LibJ is a collection of simple, convenient, and high-performance supplements to Java Standard libraries
The supplementary APIs are designed to be simple, and as non-coupling as possible.
The APIs are implemented to minimize both process and memory complexity.
- exec: APIs for external process execution and environment management.
- io: APIs that supplement the
packages for I/O operations. - jci: Java Compiler Interface An implementation of an in-memory-compiler.
- lang: APIs that supplement the
package with simple and useful extensions. - logging: APIs that provide simple logging extensions to SLF4J.
- mail: APIs that supplement the
package with simple and useful extensions. - math: APIs that supplement the
package with higher-performance alternatives, and simple and useful extensions. - net: APIs that supplement the
package with higher-performance alternatives, and simple and useful extensions. - sql: APIs that supplement the
package with simple and useful extensions. - test: APIs that provide simple test extensions to JUnit, and Maven's maven-surefire-plugin.
- util: APIs that supplement the
package with higher-performance alternatives, and simple and useful extensions.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.txt file for details.