- 1. Leaders in an array
- 2. Equilibrium point
- 3. Sort an array of 0s, 1s and 2s
- 4. Reverse array in groups
- 5. Convert array into Zig-Zag fashion
- 6. Rearrange array alternatively
- 7. Missing number in array
- 8. K-th element of two sorted Arrays
- 9. Check if two arrays are equal or not
- 10. Kadane’s Algorithm
- 11. Subarray with given sum
- 12. Trapping Rain Water
- 13. Minimum Platforms
- 14. Stock buy and sell
- 15. Largest Number formed from an Array
- 16. Largest subarray with 0 sum
- 17. Swapping pairs make sum equal
- 1. Binary Search
- 2. Quick Sort
- 3. Merge Sort
- 4. Merge two sorted arrays without extra space
- 5. Inversion of Array
- 6. Search in a Rotated Array
- 7. Sorting Elements of an Array by Frequency
- 8. Sum of Middle Elements of two sorted arrays
- 9. K’th smallest element
- 10. Allocate minimum number of pages *
- 1. First element to occur k times
- 2. Find the element that appears once in sorted array
- 3. Number of pairs *
- 4. Find all pairs with a given sum
- 5. Common elements
- 6. Find all four sum numbers
- 7. Count distinct elements in every window
- 8. Array Pair Sum Divisibility Problem
- 9. Longest consecutive subsequence
- 10. Array Subset of another array
- 11. Zero Sum Subarrays
- 12. Relative Sorting
- 1. Rotate a matrix
- 2. Spirally traversing a matrix
- 3. Search in a row wise and column wise sorted matrix
- 4. Print all palindromic paths from top left to bottom right in a matrix
- 5.Find the row with maximum number of 1s
- 6. Find median in row wise sorted matrix
- 7. Check if all rows of a matrix are circular rotations of each other
- 1. Find first repeated character
- 2. Reverse words in a given string
- 3. Check if string is rotated by two places
- 4. Roman Number to Integer
- 5. Remove Duplicates
- 6. Longest Distinct Characters in the string
- 7. Implement Atoi
- 8. Implement strstr
- 9. Rabin Karp Algorithm
- 10. KMP Algorithm
- 11. Convert a Sentence into its equivalent mobile numeric keypad sequence.
- 12. Longest Common Prefix
- 13. Smallest window in a string containing all the characters of another string
- 14. Uncommon characters
- 15. Minimum indexed character
- 1. Recursively remove all adjacent duplicates
- 2. Tower Of Hanoi
- 3. Special Keyboard
- 4. Permutations of a given string
- 5. N-Queen Problem
- 6. Solve the Sudoku
- 7. Rat in a Maze Problem
- 8. Word Boggle
- 9. Generate IP Addresses
- 1. Minimum number of Coins
- 2. Longest Common Substring
- 3. Longest Increasing Subsequence
- 4. Longest Common Subsequence
- 5. 0-1 Knapsack Problem
- 6. Maximum sum increasing subsequence
- 7. Minimum number of jumps
- 8. Edit Distance
- 9. Coin Change Problem
- 10. Subset Sum Problem
- 11. Longest Palindrome in a String
- 12. Form a Palindrome
- 13. Box Stacking
- 14. Rod Cutting
- 15. Min Cost Path
- 16. Minimum sum partition
- 17. Count number of ways to cover a distance
- 18. Egg Dropping Puzzle
- 1. Activity Selection
- 2. N meetings in one room
- 3. Coin Piles
- 4. Maximize Toys
- 5. Page Faults in LRU
- 6. Largest number possible
- 7. Minimize the heights
- 8. Minimize the sum of product
- 9. Huffman Decoding
- 10. Minimum Spanning Tree
- 1. Depth First Traversal
- 2. Breadth First Traversal
- 3. Detect cycle in undirected graph
- 4. Detect cycle in a directed graph
- 5. Topological sort
- 6. Find the number of islands
- 7. Implementing Dijkstra
- 8. Minimum Swaps
- 9. Strongly Connected Components
- 10. Shortest Source to Destination Path
- 11. Find whether path exist
- 12. Minimum Cost Path
- 13. Circle of Strings
- 14. Floyd Warshall
- 15. Alien Dictionary
- 16. Snske and Ladder Problem
- 1. Trie | (Insert and Search)
- 2. Trie | (Delete)
- 3. Print unique rows in a given Binary matrix
- 4. Counting the number of words in a Trie
- 5. Longest Common Prefix using Trie
- 6. Auto-complete feature using Trie
- 7. Boggle | Set 2 (Using Trie)
- 8. Minimum XOR Value Pair
- 9. Palindrome pair in an array of words (or strings)