iOS Objective-C full text search engine.
This project provides a way to integrate full-text search capabilities into your iOS project. First, it provides a protocol-based API for a simple text indexing and search framework. Second, it provides a CLucene based implementation of that framework.
The following snippet shows how the API works. The CLuceneSearchService
is the only CLucene-specific portion of the code:
id<BRSearchService> service = [[CLuceneSearchService alloc] initWithIndexPath:@"/some/path"];
// add a document to the index
id<BRIndexable> doc = [[BRSimpleIndexable alloc] initWithIdentifier:@"1" data:@{
kBRSearchFieldNameTitle : @"Special document",
kBRSearchFieldNameValue : @"This is a long winded note with really important details in it."
NSError *error = nil;
[service addObjectToIndexAndWait:doc error:&error];
// search for documents and log contents of each result
id<BRSearchResults> results = [service search:@"special"];
[results iterateWithBlock:^(NSUInteger index, id<BRSearchResult>result, BOOL *stop) {
NSLog(@"Found result: %@", [result dictionaryRepresentation]);
It's pretty easy to integrate BRFullTextSearch with Core Data, to maintain a search
index while changes are persisted in Core Data. One way is to listen for the
notification and process Core Data
changes as index delete and update operations. The SampleCoreDataProject project
contains an example of this integration. The app allows you to create small sticky
notes and search the text of those notes. See the
CoreDataManager class in the sample
project, whose maintainSearchIndexFromManagedObjectDidSave:
method handles this.
You can integrate BRFullTextSearch via CocoaPods, or manually as either a dependent project or static framework.
Install CocoaPods if not already available:
$ [sudo] gem install cocoapods
$ pod setup
Change to the directory of your Xcode project, and create a file named Podfile
contents similar to this:
platform :ios, '5.0'
pod 'BRFullTextSearch', '~> 1.0'
Install into your project:
$ pod install
Open your project in Xcode using the .xcworkspace file CocoaPods generated.
Using this approach you'll build a static library framework that you can manually integrate into your own project. After cloning the BRFullTextSearch repository, first initialize git submodules. For example:
git clone
cd BRFullTextSearch
git submodule update --init
This will pull in the relevant submodules, e.g. CLucene.
The BRFullTextSearch Xcode project includes a target called
BRFullTextSearch.framework that builds a static library framework. Build that
target, which will produce a Framework/Release/BRFullTextSearch.framework
bundle at
the root project directory. Copy that framework into your project and add it as a
build dependency.
You must also add the following linker build dependencies, which you can do by clicking the + button in the Link Binary With Libraries section of the Build Phases tab in the project settings:
- libz
- libstdc++
Next, add -ObjC
as an Other Linker Flags build setting. If you do not have any
C++ sources in your project, you probably also need to add -stdlib=libstdc++
this setting as well.
Finally, you'll need to add the path to the directory containing the
bundle as a Framework Search Paths value in the
Build Settings tab of the project settings.
The SampleStaticLibraryProject included in this repository is an example project set up using the static library framework integration approach. You must build BRFullTextSearch.framework first, then open this project. When you run the project, it will index a set of documents using some Latin text. You can then search for latin words using a simple UI.
Another way you can integrate BRFullTextSearch into your project is to add the BRFullTextSearch Xcode project as a dependent project of your project. The BRFullTextSearch Xcode project includes a target called BRFullTextSearch that builds a static library. You can use that target as a dependency in your own project.
After cloning the BRFullTextSearch repository, first initialize git submodules. For example:
git clone
cd BRFullTextSearch
git submodule update --init
This will pull in the relevant submodules, e.g. CLucene.
Then drag the BRFullTextSearch.xcodeproj onto your project in the Project Navigator. Then go to the Build Phases tab of your project's settings. Expand the Target Dependencies section and click the + button. You should see the BRFullTextSearch static library target as an available option. Select that and click the Add button.
You must also add the following linker build dependencies, which you can do by clicking the + button in the Link Binary With Libraries section of the Build Phases tab in the project settings:
- libz
- libstdc++
Next, add -ObjC
as an Other Linker Flags build setting.
Finally, you'll need to add the path to the directory containing the BRFullTextSearch.xcodeproj file as a Header Search Paths value in the Build Settings tab of the project settings. If you have added BRFullTextSearch as a git submodule to your own project, then the path might be something like "$(PROJECT_DIR)/../BRFullTextSearch".