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P4Pi: P4 on Raspberry Pi for Research and Education

IEEE NetSoft 2022 tutorial


All general information related to this tutorial is available on our Wiki page.

In this tutorial, we encourage participants to start with P4app to get familiar with P4 and develop their own P4 programs. Then the team will help participants to migrate the developed P4 program to the Raspberry Pi and test.


  1. Install docker if you don't already have it.

  2. Clone the repository to local

    git clone    
  3.  cd P4Pi-Tutorial-NetSoft-2022   
  4. ./p4app run basic.p4app

When you execute p4app run at the first time, it will take some time to download the docker image.

  1. [Optional] Move p4app to $PATH so that p4app can be run from any location, for example:
cp p4app /usr/local/bin
  1. You are ready!

We strongly recommend participants to finish the installation before the tutorial so that there will be more time left for hands-on exercises.

Network topology

topo The network topology used in our tutorial is triangular, and each host connects to a switch. The details of hosts (i.e., h1, h2, and h3) and switches (i.e., S1, S2, and S3) are shown in the figure.

Exercise I: Simple L3 forwarding

Step 1: Run the (incomplete) starter code

  1. ./p4app run basic.p4app 

    After this step you'll see the terminal of mininet

  2. Try to ping between hosts in the topology:

mininet> pingall


mininet> h1 ping h2

At the moment there should be no connection among hosts

  1. Quit mininet
mininet > exit

Step 2: Implement the forwarding logic

The basic.p4app/p4src/basic.p4 file contains a skeleton P4 program with key pieces of logic replaced by TODO comments. Your implementation should follow the structure given in this file---replace each TODO with logic implementing the missing piece.

A complete basic.p4 will contain the following components:

  1. Header type definitions for Ethernet (ethernet_t) and IPv4 (ipv4_t).
  2. TODO: Parsers for Ethernet and IPv4 that populate ethernet_t and ipv4_t fields.
  3. An action to drop a packet, using mark_to_drop().
  4. TODO: An action (called ipv4_forward) that:
    1. Sets the egress port for the next hop.
    2. Updates the ethernet destination address with the address of the next hop.
    3. Updates the ethernet source address with the address of the switch.
    4. Decrements the TTL.
  5. TODO: Fix ingress control logic that:
    1. ipv4_lpm table should be applied only when IPv4 header is valid
  6. TODO: A deparser that selects the order in which fields inserted into the outgoing packet.

Step 3: Populate flow rules

There is a control plane logic here: you need to define different flow rules in each switch so that they know how to forward the traffic to the destination.
commands1.txt, commands2.txt, commands3.txt represent the rules for the tables in the switch S1, S2, and S3, respectively.

The format of adding flow rules in commands[1-3].txt should be like:

table_add [table name] [action name] [table key] => [action parameter] [action parameter 2] [...]

An example using ipv4_lpm table in basic.p4:

table_add ipv4_lpm ipv4_forward => 00:00:00:00:01:01 1

Step 4: Run your solution

If the P4 program and the defined flow rules are correct, it is possible to reach all hosts by using pingall in mininet:

mininet> pingall
*** Ping: testing ping reachability
h1 -> h2 h3
h2 -> h1 h3
h3 -> h1 h2

Alternatively, if you want to know more information about the packets, open a new terminal and copy required python scripts to hosts first (not in mininet):


[Sniff traffic in h2]
Open a terminal:

./p4app exec m h2 python3

[Send traffic from h1 to h2]

mininet> h1 python3 h2 "hello"

[Alternative way to send traffic] Open another terminal:

./p4app exec m h1 python3 h2 "hello"

Then you should be able to see the packet contents in h2:

sniffing on h2-eth0
got a packet
###[ Ethernet ]###
  dst       = 00:00:00:00:02:02
  src       = 00:00:00:00:02:02
  type      = 0x800
###[ IP ]###
     version   = 4
     ihl       = 5
     tos       = 0x0
     len       = 45
     id        = 1
     flags     =
     frag      = 0
     ttl       = 62
     proto     = tcp
     chksum    = 0x65c8
     src       =
     dst       =
     \options   \
###[ TCP ]###
        sport     = 54670
        dport     = 1234
        seq       = 0
        ack       = 0
        dataofs   = 5
        reserved  = 0
        flags     = S
        window    = 8192
        chksum    = 0x5aa8
        urgptr    = 0
        options   = []
###[ Raw ]###
           load      = 'hello'


The solution is available in basic.p4app/p4src/solution

Exercise II: calculator

Step 1: Run the (incomplete) starter code

  1. ./p4app run calc.p4app 

    After this step you'll see the terminal of mininet

  2. Open another terminal and enter calc.p4app folder

     cd calc.p4app 
  3. Copy required scripts to the hosts

  4. We've written a small Python-based driver program that will allow you to test your calculator. You can choose one of the hosts (i.e., h1, h2 or h3) and type the following command in the terminal of mininet, for instance:

mininet> h1 python3

[Alternative] Run the following command in a new terminal (not in mininet):

cd ..
./p4app exec m h1 python3
  1. The driver program will provide a new prompt, at which you can type basic expressions. The test harness will parse your expression, and prepare a packet with the corresponding operator and operands. It will then send a packet to the switch for evaluation. When the switch returns the result of the computation, the test program will print the result. However, because the calculator program is not implemented, you should see an error message.
> 1+1
Didn't receive response

Step 2: Implement Calculator

To implement the calculator, you will need to define a custom calculator header, and implement the switch logic to parse header, perform the requested operation, write the result in the header, and return the packet to the sender.

We will use the following header format:

         0                1                  2              3
  |      P         |       4        |     Version    |     Op        |
  |                              Operand A                           |
  |                              Operand B                           |
  |                              Result                              |
  • P is an ASCII Letter 'P' (0x50)
  • 4 is an ASCII Letter '4' (0x34)
  • Version is currently 0.1 (0x01)
  • Op is an operation to Perform:
  • '+' (0x2b) Result = OperandA + OperandB
  • '-' (0x2d) Result = OperandA - OperandB
  • '&' (0x26) Result = OperandA & OperandB
  • '|' (0x7c) Result = OperandA | OperandB
  • '^' (0x5e) Result = OperandA ^ OperandB

We will assume that the calculator header is carried over Ethernet, and we will use the Ethernet type 0x1234 to indicate the presence of the header.

Given what you have learned so far, your task is to implement the P4 calculator program available in calc.p4app/p4src/calc.p4. There is no control plane logic, so you need only worry about the data plane implementation.

A working calculator implementation will parse the custom headers, execute the mathematical operation, write the result in the result field, and return the packet to the sender.

Step 3: Run your solution

Follow the instructions from Step 1. This time, you should see the correct result:

> 1+1


The solution is available in calc.p4app/p4src/solution

Test on Raspberry Pi

Once finishing two hands-on exercises, you can come to tutors and test your developed P4 program on a Raspberry Pi. We use calculator as an example here:

  1. Compile the P4 program
p4c --target bmv2 --arch v1model --std p4-16 calc.p4
  1. Run the compiled program.
sudo simple_switch -i 0@veth0 calc.json
  1. Change the network interface to veth0-1 in
iface = "veth0-1"
  1. Run the python script
sudo python
  1. Enter an equation and check if you get the correct results.


A repository for P4Pi tutorial at IEEE NetSoft 2022







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