Releases: pagefaultgames/pokerogue
The Balanced Friendship :) Update
2024/12/03 The Balanced Friendship : ) Update
Major Changes
- Soothe Bells are now Great Tier 🔔
- Map's weight increased to 2 as a result of the above 🗺️
- Friendship gains increased, see the Balance Changelog below
- New additions to the Legendary Gacha, see the Balance Changelog below
- Credits on GitHub have been updated with the names of contributors from the last few months! Check them out!! 🫂
Minor Changes
- Toxic/Flame Orb spawn condition changed so that they will no longer appear for Pokémon that cannot be statused due to ability or type, nor for unimplemented moves.
Breeders in Space
achievement can now be unlocked through battling regular Breeders while in Space.- A few ME balance changes, see the Balance Changelog below
- The Forest biome has a new custom track by Andr06, titled
Rogue's Echoes
. - The egg skip prompt now shows the number of eggs hatching.
- An
indicator is shown if you catch a non-shiny Pokémon after having only caught shiny versions of it before. - Eviolite will no longer appear in rolls when all unevolved Pokémon in the party already have one.
- Mobile devices can now disable the touchpad (the game will ask for confirmation before disabling touchpad controls)
- An option to download a copy of the local save data has been added to the login screen.
Implementations and fixes
- Powder 🎇
- Instruct ☝️
- Roar / Dragon Tail / Whirlwind / Circle Throw will now retrieve a random party member if possible. ♻️
- Octolock properly interacts with the Ghost type
- Honey Gather and Pickup will only activate if the battle was won.
- Serene Grace no longer doubles King's Rock chances.
- Supersweet Syrup now activates whenever the source enters the field, not just on the first turn.
- Various Wimp Out/Emergency Exit bugs have been fixed.
- Stakeout should trigger if the opponent switches with a switch out move.
- Analytic will only increase damage if the user moves last.
- Arena Trap no longer lingers upon switch out.
- More localization.
- Fixed clipping sprites for Skorupi and Parasect
Other bug fixes
- Shiny-related bugs in Mystery Encounters have been addressed.
- ME-related defeats are now viewable in Run History / Save Preview.
- Post Summon abilities will activate upon selecting and canceling a first-turn switch out.
Balance Changelog
Passive and Egg Move Changes
- 47 mons have had their Passives changed
- 148 mons have had their Egg Moves changed
For both of the above, please refer to the Balance Changes Document and the ‘Changes’ tabs.
Starter Cost Changes
Cost Increase, +2
2 -> 4 Cost | Pichu :)
Cost Increase, +1
2 -> 3 Cost | Foongus
3 -> 4 Cost | Pikachu, Rhyhorn, Ralts
6 -> 7 Cost | Heatran, Volcanion, Tapu Lele, Great Tusk, Roaring Moon, Walking Wake, Raging Bolt, Iron Crown
7 -> 8 Cost | Kartana, Poipole, Spectrier
Cost Decrease, -1
6 -> 5 Cost | Articuno, Mew, Celebi, Regice, Uxie, Mesprit, Shaymin, Tapu Fini, Zarude, Scream Tail, Brute Bonnet, Iron Thorns, Wo-Chien, Fezandipiti, Bloodmoon Ursaluna
3 -> 2 Cost | Mawile and Amaura
Egg Tier Changes
- The reduced weight of Regional forms from gacha eggs is now gone.
- The following starters have been moved in different tiers (this does not affect their cost):
Common to Rare (39 starters)
Farfetch'd, Lickitung, Rhyhorn, Omanyte, Kabuto, Pichu, Ralts, Lileep, Anorith, Relicanth, Cranidos, Shieldon, Happiny, Riolu, Audino, Tirtouga, Archen, Heatmor, Tyrunt, Amaura, Noibat, Finizen, Paldean Wooper
Alolan: Sandshrew, Vulpix, Diglett, Meowth, Geodude, Grimer
Galarian: Meowth, Ponyta, Slowpoke, Farfetch'd, Corsola, Zigzagoon, Yamask, Stunfisk
Hisuian: Voltorb and Zorua
Rare to Common (9 starters)
Magikarp, Torchic, Azurill, Froakie, Popplio, Scorbunny, Sprigatito, Fuecoco, Quaxly
Rare to Epic (2 starters)
Type: Null and Eternal Floette
Epic to Legendary (2 starters)
Regigigas and Cosmog
Mechanics Changes
Friendship and Candy Friendship Changes
- Friendship, and Candy Friendship, gain per victory increased from 2 -> 3
- Classic Candy Friendship multiplier increased from 2 -> 3
- Rare Candy Friendship and Candy gain increased from 5 -> 6
- Friendship decrease from fainting decreased from 10 -> 5
- Candy Friendship is no longer lost when fainting
- Candy Friendship required for some starter cost values have been adjusted with this, to scale better, here is what that looks like now
1 = 20 -> 25
2 = 40 -> 50
3 = 60 -> 75
4 = 100
5 = 140 -> 150
6 = 180 -> 200
7 = 280 -> 300
8 = 450
9 = 450
10 = 600
Item Changes
- Soothe Bells moved from Rogue -> Great Tier, Weight of 2
- Map weight has been adjusted (Weight: 2)
- Flame Orb/Toxic Orb spawn conditions have been adjusted, now taking into account typing for the ability/passive
Move and Ability Changes
- Intrepid Sword/Dauntless Shield now triggers on switch in, with no 'once per battle' condition (Gen 8 version)
- Supersweet Syrup now also triggers on switch in, with no 'once per battle' condition (Custom implementation)
- Super Fang, Nature's Madness, and Ruination will now properly split damage based on the number of additional hits for Multi Lens
- Honey Gather and Pickup will only properly activate if the battle is won
Mystery Encounter Changes
- Breeders in Space achievement now unlocks for the Breeder trainer class and the Expert Breeder ME
- Mysterious Chest now requires 2 valid party members
The Carpe Diem Update
Major Changes
- Critical captures implemented
Minor Changes
- Enemy AI will no longer target allies with status moves
- Custom graveyard music by Firel added
- Wild Pokemon can no longer flee when using switch-out moves
- Cosmoem no longer has a level requirement for evolution
- Transform and Imposter no longer work with fused Pokemon to stop a number of crashes
- Starter IVs updated to 15 for new accounts and for Fresh Start
- Endless bosses will no longer be double battles
- Trainers can no longer use Pikachu/Eevee forms before wave 30
- Trainers can no longer use Battle Bond Greninja
- Your rival cannot have hidden abilities on their starter
Implementations and Fixes
- Forest's Curse and Trick Or Treat fully implemented
- Fairy Lock
- Future Sight and Doom Desire functionality improved
- Order Up 🍣
- Freeze Dry niche interactions implemented
- Grudge
- Upper Hand
- Mimicry
- Friend Guard
- Unburden
- Wimp Out and Emergency Exit 💧 🪲
- Commander (also acts as a lure ability) 🐋
Fixes and Changes to Moves and Abilities
- Sketch crash fixed
- Bouncy Bubble heals 50% now instead of 100%
- Chloroblast and Struggle no longer recoil if move fails
- Shed Tail and Baton Pass now fail if no valid teammate
- Camouflage prioritizes terrains when considering effect
- Encore bugs with move restrictions fixed
- Rage Fist and Belch effects persist after switching out
- Telekinesis' Ground-immunity now lasts 3 turns instead of 5
- Lunar Blessing / Jungle Healing now heal freeze
- Speed Boost no longer boosts speed on switching in
- Mold Breaker now ignores Shield Dust and Aroma Veil. Plus, Minus, Beads/Sword of Ruin no longer ignorable
- Shield Dust and Aroma Veil now ignorable
- Illuminate now ignores evasion boosts
- Synchronize-Psycho Shift now has its Generation V interaction
- Dauntless Shield and Intrepid Sword are now once per battle
- Catching charm
- Potions and Ethers spawn less often
- Multi-lens changed to function more like Parental Bond
- King's Rock no longer applies to moves that already flinch
- More localization
- Fixed sprites for Meganium, Doduo, and Torchic lines
- Improved cursor behavior for target selection in double battles
- Failed moves should now properly display a fail message
- Tooltips no longer go out of screen
- Pokemon sprite animations are now 10fps
Other Bug Fixes
- Fixed interaction with frenzy moves and paralysis
- Fixed some incorrect localizations
- Fixed some TM compatabilities
- Fixed bug for no EXP gain
- Own Tempo Rockruff can evolve properly now
- Fixed improper item rarity calculation for MEs
- Biome transitions use proper seeded RNG
- Fixed a bug with boss HP segments interfering with healing
- Fixed visual bug of incorrect level displayed
- Fixed crash when a newly caught Pokemon is sent into battle
- Fixed bug with Pokemon not evolving at the right time
- Fixed crash for form change Pokemon fainting
- Fixed issue with some save files not working
Balance Changes
Mechanics and Items
- The default IVs of the 27 Starter Pokemon (on account creation and in Fresh Start) is now up from 10 to 15
- Updated the catching formula to Generation 6+, and added Critical Catches
- Disabled at the start of a new profile, this scales off of your "Species Caught" statistic
Species Caught Multiplier Scale for Critical Catches >800 - x2.5 601-800 - x2 401-600 - x1.5 201-400 - x1 101-200 - x0.5 <100 - x0 x0 in Fresh Start x2.5 in Daily Runs
- Disabled at the start of a new profile, this scales off of your "Species Caught" statistic
- Added the Catching Charm
- Rogue Tier
- Weight of 4
- Stacks 3 times
- Multiplies the critical catch chance further by x2, then x2.5, then x3 for each stack
- Will not generate if your Species Caught count is too low
- Reworked Multi-Lens
- Now functions closer to Parental Bond, but splits your damage
- Stacks 2 times
- Each stack takes away 25% of the damage from the initial hit and puts it to a second hit, splitting 75/25 with 1 and 50/25/25 for 2 of them
- No longer works with multihit moves, but works with set damage moves (with proper damage adjustment)
- Disabled King's Rock working for moves that already have a Flinch chance
- Potions should now roll less often in the item table
- Endure Token RNG fixed, also now only endures one hit and can be bypassed with multihits
- Set Rewards in Classic now properly take item weight into account
- Boss Segments no longer block healing items inconsistently, will now always heal through
Moves and Ability Changes
- Bouncy Bubble's healing has been reduced from 100% to 50% of damage done.
- With Commander implemented, it has been added as a Lure ability
Other Changes
- Removed the possibility of your Rival generating with a Hidden Ability on the Starter, and any trainers generating with a Battle Bond Greninja
- Removed the possibility of a Partner Pikachu/Eevee on trainers before wave 30
- Endless Mode bosses on wave x50's can no longer be double battles
Date: 2024/11/17
The Halloween Update
Major Changes
- Session preview feature added (Press the right directional arrow to see a preview of your run’s status)
- New shiny variants
Minor Changes
- Gen 7+ grunts can now spawn double battles
- Minimum BST filter for E4 increased from 450 -> 460
- Minimum BST filter for champions increased from 470 -> 508
- Updated TM compatibilities for lots of Pokemon
- G-Max Pokemon no longer evolve
- G-Max Charizard and Kingler get -10 spD because their BST was too high
- A lot of (P) markers were removed from moves/abilities that were mostly functional but just missing an edge case
- Trainer party deduplication improved
- Evil teams updated
- 10% Zygarde now works with Power Construct
- Starmobile stats changed
- Memory Mushroom now unlocks prior evolution moves
- Violet Minior can now spawn in the wild
- Zippy Zap no longer boosted by Sheer Force
- Syrup Bomb
- Plasma Fists
- Fake Out, First Impression, Mat Block can be used at the start of each wave again
- Substitute no longer blocks field effects
- Chilly Reception no longer summons snow when it's not supposed to
- Toxic bypasses semi-invulnerability when used by poison types
- Scale Shot
- Sparkly Swirl, Aromatherapy, Heal Bell now cure the correct party when used by the opponent
- Tera Starstorm
- Heal Block, Taunt, Torment, Imprison now have unique messages
- Fire, Water, Grass Pledge
- Electrify
- Diamond Storm should only trigger once when hitting multiple foes
- Ion Deluge
- Triple Arrows
- Obstruct/King's Shield/etc no longer reduce stats through abilities that protect against it
- Pollen Puff now heals properly
- Water Shuriken no longer affected by Battle Bond after Greninja reverts
- Sketch can now be in multiple slots of a Pokemon's moveset properly
- Fixed some substitute bugs
- Sheer Cold now displays 0x against ice types instead of falsex
- Telekinesis
- Power Trick
- Secret Power
- Nightmare now triggers at end of turn instead of after move
- Gulp Missile triggers when Cramorant faints
- Tera Shell applies to all hits of multi-hit moves
- Repeated abilities do not stack
- Fixed Sheer Force causing crashes with certain abilities
- Defiant and Competitive now properly interact with moves that modify multiple stat stages
- Infiltrator (does not work with Mist though)
- Early Bird works properly now
- Memory Mushroom added to shop
- A lot more localization and fixed typos
- Fixed sprites for sleeping animations, Farigarif, Bronzor, Kirlia, H-Goodra, H-Sliggoo, Shiftry
- App version shows up on title screen
- Friendship value now shown in summary
- Removed score display in voucher menu
- Egg skip summary now has a delay
- Fixed sound effect for learning a new move playing at wrong time
- Egg summary now correctly shows new abilities as blue
Other Bug Fixes
- Various Mystery Encounter bugfixes and changes including-
- Arceus/Silvally and other form-changing Pokemon will correctly update and persist types when form changing with type overrides from MEs like Clowning Around and Weird Dream
- Spliced Pokemon (and a few other edge cases) should retain their type overrides from MEs properly on session refresh
- All MEs that have move requirements: now properly check for valid challenge/unfainted pokemon
- All MEs with random Pokemon spawns in visuals: should no longer crash on random QuietFormChangePhases triggered by ME intro visuals
- Refreshing/reloading should no longer improperly increment ME spawn rate an additional time
- Expert Breeder: Should return player's Pokemon to the party before rewards screen now
- Bug-Type Superfan: Should have Mega Bracelet/Dynamax Band in 6 pokemon rewards properly now
- Offer You Can't Refuse: Extorting the kid checks for ability passives as well now
- Fixed egg summary not displaying first Pokemon correctly
- Fixed bug with RNG not resetting properly after game over
- Fixed bug with Pokemon forms getting access to other forms' TM moves
- Weather damage always rounds down
- Start button cursor cleared properly in starter select
- Fixed crash when loading into store with 0 items
- Fixed crash when starting a challenge run
- Damage achievements award properly again
- Egg gacha overlay clears properly
- Fixed bug of certain Pokemon becoming linked together due to duplicate IDs
- Fixed enemy used PP flyout
- Fixed incorrect message on stat changes hitting the cap
- Fixed tooltip issues in starter select
- Fixed poison/toxic dealing damage immediately when applied
- Hazards now persist through saving
- Move restrictions now work properly after a refresh
- Fixed softlock when a phazing attack activates a reviver seed
- Attacks that miss against semi-invulnerable moves no longer trigger absorbing abilities
- Fixed crashes relating to Destiny Bond
- Fix crash for when cursor is on an empty party slot after losing a party member
- Hazards can now affect the Pokemon that set it
- Fixed some bugs with Transform/Imposter
- Binding statuses properly removed with Baton Pass
Balance Changes
This past month has been an odd period of trying to figure things out and what direction we want to take balance changes and additions to the game, but we do still have a few smaller changes and Mystery Encounter related ones. More changes to ME's will come in a later update and these will be regularly checked as with other systems. Hope you enjoy!
Mystery Encounter Changes
- Option 3 "Give an Item" option now rewards player with Healing Charm (was Berry Pouch)
- Giving a Reviver Seed now rewards player with a Berry Pouch (was Healing Charm)
Expert Breeder
- Egg ratios changed from 6:1 > 4:1, should now give more eggs
- Egg rewards give 5 Common eggs first, then the rest of points are divided into Rare/Common eggs based on above ratio
- Guaranteed Soothe Bell in fight rewards
- Change fight level scaling from STRONG to AVERAGE
Fiery Fallout
Option 1 "Find the Source" - removed free Quiver Dance on the Volcarona with only +1 SpDef/Speed
Option 1 "Find the Source" and 3 "Your Fire Types Help", change guaranteed Charcoal rewards > randomly generated Attack Type Boost item
Option 2 "Hunker Down", the burned pokemon's ability is permanently swapped to Heatproof
Option 3 "Your Fire Types Help", change requirements from 2 Fire Types > 1 Fire Type OR mon with a "Fire Resistant Abilities", this is a new category of abilities including
`Flame Body, Flash Fire, Well-Baked Body, Heatproof, Thermal Exchange, Thick Fat, Water Bubble, Magma Armor, Water Veil, Steam Engine, and Primordial Sea`
Training Session
- No longer marks your own pokemon as seen or updates game stats incorrectly
The Vitamin Dealer
- Option 2 "The Pricey Deal" now has a scaling cost of 5x, up from 3.5x
Trash to Treasure
- Black Sludge now also affects shop reroll cost by 2.5x, same as healing items
- Change fight level scaling from STRONG to AVERAGE
Weird Dream
- Minimum encounter wave increased to 30
- Maximum encounter wave decreased to 140
- Old Gateau changed to give +20 on the 3 lowest stats of HP/Speed, Attack/SpAtt, Defense/SpDef
- Old Gateaus are given to every mon below 570 BST on the newly transformed team
- Option 2 "Quickly Leave" level decrease lowered from 12.5% -> 10%
- Added Option 3.
Item Changes
- Added Memory Mushroom to Shop after wave 80
- Added exclusive moves from prior evolution stages to evolutions relearnable with Memory Mushroom (excluding Raichu from Partner Pikachu and Eeveelutions) (this should be most noticeable on pokemon that require evolution stones)
Trainer Changes
All of these are 'Evil Team' changes, with one change for Champions.
- Magma Grunts and Admins now have a chance to spawn with Toedscool
- Magma Admins no longer have a chance to spawn with Barboach
- Aqua Admins now have a chance to spawn with Barboach
- Flare Grunts and Admins now have a chance to spawn with a Foongus
- Starmobiles have had their stat spread changed from
120 / 129 / 100 / 59 / 77 / 115 to 110 / 129 / 100 / 77 / 79 / 105
- All Team Leaders have had their canonical ace pokemon their canon genders
- Penny 2 swapped party slot of Sylveon and the random Starmobile, now leads with the Sylveon
- Increased the minimum allowed BST for Elite 4 and Champion teams (for their random slots)
- Elite 4 from 450 -> 460
- Champion from 470 -> 508**
Pokemon Specific Changes
- Changed the evolution condition for Tyrogue, who now learns 3 moves at level 10
- Low Sweep, Mach Punch, and Rapid Spin
- At level 20 will now evolve into Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, or Hitmontop depending on which of these 3 moves it knows. If it knows all 3, then it will choose based on whichever is higher up in its' moveset ordering.
- Corrected BST of Gigantamax Charizard and Kingler
- Both have had their Special Defense dropped by 10, as they had 10 more BST than intended
- Ferroseed Hidden Ability has been changed from Iron Barbs -> Anticipation, to match Ferrothorn (and to stop bug reports, as it is the only mon this applies to where its' evolution has an HA where the previous stages did not)
Misc. Changes
- Fixed TM compatibility on alternate forms, and Tera Blast on Indigo Disk pokemon
- Fixed duplicate abilities in the ability and passive slot stacking
- Added the ability for Starter Cost and Egg Tier to be different. This will be used in a not-so-far-off future update for relevant pokemon.
All PR's for Balance Changes below.
- [Balance] Increase Minimum BST Filter for Elite 4 / Champion Teams #4501
- [[Balance] Add Memory Mushroom to Shop #4555](<
The Mystery Encounter Update
Major Changes
- Mystery Encounters have been added
- Certain floors will now guarantee better items
- Team Star added
- Passive + Egg Move changes
- Certain trainers will no longer have duplicate Pokemon
- Enemy AI improved
Minor Changes
- Ogerpon and Terapagos Tera-based form changes added
- Trainers are more likely to have evolved Pokemon in later waves
- Meloetta Pirouette added as starter, no longer changes forms during monotype
- Evil teams tweaked
- G-Max Pokemon no longer have their max immunities (flinch, phazing, encore, disable, weight moves)
- Some G-Max Pokemon have been tweaked
- Certain Pokemon evolutions changed
- 5 Pokerus Pokemon per day instead of 3
- Mega Rayquaza no longer requires Dragon Ascent
- New Ice Cave, Plains, Power Plant, and Volcano music by Firel
- New Lake and Ruins music by Lmz
- Removed species lock from Aura Wheel and Poison Puppeteer
- More splash text
- Tar Shot
- Throat Chop
- Power Shift
- After You
- Baddy Bad no longer activates reflect if protected
- Burning Bulwark, King's Shield, Obstruct, and Silk Trap no longer protect against status moves
- Retaliate
- Freezy Frost bugfixes
- Roost removes flying type
- Guard Swap and Power Swap now swap appropriate stats
- Substitute
- Protect moves properly protect missed moves
- Shell Side Arm damage forecast now accurate
- Heal Block
- Chilly Reception
- Autotomization
- Dragon Tail now respects Suction Cups
- Trapping abilities work on enemies again
- Primal weathers no longer persist if last mon faints due to indirect damage
- Gorilla Tactics
- Stat protection abilities now take Contrary into account
- Seed Sower no longer crashes the game when hit by switchout moves in trainer battles
- Lure abilities now function like new lures
- Synchronize
- Ability ignoring effects no longer ignore own abilities
- Type absorbing abilities trigger even if the attack misses
- Form change items are now split into non-rare and rare (but have the same odds for now)
- Eviolite no longer works on or spawns for G-Max Pokemon
- Golden Punch NaN bug fixed
- Lures no longer show up if you have a lure of the same type with 60%+ of its duration
- A lot more localization
- Fixed sprites for Cursola, Spinda, Lycanroc, Clanging Scales, Sirfetch'd
- Passive abilities show up by default in starter-select
- Transform sfx now plays on quiet form changes
- Added sfx for unlocking passive
- Candy upgrade icon now updates after purchasing eggs
- Run history UI now accommodates gamepad icons
- Run history now displays natures changed during a run
- Egg skip option added to settings
- Secondary fused Pokemon can now unpause evolution
- Run history legacy UI now displays properly
- EXP gain SKIP option works properly now
- IV graph resized in starter-select
- Tutorials darken the screen
- Met wave added to Pokemon summary
- Window autocentered when playing in landscape mode
- Add and fix scrolling in UIs
- Added move descriptions by pressing C
- Arrows added in challenge menu
- Form names now show up properly in starter-select
Other Bug Fixes
- Scrappy and other type affecting abilities fixed in Inverse mode
- Defensive type properties of Terastallized Pokemon now apply
- Fixed bug of all Pokemon becoming invisible after catching and switching out only unfainted Pokemon
- HA icon now shows up in egg summary
- Fixed Manaphy rare egg move and species rates
- Tate and Liza now use proper seeded rng
- Fix reloads removing weather on first wave of biome
- Fixed run history not saving properly
- Pokemon-info-container ability check now matches battle-info ability check
- Fix bug of candy count being incorrect when not skipping egg hatch animation
- Fixed bug of Sturdy/Endure granting extra stat boosts on bosses
The Egg-Summary Update
Major Changes
- Egg hatching is now skippable for sessions of more than 5 eggs hatching
- Base encounter shiny rates have been doubled from 1/2048 -> 1/1024 (rate with shiny charms is unchanged)
Minor Changes
- Ineligible Pokemon no longer provide luck bonuses in challenge runs
- Female versions of all initial 27 starters added to all players' starter-select
- Learned TMs can be relearned with Memory Mushrooms
- Shedinja can now relearn Nincada egg moves
- Escape formula has been tweaked
- Species egg shiny rate doubled from 1/24 to 1/12
- Dragon Cheer
- Roar and Dragon Tail now remove the correct target's sprite
- Alluring Voice
- Burning Jealousy
- Lash Out
- Octolock interaction with stat-blocking abilities fixed
- New waves no longer reset turn count or last used move (Fake Out and Gigaton Hammer can no longer be spammed at the start of every wave)
- Safeguard
- Acupressure properly uses seeded RNG
- Protecting moves now fail when used last
- Underwater and underground Pokemon no longer take hail/sand damage
- Power Split
- Guard Split
- Speed Swap
- Guard Swap
- Power Swap
- Tera Shell 🐢
- Flower Gift 🌸
- Dancer no longer uses PP when copying moves
- Moody properly uses seeded RNG
- Fixed bug with Aura Break activating without Dark/Fairy Aura
- Beast Boost edge cases of choosing the wrong stat fixed
- Form change items are now split into non-rare and rare (but have the same odds for now)
- X Items no longer stack, multiple copies now refresh the duration
- X Items (besides X Accuracy and Dire Hit) now provide a 1.3x boost from 1.5x
- Lures of the same type no longer stack and new copies just refresh the duration
- Lures now have a 4x chance of providing a double battle meaning it takes 2 to guarantee a normal double battle and 3 for a guaranteed boss double battle
- A lot more localization
- Fixed sprites for Chien-Pao, Pelipper, and Tangrowth
- Removed redundant species from starter-select filters
- Players can no longer start a challenge run with no challenges active
- Changed wording of "Space" to "Action" in the voucher/achievement menu
- Starter-select menu now displays a Pokémon's passive even if it is locked or disabled
- Fixes and improvements to the run history UI
- Default cursor placement in battle and shop adjusted
- Starter-select now defaults to shiny with rarest variant again
- MBH now properly uses the user's nickname
- Added font size option during registration
- Improved login menu UI
- Lures and X Items now have color coded counters
- Clear Body and White Smoke no longer trigger messages for each stat dropped
Other Bug Fixes
- Fixed trapping moves interacting incorrectly with Ghost types
- Fixed wrong Roark dialogue
- Fixed bug where saving and loading would advance the RNG
- Fixed affix being incorrectly applied when an enemy trainer would switch out a Pokémon
- Fixed Rood not having dialogue lines
- Fixed bug where a Pokémon would have "Not Able" rather than "Learned" when a Pokémon knows a move that is not in their compatible TM list
- Fixed bug where there were inconsistent stat boosts when breaking boss shields
- Fixed bug where Finn and Ivy dialogue was swapped
- Fixed bug where RNG was not being properly reset upon saving and quitting
- Made egg RNG unseeded and unpredictable
- Fixed effects not having the right transferable property with Baton Pass/item
- Fixed bug where move typings were not being properly calculated due to abilities
- Fixed bug where some RNG calls were off by 1
- Fixed some typos and incorrect dialogue
- Fixed bug where Pokemon were not reverting to their normal forms on faint
- Fixed some bugs in transforming Pokemon
- Fixed bug of daily run crashing when shop cursor target is set to "shop"
- Evolving now properly increases HP
Balance Changes
Not many balance changes this time, but they're still just as big! Let's run them down.
Base Encounter Shiny Rates have been changed from 1/2048 -> 1/1024, doubling the base odds. Please refer to below for Shiny Charms, which in the end are unaffected by this.
Same-Species Egg Shiny Rates have been changed from 1/24 -> 1/12. Math wasn't mathing.
Pokemon can now track and relearn TMs!
Escape Odds have been changed, it's a lot to explain in depth, but full details and reading are here. More consistency with them in the end.
Item Changes
Shiny Charms have been adjusted with the shiny odds change to be the same odds, so this only affects you if you have no charms, as this would be the case in most modes.
X Items have been reworked, their ability to stack and general power were much too high to put on top of existing stat boosts, and the end result should still be worth taking for when you normally would take them. Their full list of effects are below.
- Can only stack one of each type now, picking one up will now simply refresh the turn count of the effect.
- Now have a multiplier of 1.3x over the previous 1.5x for any that directly change your stats, Dire Hit and X Accuracy are unaffected.
Lures of all tiers have been adjusted, this is overall made to simplify them and increase ease of access to using them without needing so many.
- Now function similar to X Items now, where picking the same type up will refresh the turn count instead of stacking.
- Lures now 4x the chances of double battles, leading to only needing-
- 1 for 1/2 odds of double battles, or 1/8 for wave 10 boss double battles.
- 2 for guaranteed double battles, or 1/2 for wave 10 boss double battles.
- 3 for guaranteed double battles on all wild encounters.
- In addition to the above, all Lures now have their wave counts increased.
- Lures up from 5 -> 10 Waves
- Super Lures up from 10 -> 15 Waves
- Max Lures up from 25 -> 30 Waves
Adding to the end of this, form change items have had their tiers adjusted, but this might not have properly reflected in the save migration for existing saves!
Will add the specific details here soon, but please be aware that current saves will likely have their form change items affected!
2024-08-16 August Variant Update!
Major Changes
- New shiny creatures in the wild!
- Oh no! Admins arrive!
Minor Changes
- Added ORAS Champion theme for Mixed music.
- Catalan language coming soon!
- Endless biome now consistently rotates every 5 waves.
- Eternatus now references the amount of classic sessions played.
- Japanese language added!
- More grunts and new dialogue added.
- Phione eggs now have a 1/8 chance to hatch Manaphy.
- Reverted the egg additive change back to multiplicative.
- Starters can now remember egg moves.
- Tandemaus now evolves into a family of 3 only 25% of the time.
- The final boss' passive is now disabled.
- Ultra Necrozma joins the battle!
- Beak Blast re-implemented.
- Bleakwind / Wildbolt / Sandsear no longer lose accuracy in sun and sand.
- Clanging Scales stat drop bug fixed.
- Dragon Tail freeze bug fixed.
- Flame burst implemented.
- Foresight implemented.
- Freezy Frost not eliminating stat changes bug fixed.
- Lucky Chant implemented.
- Make It Rain stat drop bug fixed.
- Miracle Eye implemented.
- Moves that fail no longer apply the respective changes (buffs/debuffs).
- Odor Sleuth implemented.
- Protect interactions changed.
- Psycho Shift now treats Comatose as sleep.
- Shell Trap implemented.
- Sketch can no longer copy Chatter / Mirror Move / Sleep Talk / Struggle / Sketch / Revival Blessing / Tera Starstorm / Breakneck Blitz.
- Thunder / Hurricane no longer lose accuracy in sand.
- U-turn and related moves do not trigger regenerator twice anymore.
- U-turn and related moves do not trigger static twice anymore.
- U-turn and related moves do not trigger weird UI behavior anymore.
2024-09-01 - Run History update!
Major Changes
- Run History - save up to 25 runs per device!
- New Challenge - Inverse Battle!
- Test your skills against new villains like Lusamine and Chairman Rose
Minor Changes
- New Audio Settings to better customize your gameplay experience!
- Players can choose the default location of the shop cursor in Settings > Display.
- Vouchers can now be found in Achievements
- Improved indicators for type-effectiveness - correctly representing type-changing moves and abilities like Hidden Power and Pixilate - just in time for taking on Inverse Battles!
- The endless Plains loop has ended in Endless. Players will land in a random biome after defeating an end biome boss!
- Gigantamax Forms have been rebalanced with new abilities and stats!
- Partner Eevee and G-Max Eevee can use their signature moves.
- Changes to Biomes, TMs, and Egg Moves
- Sprite and Icon updates!
- Dark Void has its Gen. 6 accuracy of 80%
- Zippy Zap has been reverted back to its LGPE implementation
- Addressed bugs impacting Destiny Bond, Decorate, Lunar Blessing, Gravity, and Jaw Lock
- Damage of single-target moves in double battles is now correctly calculated
- Implemented Forecast ☀️ ❄️ 🌧️
- Addressed bugs impacting Moody, Disguise, and Pixilate (+ other similar abilities)
- Various Improvements to the Starter Select UI
- Visual improvements to IV Scanner when using Legacy UI Mode
- Skip the final boss' encounter dialogue once again
- Smoothed out inconsistent menu behavior during gameplay.
- Fixed a bug where Pokemon would not gain HP after evolving, and other miscellaneous bug fixes