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Unity Editor Extension which lets enum-types be much faster & efficient.

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Blazingly Fast Enum Library.



Enum's ToString() is known as a virtual method and slow one. [Flags]Enum's ToString() actually allocates StringBuilder instance and is very slow.

Many C# programmers reimplement Enum.ToString() such as Enums.NET. It's a not bad solution but makes your solution depending on those libraries.

This library never forces your solution to depend on it. It just rewrites your dlls so that your solution have much more eddifient and much less allocation Enum's APIs.


This library is provided under the GPL-v3 license and a commercial license. You can purchase this software on the Booth website.


Install Unity 2018.4 or above. You can download the latest Unity on

UniEnumExtension Package Install(1)

Download the latest this repository.

Move the downloaded repository folder into the Package folder of your Unity project.

Generally, you can make it using a console (or terminal) application by just a few commands as below:

cd Packages
git clone

UniEnumExtension Package Install(2)

Find Packages/manifest.json in your project and edit it to look like this:

  "dependencies": {
    "unienumextension": "",


Performance Test code - [Flags]Enum
public enum FastFlagEnum : long
    z = 0,
    a = 1,
    b = 2,
    c = 4,
    d = 8,
    e = 0x10,
    f = 0x20,
    g = 0x40,
    h = 0x80,
public enum SlowFlagEnum : long
    z = 0,
    a = 1,
    b = 2,
    c = 4,
    d = 8,
    e = 0x10,
    f = 0x20,
    g = 0x40,
    h = 0x80,
public sealed class FlagsTestScript : MonoBehaviour
    public Text text;
    public Button button;
    private Stopwatch watch;
    void Start()
        watch = new Stopwatch();

    private void Calc()
        const long width = 256L;
        string a;
        for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
            for (var j = 0L; j < width; j++)
                a = ((SlowFlagEnum)j).ToString();
        text.text = "SlowFlagEnum (0-" + width + ") : " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
        for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
            for (var j = 0L; j < width; j++)
                a = ((FastFlagEnum)j).ToString();
        text.text += "\nFastFlagEnum (0-" + width + ") : " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

Time to call ToString() of [Flags]Enum 25.6 million times

Environment Normal Enum (25600000times) UniEnumExtension Enum (25600000times)
Editor 54624ms 374ms
Windows 64bit Mono .net standard 2.0 Release Build 26146ms 52ms
Windows 64bit IL2CPP .net standard 2.0 Release Build 18735ms 83ms

Performance Test code - Continuous Enum starting from 0
public enum FastEnum : long
    a0 = 0x00
    , a1 = 0x10
    , a2 = 0x20
    , a3 = 0x30
    , a4 = 0x40
    , a5 = 0x50
    , a6 = 0x60
    , a7 = 0x70
    , a8 = 0x80
    , a9 = 0x90
    , aa = 0xa0
    , ab = 0xb0
    , ac = 0xc0
    , ad = 0xd0
    , ae = 0xe0
    , af = 0xf0,
    a01 = 0x01,
    a11 = 0x11,
    a21 = 0x21,
    a31 = 0x31,
    a41 = 0x41,
    a51 = 0x51,
    a61 = 0x61,
    a71 = 0x71,
    a81 = 0x81,
    a91 = 0x91,
    aa1 = 0xa1,
    ab1 = 0xb1,
    ac1 = 0xc1,
    ad1 = 0xd1,
    ae1 = 0xe1,
    af1 = 0xf1,
    a02 = 0x02,
    a12 = 0x12,
    a22 = 0x22,
    a32 = 0x32,
    a42 = 0x42,
    a52 = 0x52,
    a62 = 0x62,
    a72 = 0x72,
    a82 = 0x82,
    a92 = 0x92,
    aa2 = 0xa2,
    ab2 = 0xb2,
    ac2 = 0xc2,
    ad2 = 0xd2,
    ae2 = 0xe2,
    af2 = 0xf2
    , a03 = 0x03
    , a13 = 0x13
    , a23 = 0x23
    , a33 = 0x33
    , a43 = 0x43
    , a53 = 0x53
    , a63 = 0x63
    , a73 = 0x73
    , a83 = 0x83
    , a93 = 0x93
    , aa3 = 0xa3
    , ab3 = 0xb3
    , ac3 = 0xc3
    , ad3 = 0xd3
    , ae3 = 0xe3
    , af3 = 0xf3
    , a04 = 0x04
    , a14 = 0x14
    , a24 = 0x24
    , a34 = 0x34
    , a44 = 0x44
    , a54 = 0x54
    , a64 = 0x64
    , a74 = 0x74
    , a84 = 0x84
    , a94 = 0x94
    , aa4 = 0xa4
    , ab4 = 0xb4
    , ac4 = 0xc4
    , ad4 = 0xd4
    , ae4 = 0xe4
    , af4 = 0xf4
    , a05   = 0x05
    , a15   = 0x15
    , a25   = 0x25
    , a35   = 0x35
    , a45   = 0x45
    , a55   = 0x55
    , a65   = 0x65
    , a75   = 0x75
    , a85   = 0x85
    , a95   = 0x95
    , aa5   = 0xa5
    , ab5   = 0xb5
    , ac5   = 0xc5
    , ad5   = 0xd5
    , ae5   = 0xe5
    , af5   = 0xf5
    , a06   = 0x06
    , a16   = 0x16
    , a26   = 0x26
    , a36   = 0x36
    , a46   = 0x46
    , a56   = 0x56
    , a66   = 0x66
    , a76   = 0x76
    , a86   = 0x86
    , a96   = 0x96
    , aa6   = 0xa6
    , ab6   = 0xb6
    , ac6   = 0xc6
    , ad6   = 0xd6
    , ae6   = 0xe6
    , af6   = 0xf6
    , a07   = 0x07
    , a17   = 0x17
    , a27   = 0x27
    , a37   = 0x37
    , a47   = 0x47
    , a57   = 0x57
    , a67   = 0x67
    , a77   = 0x77
    , a87   = 0x87
    , a97   = 0x97
    , aa7   = 0xa7
    , ab7   = 0xb7
    , ac7   = 0xc7
    , ad7   = 0xd7
    , ae7   = 0xe7
    , af7   = 0xf7
    , a08   = 0x08
    , a18   = 0x18
    , a28   = 0x28
    , a38   = 0x38
    , a48   = 0x48
    , a58   = 0x58
    , a68   = 0x68
    , a78   = 0x78
    , a88   = 0x88
    , a98   = 0x98
    , aa8   = 0xa8
    , ab8   = 0xb8
    , ac8   = 0xc8
    , ad8   = 0xd8
    , ae8   = 0xe8
    , af8   = 0xf8
    , a09   = 0x09
    , a19   = 0x19
    , a29   = 0x29
    , a39   = 0x39
    , a49   = 0x49
    , a59   = 0x59
    , a69   = 0x69
    , a79   = 0x79
    , a89   = 0x89
    , a99   = 0x99
    , aa9   = 0xa9
    , ab9   = 0xb9
    , ac9   = 0xc9
    , ad9   = 0xd9
    , ae9   = 0xe9
    , af9   = 0xf9
    , a0a   = 0x0a
    , a1a   = 0x1a
    , a2a   = 0x2a
    , a3a   = 0x3a
    , a4a   = 0x4a
    , a5a   = 0x5a
    , a6a   = 0x6a
    , a7a   = 0x7a
    , a8a   = 0x8a
    , a9a   = 0x9a
    , aaa   = 0xaa
    , aba   = 0xba
    , aca   = 0xca
    , ada   = 0xda
    , aea   = 0xea
    , afa   = 0xfa
    , a0b   = 0x0b
    , a1b   = 0x1b
    , a2b   = 0x2b
    , a3b   = 0x3b
    , a4b   = 0x4b
    , a5b   = 0x5b
    , a6b   = 0x6b
    , a7b   = 0x7b
    , a8b   = 0x8b
    , a9b   = 0x9b
    , aab   = 0xab
    , abb   = 0xbb
    , acb   = 0xcb
    , adb   = 0xdb
    , aeb   = 0xeb
    , afb   = 0xfb
    , a0c   = 0x0c
    , a1c   = 0x1c
    , a2c   = 0x2c
    , a3c   = 0x3c
    , a4c   = 0x4c
    , a5c   = 0x5c
    , a6c   = 0x6c
    , a7c   = 0x7c
    , a8c   = 0x8c
    , a9c   = 0x9c
    , aac   = 0xac
    , abc   = 0xbc
    , acc   = 0xcc
    , adc   = 0xdc
    , aec   = 0xec
    , afc   = 0xfc
    , a0d   = 0x0d
    , a1d   = 0x1d
    , a2d   = 0x2d
    , a3d   = 0x3d
    , a4d   = 0x4d
    , a5d   = 0x5d
    , a6d   = 0x6d
    , a7d   = 0x7d
    , a8d   = 0x8d
    , a9d   = 0x9d
    , aad   = 0xad
    , abd   = 0xbd
    , acd   = 0xcd
    , add   = 0xdd
    , aed   = 0xed
    , afd   = 0xfd
    , a0e   = 0x0e
    , a1e   = 0x1e
    , a2e   = 0x2e
    , a3e   = 0x3e
    , a4e   = 0x4e
    , a5e   = 0x5e
    , a6e   = 0x6e
    , a7e   = 0x7e
    , a8e   = 0x8e
    , a9e   = 0x9e
    , aae   = 0xae
    , abe   = 0xbe
    , ace   = 0xce
    , ade   = 0xde
    , aee   = 0xee
    , afe   = 0xfe
    , a0f   = 0x0f
    , a1f   = 0x1f
    , a2f   = 0x2f
    , a3f   = 0x3f
    , a4f   = 0x4f
    , a5f   = 0x5f
    , a6f   = 0x6f
    , a7f   = 0x7f
    , a8f   = 0x8f
    , a9f   = 0x9f
    , aaf   = 0xaf
    , abf   = 0xbf
    , acf   = 0xcf
    , adf   = 0xdf
    , aef   = 0xef
    , aff   = 0xff
public enum SlowEnum : long
    a0 = 0x00
    , a1 = 0x10
    , a2 = 0x20
    , a3 = 0x30
    , a4 = 0x40
    , a5 = 0x50
    , a6 = 0x60
    , a7 = 0x70
    , a8 = 0x80
    , a9 = 0x90
    , aa = 0xa0
    , ab = 0xb0
    , ac = 0xc0
    , ad = 0xd0
    , ae = 0xe0
    , af = 0xf0,
    a01 = 0x01,
    a11 = 0x11,
    a21 = 0x21,
    a31 = 0x31,
    a41 = 0x41,
    a51 = 0x51,
    a61 = 0x61,
    a71 = 0x71,
    a81 = 0x81,
    a91 = 0x91,
    aa1 = 0xa1,
    ab1 = 0xb1,
    ac1 = 0xc1,
    ad1 = 0xd1,
    ae1 = 0xe1,
    af1 = 0xf1,
    a02 = 0x02,
    a12 = 0x12,
    a22 = 0x22,
    a32 = 0x32,
    a42 = 0x42,
    a52 = 0x52,
    a62 = 0x62,
    a72 = 0x72,
    a82 = 0x82,
    a92 = 0x92,
    aa2 = 0xa2,
    ab2 = 0xb2,
    ac2 = 0xc2,
    ad2 = 0xd2,
    ae2 = 0xe2,
    af2 = 0xf2
    , a03 = 0x03
    , a13 = 0x13
    , a23 = 0x23
    , a33 = 0x33
    , a43 = 0x43
    , a53 = 0x53
    , a63 = 0x63
    , a73 = 0x73
    , a83 = 0x83
    , a93 = 0x93
    , aa3 = 0xa3
    , ab3 = 0xb3
    , ac3 = 0xc3
    , ad3 = 0xd3
    , ae3 = 0xe3
    , af3 = 0xf3
    , a04 = 0x04
    , a14 = 0x14
    , a24 = 0x24
    , a34 = 0x34
    , a44 = 0x44
    , a54 = 0x54
    , a64 = 0x64
    , a74 = 0x74
    , a84 = 0x84
    , a94 = 0x94
    , aa4 = 0xa4
    , ab4 = 0xb4
    , ac4 = 0xc4
    , ad4 = 0xd4
    , ae4 = 0xe4
    , af4 = 0xf4
    , a05   = 0x05
    , a15   = 0x15
    , a25   = 0x25
    , a35   = 0x35
    , a45   = 0x45
    , a55   = 0x55
    , a65   = 0x65
    , a75   = 0x75
    , a85   = 0x85
    , a95   = 0x95
    , aa5   = 0xa5
    , ab5   = 0xb5
    , ac5   = 0xc5
    , ad5   = 0xd5
    , ae5   = 0xe5
    , af5   = 0xf5
    , a06   = 0x06
    , a16   = 0x16
    , a26   = 0x26
    , a36   = 0x36
    , a46   = 0x46
    , a56   = 0x56
    , a66   = 0x66
    , a76   = 0x76
    , a86   = 0x86
    , a96   = 0x96
    , aa6   = 0xa6
    , ab6   = 0xb6
    , ac6   = 0xc6
    , ad6   = 0xd6
    , ae6   = 0xe6
    , af6   = 0xf6
    , a07   = 0x07
    , a17   = 0x17
    , a27   = 0x27
    , a37   = 0x37
    , a47   = 0x47
    , a57   = 0x57
    , a67   = 0x67
    , a77   = 0x77
    , a87   = 0x87
    , a97   = 0x97
    , aa7   = 0xa7
    , ab7   = 0xb7
    , ac7   = 0xc7
    , ad7   = 0xd7
    , ae7   = 0xe7
    , af7   = 0xf7
    , a08   = 0x08
    , a18   = 0x18
    , a28   = 0x28
    , a38   = 0x38
    , a48   = 0x48
    , a58   = 0x58
    , a68   = 0x68
    , a78   = 0x78
    , a88   = 0x88
    , a98   = 0x98
    , aa8   = 0xa8
    , ab8   = 0xb8
    , ac8   = 0xc8
    , ad8   = 0xd8
    , ae8   = 0xe8
    , af8   = 0xf8
    , a09   = 0x09
    , a19   = 0x19
    , a29   = 0x29
    , a39   = 0x39
    , a49   = 0x49
    , a59   = 0x59
    , a69   = 0x69
    , a79   = 0x79
    , a89   = 0x89
    , a99   = 0x99
    , aa9   = 0xa9
    , ab9   = 0xb9
    , ac9   = 0xc9
    , ad9   = 0xd9
    , ae9   = 0xe9
    , af9   = 0xf9
    , a0a   = 0x0a
    , a1a   = 0x1a
    , a2a   = 0x2a
    , a3a   = 0x3a
    , a4a   = 0x4a
    , a5a   = 0x5a
    , a6a   = 0x6a
    , a7a   = 0x7a
    , a8a   = 0x8a
    , a9a   = 0x9a
    , aaa   = 0xaa
    , aba   = 0xba
    , aca   = 0xca
    , ada   = 0xda
    , aea   = 0xea
    , afa   = 0xfa
    , a0b   = 0x0b
    , a1b   = 0x1b
    , a2b   = 0x2b
    , a3b   = 0x3b
    , a4b   = 0x4b
    , a5b   = 0x5b
    , a6b   = 0x6b
    , a7b   = 0x7b
    , a8b   = 0x8b
    , a9b   = 0x9b
    , aab   = 0xab
    , abb   = 0xbb
    , acb   = 0xcb
    , adb   = 0xdb
    , aeb   = 0xeb
    , afb   = 0xfb
    , a0c   = 0x0c
    , a1c   = 0x1c
    , a2c   = 0x2c
    , a3c   = 0x3c
    , a4c   = 0x4c
    , a5c   = 0x5c
    , a6c   = 0x6c
    , a7c   = 0x7c
    , a8c   = 0x8c
    , a9c   = 0x9c
    , aac   = 0xac
    , abc   = 0xbc
    , acc   = 0xcc
    , adc   = 0xdc
    , aec   = 0xec
    , afc   = 0xfc
    , a0d   = 0x0d
    , a1d   = 0x1d
    , a2d   = 0x2d
    , a3d   = 0x3d
    , a4d   = 0x4d
    , a5d   = 0x5d
    , a6d   = 0x6d
    , a7d   = 0x7d
    , a8d   = 0x8d
    , a9d   = 0x9d
    , aad   = 0xad
    , abd   = 0xbd
    , acd   = 0xcd
    , add   = 0xdd
    , aed   = 0xed
    , afd   = 0xfd
    , a0e   = 0x0e
    , a1e   = 0x1e
    , a2e   = 0x2e
    , a3e   = 0x3e
    , a4e   = 0x4e
    , a5e   = 0x5e
    , a6e   = 0x6e
    , a7e   = 0x7e
    , a8e   = 0x8e
    , a9e   = 0x9e
    , aae   = 0xae
    , abe   = 0xbe
    , ace   = 0xce
    , ade   = 0xde
    , aee   = 0xee
    , afe   = 0xfe
    , a0f   = 0x0f
    , a1f   = 0x1f
    , a2f   = 0x2f
    , a3f   = 0x3f
    , a4f   = 0x4f
    , a5f   = 0x5f
    , a6f   = 0x6f
    , a7f   = 0x7f
    , a8f   = 0x8f
    , a9f   = 0x9f
    , aaf   = 0xaf
    , abf   = 0xbf
    , acf   = 0xcf
    , adf   = 0xdf
    , aef   = 0xef
    , aff   = 0xff
public sealed class NoFlagTestScript : MonoBehaviour
    public Text text;
    public Button button;
    private Stopwatch watch;
    void Start()
        watch = new Stopwatch();

    private void Calc()
        const long width = 256L;
        string a;
        for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
            for (var j = 0L; j < width; j++)
                a = ((SlowEnum)j).ToString();
        text.text = "SlowEnum (0-" + width + ") : " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
        for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
            for (var j = 0L; j < width; j++)
                a = ((FastEnum)j).ToString();
        text.text += "\nFastEnum (0-" + width + ") : " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

Time to call ToString() of Continuous zero-start Enum 25.6 million times

Environment Normal Enum (25600000times) UniEnumExtension Enum (25600000times)
Editor 31791ms 394ms
Windows 64bit Mono .net standard 2.0 Release Build 16264ms 46ms
Windows 64bit IL2CPP .net standard 2.0 Release Build 17011ms 56ms


  • foreach statement can be used in the Burst-Compiled Job(s).
  • Enum.ToString is faster than old one.
  • Array Enum.GetValues(typeof(NotAbstractEnumType)); is converted as NotAbstractEnumType[] NotAbstractEnumType.GetValues();
  • bool boxed NotAbstractEnumType instance.HasFlag(Enum boxedValue); is converted as bool NotAbstractEnumType instance.HasFlag(NotAbstractEnumType value);
  • Two Boxing and the reflection are banished.


Unity Editor Extension which lets enum-types be much faster & efficient.






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