Refactored Request Repeat Politic Builder
New methods
// RequestRepeatDelay set delay for request repeat.
// if response.Code != Expect.Code, than request will repeat counts with delay.
// Default delay is 1 second.
RequestRepeatDelay(delay time.Duration) RequestHTTPBuilder
// RequestRepeatPolitic is a politic for repeat request.
// if response.Code != Expect.Code, than request will repeat counts with delay.
// if Optional is true and request is failed, than test step allure will be skipped, and t.Fail() will not execute.
// If Broken is true and request is failed, than test step allure will be broken, and t.Fail() will execute.
RequestRepeatPolitic(politic *RequestRepeatPolitic) RequestHTTPBuilder
// RequestRepeatOptional is a option politic for repeat request.
// if Optional is true and request is failed, than test step allure will be skipped, and t.Fail() will not execute.
RequestRepeatOptional(optional bool) RequestHTTPBuilder
// RequestRepeatBroken is a broken politic for repeat request.
// If Broken is true and request is failed, than test step allure will be broken, and t.Fail() will execute.
RequestRepeatBroken(broken bool) RequestHTTPBuilder
What's Changed
- [ISSUE-70] Possibility to not fail the test during retries by @siller174 and @samybenatt in #72
Full Changelog: v0.1.19...v0.1.20