Example of a simple Symfony application using Clean Architecture and Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) principles with some additional functionalities.
- API with Swagger
- Data providers collection/item with resolving relations, filters and DTO mapping.
- Bus: Command and Query
- Request DTO resolver
- Serialization
- Validation
- Make sure you have installed Docker on your local machine
- Clone this project:
git clone git@github.com:owl-app/clean-architecture.git
- Execute
docker compose up -d
ormake docker-build
in your terminal and wait some time until the services will be ready - Then you will have API app docs available on http://localhost:8080/api/doc in your browser
$ git clone git@github.com:owl-app/clean-architecture.git
$ cd clean-architecture
$ wget http://getcomposer.org/composer.phar
$ php composer.phar install
$ cp .env .env.local // setup DB
$ php apps/api/bin/console doctrine:database:create
$ php apps/api/bin/console doctrine:schema:create
$ symfony serve --dir=apps/api/public --port=8080
A simple application with articles, whose aim is to demonstrate the clean architecture in PHP using CQRS. It also includes several useful functionalities that can be used in target production applications.
This structure using also modules and diffrent apps.
$ tree -L 4 src
|-- api
| -- src
| |-- Controller // Presentation layer
| | |-- Article // Implements uses cases from article applications
| | | |-- ArticleGetController.php
| | | |-- ArticleListController.php
| | | |-- ArticlePostController.php
$ tree -L 4 src
|-- Article // Article module
| -- Application // Use cases
| |-- Create
| | |-- Command // CQRS
| | | |-- SendEmailNewArticleHandler.php
| | | |-- SendEmailNewArticle.php
| | |-- ArticleCreator.php
| | |-- CreateArticleRequest.php
| |-- Get
| |-- List
| |-- CommentCreate
| -- Domain
| |-- Model
| | |-- Article.php
| |-- Repository
| | |-- ArticleRepositoryInterface.php
| -- Infrastructure
| |-- DataProvider
| | |-- ArticleCollectionDataProvider.php // Implementation data provider for list articles
| | |-- ArticleItemDataProvider.php // Implementation data provider for single article
| |-- Persistence
| | |-- Doctrine
| | | |-- Article.orm.xml // Doctrine mapping entity article
| | |-- ArticleRepository.php
| |-- Serialize
| | |-- Article.yaml // Serializer mapping article
| |-- Validate
| | |-- Article.yaml // Validation mapping article
$ tree -L 4 src
|-- Shared // Elements of application that are shared between various types of modules
| -- Application
| |-- Dto
| | |-- RequestDtoInterface.php // DTO to auto resolve from request
| -- Domain
| |-- Bus
| |-- DataProvider // Logic for collection/item data provider
| |-- Persistence
| -- Infrastructure
| |-- Bus // Implementation for command and query bus
| |-- DataProvider
| |-- |-- Orm // Implementation for Doctrine data providers
| |-- Persistence
| | |-- Doctrine // Implementations for Doctrine elements (Repository etc)
| |-- Symfony // Implementations for various elements of application (e.g. Request DTO resolver)
Example of usage query bus collection data provider with mapper.
namespace Owl\Apps\Api\Controller\Article;
use OpenApi\Attributes as OA;
use Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Annotation\Model;
use Owl\Article\Application\List\ArtliceListMapper;
use Owl\Article\Domain\Model\Article;
use Owl\Article\Infrastructure\DataProvider\ArticleCollectionDataProvider;
use Owl\Shared\Domain\DataProvider\Request\CollectionRequestParams;
use Owl\Shared\Infrastructure\DataProvider\Orm\Bus\Query\CollectionQuery;
use Owl\Shared\Infrastructure\Symfony\ApiController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
final class ArticleListController extends ApiController
summary: "List articles",
response: 200,
description: 'Successful response',
content: new OA\JsonContent(
type: 'array',
items: new OA\Items(ref: new Model(type: Article::class))
name: "filters[search][type]",
in: "query",
description: "Type search",
required: false,
schema: new OA\Schema(
enum: ['equal'],
name: "filters[search][value]",
in: "query",
description: "Value ",
required: false
#[OA\Tag(name: 'Articles', description: 'Articles in system')]
public function __invoke(CollectionRequestParams $collectionRequestParams): JsonResponse
$data = $this->query(new CollectionQuery(
new ArticleCollectionDataProvider(),
new ArtliceListMapper()
return $this->responseJson($data);
Example of usage collection data provider.
namespace Owl\Article\Infrastructure\DataProvider;
use Owl\Article\Application\List\ArticleCollectionDataProviderInterface;
use Owl\Shared\Domain\DataProvider\Builder\FilterBuilderInterface;
use Owl\Shared\Domain\DataProvider\Builder\SortBuilderInterface;
use Owl\Shared\Domain\DataProvider\Builder\PaginationBuilderInterface;
use Owl\Shared\Infrastructure\DataProvider\Orm\Type\AbstractCollectionType;
use Owl\Shared\Infrastructure\DataProvider\Orm\Filter\StringFilter;
use Owl\Shared\Infrastructure\DataProvider\Orm\Type\BuildableQueryBuilderInterface;
final class ArticleCollectionDataProvider extends AbstractCollectionType implements BuildableQueryBuilderInterface, ArticleCollectionDataProviderInterface
public function buildQueryBuilder(QueryBuilder $queryBuilder): void
$queryBuilder->select('partial o.{id,title,description}');
public function buildFilters(FilterBuilderInterface $filterBuilder): void
->add('search', StringFilter::class, ['title', 'description'])
public function buildSort(SortBuilderInterface $sortBuilder): void
->setAvailable(['id', 'title'])
public function buildPagination(PaginationBuilderInterface $paginationBuilder): void