Assemble is a GPLv3, database-less, full featured html chat system meant to be quick to set up and easy to host. It supports auto-expiration of messages, autoparses links and images and more.
- User token generation/signup (pub/priv segments) and sign-in.
- Ban/unban system
- In-memory only storage system for chat rooms, history, etc
- Manual message deletion
- User-configurable per-message expiration time
- Phone friendly, Tablet friendly UI
- Auto-process message content for links, image embeds, etc
- User avatars
- Desktop notifications API
- Private chat rooms
- Direct Messaging
- Text message / email notifications
- Auto-embed video links
Development Roadmap []
Thanks goes to Sebastian Kraft for providing public domain smilies: | Other icons/smileys were obtained from and are licensed for public domain.