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Quick Reference: Swing
This page gives a quick overview and description of all entities of the ValidationFramework.
Triggers start the validation process when validation is needed.
Here is a list of all concrete triggers available in the [validationframework-swing] (https://github.com/padrig64/ValidationFramework/tree/master/validationframework-swing/src/main/java/com/google/code/validationframework/swing) module:
Component | Trigger | Description |
| ActionTrigger | Triggered whenever the Action (and therefore ActionListener) is performed.
| InvokeLaterTrigger | Trigger wrapper to re-schedule later on the Event Dispatch Thread.
Component | ComponentKeyStrokeTrigger | Triggered whenever registered key strokes happen on the specified component. Component | ComponentPropertyChangedTrigger | Triggered whenever any of the specified component property is changed. JComponent | JComponentFocusGainedTrigger | Triggered whenever the component gains the focus. JComponent | JComponentFocusLostTrigger | Triggered whenever the component loses the focus. JButton | JButtonActionTrigger | Triggered whenever the button is actioned. JCheckBox | JCheckBoxModelChangedTrigger | Same as JToggleButtonModelChangedTrigger and provided for convenience. JComboBox | JComboBoxCanceledTrigger | Triggered whenever the combobox is closed by cancelation. JComboBox | JComboBoxClosedTrigger | Triggered whenever the combobox is closed without cancelation. JComboBox | JComboBoxModelChangedTrigger | Triggered whenever the combobox value changes. JComboBox | JComboBoxOpenedTrigger | Triggered whenever the combobox is opened. JEditorPane | JEditorPaneDocumentChangedTrigger | Same as JTextComponentDocumentChangedTrigger and provided for convenience. JFormattedTextField | JFormattedTextFieldDocumentChangedTrigger | Same as JTextComponentDocumentChangedTrigger and provided for convenience. JFormattedTextField | JFormattedTextFieldFocusGainedTrigger | Same as JComponentFocusGainedTrigger and provided for convenience. JFormattedTextField | JFormattedTextFieldFocusLostTrigger | Same as JComponentFocusLostTrigger and provided for convenience. JFormattedTextField | JFormattedTextFieldKeyStrokeTrigger | Same as ComponentKeyStrokeTrigger and provided for convenience. JList | JListModelChangedTrigger | Triggered whenever the content of the list changes. JList | JListSelectionChangedTrigger | Triggered whenever the selection in the list changes. JPasswordField | JPasswordFieldDocumentChangedTrigger | Same as JTextComponentDocumentChangedTrigger and provided for convenience. JRadioButton | JRadioButtonModelChangedTrigger | Same as JToggleButtonModelChangedTrigger and provided for convenience. JSlider | JSliderModelChangedTrigger | Triggered whenever the slider value changes. JSpinner | JSpinnerEditorModelChangedTrigger | Triggered whenever the content of the text editor in the spinner changes. JSpinner | JSpinnerModelChangedTrigger | Triggered whenever the value of the spinner changes. JTable | JTableComboBoxEditorModelChangedTrigger | Triggered whenever the value of combobox editor for a specified cell in the table changes. JTable | JTableTextEditorModelChangedTrigger | Triggered whenever the content of the text editor for a specified cell in the table changes. JTextArea | JTextAreaDocumentChangedTrigger | Same as JTextComponentDocumentChangedTrigger and provided for convenience. JTextArea | JTextFieldAreaKeyStrokeTrigger | Same as ComponentKeyStrokeTrigger and provided for convenience. JTextComponent | JTextComponentDocumentChangedTrigger | Triggered whenever the content of the text component changes. JTextField | JTextFieldDocumentChangedTrigger | Same as JTextComponentDocumentChangedTrigger and provided for convenience. JTextField | JTextFieldFocusGainedTrigger | Same as JComponentFocusGainedTrigger and provided for convenience. JTextField | JTextFieldFocusLostTrigger | Same as JComponentFocusLostTrigger and provided for convenience. JTextField | JTextFieldKeyStrokeTrigger | Same as ComponentKeyStrokeTrigger and provided for convenience. JTextPane | JTextPaneDocumentChangedTrigger | Same as JTextComponentDocumentChangedTrigger and provided for convenience. JToggleButton | JToggleButtonModelChangedTrigger | Triggered whenever the toggle button is selected/de-selected.
Data provides retrieve the data to be validation the triggers are initiated.
Here is a list of all concrete data providers available in the [validationframework-swing] (https://github.com/padrig64/ValidationFramework/tree/master/validationframework-swing/src/main/java/com/google/code/validationframework/swing) module:
Component | Data provider | Output | Description |
ButtonGroup | ButtonGroupSelectedIndexProvider | Integer | Provides the index of the selected checkbox, radio button or toggle button in the button group. |
ButtonGroup | ButtonGroupSelectedButtonModelProvider | ButtonModel | Provides the return value of ButtonGroup#getSelection(). |
JCheckBox | JCheckBoxValueProvider | Boolean | Same as JToggleButtonValueProvider and provided for convenience. |
JComboBox | JComboBoxSelectedIndexProvider | Integer | Provides the return value of JComboBox#getSelectedIndex(). |
JComboBox | JComboBoxSelectedValueProvider | Object | Provides the return value of JComboBox#getSelectedItem() after transforming it. |
JEditorPane | JEditorPaneTextProvider | String | Same as JTextComponentTextProvider and provided for convenience. |
JFormattedTextField | JFormattedTextFieldLastValidValueProvider | Object | Provides the return value of JFormattedTextField#getValue() after transforming it. |
JFormattedTextField | JFormattedTextFieldTextProvider | String | Same as JTextComponentTextProvider and provided for convenience. |
JFormattedTextField | JFormattedTextFieldValueProvider | Object | Uses the formatted textfield's formatter to parse the current text and transforms the parsed object before returning it. |
JList | JListSelectedIndexProvider | Integer | Provides the return value of JList#getSelectedIndex(). |
JList | JListSelectedIndicesProvider | Collection<Integer> | Provides the return values of JList#getSelectedIndices() in a collection. |
JList | JListSelectedValueProvider | Object | Provides the return value of JList#getSelectedValue() after transforming it. |
JList | JListSelectedValuesProvider | Collection<Object> | Provides the return values of JList#getSelectedValues() after transforming them, in a collection. |
JPasswordField | JPasswordFieldPasswordProvider | char[] | Provides the return value of JPasswordField#getPassword(). |
JRadioButton | JRadioButtonValueProvider | Boolean | Same as JToggleButtonValueProvider and provided for convenience. |
JSlider | JSliderValueProvider | Integer | Provides the return value of JSlider#getValue(). |
JSpinner | JSpinnerEditorTextProvider | String | Provides the text of the text editor in the spinner. |
JSpinner | JSpinnerEditorValueProvider | Object | Uses the formatted textfield's formatter inside the spinner to parse the current text in the spinner and transforms the parsed object before returning it. |
JSpinner | JSpinnerModelValueProvider | <DPO> | Provides the return value of JSpinner#getValue() after transforming it. |
JTable | JTableComboBoxEditorSelectedIndexProvider | Integer | Provides the selected index of the combobox editor for a specific cell. |
JTable | JTableComboBoxEditorSelectedValueProvider | Object | Provides the selected value of the combobox editor for a specific cell, after transforming the value. |
JTable | JTableTextEditorTextProvider | String | Provides the text of the text editor for a specific cell. |
JTable | JTableTextEditorValueProvider | Object | Uses the formatted textfield's formatter inside editor of a specific cell to parse the current text in the editor and transforms the parsed object before returning it. |
JTextArea | JTextAreaTextProvider | String | Same as JTextComponentTextProvider and provided for convenience. |
JTextComponent | JTextComponentTextProvider | String | Provides the return value of JTextComponent#getText(). |
JTextField | JTextFieldTextProvider | String | Same as JTextComponentTextProvider and provided for convenience. |
JTextPane | JTextPaneTextProvider | String | Same as JTextComponentTextProvider and provided for convenience. |
JToggleButton | JToggleButtonValueProvider | Boolean | Provides the return value of JToggleButton#isSelected(). |
Rules validate the data from the data providers and produce results.
Here is a list of all concrete rules available in the [validationframework-swing] (https://github.com/padrig64/ValidationFramework/tree/master/validationframework-swing/src/main/java/com/google/code/validationframework/swing) module:
Rule | Input | Output | Description |
JFormattedTextFieldFormatterRule | String | Boolean | Checks that the String can be successfully parsed using the Formatter object of a JFormattedTextField. |
JSpinnerFormatterRule | String | Boolean | Checks that the String can be successfully parsed using the Formatter object of the JFormattedTextField editor of a JSpinner. |
Result handlers process the results of the rules.
Here is a list of all concrete result handlers available in the [validationframework-swing] (https://github.com/padrig64/ValidationFramework/tree/master/validationframework-swing/src/main/java/com/google/code/validationframework/swing) module:
Result handler | Input | Description |
CellIconBooleanFeedback | Boolean | Shows an icon decoration/overlay with tooltip on a table cell. |
ComponentDisablingBooleanResultHandler | Boolean | Disables (respectively enables) some components when the result is valid (respectively invalid). |
ComponentEnablingBooleanResultHandler | Boolean | Enables (respectively disables) some components when the result is valid (respectively invalid). |
ComponentInvisibilityBooleanResultHandler | Boolean | Hides (respectively shows) some components when the result is valid (respectively invalid). |
ComponentVisibilityBooleanResultHandler | Boolean | Shows (respectively hides) some components when the result is valid (respectively invalid). |
IconBooleanFeedback | Boolean | Shows an icon decoration/overlay with tooltip on a component. |
TabIconBooleanFeedback | Boolean | Shows an icon decoration with tooltip on a tab. |
InvokeLaterResultHandler | <RHI> | Result handler wrapper to re-schedule later on the Event Dispatch Thread. |
Validators glue all triggers, data providers, rules and result handlers together.
There are no specific validator for Swing yet. Refer to the Quick Reference: Core page.
Properties can be used for many purposes, including the implementation of conditional logic.
Here is a list of all concrete properties available in the [validationframework-swing] (https://github.com/padrig64/ValidationFramework/tree/master/validationframework-swing/src/main/java/com/google/code/validationframework/swing) module:
Property | Read | Write | Description |
AbstractComponentProperty | Abstraction of a property representing a bean property of a component that can be monitored using a PropertyChangeListener. | ||
ActionProperty | Represents a specified bean property of an action that can be monitored using a PropertyChangeListener. | ||
ButtonPressedProperty | Boolean | - | Represents the "pressed" state of an AbstractButton. |
ComponentBackgroundProperty | Color | Color | Represents the "background" bean property of a Component. |
ComponentEnabledProperty | Boolean | Boolean | Represents the "enabled" bean property of a Component. |
ComponentFocusedProperty | Boolean | - | Represents the focused state of a Component. |
ComponentForegroundProperty | Color | Color | Represents the "foreground" bean property of a Component. |
ComponentLocationProperty | Point | - | Represents the location of a Component relatively to its parent. |
ComponentMaximumSizeProperty | Dimension | Dimension | Represents the maximum size of a Component. |
ComponentMinimumSizeProperty | Dimension | Dimension | Represents the minimum size of a Component. |
ComponentPreferredSizeProperty | Dimension | Dimension | Represents the preferred size of a Component. |
ComponentRolloverProperty | Boolean | - | Represents the (mouse) rollover state of a Component. |
ComponentSizeProperty | Dimension | Dimension | Represents the current size of a Component. |
ComponentVisibleProperty | Boolean | Boolean | Represents the "visible" bean property of a Component. |
JButtonIconProperty | Icon | Icon | Represents the "icon" bean property of a JButton. |
JButtonMnemonicProperty | Integer | Integer | Represents the "mnemonic" bean property of a JButton. |
JButtonPressedProperty | Boolean | - | Same as ButtonPressedProperty and provided for convenience. |
JButtonTextProperty | String | String | Represents the "text" bean property of a JButton. |
JComboBoxSelectedIndexProperty | Integer | Integer | Represents the selected index of a JComboBox. |
JComboBoxSelectedValueProperty | Integer | Integer | Represents the selected value/item of a JComboBox. |
JDialogTitleProperty | String | String | Represents the "title" bean property of a JDialog. |
JFormattedTextFieldProperty | Object | Object | Represents the "value" bean property of a JFormattedTextField. |
JFrameTitleProperty | String | String | Represents the "title" bean property of a JFrame. |
JLabelIconProperty | Icon | Icon | Represents the "icon" bean property of a JLabel. |
JLabelDisplayedMnemonicProperty | Integer | Integer | Represents the "displayedMnemonic" bean property of a JLabel. |
JLabelTextProperty | String | String | Represents the "text" bean property of a JLabel. |
JListSelectedItemCountProperty | Integer | - | Represents the number of selected items in a JList. |
JMenuItemPressedProperty | Boolean | - | Same as ButtonPressedProperty and provided for convenience. |
JTableRowCountProperty | Integer | - | Represents the number of (view) rows in a JTable. |
JTableSelectedRowCountProperty | Integer | - | Represents the number of selected rows in a JTable. |
JTableSelectedRowIndexProperty | Integer | - | Represents the view index of the selected row in a JTable. |
JTextComponentEditableProperty | Boolean | Boolean | Represents the "editable" bean property of a text component (or a textfield, text area, etc.). |
JTextComponentTextProperty | String | String | Represents the contents of the document of a text component (or a textfield, text area, etc.). |
JToggleButtonPressedProperty | Boolean | - | Same as ButtonPressedProperty and provided for convenience. |
JToggleButtonSelectedProperty | Boolean | Boolean | Represents the "selected" bean property of a toggle button (or a JCheckBox, JRadioButton, JToggleButton). |
JComponentToolTipTextProperty | String | String | Represents the "toolTipText" bean property of a JComponent. |
SimpleColorProperty | Color | Color | SimpleProperty having a Color value. |
SimpleFontProperty | Font | Font | SimpleProperty having a Font value. |
SimpleIconProperty | Icon | Icon | SimpleProperty having a Icon value. |
WindowResizableProperty | Boolean | Boolean | Represents the "resizable" bean property of a Window. |
Transformers can be used in some data providers, rules, result handlers and validators to convert or aggregate the manipulated data.
Here is a list of all concrete transformers available in the [validationframework-swing] (https://github.com/padrig64/ValidationFramework/tree/master/validationframework-swing/src/main/java/com/google/code/validationframework/swing) module:
Transformer | Input | Output | Description |
JTableRowIndexToModelTransformer | Integer | Integer | Converts a view row index input to a model row index. |
JTableRowIndexToViewTransformer | Integer | Integer | Converts a model row index input to a view row index. |
JTableColumnIndexToModelTransformer | Integer | Integer | Converts a view column index input to a model column index. |
JTableColumnIndexToViewTransformer | Integer | Integer | Converts a model column index input to a view column index. |