Here are the step-by-step details to set up an end-to-end Jenkins pipeline for a Java application using SonarQube, Argo CD, Helm, and Kubernetes:
- Java application code hosted on a Git repository
- Jenkins server
- Kubernetes cluster
- Helm package manager
- Argo CD
1. Install the necessary Jenkins plugins:
1.1 Git plugin
1.2 Maven Integration plugin
1.3 Pipeline plugin
1.4 Kubernetes Continuous Deploy plugin
2. Create a new Jenkins pipeline:
2.1 In Jenkins, create a new pipeline job and configure it with the Git repository URL for the Java application.
2.2 Add a Jenkinsfile to the Git repository to define the pipeline stages.
3. Define the pipeline stages:
Stage 1: Checkout the source code from Git.
Stage 2: Build the Java application using Maven.
Stage 3: Run unit tests using JUnit and Mockito.
Stage 4: Run SonarQube analysis to check the code quality.
Stage 5: Package the application into a JAR file.
Stage 6: Deploy the application to a test environment using Helm.
Stage 7: Run user acceptance tests on the deployed application.
Stage 8: Promote the application to a production environment using Argo CD.
4. Configure Jenkins pipeline stages:
Stage 1: Use the Git plugin to check out the source code from the Git repository.
Stage 2: Use the Maven Integration plugin to build the Java application.
Stage 3: Use the JUnit plugins to run unit tests.
Stage 4: Use the SonarQube plugin to analyze the code quality of the Java application.
Stage 5: Use the Maven Integration plugin to package the application into a JAR file.
Stage 6: Use the Kubernetes Continuous Deploy plugin to deploy the application to a test environment using Helm.
Stage 7: Use a testing framework like Selenium to run user acceptance tests on the deployed application.
Stage 8: Use Argo CD to promote the application to a production environment.
5. Set up Argo CD:
Install Argo CD on the Kubernetes cluster.
Set up a Git repository for Argo CD to track the changes in the Helm charts and Kubernetes manifests.
6. Configure Jenkins pipeline to integrate with Argo CD:
6.1 Add the Argo CD API token to Jenkins credentials.
6.2 Update the Jenkins pipeline to include the Argo CD deployment stage.
7. Run the Jenkins pipeline:
7.1 Trigger the Jenkins pipeline to start the CI/CD process for the Java application.
7.2 Monitor the pipeline stages and fix any issues that arise.
This end-to-end Jenkins pipeline will automate the entire CI/CD process for a Java application, from code checkout to production deployment, using popular tools like SonarQube, Argo CD and Kubernetes