This application reads and writes to a Solid pod. You can get a Solid pod here. It is an application that is based on Untappd. In this application you can make friends and share the beers you drunk. Also you can make groups with your friends.
- Deleting friends
- Placing comments
- Make it possible for brewers to log in.
- Make it that the user can find beers brewed by brewer.
- Make it possible for the brewer to look at the reviews of the beer.
- Login in sometimes gives the error "User not logged in 2"
- without // also works. Breaks the app
technische bevindingen. solid specs vs solid implementable publish subscribe stappenplan opstarten app
- bevindingen
- kadaster documentatie
- opzetten applicatie
Pragmatisch : waarom is het me niet gelukt qua overige factoren. technisch : wat zijn de berperkingen van Solid. conceptueel : waarom is het conceptueel niet werkend.
wat is goed aan solid, wat werkt niet.