This contains most of my personal config files. Here you'll find configs, customizations, themes, and whatever I need to personalize my Linux and macOS experience.
.zshrc | Config file for ZSH.
aliases.zsh | Aliases for ZSH.
fancy-ctrl-z.zsh | Ctrl-z to switch back to Vim instead of "fg", kudos to mdumitru.
functions.zsh | Functions for ZSH.
nvm.zsh | Config file for NVM.
.gitconfig | Config file for git.
.gitignore_global | Self-explanatory :)
.gitCommitMsg | Template for git commit.
Used to have oh-my-zsh and p10k but moved to starship (cross-shell prompt). To achieve the colors of the following screenshots, the starship config must be used with the specific itermcolors I use.
- starship.toml | Config file for starship.
The terminal I use in macOS devices.
- p3rception.itermcolors | Colors config for iTerm2.
Hex codes of the terminal colors I use so you can apply them on any app.
The starship format is $os_icon // $username // $hostname // $path // $git_status (when used) // $python_version (when used)