Compress/minify your HTML
Go to your Spress site and add the following to your composer.json
and run
composer update
"require": {
"paramonovav/spress-html-compress": "2.0.*"
Add the following to your config.yml to exclude some files from minify/compress process:
html_compress_exclude: ['.htaccess','robots.txt','crossdomain.xml', 'sitemap.xml','nortonsw_bc7be3d0-796e-0.html','BingSiteAuth.xml']
html_compress_exclude_pattern: '/(.*)?\.(jpe?g|png|gif|ico|svg|psd|tiff|webm|mov|avi|mkv|mp4|eot|ttf|otf|woff|woff2|webp)$/i'
Just run build command:
spress site:build
If you want to disable compression use the following config
html_compress: false