This folder contains my submission to the assignment 1+2 Designing and Implementing Database Model
for a simple e-newspaper in the course DBI202x_2.1-A_VN (Databases with SQL), a part of the path Software Engineering provided by FUNiX.
- The project documents the entire process of analysing and designing a database model for an online newspaper. Then, based on the devised model, implementation of the design should be conducted with MS SQL.
- Keyword: logical database design, physical database design, ERD, T-SQL, data model, normalization, 3NF, Microsoft SQL Server.
- Part 1 - Analyse and design database model : this part presents the process with following steps:
- Define Functional features of an online newspaper as well as Non-Functional ones that affects database design.
- Create ERD with compliant symbols representing entities, attributes and relationships and detailed explanations.
- Translate logical design to physical design with tables (with primary keys, foreign keys and constraints).
- Part 2 - Implement database design with Microsoft SQL Server : based on the results of Part 1, database should be physically implemented with following requirements:
- Include the source code (T-SQL script) to create database as per the design from Part 1.
- Create tables with samples of at least 10 records.
- Create a least a trigger, stored procedure, function, index, transaction with detailed explanations.
- Execute queries using join, out-join, order by, string comparison and date-time filtering (with explanations).
Part 1 can be accessed from: Part 1 - Analyse and design database model
Part 2 can be accessed from: Part 2 - Implement database design with Microsoft SQL Server
- Add an English version of files
- Crawl data and inspect real online newspaper websites for better entity design