plugin to create manifest from the bundle created by Lasso.
npm install -g lasso-unpack
lasso-unpack <bundle file path>
npm install --save-dev lasso-unpack
const parseBundle = require('./lasso-unpack');
Output a lasso-stats.json
file to the parent directory, you can check all the files and their sizes bundled by Lasso.
The lasso-stats.json will look like this :
"type": "def",
"fileName": "src/main",
"packageName": "lasso-js-api",
"content": "{\n var add = require('/lasso-js-api$0.0.0/src/add'/*'./add'*/);\n var jquery = require('/jquery$2.2.4/dist/jquery'/*'jquery'*/);\n var Greeter = require('/lasso-js-api$0.0.0/src/Greeter.ts'/*'./Greeter.ts'*/);\n\n jquery(function () {\n $(document.body).append('2+2=' + add(2, 2));\n //console.log(greeter);\n var greeter = new Greeter(\"Ajaykumar\");\n $(document.body).append(greeter.greet());\n });\n\n}",
"version": "0.0.0",
"size": 538,
"gzipSize": 120,
"brotiSize": 122,
"path": "/lasso-js-api$0.0.0/src/main"
input and output example files provided here
If you are facing any issues or have any improvements, you can create issue here
Developer should know what presents inside bundle created by Lasso. It should not be a black box. lasso-unpack solves this problem, it unpacks the bundle and shows all the files present in the bundle. It includes content and size of js. file.