Creating summary DTOs from your domain objects.
/* Given some domain classes */
case class Person(name:String, address:Address, dob: DateTime, salutation: String)
case class Address(lines: List[String], city:String, postCode:String)
case class Company(name: String, address:Address, employees: List[Person],ceo :Person)
/* We want to reduce the information for our DTOs */
case class PersonSummary(name:String, addressPostCode: String)
case class CompanySummary(name: String, ceo: PersonSummary)
/* Start with our domain data */
val c = new Company(
ceo = new Person(name = "bob", address = new Address("BN2 XXX"),
address=new Address(lines = List("21 George st"),postCode = "BN1 XXX"),
/* Call squint on the object tree */
import com.p14n.squint.Squint._
val result: CompanySummary = squint[Company,CompanySummary](c)
/* Squint matches on name to convert into new object tree */
result = CompanySummary(name = "Acme", ceo = PersonSummary( name = "bob", addressPostCode = "BN2 XXX"))