A basic command-line interface for AWS that a human might actually want to use. Now with online help!
$ aws-wire-lengths
Usage: aws-wire-lengths [OPTS] COMMAND [ARGS...]
instance (inst) instance management
volume (vol) volume management
snapshot (snap) snapshot management
image (ami) image (AMI) management
role security token service (STS) management
sg security group management
key SSH key management
vpc VPC management
subnet subnet management
gateway (igw) Internet gateway management
nat managed NAT gateway management
route (rt) routing table management
ip elastic IP address management
interface (if) network interface management
config manage account- or region-level configuration
type instance type management
az availability zone management
s3 (s) S3 object storage
--help usage information
-e use environment variables for credentials
-r, --region-ec2 REGION
region for EC2
-R, --region-s3 REGION
region for S3
--region-sts REGION
region for STS
ERROR: choose a command
$ aws-wire-lengths inst
Usage: aws-wire-lengths instance COMMAND [ARGS...]
list (ls) list instances
ip get IP address for instance
start start an instance
reboot reboot an instance
stop stop an instance
protect enable termination protection
unprotect disable termination protection
spoof disable source/destination check
nospoof enable source/destination check
create create an instance
destroy destroy an instance
diag (nmi) send diagnostic interrupt to instance
console connect to the serial console of a guest
volumes show volumes attached to this instance
--help usage information
ERROR: choose a command