Appium iOS Driver is a test automation tool for iOS devices up to an including iOS 9.3. Appium iOS Driver automates native, hybrid and mobile web apps, tested on simulators and real devices, using Apples' UI Automation framework. Appium iOS Driver is part of the Appium mobile test automation tool.
To automation iOS devices with a version of iOS greater than 9.3, see appium-xcuitest-driver.
Note: Issue tracking for this repo has been disabled. Please use the main Appium issue tracker instead.
Appium iOS Driver supports iOS versions 8+
npm install appium-ios-driver
Import iOS Driver, set desired capabilities and create a session:
import { IosDriver } from `appium-ios-driver`
let defaultCaps = {
app: 'path/to/',
platformName: 'iOS',
deviceName: 'iPhone 6'
let driver = new IosDriver();
await driver.createSession(defaultCaps);
Run commands:
await driver.setOrientation('LANDSCAPE');
console.log(await driver.getOrientation()); // -> 'LANDSCAPE'
Command |
active |
asyncScriptTimeout |
back |
background |
checkForAlert |
clear |
click |
clickButtonToLaunchSafari |
clickCoords |
clickCurrent |
clickWebCoords |
closeAlertBeforeTest |
closeApp |
closeWindow |
convertElementsForAtoms |
deleteCookie |
deleteCookies |
elementDisplayed |
elementEnabled |
elementSelected |
execute |
executeAsync |
executeAtom |
executeAtomAsync |
executeMobile |
findElOrEls |
findUIElementOrElements |
findUIElementsByXpath |
findWebElementOrElements |
flick |
flickElement |
forward |
getAlertText |
getAtomsElement |
getAttribute |
getContexts |
getContextsAndViews |
getCookies |
getCssProperty |
getCurrentContext |
getDeviceTime |
getLatestWebviewContextForTitle |
getLocation |
getLocationInView |
getLog |
getLogTypes |
getName |
getOrientation |
getPageSource |
getScreenshot |
getSimFileFullPath |
getSize |
getText |
getUrl |
getWindowHandle |
getWindowHandles |
getWindowSize |
handleTap |
hideKeyboard |
initAutoWebview |
isWebContext |
keys |
launchApp |
listWebFrames |
lock |
mobileRotation |
mobileScroll |
mobileShake |
mobileWebNav |
moveTo |
nativeTap |
nativeWebTap |
navToInitialWebview |
navToViewThroughFavorites |
navToViewWithTitle |
onPageChange |
parseElementResponse |
parseExecuteResponse |
parseTouch |
performMultiAction |
performTouch |
postAcceptAlert |
postDismissAlert |
pullFile |
pullFolder |
pushFile |
receiveAsyncResponse |
refresh |
setAlertText |
setContext |
setCookie |
setFrame |
setGeoLocation |
setOrientation |
setUrl |
setValue |
setValueImmediate |
setWindow |
stopRemote |
submit |
title |
translateWebCoords |
typeAndNavToUrl |
useAtomsElement |
useNewSafari |
waitForAtom |
webContextIndex |
webFlickElement |
xySpeedFlick |
gulp watch
For tests, the default sims required are an iOS 9.2 iPhone 6 and iPad 2, which you can create as follows if one doesn't already exist on your system (use xcrun simctl list
to check first):
xcrun simctl create "iPhone 6" "iPhone 6" 9.2
xcrun simctl create "iPad 2" "iPad 2" 9.2
Then you can run unit and e2e tests:
// unit tests:
gulp once
// e2e tests - specify your desired iOS version, for example iOS8.4:
DEVICE=ios84 gulp e2e-test