Uses ROR APIs provided by ROR
- Query_match.ipynb - code used for query matching
- Aff_match.ipynb - code used for affiliation matching
- Aff_match_num_params.ipynb - calculation of number of parameters used in affiliation matching
- institutions_Affil_m.csv - result of affiliation matching
- institutions_Affil_m_aff_list.csv result of affiliation matching + a column with a list of affiliation terms "aff_list"
- id_institution
- abbreviation
- name
- city
- contact
- country
- fax
- phone
- state
- street
- uri
- uri_semantic
- id_institution_type
- id_user_created
- aROR_id: ROR_id received by affiliation matching
- Nparams: Number of parameters used for creation of affiliation string
- Aff_list: List of affiliation parameters
- chosen: API binary indicator (based on score)
- score: API matching confidence score, with values between 0 and 1 (inclusive)
- matching_type: type of matching algorithm applied
- substring: substring of the affiliation field, to which organization was matched
- ROR_name: Name from the ROR database