This is a nagios check command that checks an Asterisk based server through the AMI interface.
So far it checks:
- peers
- IAX2
- Current Calls
- Current Channels
Quick note -- AMI Interface must be enabled (in manager.conf), firewall cannot be blocking AMI port (default: 5038) For Freepbx you can add something like this to manager_custom.conf
secret = MonitorPass
writetimeout = 500
read = command
But PLEASE change the user/password
Examples: ./check_asterisk_ami8 -H localhost -u MonitorUser -p MonitorPass -q pjsippeers Check all pjsippeers, raise Critical if any are Down
./check_asterisk_ami8 -H localhost -u MonitorUser -p MonitorPass -q sippeers -I -i pots1 Check the sip peer pots1 and rais Critical if it's down
./check_asterisk_ami8 -H localhost -u MonitorUser -p MonitorPass -q calls -w 0:5 -c 0:8 Check the active calls, raise warning if more than 5 calls are in progress, raise critical if more than 8 are in progress
./check_asterisk_ami8 -H localhost -u MonitorUser -p MonitorPass -q channels -w 0:7 -c 0:10 Check the active channels, raise warning if more than 7 channels are in use, raise critical if more than 10 channels are in use
./check_asterisk_ami8 -H localhost -u MonitorUser -p MonitorPass -q allpeers -W -C,pots1 -w 4:5 -c 2:6 Check all peers If or post1 is down raise Critical. A warning is NOT generated if other peers are offline (someone unplugs a handset)... however: If the total online is outside 4-5 raise Warning If the total online is outside 2-6 raise Critical So if we have LOTS of handsets offline, let's take a look....