isCallback: boolean);

 * Returns the raw config object of this instance

 * Opens an edition session
 */; // ASYNC

 * Closes an eventually open session
instance.close(); // ASYNC

 * Returns the current value of the instance

 * Sets the current value
instance.setValue(val); // ASYNC

 * Refresh the instance, refreshing its displayed value
instance.refresh(); // ASYNC

 * Destroys the instance, removing it from the DOM
instance.destroy(); // ASYNC

 * Returns the current edition session if any. See below for further information

Edition Session

When you trigger a flyter instance (by click or hover, or calling, it will launch a new Edition Session which is responsible to handle the edition flow. It can be accessed from the instance by calling instance.getCurrentSession() and from within renderers and types by doing this.getSession().

 * Returns the type object used in this session

 * Returns the renderer object used in this session

 * Returns the instance this session is attached to

 * Returns this session's markup

 * Initialize the session by initializing its type
session.initialize(); // ASYNC

 * Opens the session, initializing the renderer and markup and showing it
session.openEdition(); // ASYNC

 * Cancels this session and closes it
session.cancel(); // ASYNC

 * Close this session and notify the instance to delete it
session.closeSession(); // ASYNC

 * Submits the current type's value
session.submit(); // ASYNC

 * Tells the underlying renderer to enter in loading mode and disables
 * the types and action buttons
session.setLoading(status: boolean);

Initializing multiple elements at once

You might attach flyter to multiple elements in a single pass:

const manyInstance = flyter.attach('.divs', { /* config */}); // or document.querySelectorAll('.divs');

In this case you won't receive a single instance object (as there's multiple DOM nodes concerned), but rather a ManyInstance which has the following API:

 * Returns an array of all instances concerned

 * Updates the config for all underlying instances

 * Filters all instances that have edition sessions currently live attached and returns them

 * Opens all instances
manyInstance.openAll(); // ASYNC

 * Close all instances
manyInstance.closeAll(); // ASYNC

 * Refresh all instances
manyInstance.refreshAll(); // ASYNC

 * Destroy all instances
manyInstance.destroyAll(); // ASYNC


Code is released under the Apache 2.0 License.

  • DOMPurify uses the same license
  • deepmerge (used internally to merge configurations) is released under the MIT license


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