Hacktoberfest (Live Website)
This is a beginner-friendly project to help you get started with your hacktoberfest. If you don't know where to start, feel free to watch the videos linked below, and read the contribution rules. Happy hacking <3 !!
P.S. Star and share this repository, if you had fun!
- The project must work when opening Contributors.html
- You are allowed to make pull requests that break the rules. We just merge it ;)
- Do NOT add any build steps e.g npm install (we want to keep this a simple static site)
- Do NOT remove other content.
- Styling/code can be pretty, ugly or stupid, big or small as long as it works
- Add your name to the Contributors.html file
- Try to keep pull requests small to minimize merge conflicts
- Fork this repo (button on top)
- Clone on your local machine
git clone https://github.com/fineanmol/Hacktoberfest2k20.git
cd Hacktoberfest2k20
- Create a new branch
git checkout -b my-new-branch
- Add your contribution
- Commit and push
git add .
git commit -m "your-commit-msg"
git push origin my-new-branch
- Create a new pull request from your forked repository
An easy way to avoid conflicts is to add an 'upstream' for your git repo, as other PR's may be merged while you're working on your branch/fork.
git remote add upstream https://github.com/fineanmol/Hacktoberfest2k20
You can verify that the new remote has been added by typing
git remote -v
To pull any new changes from your parent repo simply run
git merge upstream/master
This will give you any eventual conflicts and allow you to easily solve them in your repo. It's a good idea to use it frequently in between your own commits to make sure that your repo is up to date with its parent.
For more information on syncing forks read this article from Github.
Who can contribute?
- Anyone with a github account and who is signed up for hacktoberfest :)
Are you getting paid for this?
- Sadly no. But we think we should. This is 100% unofficial and we do it for fun, fame and glory.
Who are you and why are you doing this?
Why are you not using digitalocean?
- Because we only know JavaScript and suck at servers. We use now instead.
Should I come closer to the text saying 'Don't come closer' on the left side of the home tab ?
- Nope.
How many pull request (PR) must be made, if I can get a awesome shirt from Hacktoberfest 2019?
- 5
How do I track my progress to get an awesome shirt from Hacktoberfest 2020?
- go to :. (Check Out Your Own Stats at Right Top)
What is the duration of Hacktoberfest 2020?
- It is from 1st october to 31st october 2020...
What is the event for?
- For the open source community engagement