Converts malli schema defintions into lacinia compatible objects.
Create malli definitions for your domain objects:
(ns-unmap *ns* 'Character) ;Standard GQL example clashes with java.lang.Character
(def Episode [:enum {:description "The episodes of the original Star Wars trilogy."} :NEWHOPE :EMPIRE :JEDI])
(def Character [:map
[:id :string]
[:name {:optional true} :string]
[:appearsIn [:vector #'Episode]] ;The use of vars leaves referenced objects as references
[:friends [:vector [:ref #'Character]]]])
(def Droid [:map
{:implements [#'Character]}
[:id :string]
[:name {:optional true} :string]
[:appearsIn [:vector #'Episode]]
[:vector #'Character]]
[:primaryFunction {:optional true} [:vector :string]]])
(def Human [:map
{:implements [#'Character]}
[:id :string]
[:name {:optional true} :string]
[:isAlive :boolean]
[:age :int]
[:height :double]
[:appearsIn [:vector #'Episode]]
[:friends [:vector #'Character]]
[:home_planet {:optional true} :string]])
Use these schema objects in a lacinia schema by converting with malli->lacinia
(require '[p14n.malli-lacinia.core :refer [malli->lacinia]])
(def star-wars-schema-lacinia-with-malli
{:Episode (malli->lacinia Episode)}
{:Character (malli->lacinia Character)}
{:Droid (malli->lacinia Droid)
:Human (malli->lacinia Human)
{:hero {:type '(non-null :Character)
:args {:episode {:type :Episode}}}
:human {:type '(non-null :Human)
:args {:id {:type 'String
:default-value "1001"}}}
:droid {:type :Droid
:args {:id {:type 'String
:default-value "2001"}}}}}}})
The resulting schema is valid for use in lacinia:
{:description "The episodes of the original Star Wars trilogy."
:values [:NEWHOPE :EMPIRE :JEDI]}}
{:fields {:id {:type 'ID}
:name {:type 'String}
:appearsIn {:type '(list :Episode)}
:friends {:type '(list :Character)}}}}
{:implements [:Character]
:fields {:id {:type 'ID}
:name {:type 'String}
:appearsIn {:type '(list :Episode)}
:friends {:type '(list :Character)}
:primaryFunction {:type '(list String)}}}
{:implements [:Character]
:fields {:id {:type 'ID}
:name {:type 'String}
:age {:type '(non-null Int)}
:height {:type '(non-null Float)}
:isAlive {:type '(non-null Boolean)}
:appearsIn {:type '(list :Episode)}
:friends {:type '(list :Character)}
:home_planet {:type 'String}}}
{:hero {:type '(non-null :Character)
:args {:episode {:type :Episode}}}
:human {:type '(non-null :Human)
:args {:id {:type 'String
:default-value "1001"}}}
:droid {:type :Droid
:args {:id {:type 'String
:default-value "2001"}}}}}}}