The 'My Vocabulary' application helps me learn English new words and phrases, as well as idiomatic sayings and sentences.
You need these things to run this application.
Ruby version: 2.3.0+
System dependencies Rails(gem) 5.0.2 one of the ExecJS runtimes, such as therubyracer(gem) redis
Installation and Configuration install ruby
bundle install
apt-get install redis-server (see redios.io for other OS)
Database creation This application uses a non-sql DB Mongodb.
Database initialization Edit the configuration file config/mongoid.yml
How to run the test suite populate the sample data with
RAILS_ENV=test rails r db/seeds.rb
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.) This app uses sidekiq for job queues. Launch it with,
$ export RAILS_ENV=production $ bundle exec sidekiq -d
To stop it,
$ sidekiqctl stop tmp/pids/sidekiq.pid
Deployment instructions