Proxyist is a web proxy which provides an object store like interface to a catalog of items which contain objects. The backend object store is modular and defined through configuration. Current adapters support
- Local disk
- S3
- OCFL backed by local disk
- OCFL backed by S3
The conversion of items to the backend layout can be configured via a configuration file.
You can find more details on usage, configuration and installation in the proxyist package.
Specific configuration for each adapter can be found with their packages.
- proxyist-adapter-local - Local file system backend
- proxyist-adapter-s3 - S3 Backend
- proxyist-adapter-ocfl - OCFL backend which supports local file system and S3
Other Supporting packages
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
- lerna version - Update the version on all packages including deps, git commit, tag and push
- lerna publish --force-publish - Publish to npm