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XCM v3 #4097

merged 313 commits into from
Jan 17, 2023

XCM v3 #4097

merged 313 commits into from
Jan 17, 2023


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@gavofyork gavofyork commented Oct 17, 2021

Introduce XCM version 3 and remove XCM versions 0 and 1.

Cumulus companion: paritytech/cumulus#697

Closes #4069
Closes #4670



Reverse Checking

Checking account book-keeping now works in bidirectionally. Previously only assets which were minted locally were checked (and the checking account stored assets which have been teleported out and not yet received back). Now this works for assets minted remotely. In this case, the checking account stores the assets which have been teleported in but not yet teleported back out, which should equal the total amount in all other accounts.

This is an initial implementation of this feature. A far better implementation which does not result in incorrect total issuance of any checked assets is planned in paritytech/polkadot-sdk#487.

UnpaidExecution instruction

A new instruction which makes clear when unpaid execution is to be allowed via the AllowUnpaidExecution barrier. This should always be used by a chain which expects free execution (e.g. the Relay-chain executing on a system parachain) since otherwise the barrier will not work. This ensure that the barrier can block unauthorised usages of the unpaid execution such as when an account sends a message from the Relay-chain to the parachain (which would have DescendOrigin forcibly prefixed and therefore could not prepend UnpaidExecution).

Minor Fixes to Barriers

The barrier AllowKnownQueryResponses requires its message to have only a single instruction. Any usage of ClearOrigin may also only be singular.

Two-stage SendXcm API supporting pricing and ID hash

SendXcm has been refactored to become a two-stage process, with the first stage yielding a ticket (which can be used to complete the operation) and a price for the operation. This allows the operation to be prepared and priced before optional completion at a later stage. This is utilised in order to allow for payment be determined and happen (or fail) prior to the delivery.

The second stage returns an identifying hash for the message which should be determinable at the destination side. Generally this is the hash of the bytes expressing the message sent "on the wire".


There is a new item in the XCVM state: topic: Option<[u8; 32]>. Context includes a topic: Option<[u8; 32]> field, representing this value. There should be two new instructions:

- `SetTopic([u8; 32])`: Sets the XCVM's topic to `Some`.
- `ResetTopic`: Sets the XCVM's topic to `None`.


Functions in traits used by XcmExecutor now have knowledge of the Context of their instruction. This includes the Origin, message hash and Topic of the XCVM state:

pub struct XcmContext {
  origin: Option<MultiLocation>,
  message_hash: XcmHash,
  topic: [u8; 32],

Remote locking

Four new instructions added allowing for one chain to lock assets and notify another chain of this change as well as allowing this notified chain to request the assets be unlocked and for it to instruct the locking chain to unlock the assets.

The instructions are:

  • LockAsset
  • UnlockAsset
  • NoteUnlockable
  • RequestUnlock

A new API is introduced to allow integration of the on-chain locking mechanisms into these instructions and an example implementation of the API is done in XCM Pallet.

ExchangeAsset API

A new trait-based API is introduced to allow chains to implement the ExchangeAsset instruction.

Universal Location, Context

There is now a Universal Location under which all systems which generate their own consensus exist, and by extension, all possible locations within consensus. The concept of ancestry has been deprecated and instead there is the concept of Context, which is the location of something (e.g. generally the local chain) within the Universal Location. For chains which generate their own consensus like Polkadot and Kusama, it will generally just be a Junction::GlobalConsensus; but for other locations like parachains and smart contracts, it will be longer. Because contexts are locations relative to the Universal Location and because this is the top-level (though imaginary) consensus, all contexts can be expressed as a InteriorMultiLocations (i.e. they need not utilise any parents).

NetworkId no longer has Any

NetworkId is reworked to remove the Any which allows it to be used within the new Junction::GlobalConsensus. In the original usages of NetworkId, it is now an Option<NetworkId> where None may be placed instead to mean the equivalent of NetworkId::Any.


A new API ExportXcm is introduced to allow for sending XCM to a system within a different global consensus. Like the SendXcm API this is two-stage and allows for price-discovery prior to initiation of final delivery. There are new SendXcm implementations (LocalUnpaidExporter, UnpaidRemoteExporter, SovereignPaidRemoteExporter) allowing use of ExportXcm to allow for messages to be routed via implementations of ExportXcm as well as a simple API (HaulBlobExporter) to allow easy integration of point-to-point inter-consensus systems (i.e. bridges).

New instruction UniversalOrigin

The UniversalOrigin instruction is introduced allowing messages to alter their origin to that of some alternative GlobalConsensus, effectively allowing a location to spoof another. This is a strictly permissioned instruction only available to select origins and only for particular changes. The specific use-case is for allowing bridges to forward a message and have it be executed as though it were from a location which is being bridged. It is utilised in the aforementioned SendXcm instructions.

New barrier

NOTE: For more information on this and other elements of XCM bridge integration, see the relevant PR.


These are a set of instructions to allow errors to be thrown based on expectations of register contents. This effectively allows branching based on the contents of the Holding, Error and Origin registers.

Safe dispatches

This adds several facilities aiming to provide cross-chain pallet discovery and version-safety services. The features:

  • A new register Transact Status Register, storing the status of the most recent attempt to use Transact instruction.
  • A new instruction QueryPallet used to get a QueryRespose message informing of instances of a named pallet available on the chain.
  • A new instruction ExpectPallet used to throw an error if an identified pallet does not match expected versions and other information.
  • A new instruction ReportTransactStatus used to report the contents of the Transact Status Register to a destination.
  • A new instruction ClearTransactStatus to clear the value in the Transact Status Register.


A new instruction BurnAsset for explicitly discarding from Holding.

Complexity caps

New facilities to ensure that the weight of operations involing the Holding Register can be estimated sensibly in advance. This introduces two main features:

  • The maximum size of Holding is capped with a new Config trait item for XcmExecutor.
  • There are two new wildcard variants which limit the matches by an integer count specified in the wildcard. This obsoletes max_assets.

Introduce querier field into QueryReponse

Introduce an additional field into the QueryResponse XCM instruction querier indicating the original initiator which led to this response being sent (from the point of view of the receiver). Typically this will simply be Here, since the receiver of the response will be the one who originally made the query.

The XCM pallet's query response handler system now allows expected query responses to have have an expected initiator of the response. Generally this is set to Here when new queries are initiated.

Before any query response is executed using the XCM pallet's response-dispatch system, the querier field is matched against what is expected. If it differs, then the ExpectedResponse barrier doesn't pass and the response is ignored.

Support for Non-fungibles

Provides XCM/MultiAsset support for using any implementer of the assets::nonfungible traits including, notably, Uniques pallet.

Introduces an example utilizing the pallet_uniques::Config::CreateOrigin type param allowing a Uniques pallet instance to automatically hold foreign NFTs in a reserve mechanism. Here we can allow the location which hosts them to create the NFT collection and thus determine who pays the deposits for any assets minted therein. NFTs can then be transferred in using the usual ReserveAssetTransfer mechanism, or, if the chains trust each other, then beamed in with a Teleport.

Code migration considerations v2 -> v3

XCM Pallet

The configuration trait for the XCM pallet has several new type parameters which must be configured. Assuming you have a Balances pallet configured and a type LocationToAccountId which converts a MultiLocation to an AccountId, then to retain previous behaviour, it can be set like this:

Old code:

impl pallet_xcm::Config for Runtime {
	/* snip */

New code:

use frame_support::traits::ConstU32;
impl pallet_xcm::Config for Runtime {
	/* snip */
	type Currency = Balances;
	type CurrencyMatcher = ();
	type TrustedLockers = ();
	type SovereignAccountOf = LocationToAccountId;
	type MaxLockers = ConstU32<8>;

XCM Executor Config trait

Configuration trait xcm_executor::Config has seven new items type MaxAssetsIntoHolding: Get<u32> (to be set to the most distinct assets you expect your chain to have to deal with in a single XCM at once, e.g. 8) type PalletInstancesInfo: PalletsInfoAccess (which should generally be set to AllPalletsWithSystem), AssetLocker, AssetExchanger, FeeManager and MessageExporter which can be all be defined as () to get the same behaviour as previously. Finally UniversalAliases, which can be set to Nothing to give the previous behaviour. Example code change:

Old code:

impl xcm_executor::Config for XcmConfig {
	/* snip */

New code:

impl xcm_executor::Config for XcmConfig {
	/* snip */
	type PalletInstancesInfo = AllPalletsWithSystem;
	type MaxAssetsIntoHolding = ConstU32<8>;
	type AssetLocker = ();
	type AssetExchanger = ();
	type FeeManager = ();
	type MessageExporter = ();
	type UniversalAliases = Nothing;

xcm_builder::FungiblesAdapter's CheckAsset parameter

The CheckAsset type parameter in xcm_builder::FungiblesAdapter and xcm_builder::NonFungiblesAdapter has had its type constraint altered and is now a AssetChecking<Assets::AssetId> rather than a Contains<Assets::AssetId>. If you previously passed Nothing to it, then you can replace this with xcm_builder::NoChecking. If you implemented it as T, then it needs to be wrapped with a xcm_builder::LocalMint<T>. So:

pub type CheckAsset = /* snip */;
pub type FungiblesTransactor = FungiblesAdapter<

would become:

pub type CheckAsset = /* snip */;
pub type FungiblesTransactor = FungiblesAdapter<

max_assets and Counted wildcards

max_assets has now been removed as a field from DepositAsset and DepositReserveAsset. For the purposes of calculating weight, the number of assets deposited when using a wildcard for assets field will be limited through MaxAssetsIntoHolding. If this yields too great a weight (as it likely will for operations which touch storage for each asset), then two new wildcard matches are provided: AllCounted and AllOfCounted, which have the same effect of limiting the number of assets matched as max_assets did.

Example code change:

Old code:

let beneficiary = /* snip */;
let x = DepositAsset { assets: (Here, 100).into(), max_assets: 1, beneficiary };
let y = DepositAsset { assets: Wild(All), max_assets: 5, beneficiary },

New code:

let beneficiary = /* snip */;
let x = DepositAsset { assets: (Here, 100).into(), beneficiary };
let y = DepositAsset { assets: Wild(AllCounted(5)), beneficiary },

CheckAccount should now be specified as Local

The xcm_builder::CurrencyAdapter now accepts a Get<Option<(AccountId, MintLocation)>> instead of just Get<Option<AccountId>> as its fifth type parameter. Assuming you provide this through a parameter_types!, you will want to change it accordingly:

parameter_types! {
	pub CheckAccount: AccountId = XcmPallet::check_account();


parameter_types! {
	pub CheckAccount: (AccountId, MintLocation) = (XcmPallet::check_account(), MintLocation::Local);

If you have no checking accounts, then Nothing will still work.

Location Inversion Removed

The act of inverting a location is now largely contained within reanchoring functions and is no longer exposed in downstream APIs. InvertLocation trait and LocationInverter struct are removed. Those config type items now become UniversalLocation: Get<InteriorMultiLocation>.

The UniversalLocation is similar but different to the old Ancestry: it is the location of the chain within Universal Consensus, including the top-level consensus system. It should always begin with a GlobalConsensus junction.

Old code, for a Kusama parachain:

parameter_types! {
	pub Ancestry: MultiLocation = Parachain(ParachainInfo::parachain_id().into()).into();
impl xcm_executor::Config for XcmConfig {
	// snip
	type LocationInverter = LocationInverter<Ancestry>;

New code for that same parachain:

parameter_types! {
	pub UniversalLocation: InteriorMultiLocation = (
impl xcm_executor::Config for XcmConfig {
	// snip
	type UniversalLocation = UniversalLocation;

Note that it is now a InteriorMultiLocation, and that the location includes the relay-chain consensus, since it is the parent consensus.


Several APIs now accept an additional context: &XcmContext parameter (except in the case of withdraw_asset, which accepts a maybe_context: Option<&XcmContext>).

This parameter must be added, but its value may be ignored.


SendXcm and ExportXcm must both provide an XcmHash value back from deliver function if it returns Ok. It is up to the trait implementation exactly how this hash is determined, however in general it should identify the message which was sent and should be identifiable on both sides of the transport. Generally this will mean hashing the data which is encoded and set on the wire (or the common part of it, if it changes over the transport).


XcmExecutor::execute has now been renamed to XcmExecutor::bench_process and is only enabled for benchmarks. Prior to this it has collided with the trait function ExecuteXcm::execute.

Delivery Pricing

xcm_sender::ChildParachainRouter now takes an extra generic parameter to indicate the price for sending a message using UMP. For previous behaviour, use () for this new parameter.

Old code:

pub type XcmRouter = (
	xcm_sender::ChildParachainRouter<Runtime, XcmPallet>,

New code:

pub type XcmRouter = (
	xcm_sender::ChildParachainRouter<Runtime, XcmPallet, ()>,

The struct xcm_sender::ConstantPrice can be used in place of () in order to allow for the price to be configured simply with a constant. Or, of course, you can create your own implementation for maximum flexibility over delivery pricing.


cumulus_primitives_utility::ParentAsUmp now takes an extra generic parameter to indicate the price for sending a message using UMP. For previous behaviour, use () for this new parameter.

Old code:

pub type XcmRouter = (
	cumulus_primitives_utility::ParentAsUmp<ParachainSystem, PolkadotXcm>,

New code:

pub type XcmRouter = (
	cumulus_primitives_utility::ParentAsUmp<ParachainSystem, PolkadotXcm, ()>,

Similarly, cumulus_pallet_xcmp_queue::Config has an additional type PriceForSiblingDelivery. This may also be set to () for previous behaviour:

Old code:

impl cumulus_pallet_xcmp_queue::Config for Runtime {
	// snip

New code:

impl cumulus_pallet_xcmp_queue::Config for Runtime {
	// snip
	type PriceForSiblingDelivery = ();

Renames & Minor Refactors


  • v2::Instruction::Transact::origin_type is renamed to become v3::Instruction::Transact::origin_kind.
  • v2::Instruction::QueryHolding is renamed to become v3::Instruction::ReportHolding.
  • xcm_builder::ConvertedConcreteAssetId is renamed to ConvertedConcreteId.
  • xcm_builder::ConvertedAbstractAssetId is renamed to ConvertedAbstractId.


  • query_id/dest/max_response_weight is now combined into a single struct QueryResponseInfo. Therefore:
    • v2::QueryHolding{query_id, dest, max_response_weight, assets} becomes v3::Instruction::ReportHolding{response_info, assets}.
    • v2::ReportError{query_id, dest, max_response_weight} becomes v3::Instruction::ReportError(response_info).
    • Junction::into is not a const fn any longer. Use Junction::into_location.
  • FilterAssetLocation is now replaced by ContainsPair<MultiAsset, MultiLocation>.

@github-actions github-actions bot added the A0-please_review Pull request needs code review. label Oct 17, 2021
xcm/src/v3/ Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved
xcm/src/v3/ Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved
@gavofyork gavofyork changed the title XCM v3: Expectations, BurnAsset XCM v3: Expectations, BurnAsset, Safe dispatches Oct 18, 2021
@gavofyork gavofyork added A3-in_progress Pull request is in progress. No review needed at this stage. B7-runtimenoteworthy C1-low PR touches the given topic and has a low impact on builders. D9-needsaudit 👮 PR contains changes to fund-managing logic that should be properly reviewed and externally audited. and removed A0-please_review Pull request needs code review. labels Oct 18, 2021
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Does the inclusion of a new ConversionError sound good to you? This will be an error enum that gets returned by TryFrom conversions upon failure. If so, do we retroactively introduce them to all versions, or only starting from v3?

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No alterations to v2's standard are possible now.

@gavofyork gavofyork changed the title XCM v3: Expectations, BurnAsset, Safe dispatches XCM v3: Expectations, BurnAsset, Safe dispatches, Complexity caps Oct 21, 2021
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Just weights to do now... cc @shawntabrizi @KiChjang

@gavofyork gavofyork added A0-please_review Pull request needs code review. and removed A3-in_progress Pull request is in progress. No review needed at this stage. labels Oct 25, 2021
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@gavofyork Weights are actually being worked on in #3940. OK to merge this as-is and let that PR handle it? Shawn has no problems with doing so.

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May not want to merge quite yet though... might be better sitting in its own branch until XCM v3 is ready.

pub fn mock_worst_case_holding() -> MultiAssets {
const HOLDING_FUNGIBLES: u32 = 99;
const HOLDING_NON_FUNGIBLES: u32 = 99;
pub fn mock_worst_case_holding(depositable_count: u32, max_assets: u32) -> MultiAssets {
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While merging master, this is one of the things that I've changed in order to get the code to compile, and I'm not certain whether this line (and this file in general, especially the part where I added depositable_count to Config::worst_case_holding) is the correct fix.

May want to review this a little closer.

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This pull request has been mentioned on Polkadot Forum. There might be relevant details there:

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ntn-x2 added a commit to KILTprotocol/kilt-node that referenced this pull request Mar 1, 2023
fixes KILTprotocol/ticket#2464
Fixes #481 -> see issue
description for a complete list of PRs.

## Relevant changes

- paritytech/polkadot#4097 (XCM v3)
- paritytech/polkadot#6490 (root origin can
issue grants on behalf of the treasury)
- paritytech/substrate#13214 (we used in the the
staking pallet but we never called the `set` function, so we don't need
to do anything)
- paritytech/substrate#13216 (removes all calls
and intrinsics from the authorship pallet)

Release analysis:

## Open issues

If any of the runtimes is complied with just the `runtime-benchmarks`
features, there is a compilation issue due to some nested dependencies.
Linked issue: paritytech/cumulus#2230.


Co-authored-by: Tino Rusch <>
jiguantong pushed a commit to darwinia-network/darwinia-2.0 that referenced this pull request Mar 2, 2023
ggwpez pushed a commit to ggwpez/runtimes that referenced this pull request Mar 9, 2023
* Fixes

* Undiener

* Undiener

* Undiener

* Lockfile

* Changes for send returning hash

* Include message ID as params to execute_xcm

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Companion fixes

* Formatting

* Fixes

* Formatting

* Bump

* Bump

* Fixes

* Formatting

* Make the price of UMP/XCMP message sending configurable

* cargo fmt

* Remove InvertLocation

* Formatting

* Use ConstantPrice from polkadot-runtime-common

* Fix naming

* cargo fmt

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Add CallDispatcher

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Remove unused import

* Remove unused import

* XCMv3 fixes (#1710)

* Fixes XCMv3 related
Fixes XCMv3 (removed query_holding)
Fixes XCMv3 - should use _depositable_count?
Fixes XCMv3 - removed TrustedReserve
Fixes - missing weights for statemine/statemint/westmint
[DO-NOT-CHERRY-PICK] tmp return query_holding to aviod conficts to master
Fixes - missing functions for pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic::Config
Fixes for XCMv3 benchmarking
Fix xcm - removed query_holding

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Fix imports

* Avoid consuming XCM message for NotApplicable scenario (#1787)

* Avoid consuming message for NotApplicable scenario

* Avoid consuming message for NotApplicable scenario tests

* Add 10 message processing limit to DMP queue

* Add 10 message limit to XCMP queue

* Always increment the message_processed count whenever a message is processed

* Fix formatting

* Set an upper limit to the overweight message DMP queue

* Add upper limit to XCMP overweight message queue

* Fix for missing weight for `fn unpaid_execution()`

* Fix - usage of `messages_processed`

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* cargo fmt

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Remove unused import

* Fixes for gav-xcm-v3 (#1835)

* Fix for FungiblesAdapter - trait changes: Contains -> AssetChecking

* Fix for missing weight for `fn unpaid_execution()`

* Used NonLocalMint for all NonZeroIssuance

* Fix

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fix tests

* Fixes

* Add SafeCallFilter

* Add missing config items

* Add TODO

* Use () as the PriceForParentDelivery

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Update transact_origin to transact_origin_and_runtime_call

* Add ReachableDest config item to XCM pallet

* Update SafeCallFilter to allow remark_with_event in runtime benchmarks

* cargo fmt

* Update substrate

* Fix worst_case_holding

* Fix DMQ queue unit tests

* Remove unused label

* cargo fmt

* Actually process incoming XCMs

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes - return back Weightless

* Added measured benchmarks for `pallet_xcm` (#1968)

* Fix



* Fix

* Fixes for transact benchmark

* Fixes add pallet_xcm to benchmarks

* Revert remark_with_event

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Fixes


* Fix for reserve_asset_deposited

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemine assets pallet_xcm

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemint assets pallet_xcm

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet westmint assets pallet_xcm

* Fix westmint

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_xcm

* Fix for collectives

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* Fixes for bridge-hubs

* Fixes - return back Weightless

* Fix - removed MigrateToTrackInactive for contracts-rococo

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* cargo fmt

* Fix benchmarks

* Bko gav xcm v3 (#1993)

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemine assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet westmint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Change AllowUnpaidExecutionFrom to be explicit

* xcm-v3 benchmarks, weights, fixes for bridge-hubs (#2035)

* Dumy weights to get compile

* Change UniversalLocation according to paritytech/polkadot#4097 (Location Inversion Removed)

* Fix bridge-hubs weights

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemine assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet westmint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Change NetworkId to Option<NetworkId>

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>

* Add event for showing the hash of an UMP sent message (#1228)

* Add UpwardMessageSent event in parachain-system

* additional fixes

* Message Id

* Fix errors from merge

* fmt

* more fmt

* Remove todo

* more formatting

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Allow explicit unpaid executions from the relay chains for system parachains (#2060)

* Allow explicit unpaid executions from the relay chains for system parachains

* Put origin-filtering barriers into WithComputedOrigin

* Use ConstU32<8>

* Small nits

* formatting

* cargo fmt

* Allow receiving XCMs from any relay chain plurality

* Fixes

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}

* Update polkadot

* Add runtime-benchmarks feature

Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>
Co-authored-by: Branislav Kontur <>
Co-authored-by: girazoki <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
ggwpez pushed a commit to ggwpez/runtimes that referenced this pull request Mar 10, 2023
* Fixes

* Undiener

* Undiener

* Undiener

* Lockfile

* Changes for send returning hash

* Include message ID as params to execute_xcm

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Companion fixes

* Formatting

* Fixes

* Formatting

* Bump

* Bump

* Fixes

* Formatting

* Make the price of UMP/XCMP message sending configurable

* cargo fmt

* Remove InvertLocation

* Formatting

* Use ConstantPrice from polkadot-runtime-common

* Fix naming

* cargo fmt

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Add CallDispatcher

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Remove unused import

* Remove unused import

* XCMv3 fixes (#1710)

* Fixes XCMv3 related
Fixes XCMv3 (removed query_holding)
Fixes XCMv3 - should use _depositable_count?
Fixes XCMv3 - removed TrustedReserve
Fixes - missing weights for statemine/statemint/westmint
[DO-NOT-CHERRY-PICK] tmp return query_holding to aviod conficts to master
Fixes - missing functions for pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic::Config
Fixes for XCMv3 benchmarking
Fix xcm - removed query_holding

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Fix imports

* Avoid consuming XCM message for NotApplicable scenario (#1787)

* Avoid consuming message for NotApplicable scenario

* Avoid consuming message for NotApplicable scenario tests

* Add 10 message processing limit to DMP queue

* Add 10 message limit to XCMP queue

* Always increment the message_processed count whenever a message is processed

* Fix formatting

* Set an upper limit to the overweight message DMP queue

* Add upper limit to XCMP overweight message queue

* Fix for missing weight for `fn unpaid_execution()`

* Fix - usage of `messages_processed`

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* cargo fmt

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Remove unused import

* Fixes for gav-xcm-v3 (#1835)

* Fix for FungiblesAdapter - trait changes: Contains -> AssetChecking

* Fix for missing weight for `fn unpaid_execution()`

* Used NonLocalMint for all NonZeroIssuance

* Fix

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fix tests

* Fixes

* Add SafeCallFilter

* Add missing config items

* Add TODO

* Use () as the PriceForParentDelivery

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Update transact_origin to transact_origin_and_runtime_call

* Add ReachableDest config item to XCM pallet

* Update SafeCallFilter to allow remark_with_event in runtime benchmarks

* cargo fmt

* Update substrate

* Fix worst_case_holding

* Fix DMQ queue unit tests

* Remove unused label

* cargo fmt

* Actually process incoming XCMs

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes - return back Weightless

* Added measured benchmarks for `pallet_xcm` (#1968)

* Fix



* Fix

* Fixes for transact benchmark

* Fixes add pallet_xcm to benchmarks

* Revert remark_with_event

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Fixes


* Fix for reserve_asset_deposited

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemine assets pallet_xcm

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemint assets pallet_xcm

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet westmint assets pallet_xcm

* Fix westmint

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_xcm

* Fix for collectives

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* Fixes for bridge-hubs

* Fixes - return back Weightless

* Fix - removed MigrateToTrackInactive for contracts-rococo

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* cargo fmt

* Fix benchmarks

* Bko gav xcm v3 (#1993)

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemine assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet westmint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Change AllowUnpaidExecutionFrom to be explicit

* xcm-v3 benchmarks, weights, fixes for bridge-hubs (#2035)

* Dumy weights to get compile

* Change UniversalLocation according to paritytech/polkadot#4097 (Location Inversion Removed)

* Fix bridge-hubs weights

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemine assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet westmint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Change NetworkId to Option<NetworkId>

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>

* Add event for showing the hash of an UMP sent message (#1228)

* Add UpwardMessageSent event in parachain-system

* additional fixes

* Message Id

* Fix errors from merge

* fmt

* more fmt

* Remove todo

* more formatting

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Allow explicit unpaid executions from the relay chains for system parachains (#2060)

* Allow explicit unpaid executions from the relay chains for system parachains

* Put origin-filtering barriers into WithComputedOrigin

* Use ConstU32<8>

* Small nits

* formatting

* cargo fmt

* Allow receiving XCMs from any relay chain plurality

* Fixes

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}

* Update polkadot

* Add runtime-benchmarks feature

Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>
Co-authored-by: Branislav Kontur <>
Co-authored-by: girazoki <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
ggwpez pushed a commit to ggwpez/runtimes that referenced this pull request Mar 14, 2023
* Fixes

* Undiener

* Undiener

* Undiener

* Lockfile

* Changes for send returning hash

* Include message ID as params to execute_xcm

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Companion fixes

* Formatting

* Fixes

* Formatting

* Bump

* Bump

* Fixes

* Formatting

* Make the price of UMP/XCMP message sending configurable

* cargo fmt

* Remove InvertLocation

* Formatting

* Use ConstantPrice from polkadot-runtime-common

* Fix naming

* cargo fmt

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Add CallDispatcher

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Remove unused import

* Remove unused import

* XCMv3 fixes (#1710)

* Fixes XCMv3 related
Fixes XCMv3 (removed query_holding)
Fixes XCMv3 - should use _depositable_count?
Fixes XCMv3 - removed TrustedReserve
Fixes - missing weights for statemine/statemint/westmint
[DO-NOT-CHERRY-PICK] tmp return query_holding to aviod conficts to master
Fixes - missing functions for pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic::Config
Fixes for XCMv3 benchmarking
Fix xcm - removed query_holding

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Fix imports

* Avoid consuming XCM message for NotApplicable scenario (#1787)

* Avoid consuming message for NotApplicable scenario

* Avoid consuming message for NotApplicable scenario tests

* Add 10 message processing limit to DMP queue

* Add 10 message limit to XCMP queue

* Always increment the message_processed count whenever a message is processed

* Fix formatting

* Set an upper limit to the overweight message DMP queue

* Add upper limit to XCMP overweight message queue

* Fix for missing weight for `fn unpaid_execution()`

* Fix - usage of `messages_processed`

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* cargo fmt

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Remove unused import

* Fixes for gav-xcm-v3 (#1835)

* Fix for FungiblesAdapter - trait changes: Contains -> AssetChecking

* Fix for missing weight for `fn unpaid_execution()`

* Used NonLocalMint for all NonZeroIssuance

* Fix

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fix tests

* Fixes

* Add SafeCallFilter

* Add missing config items

* Add TODO

* Use () as the PriceForParentDelivery

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Update transact_origin to transact_origin_and_runtime_call

* Add ReachableDest config item to XCM pallet

* Update SafeCallFilter to allow remark_with_event in runtime benchmarks

* cargo fmt

* Update substrate

* Fix worst_case_holding

* Fix DMQ queue unit tests

* Remove unused label

* cargo fmt

* Actually process incoming XCMs

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes - return back Weightless

* Added measured benchmarks for `pallet_xcm` (#1968)

* Fix



* Fix

* Fixes for transact benchmark

* Fixes add pallet_xcm to benchmarks

* Revert remark_with_event

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Fixes


* Fix for reserve_asset_deposited

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemine assets pallet_xcm

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemint assets pallet_xcm

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet westmint assets pallet_xcm

* Fix westmint

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_xcm

* Fix for collectives

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* Fixes for bridge-hubs

* Fixes - return back Weightless

* Fix - removed MigrateToTrackInactive for contracts-rococo

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* cargo fmt

* Fix benchmarks

* Bko gav xcm v3 (#1993)

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemine assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet westmint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Change AllowUnpaidExecutionFrom to be explicit

* xcm-v3 benchmarks, weights, fixes for bridge-hubs (#2035)

* Dumy weights to get compile

* Change UniversalLocation according to paritytech/polkadot#4097 (Location Inversion Removed)

* Fix bridge-hubs weights

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemine assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet westmint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Change NetworkId to Option<NetworkId>

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>

* Add event for showing the hash of an UMP sent message (#1228)

* Add UpwardMessageSent event in parachain-system

* additional fixes

* Message Id

* Fix errors from merge

* fmt

* more fmt

* Remove todo

* more formatting

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Allow explicit unpaid executions from the relay chains for system parachains (#2060)

* Allow explicit unpaid executions from the relay chains for system parachains

* Put origin-filtering barriers into WithComputedOrigin

* Use ConstU32<8>

* Small nits

* formatting

* cargo fmt

* Allow receiving XCMs from any relay chain plurality

* Fixes

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}

* Update polkadot

* Add runtime-benchmarks feature

Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>
Co-authored-by: Branislav Kontur <>
Co-authored-by: girazoki <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
Ad96el pushed a commit to KILTprotocol/kilt-node that referenced this pull request Mar 20, 2023
fixes KILTprotocol/ticket#2464
Fixes #481 -> see issue
description for a complete list of PRs.

- paritytech/polkadot#4097 (XCM v3)
- paritytech/polkadot#6490 (root origin can
issue grants on behalf of the treasury)
- paritytech/substrate#13214 (we used in the the
staking pallet but we never called the `set` function, so we don't need
to do anything)
- paritytech/substrate#13216 (removes all calls
and intrinsics from the authorship pallet)

Release analysis:

If any of the runtimes is complied with just the `runtime-benchmarks`
features, there is a compilation issue due to some nested dependencies.
Linked issue: paritytech/cumulus#2230.


Co-authored-by: Tino Rusch <>
AurevoirXavier added a commit to darwinia-network/darwinia that referenced this pull request Mar 28, 2023
* Darwinia 2.0

* Darwinia shell chain (#27)

* Skeleton

* XCM configs

* Bump toolchain

* Code cleaning part.1

* Code cleaning part.2

* Update SS58

* Rename

* Update token decimals

* Format

* Extract darwinia core primitives

* License

* Benchmarks

* Extract constants

* Docs

* CI part.1

* Adjust the runtime pallets structure (#29)

* frame-system

* pallet-timestamp

* pallet-authorship

* pallet-balances

* pallet-transaction-payment

* pallet-parachain-system

* pallet-parachain-info

* pallet-aura-ext

* pallet-xcmp-queue

* pallet-dmp-queue

* pallet-session

* pallet-aura

* pallet-collator-selection

* format

* deal ambiguous name

* fix compile

* clear imports

* update visibility for pallets

* add license for pallets

* update darwinia comments

* CI part.2

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* CI part.3

* CI part.4

* Add missing features

* Case

* Setup build environment

* CI part.5

* Enable `kusama-native`, `rococo-native`

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>
Co-authored-by: Guantong <>

* Docs & formatting (#33)

* Add EVM stuff (#30)

* Skeleton

* XCM configs

* Bump toolchain

* Code cleaning part.1

* Code cleaning part.2

* Update SS58

* Rename

* Update token decimals

* Format

* Extract darwinia core primitives

* Add frontier deps without fork!

* License

* Add pallets to runtime

* Benchmarks

* Append command part

* Extract constants

* Docs

* CI part.1

* Adjust the runtime pallets structure (#29)

* frame-system

* pallet-timestamp

* pallet-authorship

* pallet-balances

* pallet-transaction-payment

* pallet-parachain-system

* pallet-parachain-info

* pallet-aura-ext

* pallet-xcmp-queue

* pallet-dmp-queue

* pallet-session

* pallet-aura

* pallet-collator-selection

* format

* deal ambiguous name

* fix compile

* clear imports

* update visibility for pallets

* add license for pallets

* update darwinia comments

* Adapt main

* Delete duplicated consts

* Hack rpc

* Client compile fix

* Fix client

* Move to ethereum mod

* Add more precompile

* Fix some issue

* Solve conflict

* Merge issues

* Format

* Add basic code for precompiles

* Update EthRpcConfig

* Use Hashing type

* Foramt issue

* Adjust service config

* Add evm, ethereum feature

* Add missing features

* Move const

* Doc

* Format

* Format

* Format

* Format

* Format

* Safer truncated

* Clean importing

* Suppress warnings

* Remove empty line

* Clean importing

* Clean importing

* Format

* Clean importing

* Restructure

Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>
Co-authored-by: Guantong <>

* Polish RPC & service (#36)

* Use full path

* Abstract APIs & types

* Format

* Extract darwinia-runtime (#32)

* Skeleton

* XCM configs

* Bump toolchain

* Code cleaning part.1

* Code cleaning part.2

* Update SS58

* Rename

* Update token decimals

* Format

* Extract darwinia core primitives

* License

* Benchmarks

* Extract constants

* Docs

* CI part.1

* Adjust the runtime pallets structure (#29)

* frame-system

* pallet-timestamp

* pallet-authorship

* pallet-balances

* pallet-transaction-payment

* pallet-parachain-system

* pallet-parachain-info

* pallet-aura-ext

* pallet-xcmp-queue

* pallet-dmp-queue

* pallet-session

* pallet-aura

* pallet-collator-selection

* format

* deal ambiguous name

* fix compile

* clear imports

* update visibility for pallets

* add license for pallets

* update darwinia comments

* CI part.2

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* CI part.3

* CI part.4

* Add missing features

* Case

* Setup build environment

* CI part.5

* init

* adjust structure & fix compile

* Move`type Barrier` out of `common` because of different runtimes may require different barriers

* Add required xcm barriers

* format

* remove redundant files

* format

* format

* try fix ci

* merge main

* fix ci

* Format

* remove unused dependencies

* format

* format

* format

* Format

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>
Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Polish service (#38)

* use full path

* RuntimeApi

Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Enable `FrontierDb` subcommand (#37)

* Refactor `new_partial`

* Try fix compile

* Update `new_partial`

* Yeah, make compiler happy

* Code clean

* Something about command

* Resolve conflict

* Adapt for main style

* Self review

* Ready for review

* Revert full-path in command mod

* Code cleaning

Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Use zero existential deposit (#48)

* Update ED

* Update `candidacy_bond`

* Add messages-substrate deps (#49)

* add messages-substrate deps

* fix ci

* add messages-substrate deps

* fix ci

* update messages-substrate deps

* update cargo.lock

* Format

Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Process system and balances state (#39)

* Process state part.1

* More detail

* Take storages

* Take KV

* Merge balances

* Extract balance lock

* Format

* Flatten account

* Preprocess storage key

* Fix properties

* Add shell config

* Modularize processor

* Calculate total issuance

* Recover nonce

* Add darwinia's precompiles (#50)

* Use `H160` as `AccountId` (#55)

* Configure `H160` for runtime

* Configure `H160` genesis

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Docs

* Improve code

* Add missing features

* Format and enable missing features for #50

* Format

* Fix evm config

* Revert the rename

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>
Co-authored-by: bear <>

* Testnet preparation (#57)

* More testing tokens

* Update runtime version

* Correct name

* Adjust genesis accounts (#59)

* Adjust genesis accounts

* Docs

* Typo

* Adjust runtime and add pallets (#60)

* Adjust runtime and add sudo

* Adjust parameter types and add vesting

* Fix compile

* Add utility

* Add collective, elections-phragmen, identity and treasury

* Add preimage and scheduler

* Add democracy and membership

* Add multisig and proxy

* License

* License

* Set balances's index to 5

* Code cleaning

* Crab & Pangolin Runtime (#56)

* Add assets component (#69)

* Add asset pallet

* Add asset precompile

* Add precompile interface

* Impl all asset precompile interfaces

* Self review

* Code clean

* Add mock file

* Fix test compile

* Add test 1

* Add test 2

* Add test 3

* Add test 4

* Finish test

* Add another type

* Update asset origin

* Fix CI

* Move out from Others

* Add asset to other runtimes

* Bridge related pallets (#70)

* Copy from Crab Parachain

* Replace Crab Parachain > Darwinia

* bridge pallets, many errors need to fix

� Conflicts:
�	Cargo.lock
�	runtime/common/Cargo.toml
�	runtime/darwinia/src/pallets/

* Add fee_market

� Conflicts:
�	runtime/common/Cargo.toml

* Update deps

* Update deps

* Add bridge related pallets to darwinia

* Add bridge related pallets to crab

* format

* Update deps

* review

* comment

Co-authored-by: bear <>

* Fix #72 (#79)

* Add `message-transact` back (#74)

* Update chain id (#85)

* Update parachain IDs (#89)

* Change paraId 1000 > 2105

* Darwinia paraId 2046

* Correct block time (#93)

* Add parachain staking (#68)

* Avoid large enum variant (#98)

* Avoid large enum variant

* Fix tests

Co-authored-by: bear <>

* Add account migration pallet (#86)

* Init commit

* Add todos

* Add `ValidateUnsigned`

* Add signature verify

* Add event

* Add comment

* Update message hash

* Add mock file

* Compile mock

* Add basic tests

* Add more tests

* Code clean

* Clean toml

* Format

* Install it to the runtimes

* Rename

Co-authored-by: HackFisher <>
Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Handle reference count (#102)

* Handle reference count

* Fix test

* Housekeeping (#105)

* Housekeeping

* Format

* Adjust path style (#99)

* Bridge related pallets

* fee market

* format

* evm

* xcm

* format

* MaxMessagesToPruneAtOnce

* move ByteArray

* move AccountToAssetId

* move UniqueSaturatedInto

* Const

* format

* Add sudo key (#107)

* Update XCM filter (#88)

* Improve code (#111)

* Update AssetId (#109)

* Update asset id

* Rename

* Release collator staking restriction (#114)

* Account migration (#108)

* Add `staking` and `deposit` pre-compiles (#81)

* Some optimization (#116)

* Change sudo to Alith

* Format

* Doc

* Security

* Security

* Opt

* Grammar

* Add staking & deposit to Crab & Pangolin (#112)

* Some adjustment (#120)

* Fast runtime

* Valid genesis exposure

* Assets genesis

* Add `bridge_parachains` pallet (#122)

* Update Grandpa Name

* Add bridge parachain pallet

* Correct bridge message verify

* type HeadersToKeep

* Fix CI

* Fix CI

* Account genesis (#123)

* Handle EVM accounts and pruge locks

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Refactor account genesis

* Purge locks

* Update scope

* Update special accounts list

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Vesting genesis (#127)

* Handle EVM accounts and pruge locks

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Refactor account genesis

* Purge locks

* Update scope

* Update special accounts list

* Vesting genesis

* Improve state management

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Merge balance after update decimal (#128)

* Update order

* Update README

* Update reserve transfer filter (#130)

* Frontier pallets storage process (#121)

* Build test

* Add licenses

* Add ethereum schema process

* Add evm state process

* Self review

* Delte useless file

* Bump deps

* Free license

* Refactor

* Correct prefixes

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>
Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Configure instant sealing for dev chains (#119)

* Add start_dev_node

* Add start_dev_node to command
Fix compile

* Don't check relay chain for dev node

* Correct chain spec Identify

* Add instant finalize

* Clean

* Add tip

* Fix CI

* opt

* format

* Revert "Fix CI"

This reverts commit 63ae56a8a4ff329a708de8ae7287b3a2133fac19.

* Format

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Remove redundant clone

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>
Co-authored-by: bear <>
Co-authored-by: fisher <>
Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Optimize storage (#132)

* Update bridge deps (#134)

* Update bridge deps

* Correct version of cfg-if for `twox-hash`

* Fix account insert key (#139)

* Fix account insert bug

* Code clean

* Delete empty line

* Correct `RuntimeApi` & `RuntimeExecutor` (#141)

* Convert the rest locations to H160 by hashing it (#138)

* Convert the rest locations to H160 by hashing it

* format

* fix review

* Process staking (#133)

* Process staking

* Correct type

* Refactor

* Introduce `Adjust` trait

* Refactor

* Format

* Update links

* Doc

* Fix

* Doc

* Fix vesting processor (#144)

* Fix vesting processor

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Format

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Update KTON owner (#145)

* Add genesis (#148)

* Add genesis

* Fix compile

* Clippy (#150)

* Fix revert (#149)

Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Fix hash key (#152)

* Process indices & more utility fns (#151)

* More tools

* Process indices

* More error logs

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Fix contract account `sufficients`  (#146)

* Update sufficient

* Inc sufficient for contract account

* Fix

* Use new style

* Fix type & code optimization (#154)

* Fix type & code optimization

* Use `u16` to bypass the polkadot-js/apps#8591

* Fix bonded prefix (#155)

* Fix bonded prefix

* Restore

* Fix

* Update type (#156)

* Kton state migrate (#137)

* Step 1

* Step 2

* Step 3

* Step 4

* Finish processor side

* Add runtime side

* Add metadata insert

* Fix approvals inc

* Fresh new details

* Use Vec

* Adapt new way

* Code clean

* Remove `sp-core`

* Fix todo and review

* Fix link and format

* Cross compile support (#159)

* Improve deposit (#160)

* Improve deposit

* Test more cases

* Fix tests

* Some fixes (#162)

* Improve config for pallet_bridge_grandpa (#161)

* Update max bridged authorities follow

* Update max bridged header size to 65536

* Update weight info follow

* Keep WeightInfo to ()

* Code Clean

* Improve kton migration (#163)

* Improve kton migration

* Typo

* Doc

* Name

* Fix

* Fix

* Use `DealWithFees` in `transaction_payment` (#164)

* Add `claim_with_penalty` interface (#165)

* Handle different account types (#168)

* Handle different account types

* Format

* State process test (#153)

* First commit

* Add balance test

* Try fix

* test total_issuance

* Test the kton part removed

* Add evm related test

* Assert evm account storages

* Update evm storage tests

* Add vesting info test

* Add indices test

* Add staking test

* Add staking test 2

* Fix tests

* Add deposit items test

* Finish staking test

* Add tests for assets

* Test kton transfer to asset pallet

* Test kton total issuance

* Fix todo

* Add parachain support

* Remove ignored case

* Add combine solo,para account tests

* Code clean

* Add filter

* Refactor the test

* Ignore two cases

* Rwrite all tests

* Update evm codes test

* Code format

* Fix indices tests

* Remove debug line

* Format

* Format

* Fix review

Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Happy new year (#170)

* Happy new year

* Fix

* Process proxy and support generic runtime (#172)

* Format

* Process proxy and support generic runtime

* Format

* Format

* Fixes

* Adjust XCM trader (#143)

* init LocalAssetTrader

* LocalAssetTrader

* Update trader for pangolin & crab

* format

* Update comments

* Update logs

* format

* Format

* Simplify code

Co-authored-by: fisher <>
Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Adjust common functions (#167)

* WeightToFee

* darwinia_deposit

* Move darwinia_deposit to primitives

* fix review

* remove unused smallvec

* Pangolin2 preparation (#174)

* New data path

* Simplify staking migration

* Refactor

* Build spec automatically

* Download specs automatically

* Use `take`

* Remove unnecessary doc

* Add darwinia dispatch precompile (#173)

* Add darwinia dispatch

* Fix test

Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>
Co-authored-by: fisher <>

* Process sudo (#177)

* Process sudo

* Add testing key

* Fixes (#179)

* Fix

* Bump to fix

* Fix genesis

* Fix build spec

* Test env

* Fund Alith (#182)

* Fund Alith

* Use local chain type

* Optional download (#183)

* Fix processor tests (#175)

* Fix test

* Fix test

* Delete sudo and metadata

* ECDSA authority (#184)

* Add message gadget

* Fix compile

* Fix mock

* Fix test

* Add ecdsa-authority

* License

* Add `restake` and fix some bugs (#188)

* Add `restake` and fix some bugs

* More tests

* More tests

* Doc

* Add restake interface (#189)

* Add `Proxy` tests (#190)

* Check key prefix

* Add tests

* Use `any`

* Improve existing check (#191)

* Improve existing check

* Remove unused variable

* Modify testnet time (#192)

* Improve tips

* Clippy

* Set testnet time to 5 mins

* `account-migration` runtime tests (#169)

* Add validate unsigned test

* Add validation tests

* Account migrate test

* Fix redundant encode

* Kton asset

* prepare accounts

* Remove migration

* Pass tests

* kton tests

* Add staking test

* Fix test

* Staking test

* Finish pangolin tests

* Add crab and darwinia tests

* Revert changes

Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Human readable sign message (#195)

* Human readable sign message

* Update spec

* Update proxy filter (#197)

* Use features check action (#198)

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Merge collator payout (#200)

* Merge collator payout

* Bump runtime version

* Improve code

* Doc

* Refactor runtime tests (#204)

* Test only code (#206)

* Fix precompiles genesis (#207)

* Tweak the genesis config

* Add tests

* Use check runtime action (#208)

* Use check runtime action

* Try

* Try

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Test all runtimes

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Done

* Remove compress step

* Remove unused env var

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* To `polkadot-v0.9.33` and some other changes (#171)

* Anchor polkadot-v0.9.33

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1685

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1585

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1745

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1759

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1782

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1793

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1808

* Temp use prepare branch of messages-substrate

* Use darwinia fork frontier

* Use correct moonbeam substrate commit

* Correct bp-darwinia-core std

* Use prepare moonbeam v0.9.33

* Update ethereum to 0.14.0

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#11649, paritytech/polkadot#5729 democracy

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#11649, paritytech/polkadot#5729 scheduler

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#11649, paritytech/polkadot#5729 preimage

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12109

* Type create origin

* Format

* Fix type CreateOrigin

* Format

* Companion for polkadot-evm/frontier#935

* Fix compile

* Fix service

* Format

* `Frontier` upgrade (#196)

* Delete BaseFee

* Fix todo

* Update prepare branch

* Fix mock

* Add pallet-evm-precompile-dispatch/std

* Format

* Format

* Correct version after merge

* Fix review

* Fix review

* Fix CI test

* Fix compile after merge

Co-authored-by: bear <>

* pallet-identity state process (#124)

* Add types folder

* Read storage out

* Decimal update

* Add remove subsOf and superOf

* Remove useless file


* Process in runtime side

* Format

* Add SUDO back

* Fix doc link

* Identity migrate

* Fix runtime

* Add tests

* Add tests

* Code clean

* Remove sp-runtime

* Code format

* Delete useless reserve

* Reset the judgements

* Self review

* Fix

* Add identities runtime tests

* Fix tests

* Just format

* Tiny updates

* Update doc

Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Keep identity judgments (#210)

* Keep identity judgments

* Doc

* Bump toolchain to `nightly-2022-11-15` (#212)

* Add metadata for front end (#219)

* Burn parachain backing RING (#218)

* Fix state judgement (#222)

* Fix judgement

* Use adjust()

* Format

* Readable address (#224)

* Add missing field (#226)

* Fix `try-runtime` (#223)

* Try fix

* Try fix

* Adjust toml file

* Fix compile

* Foramat

* Adjust session consumer part.1 (#229)

* Clean unused deps (#228)

* Clean unused deps

* Update messages-substrate deps

* Try fix CI

* Adapt PolkadotJS (#231)

* Release Pangolin2 (#225)

* Reorder

* Adjust genesis

* Typo

* State types check (#230)

* Check

* Use type

* Update processor files

* Find others

* Format

* Default pangolin

* Fix review

* Account migration signer tool (#235)

* Doc

* Bump version for devnet

* Account migration signer tool

* Doc

* Update docs (#237)

Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Fix call indexes (#238)

* Fix signer cli (#239)

* Improve testing (#241)

* Improve testing

* Fix formula

* Opt

* State processor CI

* Unset

* Try

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Opt

* Opt

* Try

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Opt

* Opt

* Final test

* Fix

* Bump

* Fix

* Fix


Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Rebuild accounts' reservation (#242)

* Set reservation to zero

* Configure genesis collator

* Rebuild accounts' reservation and update tests

* Update tests

* Add EVM tests (#234)

* Support Ethereum for dev node

* Add first test

* Add rpc constants test

* Add balance test

* Add contract test

* Finish balance and contract basic tests

* Add bloom filter test

* Test `eth_getCode`

* Test nonce update

* Test opcodes

* Add event test

* Finally, basic tests are covered.

* Use `impl_self_contained_call` (#250)

* Rebuild account reference counters (#249)

* Rebuild account reference counters part.1

* part.2

* part.3


* Fix

* Fixes

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Doc


Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Add evm checks (#252)

* Add evm checks

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Fix


Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Clean empty ledger (#253)

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Add bridge extension validation (#251)

* Add bridger extension validatioin

* Update comments

* Revert changes

* Fix review

* Add `reserve` and `references count` tests (#259)

* Fix TODO

* Add reserve test

* Add another case

* Add more samples

* Code clean

* Fix local test error

* Handle special accounts (#265)

* Handle special accounts

* Refactor

* More readable

* Doc

* Add staging workflow (#258)

* Add staging workflow

* Test CI

* CI

* Add deps

* CI

* CI

* CI

* Updte trigger


Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* To `polkadot-v0.9.36` (#213)

* Anchor polkadot-v0.9.36

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1860

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1876

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1904

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12310

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12740

* Bump array-bytes to 6.0.0

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12868

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1930

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1905

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1880

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1997

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1559

* Prepare messages-substrate

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12684

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12740

* Fix compile  paritytech/substrate#12740

* Compile done

* Format

* Add call index

* Compile done

* Fix CI

* Bump moonbeam

* Fix CI

* Try fix tests

* Use into instead of `Compact`

* Patch substrate & Fix compile

* Fix try-runtime

* Remove parity-util-mem

* Format

* Format

* Opt

* Format

* Use `codec::Compact<AssetId>`

* Format


Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Migrate `pallet-assets` (#260)

* Anchor polkadot-v0.9.36

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1860

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1876

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1904

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12310

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12740

* Bump array-bytes to 6.0.0

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12868

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1930

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1905

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1880

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1997

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1559

* Prepare messages-substrate

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12684

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12740

* Fix compile  paritytech/substrate#12740

* Compile done

* Format

* Add call index

* Compile done

* Fix CI

* Bump moonbeam

* Fix CI

* Try fix tests

* Use into instead of `Compact`

* Patch substrate & Fix compile

* Fix try-runtime

* Remove parity-util-mem

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12310

* Update state processor

* Add type link

* Fix review issues

* Format


Co-authored-by: Guantong <>

* Clean imports (#271)

* Clean imports

* Fix tests

* Migrate multisig (#272)

* Migrate multisig

* Unit tests

* Doc

* Fix

* More checks

* Doc

* Reject duplicative submission

* Add special accounts migration test (#268)

* Part 1

* Part 2

* Rename

* Better function names

* Update state storage filter (#273)

* Let ethereum go

* Update pallet name

* Fix


Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Manage runtime through features (#274)

* Format

* Manage runtime through features

* Total issuance assertions (#276)

* Process parachain system (#278)

* Try workspace's new feature (#277)

* Update crate info

* Update deps 1

* Update deps 2

* Update deps 3

* Update deps 4

* Format

* Fix review

* Rename `Staking` to `DarwiniaStaking` (#279)

* Rename to `DarwiniaStaking`

* Rename

* Format (#280)

* Add Pangoro2 (#281)

* Format

* Deduplicate

* Add Pangoro2

* Rename

* Fix

* Fix

* Rename

* Doc

* Set SS58 in runtime and remove from chain spec

* To `polkadot-v0.9.37` (#266)

* Anchor polkadot-v0.9.37

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12307

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#2057

* Use prepare branch for test

* Companion for polkadot-evm/frontier#981

* Remove collator selection in bench

* Fix BenchmarkHelper

* Fix compile

* Format

* Fix compile

* Fix compile feature benchmark

* Fix test

* Format toml

* Format

* Pangoro2 0.9.37

* Fix try-runtime

* Fix try-runtime cmd

* Format

* Fix review

* Use `Vec`

* Typo


Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Pangolin2 `6005` runtime upgrade (#283)

* Update Pangolin CI

* Bump runtime version

* Set payout fraction to 40% (#284)

* Set payout fraction to 40%

* Format

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>


Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Add evm estimate gas tests (#282)

* Add estimate gas tests

* Fix CI

* Fix ethereum block author (#286)

* Fix ethereum block author

* Move some structs to the common folder

* Fix CI test

* Clean

* Pangolin2 <> Pangoro2 bridge (#285)

* Copy darwinia bm => pangoro bm
Copy crab bm => pangolin bm

* Add pangolin&pangoro bridge-messages

* Add bridge related pallets for pangolin&pangoro

* Add bridge palles to runtime for pangolin & pangoro

* Fix compile

* Missing changes

* Correct bridge-dispatch

* Format

* Update genesis

* Update nonce test (#288)

* Remove assertions in HRMP&DMP (#290)

* Patch cumulus

* Bump darwinia/cumulus

* Preparation of Pangoro2 (#291)

* Correct command

* Some fixes

* Update evm module runtime name (#293)

* Fix evm runtime name

* Format toml

* Add migration

* Fix state processor

* Use latest polkadot-v0.9.37 commit

* Fix tests

* Bench upstream pallets (#292)

* Fix balances benchmark

* Add bridge related bench

* Benchmark with steps 50 repeat 20

* Update weights for bridge pallets

* Pangolin bench pallets

* Bench s2 r1 for all runtimes

* Update weights for all runtime

* Add benchmarking items and bench darwinia-deposit (#294)

* Add benchmarking items and bench darwinia-deposit

* Format

* Doc

* Fix and update CI

* Re-cache

* Opt

* Opt

* Correct URI


Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Auto load large genesis (#295)

* Auto load large genesis

* Remove unused feature

* Format

* Opt

* Fix broken CI (#296)

* Try fix

* Fix it!

* Remove multisig (#299)

* Update Pangoro2 parachain id (#304)

* Update cross compile docker image (#303)

* Update cross compile docker image

* Fix compile

* Easy make (#305)

* Easy make

* Format

* Update EthBlockGasLimit (#306)

* Update pangolin's max gas limit

* Update other runtimes

* Move evm tests

* Self review

* Anchor v0.9.38

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#2067

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#697 XCM v3

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#2096

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1863

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#2073

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#2126

* Use prepare branch

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#13216

* Companion for darwinia-messages-substrate#254

* Companion for paritytech/polkadot#4097

* Part companion for paritytech/cumulus#2067

* Correct companion for cumulus#2073

* Fix xcm compilation

* Fix compilation done

* Fix compilation with benchmark

* Replace prepare branch

* Format

* Fix compile

* Format

* Fix CI check features

* Format

* Patch cumulus assertion branch v0.9.38

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#2287

* Remove unused polkadot-service

* Revert changes

* Format


Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>
Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>
Co-authored-by: bear <>
Co-authored-by: HackFisher <>
Co-authored-by: fewensa <>
Co-authored-by: Guantong <>
AurevoirXavier added a commit to darwinia-network/darwinia that referenced this pull request Mar 30, 2023
* Darwinia 2.0

* Darwinia shell chain (#27)

* Skeleton

* XCM configs

* Bump toolchain

* Code cleaning part.1

* Code cleaning part.2

* Update SS58

* Rename

* Update token decimals

* Format

* Extract darwinia core primitives

* License

* Benchmarks

* Extract constants

* Docs

* CI part.1

* Adjust the runtime pallets structure (#29)

* frame-system

* pallet-timestamp

* pallet-authorship

* pallet-balances

* pallet-transaction-payment

* pallet-parachain-system

* pallet-parachain-info

* pallet-aura-ext

* pallet-xcmp-queue

* pallet-dmp-queue

* pallet-session

* pallet-aura

* pallet-collator-selection

* format

* deal ambiguous name

* fix compile

* clear imports

* update visibility for pallets

* add license for pallets

* update darwinia comments

* CI part.2

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* CI part.3

* CI part.4

* Add missing features

* Case

* Setup build environment

* CI part.5

* Enable `kusama-native`, `rococo-native`

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>
Co-authored-by: Guantong <>

* Docs & formatting (#33)

* Add EVM stuff (#30)

* Skeleton

* XCM configs

* Bump toolchain

* Code cleaning part.1

* Code cleaning part.2

* Update SS58

* Rename

* Update token decimals

* Format

* Extract darwinia core primitives

* Add frontier deps without fork!

* License

* Add pallets to runtime

* Benchmarks

* Append command part

* Extract constants

* Docs

* CI part.1

* Adjust the runtime pallets structure (#29)

* frame-system

* pallet-timestamp

* pallet-authorship

* pallet-balances

* pallet-transaction-payment

* pallet-parachain-system

* pallet-parachain-info

* pallet-aura-ext

* pallet-xcmp-queue

* pallet-dmp-queue

* pallet-session

* pallet-aura

* pallet-collator-selection

* format

* deal ambiguous name

* fix compile

* clear imports

* update visibility for pallets

* add license for pallets

* update darwinia comments

* Adapt main

* Delete duplicated consts

* Hack rpc

* Client compile fix

* Fix client

* Move to ethereum mod

* Add more precompile

* Fix some issue

* Solve conflict

* Merge issues

* Format

* Add basic code for precompiles

* Update EthRpcConfig

* Use Hashing type

* Foramt issue

* Adjust service config

* Add evm, ethereum feature

* Add missing features

* Move const

* Doc

* Format

* Format

* Format

* Format

* Format

* Safer truncated

* Clean importing

* Suppress warnings

* Remove empty line

* Clean importing

* Clean importing

* Format

* Clean importing

* Restructure

Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>
Co-authored-by: Guantong <>

* Polish RPC & service (#36)

* Use full path

* Abstract APIs & types

* Format

* Extract darwinia-runtime (#32)

* Skeleton

* XCM configs

* Bump toolchain

* Code cleaning part.1

* Code cleaning part.2

* Update SS58

* Rename

* Update token decimals

* Format

* Extract darwinia core primitives

* License

* Benchmarks

* Extract constants

* Docs

* CI part.1

* Adjust the runtime pallets structure (#29)

* frame-system

* pallet-timestamp

* pallet-authorship

* pallet-balances

* pallet-transaction-payment

* pallet-parachain-system

* pallet-parachain-info

* pallet-aura-ext

* pallet-xcmp-queue

* pallet-dmp-queue

* pallet-session

* pallet-aura

* pallet-collator-selection

* format

* deal ambiguous name

* fix compile

* clear imports

* update visibility for pallets

* add license for pallets

* update darwinia comments

* CI part.2

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* CI part.3

* CI part.4

* Add missing features

* Case

* Setup build environment

* CI part.5

* init

* adjust structure & fix compile

* Move`type Barrier` out of `common` because of different runtimes may require different barriers

* Add required xcm barriers

* format

* remove redundant files

* format

* format

* try fix ci

* merge main

* fix ci

* Format

* remove unused dependencies

* format

* format

* format

* Format

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>
Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Polish service (#38)

* use full path

* RuntimeApi

Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Enable `FrontierDb` subcommand (#37)

* Refactor `new_partial`

* Try fix compile

* Update `new_partial`

* Yeah, make compiler happy

* Code clean

* Something about command

* Resolve conflict

* Adapt for main style

* Self review

* Ready for review

* Revert full-path in command mod

* Code cleaning

Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Use zero existential deposit (#48)

* Update ED

* Update `candidacy_bond`

* Add messages-substrate deps (#49)

* add messages-substrate deps

* fix ci

* add messages-substrate deps

* fix ci

* update messages-substrate deps

* update cargo.lock

* Format

Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Process system and balances state (#39)

* Process state part.1

* More detail

* Take storages

* Take KV

* Merge balances

* Extract balance lock

* Format

* Flatten account

* Preprocess storage key

* Fix properties

* Add shell config

* Modularize processor

* Calculate total issuance

* Recover nonce

* Add darwinia's precompiles (#50)

* Use `H160` as `AccountId` (#55)

* Configure `H160` for runtime

* Configure `H160` genesis

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Docs

* Improve code

* Add missing features

* Format and enable missing features for #50

* Format

* Fix evm config

* Revert the rename

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>
Co-authored-by: bear <>

* Testnet preparation (#57)

* More testing tokens

* Update runtime version

* Correct name

* Adjust genesis accounts (#59)

* Adjust genesis accounts

* Docs

* Typo

* Adjust runtime and add pallets (#60)

* Adjust runtime and add sudo

* Adjust parameter types and add vesting

* Fix compile

* Add utility

* Add collective, elections-phragmen, identity and treasury

* Add preimage and scheduler

* Add democracy and membership

* Add multisig and proxy

* License

* License

* Set balances's index to 5

* Code cleaning

* Crab & Pangolin Runtime (#56)

* Add assets component (#69)

* Add asset pallet

* Add asset precompile

* Add precompile interface

* Impl all asset precompile interfaces

* Self review

* Code clean

* Add mock file

* Fix test compile

* Add test 1

* Add test 2

* Add test 3

* Add test 4

* Finish test

* Add another type

* Update asset origin

* Fix CI

* Move out from Others

* Add asset to other runtimes

* Bridge related pallets (#70)

* Copy from Crab Parachain

* Replace Crab Parachain > Darwinia

* bridge pallets, many errors need to fix

� Conflicts:
�	Cargo.lock
�	runtime/common/Cargo.toml
�	runtime/darwinia/src/pallets/

* Add fee_market

� Conflicts:
�	runtime/common/Cargo.toml

* Update deps

* Update deps

* Add bridge related pallets to darwinia

* Add bridge related pallets to crab

* format

* Update deps

* review

* comment

Co-authored-by: bear <>

* Fix #72 (#79)

* Add `message-transact` back (#74)

* Update chain id (#85)

* Update parachain IDs (#89)

* Change paraId 1000 > 2105

* Darwinia paraId 2046

* Correct block time (#93)

* Add parachain staking (#68)

* Avoid large enum variant (#98)

* Avoid large enum variant

* Fix tests

Co-authored-by: bear <>

* Add account migration pallet (#86)

* Init commit

* Add todos

* Add `ValidateUnsigned`

* Add signature verify

* Add event

* Add comment

* Update message hash

* Add mock file

* Compile mock

* Add basic tests

* Add more tests

* Code clean

* Clean toml

* Format

* Install it to the runtimes

* Rename

Co-authored-by: HackFisher <>
Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Handle reference count (#102)

* Handle reference count

* Fix test

* Housekeeping (#105)

* Housekeeping

* Format

* Adjust path style (#99)

* Bridge related pallets

* fee market

* format

* evm

* xcm

* format

* MaxMessagesToPruneAtOnce

* move ByteArray

* move AccountToAssetId

* move UniqueSaturatedInto

* Const

* format

* Add sudo key (#107)

* Update XCM filter (#88)

* Improve code (#111)

* Update AssetId (#109)

* Update asset id

* Rename

* Release collator staking restriction (#114)

* Account migration (#108)

* Add `staking` and `deposit` pre-compiles (#81)

* Some optimization (#116)

* Change sudo to Alith

* Format

* Doc

* Security

* Security

* Opt

* Grammar

* Add staking & deposit to Crab & Pangolin (#112)

* Some adjustment (#120)

* Fast runtime

* Valid genesis exposure

* Assets genesis

* Add `bridge_parachains` pallet (#122)

* Update Grandpa Name

* Add bridge parachain pallet

* Correct bridge message verify

* type HeadersToKeep

* Fix CI

* Fix CI

* Account genesis (#123)

* Handle EVM accounts and pruge locks

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Refactor account genesis

* Purge locks

* Update scope

* Update special accounts list

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Vesting genesis (#127)

* Handle EVM accounts and pruge locks

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Refactor account genesis

* Purge locks

* Update scope

* Update special accounts list

* Vesting genesis

* Improve state management

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Merge balance after update decimal (#128)

* Update order

* Update README

* Update reserve transfer filter (#130)

* Frontier pallets storage process (#121)

* Build test

* Add licenses

* Add ethereum schema process

* Add evm state process

* Self review

* Delte useless file

* Bump deps

* Free license

* Refactor

* Correct prefixes

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>
Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Configure instant sealing for dev chains (#119)

* Add start_dev_node

* Add start_dev_node to command
Fix compile

* Don't check relay chain for dev node

* Correct chain spec Identify

* Add instant finalize

* Clean

* Add tip

* Fix CI

* opt

* format

* Revert "Fix CI"

This reverts commit 63ae56a8a4ff329a708de8ae7287b3a2133fac19.

* Format

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Remove redundant clone

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>
Co-authored-by: bear <>
Co-authored-by: fisher <>
Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Optimize storage (#132)

* Update bridge deps (#134)

* Update bridge deps

* Correct version of cfg-if for `twox-hash`

* Fix account insert key (#139)

* Fix account insert bug

* Code clean

* Delete empty line

* Correct `RuntimeApi` & `RuntimeExecutor` (#141)

* Convert the rest locations to H160 by hashing it (#138)

* Convert the rest locations to H160 by hashing it

* format

* fix review

* Process staking (#133)

* Process staking

* Correct type

* Refactor

* Introduce `Adjust` trait

* Refactor

* Format

* Update links

* Doc

* Fix

* Doc

* Fix vesting processor (#144)

* Fix vesting processor

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Format

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Update KTON owner (#145)

* Add genesis (#148)

* Add genesis

* Fix compile

* Clippy (#150)

* Fix revert (#149)

Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Fix hash key (#152)

* Process indices & more utility fns (#151)

* More tools

* Process indices

* More error logs

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Fix contract account `sufficients`  (#146)

* Update sufficient

* Inc sufficient for contract account

* Fix

* Use new style

* Fix type & code optimization (#154)

* Fix type & code optimization

* Use `u16` to bypass the polkadot-js/apps#8591

* Fix bonded prefix (#155)

* Fix bonded prefix

* Restore

* Fix

* Update type (#156)

* Kton state migrate (#137)

* Step 1

* Step 2

* Step 3

* Step 4

* Finish processor side

* Add runtime side

* Add metadata insert

* Fix approvals inc

* Fresh new details

* Use Vec

* Adapt new way

* Code clean

* Remove `sp-core`

* Fix todo and review

* Fix link and format

* Cross compile support (#159)

* Improve deposit (#160)

* Improve deposit

* Test more cases

* Fix tests

* Some fixes (#162)

* Improve config for pallet_bridge_grandpa (#161)

* Update max bridged authorities follow

* Update max bridged header size to 65536

* Update weight info follow

* Keep WeightInfo to ()

* Code Clean

* Improve kton migration (#163)

* Improve kton migration

* Typo

* Doc

* Name

* Fix

* Fix

* Use `DealWithFees` in `transaction_payment` (#164)

* Add `claim_with_penalty` interface (#165)

* Handle different account types (#168)

* Handle different account types

* Format

* State process test (#153)

* First commit

* Add balance test

* Try fix

* test total_issuance

* Test the kton part removed

* Add evm related test

* Assert evm account storages

* Update evm storage tests

* Add vesting info test

* Add indices test

* Add staking test

* Add staking test 2

* Fix tests

* Add deposit items test

* Finish staking test

* Add tests for assets

* Test kton transfer to asset pallet

* Test kton total issuance

* Fix todo

* Add parachain support

* Remove ignored case

* Add combine solo,para account tests

* Code clean

* Add filter

* Refactor the test

* Ignore two cases

* Rwrite all tests

* Update evm codes test

* Code format

* Fix indices tests

* Remove debug line

* Format

* Format

* Fix review

Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Happy new year (#170)

* Happy new year

* Fix

* Process proxy and support generic runtime (#172)

* Format

* Process proxy and support generic runtime

* Format

* Format

* Fixes

* Adjust XCM trader (#143)

* init LocalAssetTrader

* LocalAssetTrader

* Update trader for pangolin & crab

* format

* Update comments

* Update logs

* format

* Format

* Simplify code

Co-authored-by: fisher <>
Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Adjust common functions (#167)

* WeightToFee

* darwinia_deposit

* Move darwinia_deposit to primitives

* fix review

* remove unused smallvec

* Pangolin2 preparation (#174)

* New data path

* Simplify staking migration

* Refactor

* Build spec automatically

* Download specs automatically

* Use `take`

* Remove unnecessary doc

* Add darwinia dispatch precompile (#173)

* Add darwinia dispatch

* Fix test

Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>
Co-authored-by: fisher <>

* Process sudo (#177)

* Process sudo

* Add testing key

* Fixes (#179)

* Fix

* Bump to fix

* Fix genesis

* Fix build spec

* Test env

* Fund Alith (#182)

* Fund Alith

* Use local chain type

* Optional download (#183)

* Fix processor tests (#175)

* Fix test

* Fix test

* Delete sudo and metadata

* ECDSA authority (#184)

* Add message gadget

* Fix compile

* Fix mock

* Fix test

* Add ecdsa-authority

* License

* Add `restake` and fix some bugs (#188)

* Add `restake` and fix some bugs

* More tests

* More tests

* Doc

* Add restake interface (#189)

* Add `Proxy` tests (#190)

* Check key prefix

* Add tests

* Use `any`

* Improve existing check (#191)

* Improve existing check

* Remove unused variable

* Modify testnet time (#192)

* Improve tips

* Clippy

* Set testnet time to 5 mins

* `account-migration` runtime tests (#169)

* Add validate unsigned test

* Add validation tests

* Account migrate test

* Fix redundant encode

* Kton asset

* prepare accounts

* Remove migration

* Pass tests

* kton tests

* Add staking test

* Fix test

* Staking test

* Finish pangolin tests

* Add crab and darwinia tests

* Revert changes

Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Human readable sign message (#195)

* Human readable sign message

* Update spec

* Update proxy filter (#197)

* Use features check action (#198)

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Merge collator payout (#200)

* Merge collator payout

* Bump runtime version

* Improve code

* Doc

* Refactor runtime tests (#204)

* Test only code (#206)

* Fix precompiles genesis (#207)

* Tweak the genesis config

* Add tests

* Use check runtime action (#208)

* Use check runtime action

* Try

* Try

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Test all runtimes

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Done

* Remove compress step

* Remove unused env var

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* To `polkadot-v0.9.33` and some other changes (#171)

* Anchor polkadot-v0.9.33

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1685

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1585

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1745

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1759

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1782

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1793

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1808

* Temp use prepare branch of messages-substrate

* Use darwinia fork frontier

* Use correct moonbeam substrate commit

* Correct bp-darwinia-core std

* Use prepare moonbeam v0.9.33

* Update ethereum to 0.14.0

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#11649, paritytech/polkadot#5729 democracy

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#11649, paritytech/polkadot#5729 scheduler

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#11649, paritytech/polkadot#5729 preimage

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12109

* Type create origin

* Format

* Fix type CreateOrigin

* Format

* Companion for polkadot-evm/frontier#935

* Fix compile

* Fix service

* Format

* `Frontier` upgrade (#196)

* Delete BaseFee

* Fix todo

* Update prepare branch

* Fix mock

* Add pallet-evm-precompile-dispatch/std

* Format

* Format

* Correct version after merge

* Fix review

* Fix review

* Fix CI test

* Fix compile after merge

Co-authored-by: bear <>

* pallet-identity state process (#124)

* Add types folder

* Read storage out

* Decimal update

* Add remove subsOf and superOf

* Remove useless file


* Process in runtime side

* Format

* Add SUDO back

* Fix doc link

* Identity migrate

* Fix runtime

* Add tests

* Add tests

* Code clean

* Remove sp-runtime

* Code format

* Delete useless reserve

* Reset the judgements

* Self review

* Fix

* Add identities runtime tests

* Fix tests

* Just format

* Tiny updates

* Update doc

Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Keep identity judgments (#210)

* Keep identity judgments

* Doc

* Bump toolchain to `nightly-2022-11-15` (#212)

* Add metadata for front end (#219)

* Burn parachain backing RING (#218)

* Fix state judgement (#222)

* Fix judgement

* Use adjust()

* Format

* Readable address (#224)

* Add missing field (#226)

* Fix `try-runtime` (#223)

* Try fix

* Try fix

* Adjust toml file

* Fix compile

* Foramat

* Adjust session consumer part.1 (#229)

* Clean unused deps (#228)

* Clean unused deps

* Update messages-substrate deps

* Try fix CI

* Adapt PolkadotJS (#231)

* Release Pangolin2 (#225)

* Reorder

* Adjust genesis

* Typo

* State types check (#230)

* Check

* Use type

* Update processor files

* Find others

* Format

* Default pangolin

* Fix review

* Account migration signer tool (#235)

* Doc

* Bump version for devnet

* Account migration signer tool

* Doc

* Update docs (#237)

Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Fix call indexes (#238)

* Fix signer cli (#239)

* Improve testing (#241)

* Improve testing

* Fix formula

* Opt

* State processor CI

* Unset

* Try

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Opt

* Opt

* Try

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Opt

* Opt

* Final test

* Fix

* Bump

* Fix

* Fix


Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Rebuild accounts' reservation (#242)

* Set reservation to zero

* Configure genesis collator

* Rebuild accounts' reservation and update tests

* Update tests

* Add EVM tests (#234)

* Support Ethereum for dev node

* Add first test

* Add rpc constants test

* Add balance test

* Add contract test

* Finish balance and contract basic tests

* Add bloom filter test

* Test `eth_getCode`

* Test nonce update

* Test opcodes

* Add event test

* Finally, basic tests are covered.

* Use `impl_self_contained_call` (#250)

* Rebuild account reference counters (#249)

* Rebuild account reference counters part.1

* part.2

* part.3


* Fix

* Fixes

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Doc


Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Add evm checks (#252)

* Add evm checks

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Fix


Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Clean empty ledger (#253)

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Add bridge extension validation (#251)

* Add bridger extension validatioin

* Update comments

* Revert changes

* Fix review

* Add `reserve` and `references count` tests (#259)

* Fix TODO

* Add reserve test

* Add another case

* Add more samples

* Code clean

* Fix local test error

* Handle special accounts (#265)

* Handle special accounts

* Refactor

* More readable

* Doc

* Add staging workflow (#258)

* Add staging workflow

* Test CI

* CI

* Add deps

* CI

* CI

* CI

* Updte trigger


Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* To `polkadot-v0.9.36` (#213)

* Anchor polkadot-v0.9.36

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1860

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1876

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1904

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12310

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12740

* Bump array-bytes to 6.0.0

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12868

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1930

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1905

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1880

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1997

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1559

* Prepare messages-substrate

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12684

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12740

* Fix compile  paritytech/substrate#12740

* Compile done

* Format

* Add call index

* Compile done

* Fix CI

* Bump moonbeam

* Fix CI

* Try fix tests

* Use into instead of `Compact`

* Patch substrate & Fix compile

* Fix try-runtime

* Remove parity-util-mem

* Format

* Format

* Opt

* Format

* Use `codec::Compact<AssetId>`

* Format


Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Migrate `pallet-assets` (#260)

* Anchor polkadot-v0.9.36

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1860

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1876

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1904

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12310

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12740

* Bump array-bytes to 6.0.0

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12868

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1930

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1905

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1880

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1997

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1559

* Prepare messages-substrate

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12684

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12740

* Fix compile  paritytech/substrate#12740

* Compile done

* Format

* Add call index

* Compile done

* Fix CI

* Bump moonbeam

* Fix CI

* Try fix tests

* Use into instead of `Compact`

* Patch substrate & Fix compile

* Fix try-runtime

* Remove parity-util-mem

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12310

* Update state processor

* Add type link

* Fix review issues

* Format


Co-authored-by: Guantong <>

* Clean imports (#271)

* Clean imports

* Fix tests

* Migrate multisig (#272)

* Migrate multisig

* Unit tests

* Doc

* Fix

* More checks

* Doc

* Reject duplicative submission

* Add special accounts migration test (#268)

* Part 1

* Part 2

* Rename

* Better function names

* Update state storage filter (#273)

* Let ethereum go

* Update pallet name

* Fix


Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Manage runtime through features (#274)

* Format

* Manage runtime through features

* Total issuance assertions (#276)

* Process parachain system (#278)

* Try workspace's new feature (#277)

* Update crate info

* Update deps 1

* Update deps 2

* Update deps 3

* Update deps 4

* Format

* Fix review

* Rename `Staking` to `DarwiniaStaking` (#279)

* Rename to `DarwiniaStaking`

* Rename

* Format (#280)

* Add Pangoro2 (#281)

* Format

* Deduplicate

* Add Pangoro2

* Rename

* Fix

* Fix

* Rename

* Doc

* Set SS58 in runtime and remove from chain spec

* To `polkadot-v0.9.37` (#266)

* Anchor polkadot-v0.9.37

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12307

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#2057

* Use prepare branch for test

* Companion for polkadot-evm/frontier#981

* Remove collator selection in bench

* Fix BenchmarkHelper

* Fix compile

* Format

* Fix compile

* Fix compile feature benchmark

* Fix test

* Format toml

* Format

* Pangoro2 0.9.37

* Fix try-runtime

* Fix try-runtime cmd

* Format

* Fix review

* Use `Vec`

* Typo


Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Pangolin2 `6005` runtime upgrade (#283)

* Update Pangolin CI

* Bump runtime version

* Set payout fraction to 40% (#284)

* Set payout fraction to 40%

* Format

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>


Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Add evm estimate gas tests (#282)

* Add estimate gas tests

* Fix CI

* Fix ethereum block author (#286)

* Fix ethereum block author

* Move some structs to the common folder

* Fix CI test

* Clean

* Pangolin2 <> Pangoro2 bridge (#285)

* Copy darwinia bm => pangoro bm
Copy crab bm => pangolin bm

* Add pangolin&pangoro bridge-messages

* Add bridge related pallets for pangolin&pangoro

* Add bridge palles to runtime for pangolin & pangoro

* Fix compile

* Missing changes

* Correct bridge-dispatch

* Format

* Update genesis

* Update nonce test (#288)

* Remove assertions in HRMP&DMP (#290)

* Patch cumulus

* Bump darwinia/cumulus

* Preparation of Pangoro2 (#291)

* Correct command

* Some fixes

* Update evm module runtime name (#293)

* Fix evm runtime name

* Format toml

* Add migration

* Fix state processor

* Use latest polkadot-v0.9.37 commit

* Fix tests

* Bench upstream pallets (#292)

* Fix balances benchmark

* Add bridge related bench

* Benchmark with steps 50 repeat 20

* Update weights for bridge pallets

* Pangolin bench pallets

* Bench s2 r1 for all runtimes

* Update weights for all runtime

* Add benchmarking items and bench darwinia-deposit (#294)

* Add benchmarking items and bench darwinia-deposit

* Format

* Doc

* Fix and update CI

* Re-cache

* Opt

* Opt

* Correct URI


Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Auto load large genesis (#295)

* Auto load large genesis

* Remove unused feature

* Format

* Opt

* Fix broken CI (#296)

* Try fix

* Fix it!

* Remove multisig (#299)

* Update Pangoro2 parachain id (#304)

* Update cross compile docker image (#303)

* Update cross compile docker image

* Fix compile

* Easy make (#305)

* Easy make

* Format

* Update EthBlockGasLimit (#306)

* Update pangolin's max gas limit

* Update other runtimes

* Move evm tests

* Self review

* Anchor v0.9.38

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#2067

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#697 XCM v3

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#2096

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#1863

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#2073

* Companion for paritytech/cumulus#2126

* Use prepare branch

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#13216

* Companion for darwinia-messages-substrate#254

* Companion for paritytech/polkadot#4097

* Part companion for paritytech/cumulus#2067

* Correct companion for cumulus#2073

* Fix xcm compilation

* Fix compilation done

* Fix compilation with benchmark

* Replace prepare branch

* Format

* Add EthereumXcm and XcmTransactor

* Some fix

* Fix compile 2

* Compile done

* Format

* Fix compilation done

* Format

* Add DarwiniaCall

* Patch moonbeam debug branch

* Patch polkadot debug branch

* Patch frontier debug branch

* Add many logs

* Patch substrate debug branch

* Update frontier&moonbeam debug logs

* Add `EthereumXcm` and `XcmTransactor` for pangolin

* Optimize bls precompile by arkworks lib (#993)

* Optimize bls precompile by arkworks lib

* Pin bls-test precompose at `address(2017)`

* Fmt

* Update deps

* Add openssl deps in nix

* Remove empty line

* Format and fix compile

* Fix

* Resolve conv

* Fix

* Use rustup on nixos

* Fix

* Disable in the crab and darwinia network

* Add `shell.nix` to .gitigore

* Format

* Format


Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>
Co-authored-by: bear <>

* Opt `deserialize_compressed` -> `deserialize_compressed_unchecked` (#1009)

* Remove frontier log

* Debug log in ecdsa

* XcmTransactor weight v2

* Correct barrier

* Remove xcmTransactor from Pangolin

* Remove xcmTransactor from Pangoro

* Message root record should be updated correctly (#1048)

* Adjustable collator count (#1012)

* Fix compile

* Add missed bls commit

* Remove moonbeam-relay-encoder

* Refactor

* Bench

* Unused log

* Revert "Update ecdsa-authority spec (#1022)"

This reverts commit 3c07f7b.

* Fix

* Fix corner cases and add more unit tests

Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>

* Add ethereum-xcm to darwinia runtime

* Companion for polkadot-evm/frontier#1011, #1014

* Remove debug patch

* Fix merging

* Revert "Revert "Update ecdsa-authority spec (#1022)""

This reverts commit 2b1a07b.

* Fix tests

* Fix benchmark compile

* Fix try-runtime features


* Format

* Move ethereumXcm pallet to EVM stuff

* Disable transactThroughProxy

* Fix runtime benchmarks

* Fix review

* Format


Signed-off-by: Xavier Lau <>
Co-authored-by: Xavier Lau <>
Co-authored-by: bear <>
Co-authored-by: HackFisher <>
Co-authored-by: fewensa <>
Co-authored-by: Guantong <>
Co-authored-by: echo <>
paritytech-processbot bot pushed a commit to paritytech/cumulus that referenced this pull request May 4, 2023
* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* cargo fmt

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Update BridgeHub runtime version

* Fixes

* Zombienet for bridge-hub setup

* Fixes

* Remove unused import

* Fixes for gav-xcm-v3 (#1835)

* Fix for FungiblesAdapter - trait changes: Contains -> AssetChecking

* Fix for missing weight for `fn unpaid_execution()`

* Used NonLocalMint for all NonZeroIssuance

* Fix

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fix tests

* Fixes

* Trying to fix sed expression?

* Trying to fix sed expression?

* Use the `relay-headers-and-messages` command (#1913)

* Bridge hubs readme: fixes and additions

* Use the relay-headers-and-messages command

* cargo fmt

* Fix + zombienet

* Parachain ID update of bridge-hub-wococo

* Update bridge-hub-wococo chainspec

* Squashed 'bridges/' content from commit 062554430

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 0625544309ff299307f7e110f252f04eac383102

* Add SafeCallFilter

* Add missing config items

* Add TODO

* Fixes (xcm Superuser + DispatchLevelResult)

* Fix cargo

* Change runtime version

* Unit-tests for dispatch bridging messages and XCM routing on BridgeHubs + HRMP

* Removed Sudo pallet

* Use () as the PriceForParentDelivery

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Update transact_origin to transact_origin_and_runtime_call

* Add ReachableDest config item to XCM pallet

* Add BridgeRejectObsoleteHeadersAndMessages to bridge hubs (#1972)

* Update SafeCallFilter to allow remark_with_event in runtime benchmarks

* cargo fmt

* Update substrate

* Fix worst_case_holding

* Fix DMQ queue unit tests

* Remove unused label

* cargo fmt

* Actually process incoming XCMs

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes - return back Weightless

* Simplify local run + readme

* Added measured benchmarks for `pallet_xcm` (#1968)

* Fix



* Fix

* Fixes for transact benchmark

* Fixes add pallet_xcm to benchmarks

* Revert remark_with_event

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Fixes


* Fix for reserve_asset_deposited

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemine assets pallet_xcm

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemint assets pallet_xcm

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet westmint assets pallet_xcm

* Fix westmint

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_xcm

* Fix for collectives

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* Fixes for bridge-hubs

* Fixes - return back Weightless

* Fix - removed MigrateToTrackInactive for contracts-rococo

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* cargo fmt

* Fix benchmarks

* Bko gav xcm v3 (#1993)

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemine assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet westmint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Change AllowUnpaidExecutionFrom to be explicit

* Turn on more xcm logs for parachains

* Added polkadot-parachain-mint binary instructions

* xcm-v3 benchmarks, weights, fixes for bridge-hubs (#2035)

* Dumy weights to get compile

* Change UniversalLocation according to paritytech/polkadot#4097 (Location Inversion Removed)

* Fix bridge-hubs weights

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemine assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet westmint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Change NetworkId to Option<NetworkId>

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>

* remove shift session manager from bridge-hub-rococo (#2047)

* remove shift session manager from bridge-hub-rococo

* also remove from Cargo.toml

* Add event for showing the hash of an UMP sent message (#1228)

* Add UpwardMessageSent event in parachain-system

* additional fixes

* Message Id

* Fix errors from merge

* fmt

* more fmt

* Remove todo

* more formatting

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Updated and scripts/ for sending messages (local, live)

* Allow explicit unpaid executions from the relay chains for system parachains (#2060)

* Allow explicit unpaid executions from the relay chains for system parachains

* Put origin-filtering barriers into WithComputedOrigin

* Use ConstU32<8>

* Small nits

* formatting

* cargo fmt

* Align laneId to 00000001

* Allow receiving XCMs from any relay chain plurality

* Fixes

* Use Rococo/Wococo runtime APIs defined in bridge primitives (#2080)

* Patched dependencies (polkadot, substrate) for xcm-v3 (compiles + tests work)

* Replace serial_test and fix with thread_local

* Very init of script for bumping bridges repo

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 062554430..984749ba0

984749ba0 Define separate signed extension for BHR/BHW (#1776)
72b03d463 update Substrate/Polkadot/Cumulus deps to master (#1775)
3065c7903 Added crate-level docs for the parachains pallet (#1772)
a0f41b2d8 added/updated pallet level docs to grandpa and messages pallets (#1771)
6d69d1f4d docs: add Security Policy doc (#1770)
ff8c0f727 Fix cargo deny issues (#1769)
6fc931d07 Bump xcm-v3 + substrate (#1767)
5840197c3 Define method for checking message lane weights (#1766)
41d91e961 fixed receive_delivery_proof_for_two_messages_by_two_relayers (#1764)
ac0cf7b78 Fix some cargo-deny issues (#1763)
6d9dc6367 `cargo machete` removed unused deps (#1761)
c265b5430 Remove sp-version dependency from bin-substrate (#1758)
1327c9d97 Set `R/WococoBridgeHub` bundle runtime version (#1756)
a3a2a06ae Expose relay version metric (#1750)
13f4a0164 Use indirect runtime calls for RialtoParachain (#1753)
9563f9eee fix nightly clippy again (#1752)
21b75b893 no-grafana-startup-delay option in (#1751)
a5fe0dfc4 Remove TODO (#1749)
6c826a6c3 Deduplicate pallet call structs used for indirect runtime calls (#1744)
e575269e5 fix nightly clippy (#1746)
209cba353 Update project level docs (#1734)
b05cef5b4 Improve relayer initialization behaviour (#1743)
c7b6bae9d Make debug display of LaneId compatible with its previous version (#1740)
221e4e80c Remove CliChain::KeyPair (#1741)
3d9d2907f Use TypedLaneId instead of LaneId (#1738)
6683b8136 Simplify read_client_state() (#1739)
3f7353b82 Expose metrics of on-demand relay chain headers sync from with-parachain complex relays (#1737)
ab65d84e0 Handle `SIGTERM` for the docker containers + relay (#1735)
b9050e90c Replace `BATCH_CALL_SUPPORTED` (#1733)
c28b3ff66 Updated db weights and some experiments (#1732)
023689c6c Do not require new headers if lane is empty (#1725)
bddf1fa19 remove messages pallet owner relay argument (#1728)
ef55226c6 more traces + remove signer override (#1727)
4d50df6ed remove BatchDeliveryTransaction::new and BatchConfirmationTransaction::new to avoid expects (#1726)
15244e53e Batch transactions in complex relays (#1669)
c209bb9ac fix pallet names at bridge hubs (#1722)
036e6696e tests (#1720)
3d56e2089 Check origin? (#1718)
af9abbeb8 Remove SOURCE_PARACHAIN_PARA_ID (#1716)
d1cb5d1a8 fix parachains benchmarks (#1717)
84bdf864b Changed docker image name for substrate-relay (#1714)
5698fb465 Remove WeightToFee (#1713)
9f4106bc1 Fix bridge hub rococo/wococo weights (#1712)
114b1502f Only store header state root (pallet-bridge-parachains) (#1701)
92e86f07b New relayer rewards scheme integration (#1652)
8649d12af Signed extension to refund relayer at the target chain (#1657)
ec6bafaf0 DeliveryConfirmationPayments trait for paying relayer rewards at the source chain (#1653)
fab2344f4 only store header state root (pallet-bridge-grandpa) (#1699)
b5e916f64 fixed benchmarks of relayers pallet (#1700)
5cce3e86d fix clippy (#1698)
f78e8867b removed MintReward and added PayLaneRewardFromAccount (#1693)
0c19db305 added version guards to RBH<>WBH GRANDPA finality (and complex) relay (#1697)
c003b951d removed ESTIMATE_MESSAGE_FEE_METHOD (#1696)
4903b7929 refund_pay_dispatch_fee removed (#1695)
61c3b22ca Replace const parameters types (#1691)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 984749ba021b5b8ec16f65cd1e50b234640d838b

* Fixes after merge

* Fixes

* Use auto runtime version for local runs (#2113)

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 984749ba0..fb3c5ef5d

fb3c5ef5d Add integrity check for signed extensions (#1780)
3959628ff add try-runtime feature to pallets (#1779)
be36ff00c Default impl for some methods in messages benchmarking pallet config (#1777)
68344e329 Relayer reward metric (#1742)
6b455597b Crate-level documentation on finality relays and relayers pallet (#1773)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: fb3c5ef5dae42553522c7eff37678de9bf4f6c67

* Fixed try-runtime

* Fix cargo.lock

* Fix BridgePalletIsNotInitialized (#2114)

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from fb3c5ef5d..e2e9fa7f9

e2e9fa7f9 Expose EXTRA_STORAGE_PROOF_SIZE in bp-bridge-hub-cumulus (#1788)
ba85532b1 Removed unecesserry test + substrate/polkadot (#1787)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: e2e9fa7f94d2f105c1816402a9ae4b85bfc34145

* Fix cargo.toml

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from e2e9fa7f9..d5f95c14a

d5f95c14a use wss to connect to the Rialto node in test deployments (#1809)
722d47b06 fix compilation
a48732676 Bump sysinfo from 0.15.9 to 0.27.7
9a6e8bb1d Bump env_logger from 0.8.4 to 0.10.0
89c5e7981 Bump async-trait from 0.1.61 to 0.1.62
ddd0a5742 Bump fixed-hash from 0.7.0 to 0.8.0
e8b0b8192 Bump impl-serde from 0.3.2 to 0.4.0
c5227460f Bump jsonpath_lib from 0.2.6 to 0.3.0
9f4771d38 Bump parking_lot from 0.11.2 to 0.12.1
dab5d72ae Bump backoff from 0.2.1 to 0.4.0
d7dd3acce Bump strum from 0.21.0 to 0.24.1
c49799017 Bump tokio from 1.24.1 to 1.24.2
db614681e Bump clap from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1
3c155214d update ignored dependencies for dependabot (#1790)
4c791472c No wildcard patterns in Cargo.toml (#1789)
33632313d Remove chain-specific dependencies from crates that will be used in Cumulus (#1783)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d5f95c14a2771d7ad51db95670d08a5d0da526a0

* Fix `send-remark-local` script because of new xcm-v3

* Refactor haul/dispatch xcm stuff

* Add Rococo <> Wococo integrity tests (#1975)

* Remove 1 integrity test

In sync with paritytech/parity-bridges-common#1816

* use TargetHeaderChainAdapter and SourceHeaderChainAdapter

* Rococo <-> Wococo integrity tests

* Add message lane weights tests

* Add signed extension integrity test

* Bridge benchmarks for bridge hub rococo/wococo (#2107)

* fix benchmarks compilation and add bridges benchmarks (prototype) to RBH/WBH

* post-merge fixes

* remove duplicate "pallet-collator-selection/runtime-benchmarks"

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_grandpa

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_parachains

* remove methods that are no longer required

* fixed helpers used in bridge hub messages palelt benchmarks

* unused imports

* compilation

* compilation


* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_messages

* use generated weights in pallets configuration

* add mod for new weights

* impl WeightInfoExt

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Ensure governance can call `initialize` with `xcm:Transact` bridge grandpa pallets

* Just in case changed spec_version

* Some scripts for enabling asset transfer on local statemine->westmint

* script

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from d5f95c14a..b39cb0dea

b39cb0dea MaxValues limit for storage maps in the pallet-bridge-grandpa (#1861)
11b3a611d fixed TODOs for weights v2 (#1860)
5a44f9fea Message delivery transaction is not free!!! (#1859)
59a42bd58 fixed BEEFY genesis (#1858)
ab7c7ad0f Use parity-util-mem 0.12.0 (#1856)
8fd346e5a changed some tests for weights v2 (#1855)
c438b9f74 Add separate Cargo.lock for `tools/runtime-codegen` (#1854)
fc55a97d7 Fix `HeadersToKeep` and `MaxBridgedAuthorities` in Millau benchmarks (#1851)
72e64a3d7 Decrease number of GRANDPA authorities in Polkadot-like chains from 100_000 to 2_048 (#1852)
d60a331ed Update Substrate/Polkadot/Cumulus dependencies + weights v2 (#1850)
61b229b65 Bump async-trait from 0.1.63 to 0.1.64
366333108 Bump serde_json from 1.0.91 to 1.0.92 (#1845)
4d917bb3a Bump trie-db from 0.24.0 to 0.25.0
8d919eac9 Bump anyhow from 1.0.68 to 1.0.69
ef9364dd0 Bump proc-macro2 from 1.0.49 to 1.0.51
9ddeebed5 Bump futures from 0.3.25 to 0.3.26
e02eb7573 connect using wss under flag condition (#1843)
99754a07f remove extra tracing on test deployments (#1842)
bdb84cea6 Add tool for auto generating runtime code from metadata (#1812)
86662f263 fix bridge-runtime-common build (#1839)
f656ac77d Change some macro names (#1837)
50f2980e9 Verify partial repo build on CI (#1832)
f70f8231b fix bridge hubs blocks interval (#1836)
ddbe5cddf [ci] change runners (#1833)
45a68ad39 Fix on demand parachains relay when no parachain head at target (#1834)
6dbce7258 Use GitLab env vars to get git commit (#1831)
b1a8161e8 bump bridge hub versions (#1830)
e909595e0 Use specific error for case when para head is missing from the bridge pallet (#1829)
d517da8a2 Do not read parachain heads from ancient relay headers (#1827)
217bc72f5 Reconnect source client (#1826)
47bf5f693 Bump tokio from 1.24.2 to 1.25.0
6b307b48a Bump clap from 4.1.3 to 4.1.4
90bc29a17 Use named parameters for indirect calls (#1823)
986eeb556 Fix: typos (#1822)
450823b01 docs: fix broken link and minor nits (#1821)
3ed01ae31 do not call best_finalized_para_block_at_source for ancient block (#1819)
001956290 Functions to benchmark messages pallet with linked to parachain (#1817)
e9b0a1c48 Remove InboundPayload check (#1816)
873ea4e40 Bump clap from 4.1.1 to 4.1.3
97eccaa8b also ignore the base xcm crate (#1798)
2d3dcd00b Update bundled runtime version for bridge hub r/wococo (#1814)
7167c0067 Bump bumpalo from 3.10.0 to 3.12.0 in /fuzz/storage-proof
067687520 Bump async-trait from 0.1.62 to 0.1.63 (#1811)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: b39cb0dea5751847ea73ab9946667003625eaf1a

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from b39cb0dea..4c4a7eae1

4c4a7eae1 Small stuff from Cumulus integration (#1865)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 4c4a7eae1503aa63a84fb65d56d67599d362d645

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 4c4a7eae1..dcaec27aa

dcaec27aa RefundRelayerForMessagesFromParachain improvements (#1879)
5457f0672 clippy fixes (#1880)
29e8a305c MaxValues for OutboundLanes map (#1871)
5219b56f8 More tests for message pallet weights (#1870)
c4c0c7a1b Bump signal-hook from 0.3.14 to 0.3.15
0ff597b96 Bump serde_json from 1.0.92 to 1.0.93
1c5132eb1 Bump subxt from `20adb19` to `9e2acff`
adb07816b update parachains relay doc (#1874)
972ef3133 Update (#1872)
94648061b MaxValues for maps in parachain maps (#1868)
662267a6f "refund" proof size in GRANDPa pallet (#1863)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: dcaec27aaa6f41070fbdfbfd4fde2029697eb85f

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from dcaec27aa..91e66cfb9

91e66cfb9 Fix clippy issues (#1884)
0bd77f457 Reject storage proofs with unused nodes: begin (#1878)
77a3672f9 Refund extra proof bytes in message delivery transaction (#1864)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 91e66cfb99c1a7b247e435515dd0f62b4058974e

* Fix tests

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 91e66cfb9..d39f563be

d39f563be Make `weights::WeightInfo` pub (#1886)
c67d06aa5 ChainWithGrandpa in primitives (#1885)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d39f563bea57528c16763f458af3036842a0ea5f

* Merge fix

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from d39f563be..78e3357c0

78e3357c0 RefundRelayerForMessagesFromParachain improvements (#1895)
131b17359 optimize justification before submit (#1887)
5bc279ebb use complex transactions on RBH/WBH bridge hubs (#1893)
8f0c09ab9 Bump clap from 4.1.4 to 4.1.6
66429b06a Bump sysinfo from 0.27.7 to 0.28.0
8b329ee8f Bump trie-db from 0.25.0 to 0.25.1
635cfccfd Bump time from 0.3.17 to 0.3.19

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 78e3357c0387c95317b8c3e5c4d9316f3a9f3ef4

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 78e3357c0..5b5627e90

5b5627e90 Rewards refund for relaying BridgeHubRococo/BridgeHubWococo (#1894)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 5b5627e9081640ed5691eb2891182843563fb99a

* Rewards for relayers setup (#2194)

* Rewards for relayers setup

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_relayers

* Setup weight for relayer

* Setup `DeliveryConfirmationPayments` + `RefundRelayerForMessagesFromParachain`

* No need to have more than one collator per parachain

* Setup multi refund signed extensions

* Rewards sign ext test

* test

* fixes


Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 5b5627e90..3c15c3645

3c15c3645 get rid of ChainWithMessages::WeightInfo, because we can't have exact weights for "external chains" (#1899)
8ccaa0213 Wrap confirmation and finality transactions into batch_all in Millau -> RialtoParachain bridge (#1898)
9b7285edb Weight+size limits for bridge GRANDPA pallet calls (#1882)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 3c15c36455f2ad944df6a492a8d82f7e0aaf7e9f

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 3c15c3645..d05a98473

d05a98473 Refund messages confirmation tx (#1904)
e2e8a7198 Relayers pallet: extend payment source id (#1907)
cccf73b3f fix nightly clippy issues (#1915)
a33a91e79 Bump tempfile from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0
1df768a2e Bump time from 0.3.17 to 0.3.20
cf17b424f Bump sysinfo from 0.28.0 to 0.28.1
0b6276b41 Bump jsonrpsee from 0.15.1 to 0.16.2
328dde02b Bump rand from 0.7.3 to 0.8.5
2f302a4b6 Bump trie-db from 0.25.1 to 0.26.0
b5d5d03ab CI add jobs to publish Docker images description to (#1906)
db5168f18 Do not stall on lost transaction (#1903)
2d83d6389 Fix init-bridge (#1900)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d05a98473dc933cfed9e5f59023efa2ec811f03c

* Rewards adjustments

* Update RBH/WBH spec version

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from d05a98473..ce7cf9a49

ce7cf9a49 Removed deprecated `#[pallet::generate_store(pub(super) trait Store)]` according to latest Cumulus (#1964)
897b1c0b2 Bump substrate/polkadot/cumulus (#1962)
7b946da2d Backport xcm bridging extensions to the bridge repo (#1813)
88c1114ec Bump futures from 0.3.26 to 0.3.27
8668f73bf Bump serde from 1.0.152 to 1.0.155
3df8823e1 Bump subxt from `a7b45ef` to `d4545de`
ef1b1bcd0 Some error improvements (#1956)
434c5e014 optimize justifications before they're included into complex transaction (#1949)
7bac365a6 Actually clone client data by reference when cloning the client (#1941)
764ddd4a8 remove lock file after checks are done (#1942)
c18a758f8 Fix invalid messages relay delivery transactions (#1940)
8ad152b06 fix nightly benchmarks test (#1939)
d451b4f84 Bump tokio from 1.25.0 to 1.26.0
8019c50aa Bump async-trait from 0.1.64 to 0.1.66
aa055fcee Bump serde_json from 1.0.93 to 1.0.94
ec2ef31c4 Bump subxt from `1c5faf3` to `a7b45ef`
20026366f Bump sysinfo from 0.28.1 to 0.28.2
fe246d1e3 Bump thiserror from 1.0.38 to 1.0.39
c95e0cf02 Fix deploy step in CI (#1931)
15b41c2dd Improve some relay errors readability (#1930)
792deae5e Added deploy Job (#1929)
d86c3ce21 Reconnect on-demand clients from MessagesSource::reconnect and MessagesTarget::reconnect (#1927)
4161b51f0 get rid of obsolete weight functions (#1926)
9b3b00e0f cargo update -p clap@4.1.6 (#1925)
13ab28c37 Bump subxt from `9e2acff` to `1c5faf3`
bb6171a05 Remove subxt dependency features (#1924)
66d200abb Verify with-parachain message benchmarks on CI (#1923)
b6af2116f Update BHR and BHW spec version (#1922)
d464e78d9 Fix benchmarks (#1919)
74574d53e fix master compilation (#1920)
1b373dff9 Fix multiple parachain headers submission for single message delivery (#1916)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: ce7cf9a4977fe614d35b6a7a84d5057e2c4ccaf5

* fixed npm install call (#2323)

* New weights (#2315)

* New weights

* Fix compile benchmarks

* Fix import

* Fix all weights

* Remove bridge_common_config replaced by bridges impl

* Cargo.lock

* fixed bridge pallets compilation

* Cargo.lock

* fix bridge pallets compilation after substrate+polkadot bump

* BridgeHubs: XCM ExportMessage benchmark - just Rococo now

* bench export_message()

* include Bridge::haul_blob() weight in ExportMessage weight

* fix import

* more build fixes

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from ce7cf9a49..6343a7d37

6343a7d37 bump substrate+polkadot refs and fix builds (#1989)
8efc2b3cc Added receive_single_message_proof_with_dispatch benchmark (#1990)
6540f74dc Remove deprecated code from bridge-runtime-common (#1983)
c4f368be3 minor cosmetic updates (#1985)
bef11ac43 remove invalid weight, returned by send_message (#1984)
28cf5c957 Kusama <> Polkadot relay prototype (#1982)
b195223d1 Bump serde from 1.0.156 to 1.0.157
70caa75d7 ignore binary-merkle-tree (#1980)
3dc640d30 Bump thiserror from 1.0.39 to 1.0.40
8a2729101 Bump subxt from `d4545de` to `ae63d3d`
40937e8a3 Bump clap from 4.1.8 to 4.1.11
d72394c4e Bump finality-grandpa from 0.16.1 to 0.16.2
54147603d Bump serde from 1.0.155 to 1.0.156
b513193e6 Bump anyhow from 1.0.69 to 1.0.70
20867abd9 Bump sysinfo from 0.28.2 to 0.28.3
4d9a45305 Bump async-trait from 0.1.66 to 0.1.67
8a88a7536 Bump trie-db from 0.26.0 to 0.27.1
0add06edd move signed extension stuff from prolkadot-core primitives to bridge-hub-cumulus-primitives (#1968)
7481ce6eb added UpdatedBestFinalizedHeader event to pallet-bridge-grandpa (#1967)
6787cd0cb RBH <> WBH dashboards and alerts (#1966)
036f7be76 enable relayer rewards metrics at bridge hubs (#1965)
a3f07d5dd Fix invalid batch transaction (#1957)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 6343a7d37c32191413be91afb537b8bc6c770285

* dispatch message weight for bridge messages (#2378)

Co-authored-by: Svyatoslav Nikolsky <>

* Fixes

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 6343a7d37..c1d5990e8

c1d5990e8 Try check-rustdoc pipeline (#1782)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: c1d5990e840b8ee4981beb61a8099271ee629ae5

* Removed imports

* Fix compile

* fixed benchmarks compilation

* fix rustdoc

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from c1d5990e8..ecddd4a31

ecddd4a31 Rust cargo doc for all features (#1995)
e0997c14d Fix gitlab-check (#1994)
5284850ef Bump clap from 4.1.11 to 4.1.13
743cd60df Bump sysinfo from 0.28.3 to 0.28.4
dc322bae2 Bump async-trait from 0.1.67 to 0.1.68

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: ecddd4a315470d85135aafbdb96753af9b07b854

* Updated scripts for transfer assets

* Cargo.lock

* Script updates for `ping-via-bridge-from-statemine-rococo`

* Added `transfer-asset-from-statemine-rococo`

* Finished scripts


* Compile fix + log xcm trace all

* Initial version of bridges pallet as subtree of
Added `Bridges subtree files` pr review rule

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from ecddd4a31..d30927c08

d30927c08 Revert dispatch-results (#2048)
fa454c3b4 Remove unneeded files (#2044)
956a2c687 Bump clap from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2
91951583a Bump serde_json from 1.0.95 to 1.0.96
fcf462051 Bump h2 from 0.3.16 to 0.3.17 in /tools/runtime-codegen
b751fb24f Bump h2 from 0.3.16 to 0.3.17
0bf31ab78 update refs (#2041)
a490ecbd3 Fix CI build (#2039)
01139ebbc Define `RangeInclusiveExt` (#2037)
2db2f3fe3 Impl review suggestions from #2021 (#2036)
36292760f fix build step on CI (#2034)
3a2311b7a refund extra weight in receive_messages_delivery_proof call (#2031)
77f1641d1 Boost message delivery transaction priority (#2023)
c23c4e441 Reject delivery transactions with at least one obsolete message (#2021)
68ba699b7 Reintroduce msg dispatch status reporting (#2027)
d1e852cc3 Bump hex-literal from 0.4.0 to 0.4.1
16f25d613 Relay node down alert (#2002)
4bb1a6406 only refund if all bundled messages have been delivered (#2019)
b9acf52bc fail with InsufficientDispatchWeight if dispatch_weight doesn't cover weight of all bundled messages (#2018)
e10097fe2 Remove unneeded error debug strings (#2017)
f5e38f057 enable metrics on all validator nodes (#2016)
c35f1a187 Bump scale-info from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0
04c56977c Bump clap from 4.1.13 to 4.2.1
481371f3c Bump hex-literal from 0.3.4 to 0.4.0
6b9c1400d Bump serde from 1.0.158 to 1.0.159
e71877a2e Bump futures from 0.3.27 to 0.3.28
c019f4faa Bump tempfile from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0
2e6e79ef6 Bump serde_json from 1.0.94 to 1.0.95
0698b1ff9 Bump tokio from 1.26.0 to 1.27.0
35b149830 fix test step on CI (#2003)
0c3acc858 cleanup removed lane traces (#2001)
8bf81749e bump BridgeHubRococo/BridgeHubWococo versions (#2000)
e53bb7f36 MaxRequests -> MaxFreeMandatoryHeadersPerBlock in pallet-bridge-grandpa (#1997)
dfcc09043 Run tests for `runtime-benchmarks` feature only (#1998)
efcc8db17 Run benchmarks for mock runtimes (#1996)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d30927c089bd9e73092d1ec1a62895603cb277a3

* Fixes

* Squashed 'bridges/' content from commit d30927c08

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d30927c089bd9e73092d1ec1a62895603cb277a3

* Updated and (inspired by original

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from d30927c08..d3970944b

d3970944b Small simplifications (#2050)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d3970944b0cfc4ea5226225e1ca07dab234c3556

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from d3970944b..2180797fb

2180797fb Removed CODEOWNERS (#2051)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 2180797fbf8a990490c67853dcffd81bc8dd083c

* Reused `teleports_for_native_asset_works` test to all bridge-hub runtime
Extract runtime_para_id for test
Fix test
Added helper for `execute_as_governance`

* Added test case `initialize_bridge_by_governance_works`

* Added test case `handle_export_message_from_system_parachain_to_outbound_queue_works`
fix script
Removed BridgeGrandpaRococoInstance

* Added test-case `message_dispatch_routing_works`

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 2180797fbf..4850aac8ce

4850aac8ce Removed relayer_account: &AccountId from MessageDispatch  (#2080)
8c8adafd54 Revert "Fix max-size messages at test chains (#2064)" (#2077)
c01a63efd8 Fixed off-by-one when confirming rewards in messages pallet (#2075)
a298be96aa Update subxt dependencies (#2072)
c0eef51eab Fix max-size messages at test chains (#2064)
3a658e3697 Messages relay fixes (#2073)
0022b5ab22 Slash relayers for invalid transactions (#2025)
198104007f Bump enumflags2 from 0.7.5 to 0.7.7
9229b257e5 [ci] Fix rules for docker build (#2069)
660d791390 [ci] Update buildah command and version (#2058)
e4535c0ca4 fix the way latest_confirmed_nonce_at_source is "calculated" (#2067)
dbc2d37590 select nothing if we have already selected nonces to submit or have submitted something (#2065)
a7eedd21fe [relay-substrate-client] Bump jsonrpsee (#2066)
8875d5aeae Bump clap from 4.2.2 to 4.2.4
25f9cf55e2 Another use of RangeInclusiveExt::checked_len() (#2060)
4942c12a5f submit lane unblock transactions from relay (#2030)
c0325d3c9c Test deployments fixes (#2057)
fc7b9b7ed7 Use the new matrix server (#2056)
63bcb5c10b Fixed delivery alert rule (#2052)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 4850aac8ce6c34e5ca6246b88cd14c873a879cba

* Fmt

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 4850aac8ce..66aaf0dd23

66aaf0dd23 Nits (#2083)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 66aaf0dd239dde40b64264061a77c921e2c82568

* Cleaning

* bridge-hub-rococo: minor fixes

Signed-off-by: Adrian Catangiu <>

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 66aaf0dd23..557ecbcecc

557ecbcecc Fix sized messages (Follow-up on #2064) (#2103)
54f587a066 Add weight of refund extension post_dispatch to the weights of messages pallet (#2089)
5b1626f8c4 fix pallet param for nightly benchmarks check (#2099)
ae44c6b7a1 Add millau specific messages weights (#2097)
6ad0bd1f1e Add integrity tests to rialto parachain runtiime (#2096)
6919556de5 Bump tokio from 1.27.0 to 1.28.0
58795fcb75 Bump clap from 4.2.4 to 4.2.5
01bf31085b Bump scale-info from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0
8fe383240d Bump anyhow from 1.0.70 to 1.0.71
8d94e82ad5 deployments: add new BEEFY metrics and alarms (#2090)
e9a4749e7e Bump wasmtime from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2
9d9936c0d9 Bump wasmtime from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 in /tools/runtime-codegen
5d77cd7bee Add more logs to relayer and message pallets (#2082)
75fbb9d3ef Update comment (#2081)
9904d09cf6 Benchmarks for new relayers pallet calls (#2040)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 557ecbcecc585547b744a5ac9fb8d7f3b9de4521

* fmt

* Fix compile

* Fix benchmark

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 557ecbcecc..04b3dda6aa

04b3dda6aa Remove from subtree (#2111)
f8ff15e7e7 Add `MessagesPalletInstance` for integrity tests (#2107)
92ccef58e6 Use generated runtimes for BHR/BHW (#2106)
b33e0a585b Fix comment (#2105)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 04b3dda6aa38599e612ff637710b6d2cff275ef3

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/commands/fmt/"

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_grandpa

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_parachains

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_messages

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_relayers


Signed-off-by: Adrian Catangiu <>
Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>
Co-authored-by: Anthony Lazam <>
Co-authored-by: Serban Iorga <>
Co-authored-by: Svyatoslav Nikolsky <>
Co-authored-by: girazoki <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
Co-authored-by: Serban Iorga <>
Co-authored-by: acatangiu <>
b-yap added a commit to pendulum-chain/Zenlink-DEX-Module that referenced this pull request May 23, 2023
devdanco added a commit to gasp-xyz/cumulus that referenced this pull request May 25, 2023
* rename package to avoid name clash (#1716)

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* Cargo.lock updated (#1824)

* Use resolver 2 in the workspace. (#1817)

* BlockId removal: &Hash to Hash (#1818)

* BlockId removal: &Hash to Hash

It changes &Block::Hash argument to Block::Hash.

This PR is part of BlockId::Number refactoring analysis (paritytech/substrate#11292)

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Bump clap from 4.0.18 to 4.0.22 (#1830)

Bumps [clap]( from 4.0.18 to 4.0.22.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: clap
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Collectives: alliance and collective pallets weights (#1813)

* Collectives: alliance and collective pallets weights

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_collective

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_alliance

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Add example zombienet network file and instructions (#1839)

* Add simple example on how to spin up network.

* Update readme

* Remove unnecessary prefix

* Improve folder structure

* Add link to file

* Fix paths in readme

* Update

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* Bump Swatinem/rust-cache from 2.0.1 to 2.1.0 (#1816)

Bumps [Swatinem/rust-cache]( from 2.0.1 to 2.1.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: Swatinem/rust-cache
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* [ci] Fix publish benchmark results (#1840)

* [ci] Fix publish benchmark results

* Update scripts/ci/gitlab/pipeline/benchmarks.yml

Co-authored-by: Sergejs Kostjucenko <>

* Update scripts/ci/gitlab/pipeline/benchmarks.yml

Co-authored-by: Sergejs Kostjucenko <>

Co-authored-by: Sergejs Kostjucenko <>

* Backports from release 0.9.32

* Bump spec_version to 9320

* Companion for Substrate 12586 (#1808)

* companion for assets CreateOrigin

* more runtimes

* fix imports

* update lockfile for {"substrate", "polkadot"}

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Bump Swatinem/rust-cache from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0

Bumps [Swatinem/rust-cache]( from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: Swatinem/rust-cache
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

* Bump ruby/setup-ruby from 1.120.0 to 1.120.1

Bumps [ruby/setup-ruby]( from 1.120.0 to 1.120.1.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: ruby/setup-ruby
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

* add offchain worker to parachain config (#1860)

* Enable Docker section in the release notes

* [ci] fix buildah (#1870)

* Set `OnTimestampSet = Aura` in all runtimes (#1876)

* Add migrations from pallet_asset to statemine, statemint and westmint  (#1742)

* statemine: migrate pallet assets to v1

* statemint and westmint: migrate pallet assets to v1

* remove items limit

* update dependencies and crate imports

* change substrate version to dependent PR

* revert to master

* revert changes to cargo toml

* fix weights to test compilation with companion substrate branch

* change destroy etrinsic in westmint to new extrinsics

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}

* rebase

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* [ci] Improve pipeline stopper (#1873)

* [ci] Improve pipeline stopper

* fail pipeline

* fix pipeline

* Fix for xcm weight benchmarks generation (#1872)

* companion for #12599 (#1881)

* companion for #12599

* update substrate & polkadot

* Bump clap from 4.0.22 to 4.0.25 (#1882)

Bumps [clap]( from 4.0.22 to 4.0.25.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: clap
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* [Backport] bump spec and txn versions from v9320 (#1889)

* bump rococo and penpal spec_version (#1885)

* bump txn versions (#1851)

* bump txn version

* Remove the `wasmtime` feature flag (companion for substrate#12684) (#1861)

* Remove the `wasmtime` feature flag

* Update `substrate` and `polkadot` to the newest `master`

* Update `substrate` and `polkadot` to the newest `master`

* Bump array-bytes from 4.1.0 to 4.2.0 (#1883)

Bumps [array-bytes]( from 4.1.0 to 4.2.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: array-bytes
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump futures from 0.3.24 to 0.3.25 (#1791)

Bumps [futures]( from 0.3.24 to 0.3.25.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: futures
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Use pallet-sudo extension `CheckOnylSudoAccount` (#1850)

* [Backport] weights from v9320 release branch (#1890)

* [benchmarks] pr with weights (#1857)

Co-authored-by: paritytech-ci <>

* [benchmarks] Update weights for statemine/t (#1859)

* [benchmarks] pr with weights

* Update parachains/runtimes/assets/westmint/src/weights/

* Update parachains/runtimes/assets/westmint/src/weights/

* Update parachains/runtimes/assets/statemine/src/weights/

Co-authored-by: paritytech-ci <>
Co-authored-by: Squirrel <>

* fix weights for destroy

Co-authored-by: Paritytech CI <>
Co-authored-by: paritytech-ci <>
Co-authored-by: Squirrel <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
Co-authored-by: Anthony Alaribe <>

* remove 1 Parity Statemine bootnode that will be decommisioned (#1892)

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12739 (#1899)

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12739

* update lockfile for {"substrate", "polkadot"}

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Bump clap from 4.0.25 to 4.0.26 (#1897)

Bumps [clap]( from 4.0.25 to 4.0.26.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: clap
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* remove 2 Parity statemint bootnodes that will be decommissioned (#1887)

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* rename package to avoid name clash (#1716)

* Bump tokio from 1.21.2 to 1.22.0 (#1896)

Bumps [tokio]( from 1.21.2 to 1.22.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: tokio
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Correct issue link (#1904)

* Bump bytes from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0 (#1907)

Bumps [bytes]( from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: bytes
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Collectives Alliance: Remove Founder role and veto call (#1902)

* Companion: Remove Founder role and veto call

* wieghts

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}

Co-authored-by: joepetrowski <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Allow try-runtime for contracts-rococo (#1906)

* Enable try-runtime for contracts-rococo

* Fix typo from merge

* Remove av-store, av-distribution, chain-api subsystems from minimal node (#1903)

* Remove unused subsystems

* Consume requests we are not going to answer

* Respond to incoming chunk and pov requests.

* fmt

* Improve comment and logging

* Add reputation changes

* Do not register pov-chunk-request protocol

* Remove inbound chunk request channel

* Bump Polkadot

* Bump clap from 4.0.26 to 4.0.27 (#1911)

Bumps [clap]( from 4.0.26 to 4.0.27.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: clap
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Allow Sufficient Assets for XCM Fee Payment on Statemint #1884 (#1910)

* Allow Sufficient Assets for XCM Fee Payment on Statemint #1884

* Revert of removed payment.clone().into()

* Fixes

* Bring AssetFeeAsExistentialDepositMultiplier to test_asset_xcm_trader

* Fixes

* Companion for Substrate 12740 (#1898)

* add helper config trait

* benchmarkhelper

* update config

* update tests

* into

* update lockfile for {"substrate", "polkadot"}

* include benchmarks in tomls

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Bump serde from 1.0.145 to 1.0.147 (#1797)

Bumps [serde]( from 1.0.145 to 1.0.147.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: serde
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* update lockfile (#1923)

* Bump syn from 1.0.103 to 1.0.104 (#1918)

Bumps [syn]( from 1.0.103 to 1.0.104.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: syn
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Companion for contracts: Replace cargo feature `unstable-interface` with config (#1916)

* contracts: Add `UnsafeUnstableInterface`

* update lockfile for {"substrate", "polkadot"}

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Bump clap from 4.0.27 to 4.0.29 (#1928)

Bumps [clap]( from 4.0.27 to 4.0.29.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: clap
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump async-trait from 0.1.58 to 0.1.59 (#1921)

Bumps [async-trait]( from 0.1.58 to 0.1.59.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: async-trait
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Remove more protocols from minimal collator (#1927)

* Bump serde from 1.0.147 to 1.0.148 (#1929)

Bumps [serde]( from 1.0.147 to 1.0.148.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: serde
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump array-bytes from 4.2.0 to 6.0.0 (#1919)

Bumps [array-bytes]( from 4.2.0 to 6.0.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: array-bytes
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-major

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* BridgeHubKusama - initial setup - (chain_spec + basic runtime without any bridging pallets) (#1764)

* [BridgeHub] Setup Rococo backbone parachain

* [BridgeHub] Setup Wococo parachain backbone (reused from Rococo)
[Bridge-Backport] Rebase-fix
BridgeHub] Added zombienet startup tomls for Rococo/Wococo
Fix typo

* [BridgeHub] Added chain_spec for live Rococo/Wococo

* [BridgeHub] Clean bridge-hub-rococo runtime

* [BridgeHub] Add bridge-hub-rococo to CI pipelines

* [BridgeHub] Added bridge-hub-kusama - empty runtime/chain_spec setup

* Fixes

* Fixes for BH

* Fixes for other runtimes - align all

* Fixes - const

* Fixes const

* Fixes

* Fix kusama-local

* Sample zombienet runs

* Fixes

* Fixes for benchmarking

* Fixes CI

* Fixes

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs frame_system

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_collator_selection

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_balances

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_session

* Fixes name

* Fixes readme

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_timestamp

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs cumulus_pallet_xcmp_queue

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_collator_selection

* Fixes

* Fixes

* rustfmt

* Fixes

* Added pallet_utility/pallet_multisig

* Blind try for regex pr-custom-review.yml (added bridge-hub-kusama + collectives-polkadot)

* Fixes

* Fixes

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_utility

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_multisig

* Trying to fix sed expression?

* Added license headers + correct "DAG:" desc

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Provisioner polkadot companion (#1940)

* Provisioner companion changes

* update substrate commit hash

* Update Substrate & Polkadot

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* Bump environmental from 1.1.3 to 1.1.4 (#1933)

Bumps environmental from 1.1.3 to 1.1.4.

- dependency-name: environmental
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump syn from 1.0.104 to 1.0.105 (#1936)

Bumps [syn]( from 1.0.104 to 1.0.105.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: syn
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Upgrade tokio to 1.22.0 and replace async-std with tokio (#1917)

* Make tokio executor mandatory

* kick CI

* Update Cargo.lock

* add collectives-polkadot final raw chainspec (#1914)

* Companion of Substrate PR 12837 (#1944)

* remove reference to remote-externalities

* update reference to remote-externalities

* s/remote-ext/frame-remote-externalities

* copy the fix from

* update cargo.lock

* Bump serde from 1.0.148 to 1.0.149 (#1948)

Bumps [serde]( from 1.0.148 to 1.0.149.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: serde
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Remove `parity-util-mem` (#1958)

Fully removes the `parity-util-mem` dependency. This just required upgrading to the latest versions
of the polkadot crates.

* dependabot: Ignore rococo deps (#1963)

* Bump ruby/setup-ruby from 1.120.1 to 1.127.0 (#1951)

Bumps [ruby/setup-ruby]( from 1.120.1 to 1.127.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: ruby/setup-ruby
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* add collective runtime upgrade to the checklist (#1966)

* zombienet, store node's logs as artifacts (#1969)

* Backport collective weights from v9330 to master (#1959)

* [benchmarks] pr with weights (#1945)

Co-authored-by: paritytech-ci <>

* Use master for some methods

Co-authored-by: Egor_P <>
Co-authored-by: paritytech-ci <>

* [Backport] version bumps from 9330 (#1956)

* Bump crate versions

* Bump spec_version to 9330

* bump rococo and penpal spec_version (#1926)

* bump txn versions (#1941)

* bump txn versions

* bump rococo txn version

* bump bridge-hub-kusama spec_version

* [ci] new ci runners (#1967)

* [DNM] test ci runners

* restart pipeline

* switch to c2 runners

* restart pipeline

* change runner tag

* [benchmarks] pr with weights (#1946) (#1971)

Co-authored-by: paritytech-ci <>

Co-authored-by: Egor_P <>
Co-authored-by: paritytech-ci <>

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12868 (#1970)


* Fixes

* Fixes

* update lockfile for {"substrate", "polkadot"}

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Collectives runtime: add query call info api (#1976)

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12764 (#1930)

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12764

* Remove `async-trait`

* Fix trait

* update lockfile for {"substrate", "polkadot"}

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Replace the label checks using bash script by `ruled-labels` (#1576)

* Add rules and specs

* add labels

* Add new checks

* Fix criticality check

* Use the new rule filter introduced in ruled-labels v0.3.0 to better target tests

* Add workflow to tests label rules

* Fix trigger

* Add new GH Workflow

* Don't swallow failures but allow them

* Fix new script

* Simplify check

* Fix Workflow

* Remove dup var

* Fix vars

* Move pull image to separate step

* Remove continue on error

* Show input list of labels

* Fix check-labels workflow

* Remove Docker -it flags

* Prevent shell from splitting on spaces

* Fix rules path

* Comment out rules related to labels not present in the repo

* Fix tests

* Fix labels specs and tests

* fix test

* new label description and rules

* fix tests

* use ruled_labels as crate

* fix toolchain

* fix component

* move from docker to crate

* fix test

* fail without labels

* add cache

* fix check no labels

* add D-labels check

* fix emtpy label check

* try docker

* fix specs

* test D label

* revert Cargo.toml

* use tags for ruled_labels

* fix rules

* test D label

* fix tags

* remove changes

* add PR tag to single criticality rule

* remove old line

* test ruled_labels test

* disable Check label Rules

* fix GHA name

* fix tests

* rename files, upd ruled_labels 0.3.2

Co-authored-by: alvicsam <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
Co-authored-by: Joyce Siqueira <joycesiqueira@Joyces-MacBook-Pro.local>
Co-authored-by: joyce <>
Co-authored-by: Joyce Siqueira <>
Co-authored-by: Alexander Samusev <>

* Description for new cumulus labels (#1879)

* Add files via upload

Documentation for new labels

* Update

* companion for #12663 jsonrpsee v0.16 (#1905)

* companion for #12663 jsonrpsee v0.16.1

* update deps

* update rpc client params

* update substrate and polkadot

* Bump tokio from 1.22.0 to 1.23.0 (#1952)

Bumps [tokio]( from 1.22.0 to 1.23.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: tokio
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* add test onto statemint as well as statemine now (#1954) (#1955)

(as functionallity is rolled out)

* [ci] use external repo for check-labels (#1985)

* [ci] use external repo for check-labels

* remove ruled_labels specs, docs

* remove repo checkout

* remove checkout action

* remove old gha

* Introduce migrations for inactive balances (#1943)

* Introduce migrations

* Introduce migrations

* Bump

Co-authored-by: joepetrowski <>

* Collectives integration tests (#1979)

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* [ci] Add variable to disable selected jobs (#1986)

* [ci] Add variable to disable selected jobs

* apply suggestion

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Companion for substrate#12845 (#1960)

* Companion for substrate#12845

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* [ci] small fix for job switcher (#1990)

* Allow to specify multiple relay chain RPC urls for collator node (#1880)

* Allow specification of multiple urls for relay chain rpc nodes

* Add pooled RPC client basics

* Add list of clients to pooled client

* Improve

* Forward requests to dispatcher

* Switch clients on error

* Implement rotation logic

* Improve subscription handling

* Error handling cleanup

* Remove retry from rpc-client

* Improve naming

* Improve documentation

* Improve `ClientManager` abstraction

* Adjust zombienet test

* Add more comments

* fmt

* Apply reviewers comments

* Extract reconnection to extra method

* Add comment to reconnection method

* Clean up some dependencies

* Fix build

* fmt

* Provide alias for cli argument

* Apply review comments

* Rename P* to Relay*

* Improve zombienet test

* fmt

* Fix zombienet sleep

* Simplify zombienet test

* Reduce log clutter and fix starting position

* Do not distribute duplicated imported and finalized blocks

* fmt

* Apply code review suggestions

* Move building of relay chain interface to `cumulus-client-service`

* Refactoring to not push back into channel


* companion for try-runtime revamp (#1997)

* companion for try-rutnime revamp

* Fixes

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* Bump serde from 1.0.149 to 1.0.150 (#1987)

Bumps [serde]( from 1.0.149 to 1.0.150.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: serde
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Remove integration tests that are covered by zombienet (#1998)

* Bump scale-info from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1 (#1978)

Bumps [scale-info]( from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: scale-info
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump toml from 0.5.9 to 0.5.10 (#1995)

Bumps [toml]( from 0.5.9 to 0.5.10.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: toml
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump serde from 1.0.150 to 1.0.151 (#2001)

Bumps [serde]( from 1.0.150 to 1.0.151.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: serde
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump quote from 1.0.21 to 1.0.23 (#2003)

Bumps [quote]( from 1.0.21 to 1.0.23.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: quote
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump dyn-clone from 1.0.9 to 1.0.10 (#2005)

Bumps [dyn-clone]( from 1.0.9 to 1.0.10.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: dyn-clone
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump thiserror from 1.0.37 to 1.0.38 (#2004)

Bumps [thiserror]( from 1.0.37 to 1.0.38.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: thiserror
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Limit number of blocks per level (2nd attempt) (#1559)

Prevents the StateDbError::TooManySiblingBlocks error from being triggered by eagerly removing 
stale blocks from the backend on block import and before the error condition is met.

Introduces a just in time block recovery mechanism for blocks that were wrongly removed
via an explicit pov-recovery method

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* Expect less chaos: use explicit call indices (#1984)

* Expect less chaos: set call index explicitly.

* mark test pallet as dev mode so explicit call indicies are not required.

* Fix 'dev_mode' syntax

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>
Co-authored-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* BlockId removal: refactor: HeaderBackend::header (#1977)

* BlockId removal: refactor: HeaderBackend::header

It changes the arguments of:
- `HeaderBackend::header`,
- `Client::header`

methods from: `BlockId<Block>` to: `Block::Hash`

This PR is part of BlockId::Number refactoring analysis (paritytech/substrate#11292)

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Bridge hub kusama fine-tuning before release (#1999)

* Fix - missing pallet_utility/pallet_multisig

* Missing ParentAsSuperuser for bridge-hubs

* Fixed missing stuff in benchmarks.yml

* Added MigrateToTrackInactive + CheckingAccount (for completness as other runtimes)

* Measured xcm weights for bridge-hubs

* Fix for fungible benchmarks

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Reverting migrations - no need for them

* script for generate genesis spec/head/wasm

* Adding invulnerables and session.keys to the script

* update chainspec with cmd: ./scripts/ ./target/release/wbuild/bridge-hub-kusama-runtime/bridge_hub_kusama_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm 1003

* para_id 1003 -> 1002, cmd: ./scripts/ ./target/release/wbuild/bridge-hub-kusama-runtime/bridge_hub_kusama_runtime.compact.compressed.wasm 1002

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Bump syn from 1.0.105 to 1.0.107 (#2008)

Bumps [syn]( from 1.0.105 to 1.0.107.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: syn
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump proc-macro2 from 1.0.47 to 1.0.49 (#2010)

Bumps [proc-macro2]( from 1.0.47 to 1.0.49.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: proc-macro2
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* BlockId removal: refactor: HeaderBackend::status (#2007)

* BlockId removal: refactor: HeaderBackend::status

It changes the arguments of `HeaderBackend::status` method from: `BlockId<Block>` to: `Block::Hash`

This PR is part of BlockId::Number refactoring analysis (paritytech/substrate#11292)

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Companion for Substrate 12307 (#1947)

* Companion for pallet-assets callback

* Update lock file

* Bump serde_json from 1.0.89 to 1.0.91 (#2009)

Bumps [serde_json]( from 1.0.89 to 1.0.91.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: serde_json
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Companion: Accept Kusama StakingAdmin origin (#1865)

* Companion: Accept Kusamsa StakinAdmin origin

* Fellows origin for xcmp queue controller

* plurality bodies to ensure origin

* include root into controller ensure origin

* fix

* use xcm bodies

* rename to more frequent "defense"

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Alliance: remove veto weight func (#2030)

* Alliance: remove veto weight func

* update lockfile for {"substrate", "polkadot"}

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Bump clap from 4.0.29 to 4.0.32 (#2032)

Bumps [clap]( from 4.0.29 to 4.0.32.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: clap
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump async-trait from 0.1.59 to 0.1.60 (#2024)

Bumps [async-trait]( from 0.1.59 to 0.1.60.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: async-trait
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Collectives parachain integration tests update (#2036)

* Collectives: update integration tests

* update title

* Bump serde from 1.0.151 to 1.0.152 (#2045)

Bumps [serde]( from 1.0.151 to 1.0.152.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: serde
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Backport weights from 9360 (#2038)

* [benchmarks] pr with weights (#2026)

Co-authored-by: paritytech-ci <>

* [benchmarks] pr with weights Collectives (#2025)

* [benchmarks] pr with weights

* provide veto method for trait

Co-authored-by: paritytech-ci <>
Co-authored-by: muharem <>

* [benchmarks] pr with weights (#2027)

Co-authored-by: paritytech-ci <>

Co-authored-by: paritytech-ci <>
Co-authored-by: muharem <>

* Bump secp256k1 from 0.24.0 to 0.24.2 (#1973)

Bumps [secp256k1]( from 0.24.0 to 0.24.2.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: secp256k1
  dependency-type: indirect

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* BlockId removal: refactor: BlockBackend::block|block_status (#2041)

* BlockId removal: refactor: BlockBackend::block|block_status

It changes the arguments of:
-  `BlockBackend::block`
-  `BlockBackend::block_status`

method from: `BlockId<Block>` to: `Block::Hash`

This PR is part of BlockId::Number refactoring analysis (paritytech/substrate#11292)

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* remove 9330 migrations from statemint series (#2031) (#2039)

Co-authored-by: joe petrowski <>

* Backport version bumps from 9360 (#2037)

* Bump crate versions

* Bump spec_version to 9360

* bump rococo and penpal spec_version

* bump txn versions (#2018) (#2020)

* Co #6498: Selectable on-runtime-upgrade checks (#2057)

* Use UpgradeCheckSelector

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* cargo update -p polkadot-primitives

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* cargo update -p sp-io

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* upgrade libp2p to 0.50.0 (#2056)

* update asynchronous-codec

* update futures-rustls

* update rustls

* update ipnet

* update once_cell

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* NFTs 2.0 on Westmint (#2058)

* Add nfts pallet to westmint config

* Fmt

* Use ConstU32

* Bump assert_cmd from 2.0.5 to 2.0.7 (#2066)

Bumps [assert_cmd]( from 2.0.5 to 2.0.7.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: assert_cmd
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Remove the `RelaychainClient` trait (#2068)

* Remove the `RelaychainClient` trait

It was just some historical trait that isn't really required anymore. Besides that this pr re-exports
types that are being used by the relay chain interface to make its usage easier.

* Fix warning

* Bump tokio from 1.23.0 to 1.24.1 (#2065)

Bumps [tokio]( from 1.23.0 to 1.24.1.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: tokio
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Refactor `validate_block` (#2069)

* Refactor `validate_block`

This pull request changes the `validate_block` implementation. One of the key changes are that we
free data structures as early as possible. The memory while validating the block is scarce and we
need to give as much as possible to the actual execution of the block. Besides that the pr moves the
validation of the `validation_data` into the `validate_block` implementation completely instead of
using this machinery with putting the data into some global variable that would then be read while
executing the block. There are also some new docs to explain the internals of `validate_block`.

* No clone wars!!

* Integrate more feedback


* Delay the header encoding

* Bump ruby/setup-ruby from 1.127.0 to 1.133.2 (#2075)

Bumps [ruby/setup-ruby]( from 1.127.0 to 1.133.2.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: ruby/setup-ruby
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump JasonEtco/create-an-issue from 2.6.0 to 2.9.1 (#2042)

Bumps [JasonEtco/create-an-issue]( from 2.6.0 to 2.9.1.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: JasonEtco/create-an-issue
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Use primitives reexported from `polkadot_primitives` crate root (#2067)

* Use primitives reexported from `polkadot_primitives` crate root

* restart CI

* Fixes after merge

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* remove update-parachain-template (#2077)

will be moved to polkadot's pipeline


* Minor update to Readme - Statemint section (#2078)

* Minor update to Readme - Statemint section

Common good -> System

* update parchains readme

* Update parachains/

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

Co-authored-by: joe petrowski <>
Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* Remove old migrations (#2040)

Co-authored-by: joepetrowski <>

* BHK + BH-Westend release backport (#2083)

* Runtime code according to the released runtime bridge-hub-kusama_runtime-v9360.compact.compressed.wasm

* Add chains spec for westend with generated by `./scripts/ ~/Downloads/upload/bridge-hub-kusama_runtime-v9360.compact.compressed.wasm 1002`

* fmt

* XCM v3 Companion (#697)

* Fixes

* Undiener

* Undiener

* Undiener

* Lockfile

* Changes for send returning hash

* Include message ID as params to execute_xcm

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Companion fixes

* Formatting

* Fixes

* Formatting

* Bump

* Bump

* Fixes

* Formatting

* Make the price of UMP/XCMP message sending configurable

* cargo fmt

* Remove InvertLocation

* Formatting

* Use ConstantPrice from polkadot-runtime-common

* Fix naming

* cargo fmt

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Add CallDispatcher

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Remove unused import

* Remove unused import

* XCMv3 fixes (#1710)

* Fixes XCMv3 related
Fixes XCMv3 (removed query_holding)
Fixes XCMv3 - should use _depositable_count?
Fixes XCMv3 - removed TrustedReserve
Fixes - missing weights for statemine/statemint/westmint
[DO-NOT-CHERRY-PICK] tmp return query_holding to aviod conficts to master
Fixes - missing functions for pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic::Config
Fixes for XCMv3 benchmarking
Fix xcm - removed query_holding

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Fix imports

* Avoid consuming XCM message for NotApplicable scenario (#1787)

* Avoid consuming message for NotApplicable scenario

* Avoid consuming message for NotApplicable scenario tests

* Add 10 message processing limit to DMP queue

* Add 10 message limit to XCMP queue

* Always increment the message_processed count whenever a message is processed

* Fix formatting

* Set an upper limit to the overweight message DMP queue

* Add upper limit to XCMP overweight message queue

* Fix for missing weight for `fn unpaid_execution()`

* Fix - usage of `messages_processed`

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* cargo fmt

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Remove unused import

* Fixes for gav-xcm-v3 (#1835)

* Fix for FungiblesAdapter - trait changes: Contains -> AssetChecking

* Fix for missing weight for `fn unpaid_execution()`

* Used NonLocalMint for all NonZeroIssuance

* Fix

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fix tests

* Fixes

* Add SafeCallFilter

* Add missing config items

* Add TODO

* Use () as the PriceForParentDelivery

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Update transact_origin to transact_origin_and_runtime_call

* Add ReachableDest config item to XCM pallet

* Update SafeCallFilter to allow remark_with_event in runtime benchmarks

* cargo fmt

* Update substrate

* Fix worst_case_holding

* Fix DMQ queue unit tests

* Remove unused label

* cargo fmt

* Actually process incoming XCMs

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes - return back Weightless

* Added measured benchmarks for `pallet_xcm` (#1968)

* Fix



* Fix

* Fixes for transact benchmark

* Fixes add pallet_xcm to benchmarks

* Revert remark_with_event

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Fixes


* Fix for reserve_asset_deposited

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemine assets pallet_xcm

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemint assets pallet_xcm

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet westmint assets pallet_xcm

* Fix westmint

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_xcm

* Fix for collectives

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* Fixes for bridge-hubs

* Fixes - return back Weightless

* Fix - removed MigrateToTrackInactive for contracts-rococo

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* cargo fmt

* Fix benchmarks

* Bko gav xcm v3 (#1993)

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemine assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet westmint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Change AllowUnpaidExecutionFrom to be explicit

* xcm-v3 benchmarks, weights, fixes for bridge-hubs (#2035)

* Dumy weights to get compile

* Change UniversalLocation according to (Location Inversion Removed)

* Fix bridge-hubs weights

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemine assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet westmint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Change NetworkId to Option<NetworkId>

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>

* Add event for showing the hash of an UMP sent message (#1228)

* Add UpwardMessageSent event in parachain-system

* additional fixes

* Message Id

* Fix errors from merge

* fmt

* more fmt

* Remove todo

* more formatting

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Allow explicit unpaid executions from the relay chains for system parachains (#2060)

* Allow explicit unpaid executions from the relay chains for system parachains

* Put origin-filtering barriers into WithComputedOrigin

* Use ConstU32<8>

* Small nits

* formatting

* cargo fmt

* Allow receiving XCMs from any relay chain plurality

* Fixes

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}

* Update polkadot

* Add runtime-benchmarks feature

Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>
Co-authored-by: Branislav Kontur <>
Co-authored-by: girazoki <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Instantiate All Assets Pallets (#1908)

* instantiate all assets pallets

* assets instance

* fmt

* fix merge errors

* fmt

* no default instance

* Generic AssetFeeAsExistentialDepositMultiplier

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* remove old import

* don't rename pallet in runtime

* fix merge

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>
Co-authored-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Bump assert_cmd from 2.0.7 to 2.0.8 (#2074)

Bumps [assert_cmd]( from 2.0.7 to 2.0.8.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: assert_cmd
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* adjust pallet_contracts config (#2108)

* Companion for paritytech/polkadot#6578 (#2112)

* Add ExpectTransactStatus benchmarking

* cargo fmt

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* [backport] version bumps from release 9370 (#2095)

* Bump crate versions

* Bump spec_version to 9370

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Simplify the template (#2072)

* Simplify the template

* Fix and use generated whitelisted keys

* Fixes

* Update Substrate to fix compilation

* :facepalm:

* Use correct runtime function name (#2116)

The runtime function name doesn't change on chain, especially not for old runtimes.

* Bump clap from 4.0.32 to 4.1.1 (#2096)

Bumps [clap]( from 4.0.32 to 4.1.1.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: clap
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Warn validators with slow hardware (#1863)

* Warn validators with slow hardware

* update

* fix

* revert

* Fix printing logic

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Update polkadot-parachain/src/

* import

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* update lockfile for {"substrate", "polkadot"}

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
Co-authored-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Bump lru from 0.8.1 to 0.9.0 (#2052)

* Bump lru from 0.8.1 to 0.9.0

Bumps [lru]( from 0.8.1 to 0.9.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: lru
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

* Update substrate and polkadot

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>

* Bump tokio from 1.24.1 to 1.24.2 (#2110)

Bumps [tokio]( from 1.24.1 to 1.24.2.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: tokio
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* [ci] Update check-labels and fix check (#2128)

* Removed forgotten unused `pub Ancestry: MultiLocation` (#2124)

* Bump parity-db (#2132)

* Bump async-trait from 0.1.60 to 0.1.63 (#2123)

Bumps [async-trait]( from 0.1.60 to 0.1.63.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: async-trait
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Remove assumption that there is a local bootnode in RPC collator (#2091)

* Remove assumption that there is a local bootnode

* Bump zombienet to 1.3.29

* Separate "--"

* Westend Collectives raw chain spec (#2131)

* Bump proc-macro-crate from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0 (#2139)

Bumps [proc-macro-crate]( from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: proc-macro-crate
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Do not verify on state import for relay chain verifier (#2140)

* Skip verification on state import

* Actually use existing variables

* Merge checks

* nix upgrade to 0.26.1 (#2135)

* [ci] Update runners for benchmarks (#2138)

* [ci] Update runners for benchmarks

* run benchmarks in this pr to get weights

* run benches only

* comment .post jobs

* add docker env to benches

* add git diff to artifacts

* divide assets

* update weights

* return ci

* fix refs for benchmarks

* Bump toml from 0.5.10 to 0.6.0 (#2146)

Bumps [toml]( from 0.5.10 to 0.6.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: toml
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump clap from 4.1.1 to 4.1.4 (#2145)

Bumps [clap]( from 4.1.1 to 4.1.4.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: clap
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump proc-macro2 from 1.0.49 to 1.0.50 (#2130)

Bumps [proc-macro2]( from 1.0.49 to 1.0.50.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: proc-macro2
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* 13110 Companion: Add WeightToFee and LengthToFee Runtime API (#2073)

* Add…
devdanco added a commit to gasp-xyz/polkadot that referenced this pull request May 25, 2023
* guide: remove refences to outdated secondary checkers (#6309)

* guide: remove refences to outdated secondary checkers

* Update roadmap/implementers-guide/src/

* guide: remove refences to Fisherman

* revert changes to roadmap/

* Kusama: approve/reject treasury prop by treasurer (#6354)

* Add buckets on lower end of distribution to network bridge latency metrics (#6359)

* Add two more buckets on lower end of distribution

* add even smaller buckets

* cargo fmt

* Reduce provisioner work (#6328)

* Store values needed to create inherent data when needed instead of creating them early on

* Point deps to substrate branch

* Arc the client

* Cargo update

* Fix main cargo files

* Undo cargo file changes

* Add overseer dep to inherents

* Update deps

* Simplify code

* Update benchmark

* Update node/client/src/

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* Update node/core/parachains-inherent/src/

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* Update node/core/parachains-inherent/src/

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* Revert "Update node/core/parachains-inherent/src/"

This reverts commit 8b9555dc2451acfabab173d259e00da2728b7aa2.

* Revert "Update node/core/parachains-inherent/src/"

This reverts commit 816c92d0e001e71f677d0acbcf22bdc3f511bc56.

* cargo update -p sp-io

* fmt

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* update deprecated alias `--all` (#6383)

`--all` is a deprecated alias for `--workspace` (

* Upgrade tokio to 1.22.0 (#6262)

Co-authored-by: Sebastian Kunert <>

* Set polkadot version in one place (#6095)

* rust 1.64 enables workspace properties

* add edition, repository and authors.

* of course, update the version in one place.

Co-authored-by: Andronik <>

* Introduce NIS functionality into Kusama/Rococo (#6352)

* Integrate NIS into Kusama/Rococo

* Missing files

* Fix

* Fix

* Formatting

* Add Kusama weights

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Add Rococo weights

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Use weights

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Bump

* Bump

* ".git/.scripts/" runtime kusama-dev pallet_nis

* ".git/.scripts/" runtime rococo-dev pallet_nis

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>
Co-authored-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>
Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* OpenGov improvements for Kusama (#6372)

* Tweaks to optimise gov2

* Use new inactive funds

* Introduce migrations

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Some constant updates for Fellowship

* Further tweaks

* Lower floor for whitelisted

* Tweak some NIS params (#6393)

* Reduce base period, increase queue count

* Reduce base period, increase queue count

* allow root with gov2 origins (#6390)

* Bump Substrate (#6394)

* crowdloan: Fix migration. (#6397)

The migration would not have been run because of the `current_version ==
1` check.

* Companion of Substrate PR 12837 (#6385)

* rename some crates for publishing to

* s/remote-ext/frame-remote-externalities

* cargo update

* Make submission deposit reasonable (#6402)

* kusama whitelist pallet preimage dep upgrade (#6392)

* Bump (#6404)

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12795 (#6374)

* Begin removing `parity-util-mem`; remove `collect_memory_stats`

* Update some dependencies that were using `parity-util-mem`

* Remove `trie-memory-tracker` feature

* Update Cargo.lock

* Update `kvdb-shared-tests`

* Add back jemalloc

* Add missing license header

* update lockfile for {"substrate"}

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
Co-authored-by: Andronik <>

* Let the PVF host kill the worker on timeout (#6381)

* Let the PVF host kill the worker on timeout

* Fix comment

* Fix inaccurate comments; add missing return statement

* Fix a comment

* Fix comment

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12788 (#6360)

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12788

* migrations

* rustfmt

* update lockfile for {"substrate"}

* update lockfile for {"substrate"}

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Make sure to preserve backing votes (#6382)

* Guide updates

* Consider more dead forks.

* Ensure backing votes don't get overridden.

* Fix spelling.

* Fix comments.

* Update node/primitives/src/

Co-authored-by: Tsvetomir Dimitrov <>

Co-authored-by: eskimor <>
Co-authored-by: Tsvetomir Dimitrov <>

* Refactoring to condense disputes tests (#6395)

* Refactoring to condense disputes tests

* Removing unhelpful comment lines

* Addressing Tsveto's suggestions

* Fixing formatting nit

* [ci] Adjust check-runtime-migration job (#6107)

* [WIP][ci] Add node to check-runtime-migration job

* add image

* remove sscache from before_script

* add nodes

* restart pipeline

* restart pipeline2

* disable other jobs

* debug

* remove debug

* add ports

* restart pipeline

* restart pipeline

* restart pipeline

* try kusama first

* run polkadot 1st

* disable some jobs

* try command from command bot

* cargo run

* test passing variables

* run without condition

* adjust kusama and westend

* fix

* return jobs

* fix small nits

* split check-runtime-migration

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* update weights (sync with 0.9.33) (#6362)

* update weights (0.9.33) (#6299)

* kusama: update weights

* polkadot: update weights

* rococo: update weights

* westend: update weights

* fix deps

* Resolve merge

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Reset Kusama whitelist weights

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>
Co-authored-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Feature gate test `benchmark_storage_works` (#6376)

* Feature gate storage bench test

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* typo

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#12868 (#6406)


* cargo fmt

* Update substrate

* OpenGov: Tweak parameters further (#6416)

* Tweak parameters further

* Further tweaks to deposits

* companion for #12663 jsonrpsee v0.16 (#6339)

* companion for #12663 jsonrpsee v0.16.1

* update substrate

* merge master

* Update rpc/Cargo.toml

Co-authored-by: Alexandru Vasile <>

* Update utils/staking-miner/Cargo.toml

Co-authored-by: Alexandru Vasile <>

* update lockfile for {"substrate"}

Co-authored-by: Alexandru Vasile <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* CI: Remove the excessive variable declaration (#6426)

* companion slash chilling update (#6424)

* update weights

* goddamit

* update weights

* update lockfile for {"substrate"}

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* swap error responses (#6421)

* [ci] fix check-transaction-versions (#6425)

* [ci] fix check-transaction-versions

* allow fail the job

* approval-distribution: batched approval/assignment sending (#6401)

* Imple batched send

Signed-off-by: Andrei Sandu <>

* Add batch tests

Signed-off-by: Andrei Sandu <>


Signed-off-by: Andrei Sandu <>

* spell check

Signed-off-by: Andrei Sandu <>

* spellcheck ...

Signed-off-by: Andrei Sandu <>

* Fix comment

Signed-off-by: Andrei Sandu <>

* o.O

Signed-off-by: Andrei Sandu <>

* 2 constants

Signed-off-by: Andrei Sandu <>

* Ensure batch size is at least 1 element

Signed-off-by: Andrei Sandu <>

* feedback impl

Signed-off-by: Andrei Sandu <>

Signed-off-by: Andrei Sandu <>

* add westend bootnode (#6434)

* [ci] add job switcher (#6433)

* [ci] add job switcher

* add before_script to docker and k8s runners

* upd runners

* sccache :(

* companion for try-runtime revamp (#6187)

* update to reflect latest try-runtime stuff

* update to latest version

* fix

* fix miner

* update

* update

* update lockfile for {"substrate"}

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Fix wrong rate limit + add a few logs. (#6440)

* Add trace log

* More tracing.

* Fix redundant rate limit.

* Add trace log.

* Improve logging.

Co-authored-by: eskimor <>

* Make sure errors get logged (#6451)

instead of silently dropped.

Co-authored-by: eskimor <>

* Adding some more logs (#6455)

* Adding some more logs

More logs are always better! Joke aside, these logs help to debug
certain issues.

* Apply suggestions from code review

* [bump] orchestra v0.0.4 (#6413)

* update orchestra to v0.0.3

* fix locks

* update orchestra to v0.0.4

* update lock

* Use explicit call indices (#6449)

* cargo update -p sp-io

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Use explicit call indices

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Update Substrate (#6457)

* BlockId removal: refactor: HeaderBackend::header (#6418)

* BlockId removal: refactor: HeaderBackend::header

It changes the arguments of:
- `HeaderBackend::header`,
- `Client::header`

methods from: `BlockId<Block>` to: `Block::Hash`

This PR is part of BlockId::Number refactoring analysis (paritytech/substrate#11292)

* missed fixes

* BlockId removal: refactor: HeaderBackend::expect_header

It changes the arguments of `HeaderBackend::expect_header` method from: `BlockId<Block>` to: `Block::Hash`

* update lockfile for {"substrate"}

* misspell fixed

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* PVF preparation: do not conflate errors (#6384)

* PVF preparation: do not conflate errors

+ Adds some more granularity to the prepare errors.
+ Better distinguish whether errors occur on the host side or the worker.
+ Do not kill the worker if the error happened on the host side.
+ Do not retry preparation if the error was `Panic`.
+ Removes unnecessary indirection with `Selected` type.

* Add missing docs, resolve TODOs

* Address review comments and remove TODOs

* Fix error in CI

* Undo unnecessary change

* Update couple of comments

* Don't return error for stream shutdown

* Update node/core/pvf/src/

* [ci] New try-runtime command (#6445)

* [ci] New try-runtime command

* restart pipeline

* build features

* fix --features flag

* rm --execution flag

* remove --no-spec-check-panic flag

* change target dir

* debug ccargo target dir

* return target

* try different location for runtime wasm

* build only the runtime crate

* check all generated .wasm files

* adjust paths again

* remove debug command

Co-authored-by: joao-paulo-parity <>

* Kusama origins as xcm multi_location (#6273)

* Kusamsa origins as xcm multilocation

* Fellows origin index

* origins to xcm plurality body

* cleanup

* fix cargo spellcheck

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: joe petrowski <>

* include Fellows into scope

* include Fellows into scope

Co-authored-by: joe petrowski <>
Co-authored-by: Gavin Wood <>

* BlockId removal: refactor: HeaderBackend::status (#6459)

* BlockId removal: refactor: HeaderBackend::status

It changes the arguments of `HeaderBackend::status` method from: `BlockId<Block>` to: `Block::Hash`

This PR is part of BlockId::Number refactoring analysis (paritytech/substrate#11292)

* Update node/core/chain-api/src/

Co-authored-by: Adrian Catangiu <>

* unused import removed

* update lockfile for {"substrate"}

Co-authored-by: Adrian Catangiu <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* cargo update -p libp2p-yamux (#6464)

* fix dependabot labels (#6468)

* Fix runtime-migration label detection (#6469)

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Bump secp256k1 from 0.24.0 to 0.24.2 (#6411)

Bumps [secp256k1]( from 0.24.0 to 0.24.2.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: secp256k1
  dependency-type: indirect

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* [Companion] Allow StakingAdmin to set min_commission (#6444)

* rename staking origin

* fix comments

* rename origin

* give fake weight before re-benchmarking

* ".git/.scripts/" runtime westend-dev pallet_staking

* ".git/.scripts/" runtime polkadot-dev pallet_staking

* ".git/.scripts/" runtime kusama-dev pallet_staking

* update lockfile for {"substrate"}

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Added comment describing satisfied invariant (#6460)

* Runtime diagnostics for leaked messages in unbounded channels (part 2) (#6481)

* Bump `backtrace` to v0.3.67

* update lockfile for {"substrate"}

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Update disputes subsytems section. (#6329)

* Update disputes subsytems section.

* Update roadmap/implementers-guide/src/node/disputes/

Co-authored-by: Andrei Sandu <>

* Update roadmap/implementers-guide/src/node/disputes/

Co-authored-by: Andrei Sandu <>

* Update roadmap/implementers-guide/src/node/disputes/

Co-authored-by: ordian <>

* Update roadmap/implementers-guide/src/node/disputes/

Co-authored-by: ordian <>

* Review feedback.

Co-authored-by: eskimor <>
Co-authored-by: Andrei Sandu <>
Co-authored-by: ordian <>

* Update dispute participation on active leaves update (#6303)

* Passed candidate events from scraper to participation

* First draft PR 5875

* Added support for timestamp in changes

* Some necessary refactoring

* Removed SessionIndex from unconfirmed_disputes key

* Removed duplicate logic in import statements

* Replaced queue_participation call with re-prio

* Simplifying refactor. Backed were already handled

* Removed unneeded spam slots logic

* Implementers guide edits

* Undid the spam slots refactor

* Added comments and implementers guide edit

* Added test for participation upon backing

* Round of fixes + ran fmt

* Round of changes + fmt

* Error handling draft

* Changed errors to bubble up from reprioritization

* Starting to construct new test

* Clarifying participation function rename

* Reprio test draft

* Very rough bump to priority queue test draft

* Improving logging

* Most concise reproduction of error on third import

* Add `handle_approval_vote_request`

* Removing reprioritization on included event test

* Removing unneeded test config

* cargo fmt

* Test works

* Fixing final nits

* Tweaks to test Tsveto figured out

Co-authored-by: eskimor <>
Co-authored-by: Tsvetomir Dimitrov <>

* BlockId removal: refactor: BlockBackend::block|block_status (#6477)

* BlockId removal: refactor: BlockBackend::block|block_status

It changes the arguments of:
-  `BlockBackend::block`
-  `BlockBackend::block_status`

method from: `BlockId<Block>` to: `Block::Hash`

This PR is part of BlockId::Number refactoring analysis (paritytech/substrate#11292)

* update lockfile for {"substrate"}

* ".git/.scripts/"

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Deploy scheduler agenda cleanup migration (#6465)

* Add migration

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Add comments

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* cargo update -p sp-io

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* cargo update -p sp-io

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* cargo update -p sp-io

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Migrate Staking pallet to v13 (#6365)

* add staking v13 migration

* add migration to polkadot

* only migrate staking

* un-remove other migrations

* fmt

* retrigger ci

* cargo update -p sp-io

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
Co-authored-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Co #13045: Selectable on-runtime-upgrade checks (#6498)

* Use UpgradeCheckSelector

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* update lockfile for {"substrate"}

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Add `try-runtime` to Rococo runtime (#6501)

* Add `try-runtime` to Rococo runtime

* Enable try-runtime in all pallets

* Update runtime/rococo/src/

Co-authored-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Add dev-dependencies for the try-runtime test

Co-authored-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Fix `polkadot-runtime-constants` std build (#6503)

* Fix polkadot-runtime-constants std build

* Fix kusama, rococo and westend constants std build

* Code review fixes

* Issue 6274: keeping all backing votes in provisioner vote set (#6494)

* Fixing filter to keep all backing votes

* Comment and implementers guide edit

* Formatting

* Using fallthrough

* Fmt

* Log PVF retries (#6504)

* av-store: write meta for unknown finalized blocks (#6452)

* av-store: write meta for unknown finalized blocks

* fix test

* upgrade libp2p to 0.50.0 (#6500)

* update asynchronous-codec

* update futures-rustls

* update rustls

* update ipnet

* update once_cell

* update futures

* update futures and its deps

* update lockfile for {"substrate"}

* Bump zombienet test timeout from 30 to 60 s

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Revert "Bump zombienet test timeout from 30 to 60 s"

This reverts commit 657738dfffe3234195a3b5b491f08e4660ca7bad.

* Update Substrate

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
Co-authored-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>
Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* Update serde because substrate->trybuild needs a newer version (#6505)

companion PR for

* [ci] Remove check-transaction-versions job (#6509)

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Unlimited Proof size per block (#6085)

* Unlimited Proof size per block

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* fix

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Use `polkadot-node-metrics` where possible (#6484)

See (Doesn't close yet,
there might be more we can do.)

* disputes pallet: Remove spam slots (#6345)

* disputes pallet: Filter disputes with votes less than supermajority threshold

* Remove `max_spam_slots` usages

* Remove `SpamSlots`

* Remove `SpamSlotChange`

* Remove `Error<T>::PotentialSpam` and stale comments

* `create_disputes_with_no_spam` -> `create_disputes`

* Make tests compile - wip commit

* Rework `test_dispute_timeout`. Rename `update_spam_slots` to `filter_dispute_set`

* Remove `dispute_statement_becoming_onesided_due_to_spamslots_is_accepted` and `filter_correctly_accounts_spam_slots` -> they bring no value with removed spam slots

* Fix `test_provide_multi_dispute_success_and_other`

* Remove an old comment

* Remove spam slots from tests - clean todo comments

* Remove test - `test_decrement_spam`

* todo comments

* Update TODO comments

* Extract `test_unconfirmed_are_ignored` as separate test case

* Remove dead code

* Fix `test_unconfirmed_are_ignored`

* Remove dead code in `filter_dispute_data`

* Fix weights (related to commit "Remove `SpamSlots`")

* Disputes migration - first try

* Remove `dispute_max_spam_slots` + storage migration

* Fix `HostConfig` migration tests

* Deprecate `SpamSlots`

* Code review feedback

* add weight for storage version update
* fix bound for clear()

* Fix weights in disputes migration

* Revert "Deprecate `SpamSlots`"

This reverts commit 8c4d967c7b061abd76ba8b551223918c0b9e6370.

* Make mod migration public

* Remove `SpamSlots` from disputes pallet and use `storage_alias` in the migration

* Fix call to `clear()` for `SpamSlots` in migration

* Update migration and add a `try-runtime` test

* Add `pre_upgrade` `try-runtime` test

* Fix some test names in `HostConfiguration` migration

* Link spamslots migration in all runtimes

* Add `test_unconfirmed_disputes_cause_block_import_error`

* Update guide

- Remove `SpamSlots` related information from roadmap/implementers-guide/src/runtime/
- Add 'Disputes filtering' to Runtime section of the Implementor's guide

* Update runtime/parachains/src/configuration/

Co-authored-by: Marcin S. <>

* Code review feedback - update logs

* Code review feedback: fix weights

* Update runtime/parachains/src/

Co-authored-by: s0me0ne-unkn0wn <>

* Additional logs in disputes migration

* Fix merge conflicts

* Add version checks in try-runtime tests

* Fix a compilation warning`

Co-authored-by: Marcin S. <>
Co-authored-by: s0me0ne-unkn0wn <>

* Remove unused code (#6525)

Signed-off-by: Andrei Sandu <>

Signed-off-by: Andrei Sandu <>

* Fix flaky test in `dispute-coordinator` (#6524) updates disputes
participation priority on Active Leaves update. This operation might
trigger participation in some cases and as a result some of the message
ordering is not as nice as it used to be.

As a side effect of this `resume_dispute_without_local_statement` was
failing occasionally. The solution is not to expect that `BlockNumber`,
`CandidateEvents`, `FetchOnChainVotes` and `Ancestors` messages are
executed after `FinalizedBlockNumber` and in any specific order.

This should be okay as the code is in helper function and doesn't affect
the actual test behaviour.


* Bump tokio from 1.22.0 to 1.24.1 (#6523)

Bumps [tokio]( from 1.22.0 to 1.24.1.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: tokio
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Guide changes 3 (#6520)

* Guide changes

* Adding clarification

* Replace async-std with tokio in PVF subsystem (#6419)

* Replace async-std with tokio in PVF subsystem

* Rework workers to use `select!` instead of a mutex

The improvement in code readability is more important than the thread overhead.

* Remove unnecessary `fuse`

* Add explanation for `expect()`

* Update node/core/pvf/src/

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* Update node/core/pvf/src/

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* Address some review comments

* Shutdown tokio runtime

* Run cargo fmt

* Add a small note about retries

* Fix up merge

* Rework `cpu_time_monitor_loop` to return when other thread finishes

* Add error string to PrepareError::IoErr variant

* Log when artifacts fail to prepare

* Fix `cpu_time_monitor_loop`; fix test

* Fix text

* Fix a couple of potential minor data races.

First data race was due to logging in the CPU monitor thread even if the
job (other thread) finished. It can technically finish before or after the log.

Maybe best would be to move this log to the `select!`s, where we are guaranteed
to have chosen the timed-out branch, although there would be a bit of

Also, it was possible for this thread to complete before we executed
`finished_tx.send` in the other thread, which would trigger an error as the
receiver has already been dropped. And right now, such a spurious error from
`send` would be returned even if the job otherwise succeeded.

* Update Cargo.lock

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* Fix cycle dispute-coordinator <-> dispute-distribution  (#6489)

* First iteration of message sender.

* dyn Fn variant (no cloning)

* Full implementation + Clone, without allocs on `Send`

* Further clarifications/cleanup.

* MessageSender -> NestingSender

* Doc update/clarification.

* dispute-coordinator: Send disputes on startup.

+ Some fixes, cleanup.

* Fix whitespace.

* Dispute distribution fixes, cleanup.

* Cargo.lock

* Fix spaces.

* More format fixes.

What is cargo fmt doing actually?

* More fmt fixes.

* Fix nesting sender.

* Fixes.

* Whitespace

* Enable logging.

* Guide update.

* Fmt fixes, typos.

* Remove unused function.

* Simplifications, doc fixes.

* Update roadmap/implementers-guide/src/node/disputes/

Co-authored-by: Marcin S. <>

* Fmt + doc example fix.

Co-authored-by: eskimor <>
Co-authored-by: Marcin S. <>

* Update the GHA srtool-actions to the latest version (#6532)

* Minor fixes (#6533)

* Minor fixes

* Fix compile errors

* Trigger update-node-template when a final release tag is created (#6522)

* trigger update-node-template when final release tag is created


* fix comment

* Update scripts/ci/gitlab/pipeline/publish.yml

Co-authored-by: Alexander Samusev <>

* fix regular expression

Co-authored-by: Alexander Samusev <>

* ci: mark update-weights non-interruptible (#6539)

* Bump JasonEtco/create-an-issue from 2.6.0 to 2.9.1 (#6473)

Bumps [JasonEtco/create-an-issue]( from 2.6.0 to 2.9.1.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: JasonEtco/create-an-issue
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Improve inactive fund tracking (#6471)

* Improve inactive fund tracking

* Docs

* Introduce the re-migration code

* Bump

* Update runtime/kusama/src/

Co-authored-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Update runtime/common/src/crowdloan/

Co-authored-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Update runtime/common/src/crowdloan/

Co-authored-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Grumbles

* Apply comments suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

Co-authored-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>
Co-authored-by: muharem <>
Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Re-export current primitives in crate root (#6487)

* Re-export current primitives in crate root

* Add missing exports

* restart CI

* Add a paragraph about slashing in runtime disputes section from the guide (#6531)

* Add a paragraph about slashing in runtime disputes section from the guide

* Add definition for inconclusive

* Westend state trie to version 1 (#6336)

* Switch to state V1 and add state-trie-migration pallet with dummy manual

* Initialize limit on runtime upgrade.

* add prelude

* sp_std prelude only for no_std

* Disable filter for signed migration

* revert hex dep

* use NeverEnsureOrigin

* fix

* correct fix

* check init state in try-runtime

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* handle substrate-node-template and substrate-parachain-template (#6541)

* Updated Dwellir bootnodes. Now using wss. (#6534)

* pvf: Fix missing execution request when retrying preparation (#6537)

* pvf: Add checks for result sender when retrying preparation in tests

* pvf: Fix missing execution request when retrying preparation

* Update comment

* pre-checking: Reject failed PVFs (#6492)

* pre-checking: Reject failed PVFs

* paras: immediately reject any PVF that cannot reach a supermajority

* Make the `quorum` reject condition a bit more clear semantically

* Add comment

* Update implementer's guide

* Update a link

Not related to the rest of the PR, but I randomly noticed and fixed this.

* Update runtime/parachains/src/paras/

Co-authored-by: s0me0ne-unkn0wn <>

* Remove unneeded loop

* Log PVF retries using `info!`

* Change retry logs to `warn!` and add preparation failure log

* Log PVF execution failure

* Clarify why we reject failed PVFs

* Fix PVF reject runtime benchmarks

Co-authored-by: s0me0ne-unkn0wn <>

* Fix set-output deprecation (#6554)

set-output is being deprecated by GH.
More information at

* add erasure-coding benches (#6308)

* add erasure-code benches

* revert Cargo.lock changes

* revert Cargo.lock changes

* CI: Code mark to request a pipeline failure (#6562)

* XCM v3 (#4097)

* cargo fmt

* Create benchmarks for XCM instructions introduced in v3 (#4564)

* Create benchmarks for BurnAsset and ExpectAsset

* Add benchmarks for ExpectOrigin and ExpectError

* Add benchmarks for QueryPallet and ExpectPallet

* Add benchmarks for ReportTransactStatus and ClearTransactStatus

* cargo fmt

* Use AllPalletsWithSystem in mocks

* Update XCM generic benchmarks for westend

* Remove default impls for some XCM weight functions

* Fix compilation error

* Add weight_args helper attribute

* Remove manually written XcmWeightInfo

* Parse trailing comma

* Revert "Add weight_args helper attribute"

This reverts commit 3b7c47a6182e1b9227036c38b406d494c3fcf6fd.

* Fixes

* Fixes

* XCM v3: Introduce querier field into `QueryReponse` (#4732)

* Introduce querier field into QueryReponse

* Convert &Option<MultiLocation> to Option<&MultiLocation>

&Option<T> is almost always never quite useful, most of the time it
still gets converted to an Option<&T> via `as_ref`, so we should simply
make functions that accept Option<&T> instead.

* Fix tests

* cargo fmt

* Fix benchmarks

* Appease spellchecker

* Fix test

* Fix tests

* Fix test

* Fix mock

* Fixes

* Fix tests

* Add test for response queriers

* Update xcm/pallet-xcm/src/

* Test for non-existence of querier

Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Add `starts_with` function to `MultiLocation` and `Junctions` (#4835)

* add matches_prefix function to MultiLocation and Junctions

* rename matches_prefix to starts_with

* remove unnecessary main in doc comment

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* Make use of starts_with in match_and_split

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>
Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>

* XCM v3: Bridge infrastructure (#4681)

* XCM bridge infrastructure

* Missing bit of cherry-pick

* Revamped XCM proc macros; new NetworkIds

* Fixes

* Formatting

* ExportMessage instruction and config type

* Add MessageExporter definitions

* Formatting

* Missing files

* Fixes

* Initial bridging config API

* Allow for two-stage XCM execution

* Update xcm/src/v3/

Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>

* XCM crate building again

* Initial bridging primitive

* Docs

* Docs

* More work

* More work

* Merge branch 'gav-xcm-v3' into gav-xcm-v3-bridging

* Make build

* WithComputedOrigin and SovereignPaidRemoteExporter

* Remove TODOs

* Slim bridge API and tests.

* Fixes

* More work

* First bridge test passing

* Formatting

* Another test

* Next round of bridging tests

* Repot tests

* Cleanups

* Paid bridging

* Formatting

* Tests

* Spelling

* Formatting

* Fees and refactoring

* Fixes

* Formatting

* Refactor SendXcm to become two-phase

* Fix tests

* Refactoring of SendXcm and ExportXcm complete

* Formatting

* Rename CannotReachDestination -> NotApplicable

* Remove XCM v0

* Minor grumbles

* Formatting

* Formatting

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Cleanup XCM config

* Fee handling

* Fixes

* Formatting

* Fixes

* Bump

Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>

* Bump Substrate

* XCM v3: `ExchangeAsset` and Remote-locking (#4945)

* Asset Exchange and Locks

* Make sure XCM typers impl MaxEncodedLen

* Basic implementation for locks

* Bump Substrate

* Missing files

* Use new API

* Introduce  instruction

* Big refactor

* Docs

* Remove deprecated struct

* Remove deprecated struct

* Repot XCM builder tests

* ExchangeAsset test

* Exchange tests

* Locking tests

* Locking tests

* Fixes and tests

* Fixes

* Formatting

* Spelling

* Add simulator test for remote locking

* Fix tests

* Bump

* XCM v3: Support for non-fungibles (#4950)

* NFT support and a test

* New files.

* Integration tests for sending NFTs

* Formatting

* Broken Cargo features

* Use 2021 edition

* Fixes

* Formatting

* Formatting

* Update xcm/xcm-builder/src/

Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>

* Update xcm/xcm-builder/src/

Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>

* Update xcm/xcm-executor/src/

Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Formatting

* Fixes

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>
Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>

* XCM v3: Context & ID hash (#4756)

* send_xcm returns message hash

* cargo fmt

* Create topic register and instructions

* Fix weights

* Use tabs

* Sketch out XcmContext

* Fix doc test

* Add the XCM context as a parameter to executor trait fns

* Fixes

* Add XcmContext parameter

* Revert adding context as an arg to SendXcm trait methods

* Revert adding context argument to ConvertOrigin trait methods

* cargo fmt

* Do not change the API of XcmExecutor::execute

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Remove convenience method

* Fixes

* Fixes

* cargo fmt

* Fixes

* Add benchmarks for XCM topic instructions

* cargo run --quiet --profile=production  --features=runtime-benchmarks -- benchmark --chain=westend-dev --steps=50 --repeat=20 --pallet=pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic --extrinsic=* --execution=wasm --wasm-execution=compiled --heap-pages=4096 --header=./file_header.txt --template=./xcm/pallet-xcm-benchmarks/template.hbs --output=./runtime/westend/src/weights/xcm/

* Remove context argument on FilterAssetLocation

* Fixes

* Remove unused import

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Accept XCM hash parameter in ExecuteXcm trait methods

* cargo fmt

* Properly enable sp-io/std

* Fixes

* default-features = false

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Make XcmContext optional in withdraw_asset

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Modify tests to check for the correct XCM hash

* Small refactor

* cargo fmt

* Check for expected hash in xcm-builder unit tests

* Add doc comment for the optionality of the XCM context in withdraw_asset

* Update xcm/src/v3/

* Update xcm/src/v3/

* Store XcmContext and avoid rebuilding

* Use ref for XcmContext

* Formatting

* Fix incorrect hash CC @KiChjang

* Refactor and make clear fake hashes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fix broken hashing

* Docs

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Formatting

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Remove unknowable hash

* Formatting

* Use message hash for greater identifiability

* Formatting

* Fixes

* Formatting

Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>
Co-authored-by: Parity Bot <>

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Formatting

* Fixes

* Formatting

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Formatting

* Formatting

* Remove horrible names

* Bump

* Remove InvertLocation trait (#5092)

* Remove InvertLocation trait

* Remove unneeded functions

* Formatting

* Fixes

* Remove XCMv1 (#5094)

* Remove XCMv1

* Remove XCMv1

* Formatting

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Formatting

* derive serialize/deserialize for xcm primitives (#5036)

* derive serialize/deserialize for xcm primitives

* derive serialize/deserialize for xcm primitives

* update v3

* update v2

Co-authored-by: Gav Wood <>

* Update lock

* Fixes

* Add benchmarks for the ExchangeAsset instruction

* `AliasOrigin` instruction stub (#5122)

* AliasOrigin instruction stub

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Update substrate

* Fixes

* Ensure same array length before using copy_from_slice

* Fixes

* Add benchmarks for the UniversalOrigin instruction

* Remove unused import

* Remove unused import

* Add benchmarks for SetFeesMode instruction

* Add benchmarks for asset (un)locking instructions

* Leave AliasOrigin unbenchmarked

* Fixes after merge

* cargo fmt

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Set TrustedReserves to None on both Kusama and Westend

* Remove extraneous reserve_asset_deposited benchmark

* Fix universal_origin benchmark

* cargo run --quiet --profile=production  --features=runtime-benchmarks -- benchmark pallet --chain=westend-dev --steps=50 --repeat=20 --pallet=pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic --extrinsic=* --execution=wasm --wasm-execution=compiled --heap-pages=4096 --header=./file_header.txt --template=./xcm/pallet-xcm-benchmarks/template.hbs --output=./runtime/westend/src/weights/xcm/

* Don't rely on skipped benchmark functions

* Fixes

* cargo run --quiet --profile=production  --features=runtime-benchmarks -- benchmark pallet --chain=kusama-dev --steps=50 --repeat=20 --pallet=pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic --extrinsic=* --execution=wasm --wasm-execution=compiled --heap-pages=4096 --header=./file_header.txt --template=./xcm/pallet-xcm-benchmarks/template.hbs --output=./runtime/kusama/src/weights/xcm/

* Fix unused variables

* Fixes

* Spelling

* Fixes

* Fix codec index of VersionedXcm

* Allows to customize how calls are dispatched from XCM (#5657)

* CallDispatcher trait

* fmt

* unused import

* fix test-runtime

* remove JustDispatch type

* fix typo in test-runtime

* missing CallDispatcher

* more missing CallDispatcher

* Update comment `NoteAssetLocked` -> `NoteUnlockable`

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Adjust MultiAssets weights based on new wild card variants

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Some late fixes for XCMv3 (#5237)

* Maximise chances that trapped assets can be reclaimed

* Do origin check as part of ExportMessage for security

* Formatting

* Fixes

* Cleanup export XCM APIs

* Formatting

* Update xcm/src/v3/

* UnpaidExecution instruction and associated barrier.

* Tighten barriers (ClearOrigin/QueryResponse)

* Allow only 1 ClearOrigin instruction in AllowTopLevelPaidExecutionFrom

* Bi-directional teleport accounting

* Revert other fix

* Build fixes]

* Tests build

* Benchmark fixes

Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>

* Update Substrate

* Re-export `pub` stuff from + removed unecessary clone (#6145)

* Re-export `pub` stuff from

* Removed unnecessary clone

* Use 2D weights in XCM v3 (#6134)

* Depend upon sp-core instead of sp-runtime

* Make sp-io a dev-dependency

* Use 2D weights in XCM v3

* cargo fmt

* Add XCM pallet migration to runtimes

* Use from_parts

* cargo fmt

* Fixes

* cargo fmt

* Remove XCMWeight import

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Use translate in migration

* Increase max upward message size in tests

* Fix doc test

* Remove most uses of from_ref_time

* cargo fmt

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Add extrinsic benchmarking to XCM pallet

* cargo fmt

* Fixes

* Use old syntax

* cargo fmt

* Fixes

* Remove hardcoded weights

* Add XCM pallet to benchmarks

* Use successful origin

* Fix weird type parameter compilation issue

* Fixes

* ".git/.scripts/" runtime westend-dev pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" runtime rococo-dev pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" runtime kusama-dev pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" runtime polkadot-dev pallet_xcm

* Use benchmarked XCM pallet weights

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Use override instead of skip

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* ".git/.scripts/" runtime polkadot-dev pallet_xcm

* Fixes

* ".git/.scripts/" runtime polkadot-dev pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" runtime westend-dev pallet_xcm

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Replace Weight::MAX with 100b weight units

* Add test to ensure all_gte in barriers is correct

* Update xcm/src/v3/

Co-authored-by: asynchronous rob <>

* Add more weight tests

* cargo fmt

* Create thread_local in XCM executor to limit recursion depth (#6304)

* Create thread_local in XCM executor to limit recursion depth

* Add unit test for recursion limit

* Fix statefulness in tests

* Remove panic

* Use defer and environmental macro

* Fix the implementation

* Use nicer interface

* Change ThisNetwork to AnyNetwork

* Move recursion check up to top level

* cargo fmt

* Update comment

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* Add upper limit on the number of overweight messages in the queue (#6298)

* Add upper limit on the number of ovwerweight messages in the queue

* Add newline

* Introduce whitelist for Transact and limit UMP processing to 10 messages per block (#6280)

* Add SafeCallFilter to XcmConfig

* Limit UMP to receive 10 messages every block

* Place 10 message limit on processing instead of receiving

* Always increment the message_processed count whenever a message is processed

* Add as_derivative to the Transact whitelist

* cargo fmt

* Fixes

* Update xcm/xcm-builder/src/

Co-authored-by: Branislav Kontur <>

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Remove topic register and instead use the topic field in XcmContext

* Derive some common traits for DispatchBlobError

* Fixes

* cargo fmt

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fix comments

* Fixes

* Introduce WithOriginFilter and apply it as the CallDispatcher for runtimes

* Fixes

* Appease clippy and fixes

* Fixes

* Fix more clippy issues

* Fixes

* ".git/.scripts/" runtime polkadot-dev pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" runtime westend-dev pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" runtime westend-dev pallet_xcm

* Add benchmark function for ExportMessage

* Fix comment

* Add upper limit to DownwardMessageQueues size

* Add max size check for queue in can_queue_downward_message

* Fixes

* Make Transact runtime call configurable

* Return Weight::MAX when there is no successful send XCM origin

* Update substrate

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Remove ExportMessage benchmark

* Remove assertion on Transact instruction benchmark

* Make reachable destination configurable in XCM pallet benchmarks

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Remove cfg attribute in fuzzer

* Fixes

* Remove cfg attribute for XCM pallet in test runtime

* Fixes

* Use ReachableDest where possible

* Fixes

* Add benchmark for UnpaidExecution

* Update substrate

* Ensure benchmark functions pass filters

* Add runtime-benchmarks feature to fuzzer

* Ensure FixedRateOfFungible accounts for proof size weights

* cargo fmt

* Whitelist remark_with_event when runtime-benchmarks feature is enabled

* Use remark_with_event for Transact benchmarks

* Fix Cargo.lock

* Allow up to 3 DescendOrigin instructions before UnpaidExecution

* cargo fmt

* Edit code comment

* Check check_origin for unpaid execution privilege

* Fixes

* Small nits for xcm-v3 (#6408)

* Add possibility to skip benchmark for export_message

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westend-dev pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Revert

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westend-dev pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Add HaulBlobError to `fn haul_blob`

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westend-dev pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Revert changes to UnpaidExecution

* Change AllowUnpaidExecutionFrom to be explicit

* Fix log text

* cargo fmt

* Add benchmarks for XCM pallet version migration (#6448)

* Add benchmarks for XCM pallet version migration

* cargo fmt

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* ".git/.scripts/" runtime westend-dev pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" runtime kusama-dev pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" runtime rococo-dev pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" runtime polkadot-dev pallet_xcm

* Fix benchmarks

* Fix benchmarks

* ".git/.scripts/" runtime westend-dev pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" runtime kusama-dev pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" runtime rococo-dev pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" runtime polkadot-dev pallet_xcm

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into gav-xcm-v3

* Fixes

* Fix comments (#6470)

* Specify Ethereum networks by their chain id (#6286)

Co-authored-by: Squirrel <>

* Use  for Kusama

* Use WithComputedOrigin for Polkadot, Rococo and Westend

* Update lock

* Fix warning

* Update xcm/pallet-xcm/src/

Co-authored-by: Squirrel <>

* Update runtime/parachains/src/ump/

Co-authored-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Update xcm/pallet-xcm/src/

Co-authored-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Fixes

* cargo fmt

* Typo

* Update xcm/src/v3/

Co-authored-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Docs

* Docs

* Docs

* Docs

* Docs

* Update xcm/src/v3/

Co-authored-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Add tests for MultiAssets::from_sorted_and_deduplicated

* Fail gracefully when same instance NFTs are detected during push

* Update Substrate to fix benchmarks

* Apply suggestions from code review

* Update runtime/kusama/src/

* Rename arguments

* Attempt to fix benchmark

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" runtime polkadot-dev runtime_parachains::ump

* Use actual weights for UMP pallet in Polkadot

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" runtime kusama-dev runtime_parachains::ump

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" runtime westend-dev runtime_parachains::ump

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" runtime rococo-dev runtime_parachains::ump

Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>
Co-authored-by: Alexander Popiak <>
Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>
Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>
Co-authored-by: Parity Bot <>
Co-authored-by: stanly-johnson <>
Co-authored-by: nanocryk <>
Co-authored-by: Branislav Kontur <>
Co-authored-by: asynchronous rob <>
Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
Co-authored-by: Vincent Geddes <>
Co-authored-by: Squirrel <>
Co-authored-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>
Co-authored-by: Shawn Tabrizi <>

* Add runtime-benchmarks feature to test client and test service (#6566)

* Exclude CI related dictionary files from the CI team approval (#6563)

* Enable treasury.spend by Root origin for Polkadot network before Gov2 (#6490)

* Enable treasury.spend by Root origin

* EnsureRoot -> EnsureRootWithSuccess

* Co #12928: NIS should retain funds in reserve (#6569)

* Add new weight functions

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Configure NIS pallet ReserveId

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Bump

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>
Co-authored-by: Gav <>

* Allow AuctionAdmin to use Scheduler (#6573)

* Companion for substrate#13154 (#6570)

* Remove lifetime from `KeyIterator`

* Remove the lifetime from the method too

* update lockfile for {"substrate"}

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Added `HaulBlobError` to pub re-exports (#6579)

* Issue 4804: Notify chain selection of concluded disputes directly (#6512)

* Setting up new ChainSelectionMessage

* Partial first pass

* Got dispute conclusion data to provisioner

* Finished first draft for 4804 code

* A bit of polish and code comments

* cargo fmt

* Implementers guide and code comments

* More formatting, and naming issues

* Wrote test for ChainSelection side of change

* Added dispute coordinator side test


* Addressing Marcin's comments

* fmt

* Addressing further Marcin comment

* Removing unnecessary test line

* Rough draft addressing Robert changes

* Clean up and test modification

* Majorly refactored scraper change

* Minor fixes for ChainSelection

* Polish and fmt

* Condensing inclusions per candidate logic

* Addressing Tsveto's comments

* Addressing Robert's Comments

* Altered inclusions struct to use nested BTreeMaps

* Naming fix

* Fixing inclusions struct comments

* Update node/core/dispute-coordinator/src/scraping/

Add comment to split_off() use

Co-authored-by: Marcin S. <>

* Optimizing removal at block height for inclusions

* fmt

* Using copy trait

Co-authored-by: Marcin S. <>

* XCM: `ExpectTransactStatus` instruction (#6578)

* Introduce ExpectTransactStatus instruction

* Remove other changes

* Implement

* Implement rest

* Benchmark

* Update xcm/src/v3/

Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>

* Update xcm/src/v3/

Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>

Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>

* construct mmr leaf prior to session pallet hook (#6577)

* move pallet_mmr ahead of pallet_session

addresses #11797

* document construction of mmr leaf prior to session

* update weights (0.9.37) (#6546) (#6555)

* kusama: update weights

* polkadot: update weights

* westend: update weights

* rococo: update weights

* Companion for Substrate #13157 (#6582)

* Update getrandom and version_check

* update lockfile for {"substrate"}

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Companion for substrate: Make DispatchError impl MEL (#6583)

* bump parity-scale-codec version

* update lockfile for {"substrate"}

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Update changelog templates to use new labels (#6585)

* Update changelog template to use new T labels

* update readme

* changelog gen: remove T6

* sync versions with release branch (0.9.37) (#6556)

* sync version to current release (0.9.37)

* sync spec_version with current release (9370)

* sync transaction_version with current release (9370)

* Disallow decoding of phantom asset (#6597)

* Disallow decoding of phantom asset

* Remove pub

* remove references to rpm (#6595)

* Warn validators with slow hardware (#6269)

* Warn validators with slow hardware

* update

* cargo update -p sp-io

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Fix printing logic

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* fix

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* add deps

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* update lockfile for {"substrate"}

* fmt

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
Co-authored-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Add Polkadotters bootnodes for Westend, Kusama and Polkadot (#6476)

* Add Polkadotters bootnodes for Westend, Kusama and Polkadot

* Remove newlines in bootnodes config section

* Fix some unjustified disputes (#6103)

* Fix indentation + add warning

on participation errors.

* Don't vote invalid on internal errors.

* Don't dispute on code compression error.

* Remove CodeDecompressionError

* Candidate not invalid if PVF preparation fails.

Instead: Report error.

* Fix malus

* Add clarifying comment.

* cargo fmt

* Fix indentation.

* Bump lru from 0.8.1 to 0.9.0 (#6538)

Bumps [lru]( from 0.8.1 to 0.9.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: lru
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* [ci] Change check-labels GHA (#6594)

* [ci] Change check-labels GHA

* change file spec name

* change script when no label

* add tags

* XCM: Add HRMP to SafeCallFilter (#6606)

* XCM: Add HRMP to SafeCallFilter

* Whitelist several paras_registrar calls

* libc crate update (#6616)

cargo update -p libc

* Bump parity-db (#6617)

* New runners for weights and new weights (#6508)

* [DO NOT MERGE] test new vm runner for weights 2

* add image

* fix merge conflict

* apply weights

* new weights

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* nix upgrade to 0.26.1 (#6622)

* Add pov_size and code_size histograms (#6633)

Signed-off-by: Andrei Sandu <>

Signed-off-by: Andrei Sandu <>

* Enable `try-runtime` flag in CI (#6587)

* Env gate tests

The CI should check that it compiles, but not run it.

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Enable try-runtime feature in CI

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Fix test

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Fix XCM transact bench (#6635)

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* clear migrations included in 0.9.37 (#6630)

* polkadot: clear migrations included in 0.9.37

* rococo: clear migrations included in 0.9.37

* westend: clear migrations included in 0.9.37

* kusama: clear migrations included in 0.9.37

* remove unused import: xcm_config::CheckAccount

* Co reducing fast-unstake bench time and more (#6552)

* update stuff

* remove

* update

* update

* update weights

* fix tests

* update weights

* fix a few small things

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" runtime polkadot-dev pallet-fast-unstake

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" runtime polkadot-dev pallet-fast-unstake

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" runtime kusama-dev pallet-fast-unstake

* reduce batch size

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" runtime polkadot-dev pallet-fast-unstake

* update

* fix

* fix

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" runtime polkadot-dev pallet-fast-unstake

* update lockfile for {"substrate"}

* fmt

* Env gate migration try_fast_unstake_all

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>


Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>
Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
Co-authored-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* 13110 Companion: Add WeightToFee and LengthToFee Runtime API (#6536)

* Add WeightToFee runtime API impls

* Forgot a couple

* cargo update -p sp-io

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Use master Cargo.lock

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* cargo update -p sp-io

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>


Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>
Co-authored-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Storage monitor added to polkadot node (#6619)

* Storage monitor added to polkadot node

Related to:

* Cargo.lock updated

* Cargo.lock update

* Revert "Cargo.lock update"

This reverts commit 04dfe5fe65ea7d1476d4632ad647f2c1c669ab1a.

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* missing_docs fixes

* Cargo.lock updated


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* Make zombienet tests native friendly (#6588)

* Make zombienet tests native friendly

* Update zombienet_tests/

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>


* Remove pointless changes

* add set_env helper and doc in readme

* changes from feedback


Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>
Co-authored-by: Javier Viola <>

* Companion: Remove `uncles` related code (#6615)

* Companion: Remove `uncles` related code

* Fix compilation

* update lockfile for {"substrate"}


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Update benchmark's successful origin api (#6598)

* Update benchmark's successful origin api

* rustfmt

* unwrap for indirect origin dep

* replace unwrap by expect with a message


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* companion for substrate #13237 (#6626)

* companion for

* test-runtime: add MaxSetIdSessionEntries

* update lockfile for {"substrate"}


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* ignore fast-unstake remote test (#6641)

* Bump docker/build-push-action from 3 to 4 (#6651)

Bumps [docker/build-push-action]( from 3 to 4.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: docker/build-push-action
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-major

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Some late short-term fixes for dispute slashing (#6249)

* disputes/slashing: slash only backers for ForInvalid

* add an assertion in mock impl

* fix tests

* do not slash backers on onconcluded disputes

* slash an intersection of backers and losers

* zombienet/disputes: check for offence only for invalid disputes

* add backing votes to disputes bench builder

* Update runtime/parachains/src/

* Brad implementers guide revisions 2 (#6239)

* Add disputes subsystems fix

* Updated dispute approval vote import reasoning

* Improved wording of my changes

* Resolving issues brought up in comments

* Update disputes prioritisation in `dispute-coordinator` (#6130)

* Scraper processes CandidateBacked events

* Change definition of best-effort

* Fix `dispute-coordinator` tests

* Unit test for dispute filtering

* Clarification comment

* Add tests

* Fix logic

If a dispute is not backed, not included and not confirmed we
don't participate but we do import votes.

* Add metrics for refrained participations

* Revert "Add tests"

This reverts commit 7b8391a087922ced942cde9cd2b50ff3f633efc0.

* Revert "Unit test for dispute filtering"

This reverts commit 92ba5fe678214ab360306313a33c781338e600a0.

* fix dispute-coordinator tests

* Fix scraping

* new tests

* Small fixes in guide

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: Andrei Sandu <>

* Fix some comments and remove a pointless test

* Code review feedback

* Clarification comment in tests

* Some tests

* Reference counted `CandidateHash` in scraper

* Proper handling for Backed and Included candidates in scraper

Backed candidates which are not included should be kept for a
predetermined window of finalized blocks. E.g. if a candidate is backed
but not included in block 2, and the window size is 2, the same
candidate should be cleaned after block 4 is finalized.

Add reference counting for candidates in scraper. A candidate can be
added on multiple block heights so we have to make sure we don't clean
it prematurely from the scraper.

Add tests.

* Update comments in tests

* Guide update

* Fix cleanup logic for `backed_candidates_by_block_number`

* Simplify cleanup

* Make spellcheck happy

* Update tests

* Extract candidate backing logic in separate struct

* Code review feedba…
alistair-singh added a commit to Snowfork/cumulus that referenced this pull request Jun 5, 2023
* use updated api for ensure origin trait

* Benchmarks for pallet-bridge-assets-transfer (#2316)

* benchmarks for pallet-bridge-asset-transfer

* use proper template for pallet weights

* fix test

* fixing compialtion

* fix (?) compilation warn/error in westmint

* weight limits in can_governance_call_xcm_transact_with_bridge_assets_transfer_configuration

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet statemine assets pallet_bridge_assets_transfer

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet statemine assets pallet_bridge_assets_transfer

* add prototype for multiple assets benchmarking


Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Assets/ForeignAssets tests and fixes (#2167)

* Test for create and transfer `TrustBackedAssets` with AssetTransactor

* Test for transfer `local Currency` with AssetTransactor

* Test for create foreign assets (covers foreign relaychain currency)

* Added `ForeignFungiblesTransactor` and test for transfer `ForeignAssets` with AssetTransactor

* Removed unused `pub const Local: MultiLocation`

* Changed `ParaId -> Sibling` for `SiblingParachainConvertsVia`

* Test for create foreign assets (covers local sibling parachain assets)

* Reverted stuff for ForeignCreators from different global consensus (moved to transfer asset branch)

* Refactor `weight_limit` for `execute_xcm`

* Added test for `set_metadata` by ForeignCreator with `xcm::Transact(set_metadata)`

* Renamed `receive_teleported_asset_works` -> `receive_teleported_asset_for_native_asset_works`

* Allow `ForeignCreators` only for sibling parachains

* Unify ReservedDmpWeight/ReservedXcmpWeight usage

* Removed hack - replaced with `MatchedConvertedConcreteId`

* Refactor `ForeignCreators` to assets-common

* Add `ReceiveTeleportedAsset` test

* Change test - `Utility::batch` -> Multiple `xcm::Transact`

* Reusing the same deposits as for TrustBackedAssets

* missing `try_successful_origin` ?

* Finished `ForeignAssets` for westmint (converter, FungiblesApi, tests)

* Refactoring tests - receive_teleported_asset_for_native_asset_works

* ForeignAssets for statemine + refactored `receive_teleported_asset_from_foreign_creator_works`

* Add `ForeignAssets` to statemine `FungiblesApi`

* Add `asset_transactor_transfer_with_local_consensus_currency_works` to all runtimes

* Added `asset_transactor_transfer_with_trust_backed_assets_works` test

* Added `asset_transactor_transfer_with_foreign_assets_works`

* Fix `missing `try_successful_origin` in implementation`

* Added `create_and_manage_foreign_assets_for_local_consensus_parachain_assets_works`

* Added `ExpectTransactStatus` check

* Small rename

* Extended `test_assets_balances_api_works` with ForeignAssets for `statemine`

* PR fixes

* Update parachains/runtimes/assets/test-utils/src/


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
Co-authored-by: joe petrowski <>

* Added `StartsWithExplicitGlobalConsensus` to ignores (#2338)

* Change to correct weight file for pallet_bridge_assets_transfer

* Renamed `pallet-bridge-assets-transfer` to `pallet-bridge-transfer`

* from_ref_time to from_parts

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet statemine assets pallet_bridge_transfer

* Added `ping_via_bridge`

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet statemine assets pallet_bridge_transfer

* Fix test

* Revert not needed stuff

* Added test-case `can_governance_change_bridge_transfer_configuration`

* Added test `initiate_transfer_asset_via_bridge_for_native_asset_works`

* Fix compilation

* Small fixes

* Added support for paid or unpaid execution by configuration

* Removed stuff

* Bump futures from 0.3.26 to 0.3.27 (#2359)

Bumps [futures]( from 0.3.26 to 0.3.27.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: futures
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
Co-authored-by: Sebastian Kunert <>

* Bump clap from 4.1.11 to 4.1.13 (#2388)

Bumps [clap]( from 4.1.11 to 4.1.13.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: clap
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Remove HeaderBackend from RelayChainRPCClient (#2385)

* Remove HeaderBackend from RelayChainRPCClient

* update lockfile for {"substrate", "polkadot"}


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Added `receive_reserve_asset_deposited_from_different_consensus_works`

* Bump scale-info from 2.3.1 to 2.4.0 (#2386)

Bumps [scale-info]( from 2.3.1 to 2.4.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: scale-info
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Renamed Bridges -> AllowedExporters

* Bump serde_json from 1.0.94 to 1.0.95 (#2387)

Bumps [serde_json]( from 1.0.94 to 1.0.95.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: serde_json
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Companion: wasm-builder support stable Rust (#2393)

* Companion: wasm-builder support stable Rust

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Added `IsReserve` handling for `ReserveAssetDeposited` + benchmarks

* Bump thiserror from 1.0.38 to 1.0.40 (#2396)

Bumps [thiserror]( from 1.0.38 to 1.0.40.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: thiserror
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Fix compile

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet statemine assets pallet_bridge_transfer

* Bump syn from 1.0.109 to 2.0.9 (#2397)

Bumps [syn]( from 1.0.109 to 2.0.9.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: syn
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-major

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump serde from 1.0.156 to 1.0.159 (#2395)

Bumps [serde]( from 1.0.156 to 1.0.159.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: serde
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Companion for (#2401)

* Companion for

* Add comment

* update lockfile for {"substrate", "polkadot"}


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Bump syn from 2.0.9 to 2.0.11 (#2405)

Bumps [syn]( from 2.0.9 to 2.0.11.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: syn
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump scale-info from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 (#2404)

Bumps [scale-info]( from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: scale-info
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump tempfile from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0 (#2406)

Bumps [tempfile]( from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: tempfile
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* bump zombienet version (#2411)

* Fix conditional benchmarking

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet statemine assets pallet_bridge_transfer

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet westmint assets pallet_bridge_transfer

* Bump tokio from 1.26.0 to 1.27.0 (#2413)

Bumps [tokio]( from 1.26.0 to 1.27.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: tokio
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Change test weights

* Bump syn from 2.0.11 to 2.0.12 (#2414)

Bumps [syn]( from 2.0.11 to 2.0.12.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: syn
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump proc-macro2 from 1.0.52 to 1.0.54 (#2415)

Bumps [proc-macro2]( from 1.0.52 to 1.0.54.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: proc-macro2
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Companion PR for contract deletion updates (#2409)

* Companion PR for contract deletion updates


* Revert "Companion PR for contract deletion updates"

This reverts commit 4fb2ca53a1bdfbd7dc0d35be52525da99547c76c.

* fix lint

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Fix SafeCallFilter for westmint

* Allow arbitrary key-values in RelayStateSproofBuilder (#2407)

* help text examples + clean up (#2418)

* Bump futures from 0.3.27 to 0.3.28 (#2420)

Bumps [futures]( from 0.3.27 to 0.3.28.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: futures
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump clap from 4.1.13 to 4.1.14 (#2421)

Bumps [clap]( from 4.1.13 to 4.1.14.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: clap
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Update Substrate & Polkadot (#2422)

* Bump syn from 2.0.12 to 2.0.13 (#2428)

Bumps [syn]( from 2.0.12 to 2.0.13.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: syn
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump hex-literal from 0.3.4 to 0.4.0 (#2426)

Bumps [hex-literal]( from 0.3.4 to 0.4.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: hex-literal
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Companion for #6986 (#2416)

* refactor: apply substrate/pull/13610

* Added `origin` to config for `universal_origin` benchmark

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}

* Update


Co-authored-by: William Freudenberger <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* [backport] weights 9400 (#2425)

* [benchmarks] pr with weights (#2373)

Co-authored-by: paritytech-ci <>

* [benchmarks] pr with weights (#2374)

Co-authored-by: paritytech-ci <>

* [benchmarks] pr with weights (#2375)

Co-authored-by: paritytech-ci <>

* Proof size in test wasn't sufficient

(due to updated weights.)


Co-authored-by: Paritytech CI <>
Co-authored-by: paritytech-ci <>
Co-authored-by: Giles Cope <>

* Use send_xcm and add cost to event

* Cleanup: Remove polkadot-service dependency from minimal node (#2430)

* Remove polkadot-service dependency from minimal-node

* Clean up error handline

* Remove unwanted changes

* Unused deps

* Co #13699: Remove old calls (#2431)

* Remove old calls

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* update lockfile for {"substrate", "polkadot"}

* Ignore warning in pallet ping

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Ignore more warnings...

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* ...

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>


Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* [Backport] version bumps 9400 (#2424)

* Bump crate versions

* Bump spec_version to 9400

* bump transaction versions (#2364)

* Refactor to support multiple MultiAsset + cleaning

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Bump hex-literal from 0.4.0 to 0.4.1 (#2434)

Bumps [hex-literal]( from 0.4.0 to 0.4.1.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: hex-literal
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Updated bridge-hub-polkadot.json (#2435)

* The Polkadot Fellowship import (#2236)

* Fellowship into Collectives

* cargo.lock

* tracks alias

* allow to send Fellows origin over XCM

* update todos, remove duplication of type

* use Collectives location for Fellows body

* alias for ranks constants

* benchmarks

* proxy for Fellowship

* docs

* correct copyright date

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: joe petrowski <>

* rustfmt

* remove council, update origins

* renames

* remove tech committee from promote origin

* renames

* Fellowship import

* test

* rename mod

* fix import

* updated addresses (only ss58 version)

* update addresses

* doc nits

* weights with new api

* update addresses

* fix try runtime

* update addresses

* use pallet api to import the members

* merge fix

* hex-literal version

* add Bradley to the 1 rank


Co-authored-by: joe petrowski <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Companion for  #13302 (#2357)

* primitives/core: Derive scale_info::TypeInfo for runtime APIs

Signed-off-by: Alexandru Vasile <>

* parachains: Derive scale_info::TypeInfo for FungiblesAccessError

Signed-off-by: Alexandru Vasile <>

* parachains: Fix `TypeInfo` import path

Signed-off-by: Alexandru Vasile <>

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}

* Adjust testing for the new API

Signed-off-by: Alexandru Vasile <>

* Adjust deprecated methods

Signed-off-by: Alexandru Vasile <>


Signed-off-by: Alexandru Vasile <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* use stable rust toolchain in ci

* Bump syn from 2.0.13 to 2.0.14 (#2446)

Bumps [syn]( from 2.0.13 to 2.0.14.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: syn
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump serde from 1.0.159 to 1.0.160 (#2445)

Bumps [serde]( from 1.0.159 to 1.0.160.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: serde
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Invoke cargo build commands with `--locked` (#2444)

* Bump actions/checkout from 3.1.0 to 3.5.1 (#2448)

* Bump actions/checkout from 3.1.0 to 3.5.1

Bumps [actions/checkout]( from 3.1.0 to 3.5.1.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: actions/checkout
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

* align version with hash


Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
Co-authored-by: Sergejs Kostjucenko <>

* Updated doc

* Bump serde_json from 1.0.95 to 1.0.96 (#2453)

Bumps [serde_json]( from 1.0.95 to 1.0.96.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: serde_json
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump actions/checkout from 3.5.1 to 3.5.2 (#2452)

Bumps [actions/checkout]( from 3.5.1 to 3.5.2.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: actions/checkout
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump syn from 2.0.14 to 2.0.15 (#2454)

Bumps [syn]( from 2.0.14 to 2.0.15.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: syn
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump assert_cmd from 2.0.10 to 2.0.11 (#2457)

Bumps [assert_cmd]( from 2.0.10 to 2.0.11.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: assert_cmd
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Changed `query_account_balances` return type (#2455)

* Companion for substrate#13883 (#2460)

* update substrate

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Optimize level monitor reconstruction (#2461)

* Optimize level monitor reconstruction

* Fix counter increment and test

* Struct comments as doc comments

* Bump clap from 4.1.14 to 4.2.3 (#2465)

* Bump Swatinem/rust-cache from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1 (#2456)

Bumps [Swatinem/rust-cache]( from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: Swatinem/rust-cache
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Companion for substrate#13771 (#2410)

* max proposal weight config

* update deps


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Parachain node should not recover blocks while syncing (#2462)

* Address review comments

* [Polkadot Companion] for 7101 (#2470)

* [Polkadot Companion] for 7101


* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Align BridgeHub runtimes with other SP runtimes + reused test for teleport native tokens + some nits (#2449)

* Align BridgeHub runtimes with other SP runtimes

* Reused `teleports_for_native_asset_works` test to all bridge-hub runtime

* Fix import vs doc

* Removed unnecessery deps

* DealWithFees + ToAuthor->ToStakingPot for BH according to the other runtimes

* Update parachains/runtimes/bridge-hubs/bridge-hub-rococo/src/

Co-authored-by: joe petrowski <>

* Update parachains/runtimes/bridge-hubs/bridge-hub-polkadot/src/

Co-authored-by: joe petrowski <>

* Update parachains/runtimes/bridge-hubs/bridge-hub-kusama/src/

Co-authored-by: joe petrowski <>

* Align all desc

* Extract runtime_para_id for test

* Fix test


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
Co-authored-by: joe petrowski <>

* Extract runtime_para_id for test

* Typos

* Added helper for `execute_as_governance`

* Fix test because `UnpaidRemoteExporter` adds now `UnpaidExecution` instruction

* Use `execute_as_governance` function

* [ci] Update buildah command and version (#2479)

* Bump enumflags2 from 0.7.5 to 0.7.7 (#2481)

Bumps [enumflags2]( from 0.7.5 to 0.7.7.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: enumflags2
  dependency-type: indirect

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump ruby/setup-ruby from 1.133.2 to 1.146.0 (#2466)

Bumps [ruby/setup-ruby]( from 1.133.2 to 1.146.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: ruby/setup-ruby
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump ruby/setup-ruby from 1.146.0 to 1.147.0 (#2484)

Bumps [ruby/setup-ruby]( from 1.146.0 to 1.147.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: ruby/setup-ruby
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump actions/download-artifact from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (#1798)

* Bump actions/download-artifact from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1

Bumps [actions/download-artifact]( from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: actions/download-artifact
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

* match hash with version


Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
Co-authored-by: Sergejs Kostjucenko <>

* Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 (#1799)

* Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1

Bumps [actions/upload-artifact]( from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: actions/upload-artifact
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

* match hash with version


Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
Co-authored-by: Sergejs Kostjucenko <>

* Bump actions/cache from 3.0.11 to 3.2.3 (#2082)

Bumps [actions/cache]( from 3.0.11 to 3.2.3.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: actions/cache
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Companion for substrate#13565 (#2306)

* add default deposit limit

* cargo upd

* Bump actions/download-artifact from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 (#2485)

Bumps [actions/download-artifact]( from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: actions/download-artifact
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump chevdor/srtool-actions from 0.6.0 to 0.7.0 (#2486)

Bumps [chevdor/srtool-actions]( from 0.6.0 to 0.7.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: chevdor/srtool-actions
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2 (#2487)

Bumps [actions/upload-artifact]( from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: actions/upload-artifact
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump actions/cache from 3.2.3 to 3.3.1 (#2488)

Bumps [actions/cache]( from 3.2.3 to 3.3.1.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: actions/cache
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump h2 from 0.3.9 to 0.3.17 (#2451)

Bumps [h2]( from 0.3.9 to 0.3.17.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: h2
  dependency-type: indirect

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Add JSON chainspecs for Wococo and Rococo Bridge-hub (#2473)

* add bridge-hub rococo and wococo chainspecs

* use json chainspec for bridge-hub-rococo and bridge-hub-wococo

* Removed unused functions


Co-authored-by: Branislav Kontur <>

* Companion for paritytech/polkadot#7098 (#2469)

* Companion for paritytech/polkadot#7098

* Fixes

* Add missing benchmarked function

* Fix typo

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* level-monitor: Use prroper log target (#2493)

* level-monitor: Use prroper log target

* ".git/.scripts/commands/fmt/"


Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Bump ruby/setup-ruby from 1.147.0 to 1.148.0 (#2496)

Bumps [ruby/setup-ruby]( from 1.147.0 to 1.148.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: ruby/setup-ruby
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Skip av-store, make consensus task blocking (#2497)

* Bump scale-info from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0 (#2500)

Bumps [scale-info]( from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: scale-info
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump clap to 4.2.5 (#2505)

* [ci] Run gha fmt in docker (#2511)

* [ci] Run gha fmt in docker

* use cargo run instead action

* Companion PR for add events to ContractResult (#2510)

* contracts: adapt to new contracts api

* update lockfile for {"substrate", "polkadot"}


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Bump tokio from 1.27.0 to 1.28.0 (#2508)

Bumps [tokio]( from 1.27.0 to 1.28.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: tokio
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump clap from 4.2.5 to 4.2.7 (#2516)

Bumps [clap]( from 4.2.5 to 4.2.7.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: clap
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Initial version of bridging pallets as git subtree (#2458)

* Initial version of bridges pallet as subtree of
Added `Bridges subtree files` pr review rule

* Squashed 'bridges/' content from commit d30927c08

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d30927c089bd9e73092d1ec1a62895603cb277a3

* Updated and (inspired by original

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from d30927c08..d3970944b

d3970944b Small simplifications (#2050)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d3970944b0cfc4ea5226225e1ca07dab234c3556

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from d3970944b..2180797fb

2180797fb Removed CODEOWNERS (#2051)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 2180797fbf8a990490c67853dcffd81bc8dd083c

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 2180797fbf..4850aac8ce

4850aac8ce Removed relayer_account: &AccountId from MessageDispatch  (#2080)
8c8adafd54 Revert "Fix max-size messages at test chains (#2064)" (#2077)
c01a63efd8 Fixed off-by-one when confirming rewards in messages pallet (#2075)
a298be96aa Update subxt dependencies (#2072)
c0eef51eab Fix max-size messages at test chains (#2064)
3a658e3697 Messages relay fixes (#2073)
0022b5ab22 Slash relayers for invalid transactions (#2025)
198104007f Bump enumflags2 from 0.7.5 to 0.7.7
9229b257e5 [ci] Fix rules for docker build (#2069)
660d791390 [ci] Update buildah command and version (#2058)
e4535c0ca4 fix the way latest_confirmed_nonce_at_source is "calculated" (#2067)
dbc2d37590 select nothing if we have already selected nonces to submit or have submitted something (#2065)
a7eedd21fe [relay-substrate-client] Bump jsonrpsee (#2066)
8875d5aeae Bump clap from 4.2.2 to 4.2.4
25f9cf55e2 Another use of RangeInclusiveExt::checked_len() (#2060)
4942c12a5f submit lane unblock transactions from relay (#2030)
c0325d3c9c Test deployments fixes (#2057)
fc7b9b7ed7 Use the new matrix server (#2056)
63bcb5c10b Fixed delivery alert rule (#2052)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 4850aac8ce6c34e5ca6246b88cd14c873a879cba

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 4850aac8ce..66aaf0dd23

66aaf0dd23 Nits (#2083)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 66aaf0dd239dde40b64264061a77c921e2c82568

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 66aaf0dd23..557ecbcecc

557ecbcecc Fix sized messages (Follow-up on #2064) (#2103)
54f587a066 Add weight of refund extension post_dispatch to the weights of messages pallet (#2089)
5b1626f8c4 fix pallet param for nightly benchmarks check (#2099)
ae44c6b7a1 Add millau specific messages weights (#2097)
6ad0bd1f1e Add integrity tests to rialto parachain runtiime (#2096)
6919556de5 Bump tokio from 1.27.0 to 1.28.0
58795fcb75 Bump clap from 4.2.4 to 4.2.5
01bf31085b Bump scale-info from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0
8fe383240d Bump anyhow from 1.0.70 to 1.0.71
8d94e82ad5 deployments: add new BEEFY metrics and alarms (#2090)
e9a4749e7e Bump wasmtime from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2
9d9936c0d9 Bump wasmtime from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 in /tools/runtime-codegen
5d77cd7bee Add more logs to relayer and message pallets (#2082)
75fbb9d3ef Update comment (#2081)
9904d09cf6 Benchmarks for new relayers pallet calls (#2040)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 557ecbcecc585547b744a5ac9fb8d7f3b9de4521

* fmt

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 557ecbcecc..04b3dda6aa

04b3dda6aa Remove from subtree (#2111)
f8ff15e7e7 Add `MessagesPalletInstance` for integrity tests (#2107)
92ccef58e6 Use generated runtimes for BHR/BHW (#2106)
b33e0a585b Fix comment (#2105)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 04b3dda6aa38599e612ff637710b6d2cff275ef3

* ".git/.scripts/commands/fmt/"


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* BridgeHub Rococo/Wococo runtimes (#2111)

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* cargo fmt

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Update BridgeHub runtime version

* Fixes

* Zombienet for bridge-hub setup

* Fixes

* Remove unused import

* Fixes for gav-xcm-v3 (#1835)

* Fix for FungiblesAdapter - trait changes: Contains -> AssetChecking

* Fix for missing weight for `fn unpaid_execution()`

* Used NonLocalMint for all NonZeroIssuance

* Fix

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fix tests

* Fixes

* Trying to fix sed expression?

* Trying to fix sed expression?

* Use the `relay-headers-and-messages` command (#1913)

* Bridge hubs readme: fixes and additions

* Use the relay-headers-and-messages command

* cargo fmt

* Fix + zombienet

* Parachain ID update of bridge-hub-wococo

* Update bridge-hub-wococo chainspec

* Squashed 'bridges/' content from commit 062554430

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 0625544309ff299307f7e110f252f04eac383102

* Add SafeCallFilter

* Add missing config items

* Add TODO

* Fixes (xcm Superuser + DispatchLevelResult)

* Fix cargo

* Change runtime version

* Unit-tests for dispatch bridging messages and XCM routing on BridgeHubs + HRMP

* Removed Sudo pallet

* Use () as the PriceForParentDelivery

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Update transact_origin to transact_origin_and_runtime_call

* Add ReachableDest config item to XCM pallet

* Add BridgeRejectObsoleteHeadersAndMessages to bridge hubs (#1972)

* Update SafeCallFilter to allow remark_with_event in runtime benchmarks

* cargo fmt

* Update substrate

* Fix worst_case_holding

* Fix DMQ queue unit tests

* Remove unused label

* cargo fmt

* Actually process incoming XCMs

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes - return back Weightless

* Simplify local run + readme

* Added measured benchmarks for `pallet_xcm` (#1968)

* Fix



* Fix

* Fixes for transact benchmark

* Fixes add pallet_xcm to benchmarks

* Revert remark_with_event

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Fixes


* Fix for reserve_asset_deposited

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemine assets pallet_xcm

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemint assets pallet_xcm

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet westmint assets pallet_xcm

* Fix westmint

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_xcm

* Fix for collectives

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* Fixes for bridge-hubs

* Fixes - return back Weightless

* Fix - removed MigrateToTrackInactive for contracts-rococo

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* cargo fmt

* Fix benchmarks

* Bko gav xcm v3 (#1993)

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemine assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet westmint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Change AllowUnpaidExecutionFrom to be explicit

* Turn on more xcm logs for parachains

* Added polkadot-parachain-mint binary instructions

* xcm-v3 benchmarks, weights, fixes for bridge-hubs (#2035)

* Dumy weights to get compile

* Change UniversalLocation according to (Location Inversion Removed)

* Fix bridge-hubs weights

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemine assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet westmint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Change NetworkId to Option<NetworkId>

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>

* remove shift session manager from bridge-hub-rococo (#2047)

* remove shift session manager from bridge-hub-rococo

* also remove from Cargo.toml

* Add event for showing the hash of an UMP sent message (#1228)

* Add UpwardMessageSent event in parachain-system

* additional fixes

* Message Id

* Fix errors from merge

* fmt

* more fmt

* Remove todo

* more formatting

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Updated and scripts/ for sending messages (local, live)

* Allow explicit unpaid executions from the relay chains for system parachains (#2060)

* Allow explicit unpaid executions from the relay chains for system parachains

* Put origin-filtering barriers into WithComputedOrigin

* Use ConstU32<8>

* Small nits

* formatting

* cargo fmt

* Align laneId to 00000001

* Allow receiving XCMs from any relay chain plurality

* Fixes

* Use Rococo/Wococo runtime APIs defined in bridge primitives (#2080)

* Patched dependencies (polkadot, substrate) for xcm-v3 (compiles + tests work)

* Replace serial_test and fix with thread_local

* Very init of script for bumping bridges repo

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 062554430..984749ba0

984749ba0 Define separate signed extension for BHR/BHW (#1776)
72b03d463 update Substrate/Polkadot/Cumulus deps to master (#1775)
3065c7903 Added crate-level docs for the parachains pallet (#1772)
a0f41b2d8 added/updated pallet level docs to grandpa and messages pallets (#1771)
6d69d1f4d docs: add Security Policy doc (#1770)
ff8c0f727 Fix cargo deny issues (#1769)
6fc931d07 Bump xcm-v3 + substrate (#1767)
5840197c3 Define method for checking message lane weights (#1766)
41d91e961 fixed receive_delivery_proof_for_two_messages_by_two_relayers (#1764)
ac0cf7b78 Fix some cargo-deny issues (#1763)
6d9dc6367 `cargo machete` removed unused deps (#1761)
c265b5430 Remove sp-version dependency from bin-substrate (#1758)
1327c9d97 Set `R/WococoBridgeHub` bundle runtime version (#1756)
a3a2a06ae Expose relay version metric (#1750)
13f4a0164 Use indirect runtime calls for RialtoParachain (#1753)
9563f9eee fix nightly clippy again (#1752)
21b75b893 no-grafana-startup-delay option in (#1751)
a5fe0dfc4 Remove TODO (#1749)
6c826a6c3 Deduplicate pallet call structs used for indirect runtime calls (#1744)
e575269e5 fix nightly clippy (#1746)
209cba353 Update project level docs (#1734)
b05cef5b4 Improve relayer initialization behaviour (#1743)
c7b6bae9d Make debug display of LaneId compatible with its previous version (#1740)
221e4e80c Remove CliChain::KeyPair (#1741)
3d9d2907f Use TypedLaneId instead of LaneId (#1738)
6683b8136 Simplify read_client_state() (#1739)
3f7353b82 Expose metrics of on-demand relay chain headers sync from with-parachain complex relays (#1737)
ab65d84e0 Handle `SIGTERM` for the docker containers + relay (#1735)
b9050e90c Replace `BATCH_CALL_SUPPORTED` (#1733)
c28b3ff66 Updated db weights and some experiments (#1732)
023689c6c Do not require new headers if lane is empty (#1725)
bddf1fa19 remove messages pallet owner relay argument (#1728)
ef55226c6 more traces + remove signer override (#1727)
4d50df6ed remove BatchDeliveryTransaction::new and BatchConfirmationTransaction::new to avoid expects (#1726)
15244e53e Batch transactions in complex relays (#1669)
c209bb9ac fix pallet names at bridge hubs (#1722)
036e6696e tests (#1720)
3d56e2089 Check origin? (#1718)
af9abbeb8 Remove SOURCE_PARACHAIN_PARA_ID (#1716)
d1cb5d1a8 fix parachains benchmarks (#1717)
84bdf864b Changed docker image name for substrate-relay (#1714)
5698fb465 Remove WeightToFee (#1713)
9f4106bc1 Fix bridge hub rococo/wococo weights (#1712)
114b1502f Only store header state root (pallet-bridge-parachains) (#1701)
92e86f07b New relayer rewards scheme integration (#1652)
8649d12af Signed extension to refund relayer at the target chain (#1657)
ec6bafaf0 DeliveryConfirmationPayments trait for paying relayer rewards at the source chain (#1653)
fab2344f4 only store header state root (pallet-bridge-grandpa) (#1699)
b5e916f64 fixed benchmarks of relayers pallet (#1700)
5cce3e86d fix clippy (#1698)
f78e8867b removed MintReward and added PayLaneRewardFromAccount (#1693)
0c19db305 added version guards to RBH<>WBH GRANDPA finality (and complex) relay (#1697)
c003b951d removed ESTIMATE_MESSAGE_FEE_METHOD (#1696)
4903b7929 refund_pay_dispatch_fee removed (#1695)
61c3b22ca Replace const parameters types (#1691)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 984749ba021b5b8ec16f65cd1e50b234640d838b

* Fixes after merge

* Fixes

* Use auto runtime version for local runs (#2113)

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 984749ba0..fb3c5ef5d

fb3c5ef5d Add integrity check for signed extensions (#1780)
3959628ff add try-runtime feature to pallets (#1779)
be36ff00c Default impl for some methods in messages benchmarking pallet config (#1777)
68344e329 Relayer reward metric (#1742)
6b455597b Crate-level documentation on finality relays and relayers pallet (#1773)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: fb3c5ef5dae42553522c7eff37678de9bf4f6c67

* Fixed try-runtime

* Fix cargo.lock

* Fix BridgePalletIsNotInitialized (#2114)

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from fb3c5ef5d..e2e9fa7f9

e2e9fa7f9 Expose EXTRA_STORAGE_PROOF_SIZE in bp-bridge-hub-cumulus (#1788)
ba85532b1 Removed unecesserry test + substrate/polkadot (#1787)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: e2e9fa7f94d2f105c1816402a9ae4b85bfc34145

* Fix cargo.toml

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from e2e9fa7f9..d5f95c14a

d5f95c14a use wss to connect to the Rialto node in test deployments (#1809)
722d47b06 fix compilation
a48732676 Bump sysinfo from 0.15.9 to 0.27.7
9a6e8bb1d Bump env_logger from 0.8.4 to 0.10.0
89c5e7981 Bump async-trait from 0.1.61 to 0.1.62
ddd0a5742 Bump fixed-hash from 0.7.0 to 0.8.0
e8b0b8192 Bump impl-serde from 0.3.2 to 0.4.0
c5227460f Bump jsonpath_lib from 0.2.6 to 0.3.0
9f4771d38 Bump parking_lot from 0.11.2 to 0.12.1
dab5d72ae Bump backoff from 0.2.1 to 0.4.0
d7dd3acce Bump strum from 0.21.0 to 0.24.1
c49799017 Bump tokio from 1.24.1 to 1.24.2
db614681e Bump clap from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1
3c155214d update ignored dependencies for dependabot (#1790)
4c791472c No wildcard patterns in Cargo.toml (#1789)
33632313d Remove chain-specific dependencies from crates that will be used in Cumulus (#1783)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d5f95c14a2771d7ad51db95670d08a5d0da526a0

* Fix `send-remark-local` script because of new xcm-v3

* Refactor haul/dispatch xcm stuff

* Add Rococo <> Wococo integrity tests (#1975)

* Remove 1 integrity test

In sync with

* use TargetHeaderChainAdapter and SourceHeaderChainAdapter

* Rococo <-> Wococo integrity tests

* Add message lane weights tests

* Add signed extension integrity test

* Bridge benchmarks for bridge hub rococo/wococo (#2107)

* fix benchmarks compilation and add bridges benchmarks (prototype) to RBH/WBH

* post-merge fixes

* remove duplicate "pallet-collator-selection/runtime-benchmarks"

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_grandpa

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_parachains

* remove methods that are no longer required

* fixed helpers used in bridge hub messages palelt benchmarks

* unused imports

* compilation

* compilation


* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_messages

* use generated weights in pallets configuration

* add mod for new weights

* impl WeightInfoExt

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Ensure governance can call `initialize` with `xcm:Transact` bridge grandpa pallets

* Just in case changed spec_version

* Some scripts for enabling asset transfer on local statemine->westmint

* script

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from d5f95c14a..b39cb0dea

b39cb0dea MaxValues limit for storage maps in the pallet-bridge-grandpa (#1861)
11b3a611d fixed TODOs for weights v2 (#1860)
5a44f9fea Message delivery transaction is not free!!! (#1859)
59a42bd58 fixed BEEFY genesis (#1858)
ab7c7ad0f Use parity-util-mem 0.12.0 (#1856)
8fd346e5a changed some tests for weights v2 (#1855)
c438b9f74 Add separate Cargo.lock for `tools/runtime-codegen` (#1854)
fc55a97d7 Fix `HeadersToKeep` and `MaxBridgedAuthorities` in Millau benchmarks (#1851)
72e64a3d7 Decrease number of GRANDPA authorities in Polkadot-like chains from 100_000 to 2_048 (#1852)
d60a331ed Update Substrate/Polkadot/Cumulus dependencies + weights v2 (#1850)
61b229b65 Bump async-trait from 0.1.63 to 0.1.64
366333108 Bump serde_json from 1.0.91 to 1.0.92 (#1845)
4d917bb3a Bump trie-db from 0.24.0 to 0.25.0
8d919eac9 Bump anyhow from 1.0.68 to 1.0.69
ef9364dd0 Bump proc-macro2 from 1.0.49 to 1.0.51
9ddeebed5 Bump futures from 0.3.25 to 0.3.26
e02eb7573 connect using wss under flag condition (#1843)
99754a07f remove extra tracing on test deployments (#1842)
bdb84cea6 Add tool for auto generating runtime code from metadata (#1812)
86662f263 fix bridge-runtime-common build (#1839)
f656ac77d Change some macro names (#1837)
50f2980e9 Verify partial repo build on CI (#1832)
f70f8231b fix bridge hubs blocks interval (#1836)
ddbe5cddf [ci] change runners (#1833)
45a68ad39 Fix on demand parachains relay when no parachain head at target (#1834)
6dbce7258 Use GitLab env vars to get git commit (#1831)
b1a8161e8 bump bridge hub versions (#1830)
e909595e0 Use specific error for case when para head is missing from the bridge pallet (#1829)
d517da8a2 Do not read parachain heads from ancient relay headers (#1827)
217bc72f5 Reconnect source client (#1826)
47bf5f693 Bump tokio from 1.24.2 to 1.25.0
6b307b48a Bump clap from 4.1.3 to 4.1.4
90bc29a17 Use named parameters for indirect calls (#1823)
986eeb556 Fix: typos (#1822)
450823b01 docs: fix broken link and minor nits (#1821)
3ed01ae31 do not call best_finalized_para_block_at_source for ancient block (#1819)
001956290 Functions to benchmark messages pallet with linked to parachain (#1817)
e9b0a1c48 Remove InboundPayload check (#1816)
873ea4e40 Bump clap from 4.1.1 to 4.1.3
97eccaa8b also ignore the base xcm crate (#1798)
2d3dcd00b Update bundled runtime version for bridge hub r/wococo (#1814)
7167c0067 Bump bumpalo from 3.10.0 to 3.12.0 in /fuzz/storage-proof
067687520 Bump async-trait from 0.1.62 to 0.1.63 (#1811)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: b39cb0dea5751847ea73ab9946667003625eaf1a

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from b39cb0dea..4c4a7eae1

4c4a7eae1 Small stuff from Cumulus integration (#1865)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 4c4a7eae1503aa63a84fb65d56d67599d362d645

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 4c4a7eae1..dcaec27aa

dcaec27aa RefundRelayerForMessagesFromParachain improvements (#1879)
5457f0672 clippy fixes (#1880)
29e8a305c MaxValues for OutboundLanes map (#1871)
5219b56f8 More tests for message pallet weights (#1870)
c4c0c7a1b Bump signal-hook from 0.3.14 to 0.3.15
0ff597b96 Bump serde_json from 1.0.92 to 1.0.93
1c5132eb1 Bump subxt from `20adb19` to `9e2acff`
adb07816b update parachains relay doc (#1874)
972ef3133 Update (#1872)
94648061b MaxValues for maps in parachain maps (#1868)
662267a6f "refund" proof size in GRANDPa pallet (#1863)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: dcaec27aaa6f41070fbdfbfd4fde2029697eb85f

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from dcaec27aa..91e66cfb9

91e66cfb9 Fix clippy issues (#1884)
0bd77f457 Reject storage proofs with unused nodes: begin (#1878)
77a3672f9 Refund extra proof bytes in message delivery transaction (#1864)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 91e66cfb99c1a7b247e435515dd0f62b4058974e

* Fix tests

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 91e66cfb9..d39f563be

d39f563be Make `weights::WeightInfo` pub (#1886)
c67d06aa5 ChainWithGrandpa in primitives (#1885)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d39f563bea57528c16763f458af3036842a0ea5f

* Merge fix

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from d39f563be..78e3357c0

78e3357c0 RefundRelayerForMessagesFromParachain improvements (#1895)
131b17359 optimize justification before submit (#1887)
5bc279ebb use complex transactions on RBH/WBH bridge hubs (#1893)
8f0c09ab9 Bump clap from 4.1.4 to 4.1.6
66429b06a Bump sysinfo from 0.27.7 to 0.28.0
8b329ee8f Bump trie-db from 0.25.0 to 0.25.1
635cfccfd Bump time from 0.3.17 to 0.3.19

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 78e3357c0387c95317b8c3e5c4d9316f3a9f3ef4

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 78e3357c0..5b5627e90

5b5627e90 Rewards refund for relaying BridgeHubRococo/BridgeHubWococo (#1894)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 5b5627e9081640ed5691eb2891182843563fb99a

* Rewards for relayers setup (#2194)

* Rewards for relayers setup

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_relayers

* Setup weight for relayer

* Setup `DeliveryConfirmationPayments` + `RefundRelayerForMessagesFromParachain`

* No need to have more than one collator per parachain

* Setup multi refund signed extensions

* Rewards sign ext test

* test

* fixes


Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 5b5627e90..3c15c3645

3c15c3645 get rid of ChainWithMessages::WeightInfo, because we can't have exact weights for "external chains" (#1899)
8ccaa0213 Wrap confirmation and finality transactions into batch_all in Millau -> RialtoParachain bridge (#1898)
9b7285edb Weight+size limits for bridge GRANDPA pallet calls (#1882)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 3c15c36455f2ad944df6a492a8d82f7e0aaf7e9f

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 3c15c3645..d05a98473

d05a98473 Refund messages confirmation tx (#1904)
e2e8a7198 Relayers pallet: extend payment source id (#1907)
cccf73b3f fix nightly clippy issues (#1915)
a33a91e79 Bump tempfile from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0
1df768a2e Bump time from 0.3.17 to 0.3.20
cf17b424f Bump sysinfo from 0.28.0 to 0.28.1
0b6276b41 Bump jsonrpsee from 0.15.1 to 0.16.2
328dde02b Bump rand from 0.7.3 to 0.8.5
2f302a4b6 Bump trie-db from 0.25.1 to 0.26.0
b5d5d03ab CI add jobs to publish Docker images description to (#1906)
db5168f18 Do not stall on lost transaction (#1903)
2d83d6389 Fix init-bridge (#1900)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d05a98473dc933cfed9e5f59023efa2ec811f03c

* Rewards adjustments

* Update RBH/WBH spec version

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from d05a98473..ce7cf9a49

ce7cf9a49 Removed deprecated `#[pallet::generate_store(pub(super) trait Store)]` according to latest Cumulus (#1964)
897b1c0b2 Bump substrate/polkadot/cumulus (#1962)
7b946da2d Backport xcm bridging extensions to the bridge repo (#1813)
88c1114ec Bump futures from 0.3.26 to 0.3.27
8668f73bf Bump serde from 1.0.152 to 1.0.155
3df8823e1 Bump subxt from `a7b45ef` to `d4545de`
ef1b1bcd0 Some error improvements (#1956)
434c5e014 optimize justifications before they're included into complex transaction (#1949)
7bac365a6 Actually clone client data by reference when cloning the client (#1941)
764ddd4a8 remove lock file after checks are done (#1942)
c18a758f8 Fix invalid messages relay delivery transactions (#1940)
8ad152b06 fix nightly benchmarks test (#1939)
d451b4f84 Bump tokio from 1.25.0 to 1.26.0
8019c50aa Bump async-trait from 0.1.64 to 0.1.66
aa055fcee Bump serde_json from 1.0.93 to 1.0.94
ec2ef31c4 Bump subxt from `1c5faf3` to `a7b45ef`
20026366f Bump sysinfo from 0.28.1 to 0.28.2
fe246d1e3 Bump thiserror from 1.0.38 to 1.0.39
c95e0cf02 Fix deploy step in CI (#1931)
15b41c2dd Improve some relay errors readability (#1930)
792deae5e Added deploy Job (#1929)
d86c3ce21 Reconnect on-demand clients from MessagesSource::reconnect and MessagesTarget::reconnect (#1927)
4161b51f0 get rid of obsolete weight functions (#1926)
9b3b00e0f cargo update -p clap@4.1.6 (#1925)
13ab28c37 Bump subxt from `9e2acff` to `1c5faf3`
bb6171a05 Remove subxt dependency features (#1924)
66d200abb Verify with-parachain message benchmarks on CI (#1923)
b6af2116f Update BHR and BHW spec version (#1922)
d464e78d9 Fix benchmarks (#1919)
74574d53e fix master compilation (#1920)
1b373dff9 Fix multiple parachain headers submission for single message delivery (#1916)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: ce7cf9a4977fe614d35b6a7a84d5057e2c4ccaf5

* fixed npm install call (#2323)

* New weights (#2315)

* New weights

* Fix compile benchmarks

* Fix import

* Fix all weights

* Re…
ggwpez added a commit to paritytech/cumulus that referenced this pull request Jun 5, 2023
* Bump ruby/setup-ruby from 1.147.0 to 1.148.0 (#2496)

Bumps [ruby/setup-ruby]( from 1.147.0 to 1.148.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: ruby/setup-ruby
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Skip av-store, make consensus task blocking (#2497)

* Bump scale-info from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0 (#2500)

Bumps [scale-info]( from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: scale-info
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump clap to 4.2.5 (#2505)

* [ci] Run gha fmt in docker (#2511)

* [ci] Run gha fmt in docker

* use cargo run instead action

* Companion PR for add events to ContractResult (#2510)

* contracts: adapt to new contracts api

* update lockfile for {"substrate", "polkadot"}


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Bump tokio from 1.27.0 to 1.28.0 (#2508)

Bumps [tokio]( from 1.27.0 to 1.28.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: tokio
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump clap from 4.2.5 to 4.2.7 (#2516)

Bumps [clap]( from 4.2.5 to 4.2.7.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: clap
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Initial version of bridging pallets as git subtree (#2458)

* Initial version of bridges pallet as subtree of
Added `Bridges subtree files` pr review rule

* Squashed 'bridges/' content from commit d30927c08

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d30927c089bd9e73092d1ec1a62895603cb277a3

* Updated and (inspired by original

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from d30927c08..d3970944b

d3970944b Small simplifications (#2050)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d3970944b0cfc4ea5226225e1ca07dab234c3556

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from d3970944b..2180797fb

2180797fb Removed CODEOWNERS (#2051)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 2180797fbf8a990490c67853dcffd81bc8dd083c

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 2180797fbf..4850aac8ce

4850aac8ce Removed relayer_account: &AccountId from MessageDispatch  (#2080)
8c8adafd54 Revert "Fix max-size messages at test chains (#2064)" (#2077)
c01a63efd8 Fixed off-by-one when confirming rewards in messages pallet (#2075)
a298be96aa Update subxt dependencies (#2072)
c0eef51eab Fix max-size messages at test chains (#2064)
3a658e3697 Messages relay fixes (#2073)
0022b5ab22 Slash relayers for invalid transactions (#2025)
198104007f Bump enumflags2 from 0.7.5 to 0.7.7
9229b257e5 [ci] Fix rules for docker build (#2069)
660d791390 [ci] Update buildah command and version (#2058)
e4535c0ca4 fix the way latest_confirmed_nonce_at_source is "calculated" (#2067)
dbc2d37590 select nothing if we have already selected nonces to submit or have submitted something (#2065)
a7eedd21fe [relay-substrate-client] Bump jsonrpsee (#2066)
8875d5aeae Bump clap from 4.2.2 to 4.2.4
25f9cf55e2 Another use of RangeInclusiveExt::checked_len() (#2060)
4942c12a5f submit lane unblock transactions from relay (#2030)
c0325d3c9c Test deployments fixes (#2057)
fc7b9b7ed7 Use the new matrix server (#2056)
63bcb5c10b Fixed delivery alert rule (#2052)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 4850aac8ce6c34e5ca6246b88cd14c873a879cba

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 4850aac8ce..66aaf0dd23

66aaf0dd23 Nits (#2083)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 66aaf0dd239dde40b64264061a77c921e2c82568

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 66aaf0dd23..557ecbcecc

557ecbcecc Fix sized messages (Follow-up on #2064) (#2103)
54f587a066 Add weight of refund extension post_dispatch to the weights of messages pallet (#2089)
5b1626f8c4 fix pallet param for nightly benchmarks check (#2099)
ae44c6b7a1 Add millau specific messages weights (#2097)
6ad0bd1f1e Add integrity tests to rialto parachain runtiime (#2096)
6919556de5 Bump tokio from 1.27.0 to 1.28.0
58795fcb75 Bump clap from 4.2.4 to 4.2.5
01bf31085b Bump scale-info from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0
8fe383240d Bump anyhow from 1.0.70 to 1.0.71
8d94e82ad5 deployments: add new BEEFY metrics and alarms (#2090)
e9a4749e7e Bump wasmtime from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2
9d9936c0d9 Bump wasmtime from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 in /tools/runtime-codegen
5d77cd7bee Add more logs to relayer and message pallets (#2082)
75fbb9d3ef Update comment (#2081)
9904d09cf6 Benchmarks for new relayers pallet calls (#2040)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 557ecbcecc585547b744a5ac9fb8d7f3b9de4521

* fmt

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 557ecbcecc..04b3dda6aa

04b3dda6aa Remove from subtree (#2111)
f8ff15e7e7 Add `MessagesPalletInstance` for integrity tests (#2107)
92ccef58e6 Use generated runtimes for BHR/BHW (#2106)
b33e0a585b Fix comment (#2105)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 04b3dda6aa38599e612ff637710b6d2cff275ef3

* ".git/.scripts/commands/fmt/"


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* BridgeHub Rococo/Wococo runtimes (#2111)

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* cargo fmt

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Update BridgeHub runtime version

* Fixes

* Zombienet for bridge-hub setup

* Fixes

* Remove unused import

* Fixes for gav-xcm-v3 (#1835)

* Fix for FungiblesAdapter - trait changes: Contains -> AssetChecking

* Fix for missing weight for `fn unpaid_execution()`

* Used NonLocalMint for all NonZeroIssuance

* Fix

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fix tests

* Fixes

* Trying to fix sed expression?

* Trying to fix sed expression?

* Use the `relay-headers-and-messages` command (#1913)

* Bridge hubs readme: fixes and additions

* Use the relay-headers-and-messages command

* cargo fmt

* Fix + zombienet

* Parachain ID update of bridge-hub-wococo

* Update bridge-hub-wococo chainspec

* Squashed 'bridges/' content from commit 062554430

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 0625544309ff299307f7e110f252f04eac383102

* Add SafeCallFilter

* Add missing config items

* Add TODO

* Fixes (xcm Superuser + DispatchLevelResult)

* Fix cargo

* Change runtime version

* Unit-tests for dispatch bridging messages and XCM routing on BridgeHubs + HRMP

* Removed Sudo pallet

* Use () as the PriceForParentDelivery

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Update transact_origin to transact_origin_and_runtime_call

* Add ReachableDest config item to XCM pallet

* Add BridgeRejectObsoleteHeadersAndMessages to bridge hubs (#1972)

* Update SafeCallFilter to allow remark_with_event in runtime benchmarks

* cargo fmt

* Update substrate

* Fix worst_case_holding

* Fix DMQ queue unit tests

* Remove unused label

* cargo fmt

* Actually process incoming XCMs

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes - return back Weightless

* Simplify local run + readme

* Added measured benchmarks for `pallet_xcm` (#1968)

* Fix



* Fix

* Fixes for transact benchmark

* Fixes add pallet_xcm to benchmarks

* Revert remark_with_event

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Fixes


* Fix for reserve_asset_deposited

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemine assets pallet_xcm

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemint assets pallet_xcm

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet westmint assets pallet_xcm

* Fix westmint

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_xcm

* Fix for collectives

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* Fixes for bridge-hubs

* Fixes - return back Weightless

* Fix - removed MigrateToTrackInactive for contracts-rococo

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* cargo fmt

* Fix benchmarks

* Bko gav xcm v3 (#1993)

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemine assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet westmint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Change AllowUnpaidExecutionFrom to be explicit

* Turn on more xcm logs for parachains

* Added polkadot-parachain-mint binary instructions

* xcm-v3 benchmarks, weights, fixes for bridge-hubs (#2035)

* Dumy weights to get compile

* Change UniversalLocation according to (Location Inversion Removed)

* Fix bridge-hubs weights

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemine assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet westmint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Change NetworkId to Option<NetworkId>

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>

* remove shift session manager from bridge-hub-rococo (#2047)

* remove shift session manager from bridge-hub-rococo

* also remove from Cargo.toml

* Add event for showing the hash of an UMP sent message (#1228)

* Add UpwardMessageSent event in parachain-system

* additional fixes

* Message Id

* Fix errors from merge

* fmt

* more fmt

* Remove todo

* more formatting

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Updated and scripts/ for sending messages (local, live)

* Allow explicit unpaid executions from the relay chains for system parachains (#2060)

* Allow explicit unpaid executions from the relay chains for system parachains

* Put origin-filtering barriers into WithComputedOrigin

* Use ConstU32<8>

* Small nits

* formatting

* cargo fmt

* Align laneId to 00000001

* Allow receiving XCMs from any relay chain plurality

* Fixes

* Use Rococo/Wococo runtime APIs defined in bridge primitives (#2080)

* Patched dependencies (polkadot, substrate) for xcm-v3 (compiles + tests work)

* Replace serial_test and fix with thread_local

* Very init of script for bumping bridges repo

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 062554430..984749ba0

984749ba0 Define separate signed extension for BHR/BHW (#1776)
72b03d463 update Substrate/Polkadot/Cumulus deps to master (#1775)
3065c7903 Added crate-level docs for the parachains pallet (#1772)
a0f41b2d8 added/updated pallet level docs to grandpa and messages pallets (#1771)
6d69d1f4d docs: add Security Policy doc (#1770)
ff8c0f727 Fix cargo deny issues (#1769)
6fc931d07 Bump xcm-v3 + substrate (#1767)
5840197c3 Define method for checking message lane weights (#1766)
41d91e961 fixed receive_delivery_proof_for_two_messages_by_two_relayers (#1764)
ac0cf7b78 Fix some cargo-deny issues (#1763)
6d9dc6367 `cargo machete` removed unused deps (#1761)
c265b5430 Remove sp-version dependency from bin-substrate (#1758)
1327c9d97 Set `R/WococoBridgeHub` bundle runtime version (#1756)
a3a2a06ae Expose relay version metric (#1750)
13f4a0164 Use indirect runtime calls for RialtoParachain (#1753)
9563f9eee fix nightly clippy again (#1752)
21b75b893 no-grafana-startup-delay option in (#1751)
a5fe0dfc4 Remove TODO (#1749)
6c826a6c3 Deduplicate pallet call structs used for indirect runtime calls (#1744)
e575269e5 fix nightly clippy (#1746)
209cba353 Update project level docs (#1734)
b05cef5b4 Improve relayer initialization behaviour (#1743)
c7b6bae9d Make debug display of LaneId compatible with its previous version (#1740)
221e4e80c Remove CliChain::KeyPair (#1741)
3d9d2907f Use TypedLaneId instead of LaneId (#1738)
6683b8136 Simplify read_client_state() (#1739)
3f7353b82 Expose metrics of on-demand relay chain headers sync from with-parachain complex relays (#1737)
ab65d84e0 Handle `SIGTERM` for the docker containers + relay (#1735)
b9050e90c Replace `BATCH_CALL_SUPPORTED` (#1733)
c28b3ff66 Updated db weights and some experiments (#1732)
023689c6c Do not require new headers if lane is empty (#1725)
bddf1fa19 remove messages pallet owner relay argument (#1728)
ef55226c6 more traces + remove signer override (#1727)
4d50df6ed remove BatchDeliveryTransaction::new and BatchConfirmationTransaction::new to avoid expects (#1726)
15244e53e Batch transactions in complex relays (#1669)
c209bb9ac fix pallet names at bridge hubs (#1722)
036e6696e tests (#1720)
3d56e2089 Check origin? (#1718)
af9abbeb8 Remove SOURCE_PARACHAIN_PARA_ID (#1716)
d1cb5d1a8 fix parachains benchmarks (#1717)
84bdf864b Changed docker image name for substrate-relay (#1714)
5698fb465 Remove WeightToFee (#1713)
9f4106bc1 Fix bridge hub rococo/wococo weights (#1712)
114b1502f Only store header state root (pallet-bridge-parachains) (#1701)
92e86f07b New relayer rewards scheme integration (#1652)
8649d12af Signed extension to refund relayer at the target chain (#1657)
ec6bafaf0 DeliveryConfirmationPayments trait for paying relayer rewards at the source chain (#1653)
fab2344f4 only store header state root (pallet-bridge-grandpa) (#1699)
b5e916f64 fixed benchmarks of relayers pallet (#1700)
5cce3e86d fix clippy (#1698)
f78e8867b removed MintReward and added PayLaneRewardFromAccount (#1693)
0c19db305 added version guards to RBH<>WBH GRANDPA finality (and complex) relay (#1697)
c003b951d removed ESTIMATE_MESSAGE_FEE_METHOD (#1696)
4903b7929 refund_pay_dispatch_fee removed (#1695)
61c3b22ca Replace const parameters types (#1691)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 984749ba021b5b8ec16f65cd1e50b234640d838b

* Fixes after merge

* Fixes

* Use auto runtime version for local runs (#2113)

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 984749ba0..fb3c5ef5d

fb3c5ef5d Add integrity check for signed extensions (#1780)
3959628ff add try-runtime feature to pallets (#1779)
be36ff00c Default impl for some methods in messages benchmarking pallet config (#1777)
68344e329 Relayer reward metric (#1742)
6b455597b Crate-level documentation on finality relays and relayers pallet (#1773)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: fb3c5ef5dae42553522c7eff37678de9bf4f6c67

* Fixed try-runtime

* Fix cargo.lock

* Fix BridgePalletIsNotInitialized (#2114)

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from fb3c5ef5d..e2e9fa7f9

e2e9fa7f9 Expose EXTRA_STORAGE_PROOF_SIZE in bp-bridge-hub-cumulus (#1788)
ba85532b1 Removed unecesserry test + substrate/polkadot (#1787)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: e2e9fa7f94d2f105c1816402a9ae4b85bfc34145

* Fix cargo.toml

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from e2e9fa7f9..d5f95c14a

d5f95c14a use wss to connect to the Rialto node in test deployments (#1809)
722d47b06 fix compilation
a48732676 Bump sysinfo from 0.15.9 to 0.27.7
9a6e8bb1d Bump env_logger from 0.8.4 to 0.10.0
89c5e7981 Bump async-trait from 0.1.61 to 0.1.62
ddd0a5742 Bump fixed-hash from 0.7.0 to 0.8.0
e8b0b8192 Bump impl-serde from 0.3.2 to 0.4.0
c5227460f Bump jsonpath_lib from 0.2.6 to 0.3.0
9f4771d38 Bump parking_lot from 0.11.2 to 0.12.1
dab5d72ae Bump backoff from 0.2.1 to 0.4.0
d7dd3acce Bump strum from 0.21.0 to 0.24.1
c49799017 Bump tokio from 1.24.1 to 1.24.2
db614681e Bump clap from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1
3c155214d update ignored dependencies for dependabot (#1790)
4c791472c No wildcard patterns in Cargo.toml (#1789)
33632313d Remove chain-specific dependencies from crates that will be used in Cumulus (#1783)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d5f95c14a2771d7ad51db95670d08a5d0da526a0

* Fix `send-remark-local` script because of new xcm-v3

* Refactor haul/dispatch xcm stuff

* Add Rococo <> Wococo integrity tests (#1975)

* Remove 1 integrity test

In sync with

* use TargetHeaderChainAdapter and SourceHeaderChainAdapter

* Rococo <-> Wococo integrity tests

* Add message lane weights tests

* Add signed extension integrity test

* Bridge benchmarks for bridge hub rococo/wococo (#2107)

* fix benchmarks compilation and add bridges benchmarks (prototype) to RBH/WBH

* post-merge fixes

* remove duplicate "pallet-collator-selection/runtime-benchmarks"

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_grandpa

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_parachains

* remove methods that are no longer required

* fixed helpers used in bridge hub messages palelt benchmarks

* unused imports

* compilation

* compilation


* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_messages

* use generated weights in pallets configuration

* add mod for new weights

* impl WeightInfoExt

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Ensure governance can call `initialize` with `xcm:Transact` bridge grandpa pallets

* Just in case changed spec_version

* Some scripts for enabling asset transfer on local statemine->westmint

* script

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from d5f95c14a..b39cb0dea

b39cb0dea MaxValues limit for storage maps in the pallet-bridge-grandpa (#1861)
11b3a611d fixed TODOs for weights v2 (#1860)
5a44f9fea Message delivery transaction is not free!!! (#1859)
59a42bd58 fixed BEEFY genesis (#1858)
ab7c7ad0f Use parity-util-mem 0.12.0 (#1856)
8fd346e5a changed some tests for weights v2 (#1855)
c438b9f74 Add separate Cargo.lock for `tools/runtime-codegen` (#1854)
fc55a97d7 Fix `HeadersToKeep` and `MaxBridgedAuthorities` in Millau benchmarks (#1851)
72e64a3d7 Decrease number of GRANDPA authorities in Polkadot-like chains from 100_000 to 2_048 (#1852)
d60a331ed Update Substrate/Polkadot/Cumulus dependencies + weights v2 (#1850)
61b229b65 Bump async-trait from 0.1.63 to 0.1.64
366333108 Bump serde_json from 1.0.91 to 1.0.92 (#1845)
4d917bb3a Bump trie-db from 0.24.0 to 0.25.0
8d919eac9 Bump anyhow from 1.0.68 to 1.0.69
ef9364dd0 Bump proc-macro2 from 1.0.49 to 1.0.51
9ddeebed5 Bump futures from 0.3.25 to 0.3.26
e02eb7573 connect using wss under flag condition (#1843)
99754a07f remove extra tracing on test deployments (#1842)
bdb84cea6 Add tool for auto generating runtime code from metadata (#1812)
86662f263 fix bridge-runtime-common build (#1839)
f656ac77d Change some macro names (#1837)
50f2980e9 Verify partial repo build on CI (#1832)
f70f8231b fix bridge hubs blocks interval (#1836)
ddbe5cddf [ci] change runners (#1833)
45a68ad39 Fix on demand parachains relay when no parachain head at target (#1834)
6dbce7258 Use GitLab env vars to get git commit (#1831)
b1a8161e8 bump bridge hub versions (#1830)
e909595e0 Use specific error for case when para head is missing from the bridge pallet (#1829)
d517da8a2 Do not read parachain heads from ancient relay headers (#1827)
217bc72f5 Reconnect source client (#1826)
47bf5f693 Bump tokio from 1.24.2 to 1.25.0
6b307b48a Bump clap from 4.1.3 to 4.1.4
90bc29a17 Use named parameters for indirect calls (#1823)
986eeb556 Fix: typos (#1822)
450823b01 docs: fix broken link and minor nits (#1821)
3ed01ae31 do not call best_finalized_para_block_at_source for ancient block (#1819)
001956290 Functions to benchmark messages pallet with linked to parachain (#1817)
e9b0a1c48 Remove InboundPayload check (#1816)
873ea4e40 Bump clap from 4.1.1 to 4.1.3
97eccaa8b also ignore the base xcm crate (#1798)
2d3dcd00b Update bundled runtime version for bridge hub r/wococo (#1814)
7167c0067 Bump bumpalo from 3.10.0 to 3.12.0 in /fuzz/storage-proof
067687520 Bump async-trait from 0.1.62 to 0.1.63 (#1811)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: b39cb0dea5751847ea73ab9946667003625eaf1a

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from b39cb0dea..4c4a7eae1

4c4a7eae1 Small stuff from Cumulus integration (#1865)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 4c4a7eae1503aa63a84fb65d56d67599d362d645

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 4c4a7eae1..dcaec27aa

dcaec27aa RefundRelayerForMessagesFromParachain improvements (#1879)
5457f0672 clippy fixes (#1880)
29e8a305c MaxValues for OutboundLanes map (#1871)
5219b56f8 More tests for message pallet weights (#1870)
c4c0c7a1b Bump signal-hook from 0.3.14 to 0.3.15
0ff597b96 Bump serde_json from 1.0.92 to 1.0.93
1c5132eb1 Bump subxt from `20adb19` to `9e2acff`
adb07816b update parachains relay doc (#1874)
972ef3133 Update (#1872)
94648061b MaxValues for maps in parachain maps (#1868)
662267a6f "refund" proof size in GRANDPa pallet (#1863)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: dcaec27aaa6f41070fbdfbfd4fde2029697eb85f

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from dcaec27aa..91e66cfb9

91e66cfb9 Fix clippy issues (#1884)
0bd77f457 Reject storage proofs with unused nodes: begin (#1878)
77a3672f9 Refund extra proof bytes in message delivery transaction (#1864)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 91e66cfb99c1a7b247e435515dd0f62b4058974e

* Fix tests

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 91e66cfb9..d39f563be

d39f563be Make `weights::WeightInfo` pub (#1886)
c67d06aa5 ChainWithGrandpa in primitives (#1885)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d39f563bea57528c16763f458af3036842a0ea5f

* Merge fix

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from d39f563be..78e3357c0

78e3357c0 RefundRelayerForMessagesFromParachain improvements (#1895)
131b17359 optimize justification before submit (#1887)
5bc279ebb use complex transactions on RBH/WBH bridge hubs (#1893)
8f0c09ab9 Bump clap from 4.1.4 to 4.1.6
66429b06a Bump sysinfo from 0.27.7 to 0.28.0
8b329ee8f Bump trie-db from 0.25.0 to 0.25.1
635cfccfd Bump time from 0.3.17 to 0.3.19

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 78e3357c0387c95317b8c3e5c4d9316f3a9f3ef4

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 78e3357c0..5b5627e90

5b5627e90 Rewards refund for relaying BridgeHubRococo/BridgeHubWococo (#1894)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 5b5627e9081640ed5691eb2891182843563fb99a

* Rewards for relayers setup (#2194)

* Rewards for relayers setup

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_relayers

* Setup weight for relayer

* Setup `DeliveryConfirmationPayments` + `RefundRelayerForMessagesFromParachain`

* No need to have more than one collator per parachain

* Setup multi refund signed extensions

* Rewards sign ext test

* test

* fixes


Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 5b5627e90..3c15c3645

3c15c3645 get rid of ChainWithMessages::WeightInfo, because we can't have exact weights for "external chains" (#1899)
8ccaa0213 Wrap confirmation and finality transactions into batch_all in Millau -> RialtoParachain bridge (#1898)
9b7285edb Weight+size limits for bridge GRANDPA pallet calls (#1882)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 3c15c36455f2ad944df6a492a8d82f7e0aaf7e9f

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 3c15c3645..d05a98473

d05a98473 Refund messages confirmation tx (#1904)
e2e8a7198 Relayers pallet: extend payment source id (#1907)
cccf73b3f fix nightly clippy issues (#1915)
a33a91e79 Bump tempfile from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0
1df768a2e Bump time from 0.3.17 to 0.3.20
cf17b424f Bump sysinfo from 0.28.0 to 0.28.1
0b6276b41 Bump jsonrpsee from 0.15.1 to 0.16.2
328dde02b Bump rand from 0.7.3 to 0.8.5
2f302a4b6 Bump trie-db from 0.25.1 to 0.26.0
b5d5d03ab CI add jobs to publish Docker images description to (#1906)
db5168f18 Do not stall on lost transaction (#1903)
2d83d6389 Fix init-bridge (#1900)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d05a98473dc933cfed9e5f59023efa2ec811f03c

* Rewards adjustments

* Update RBH/WBH spec version

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from d05a98473..ce7cf9a49

ce7cf9a49 Removed deprecated `#[pallet::generate_store(pub(super) trait Store)]` according to latest Cumulus (#1964)
897b1c0b2 Bump substrate/polkadot/cumulus (#1962)
7b946da2d Backport xcm bridging extensions to the bridge repo (#1813)
88c1114ec Bump futures from 0.3.26 to 0.3.27
8668f73bf Bump serde from 1.0.152 to 1.0.155
3df8823e1 Bump subxt from `a7b45ef` to `d4545de`
ef1b1bcd0 Some error improvements (#1956)
434c5e014 optimize justifications before they're included into complex transaction (#1949)
7bac365a6 Actually clone client data by reference when cloning the client (#1941)
764ddd4a8 remove lock file after checks are done (#1942)
c18a758f8 Fix invalid messages relay delivery transactions (#1940)
8ad152b06 fix nightly benchmarks test (#1939)
d451b4f84 Bump tokio from 1.25.0 to 1.26.0
8019c50aa Bump async-trait from 0.1.64 to 0.1.66
aa055fcee Bump serde_json from 1.0.93 to 1.0.94
ec2ef31c4 Bump subxt from `1c5faf3` to `a7b45ef`
20026366f Bump sysinfo from 0.28.1 to 0.28.2
fe246d1e3 Bump thiserror from 1.0.38 to 1.0.39
c95e0cf02 Fix deploy step in CI (#1931)
15b41c2dd Improve some relay errors readability (#1930)
792deae5e Added deploy Job (#1929)
d86c3ce21 Reconnect on-demand clients from MessagesSource::reconnect and MessagesTarget::reconnect (#1927)
4161b51f0 get rid of obsolete weight functions (#1926)
9b3b00e0f cargo update -p clap@4.1.6 (#1925)
13ab28c37 Bump subxt from `9e2acff` to `1c5faf3`
bb6171a05 Remove subxt dependency features (#1924)
66d200abb Verify with-parachain message benchmarks on CI (#1923)
b6af2116f Update BHR and BHW spec version (#1922)
d464e78d9 Fix benchmarks (#1919)
74574d53e fix master compilation (#1920)
1b373dff9 Fix multiple parachain headers submission for single message delivery (#1916)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: ce7cf9a4977fe614d35b6a7a84d5057e2c4ccaf5

* fixed npm install call (#2323)

* New weights (#2315)

* New weights

* Fix compile benchmarks

* Fix import

* Fix all weights

* Remove bridge_common_config replaced by bridges impl

* Cargo.lock

* fixed bridge pallets compilation

* Cargo.lock

* fix bridge pallets compilation after substrate+polkadot bump

* BridgeHubs: XCM ExportMessage benchmark - just Rococo now

* bench export_message()

* include Bridge::haul_blob() weight in ExportMessage weight

* fix import

* more build fixes

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from ce7cf9a49..6343a7d37

6343a7d37 bump substrate+polkadot refs and fix builds (#1989)
8efc2b3cc Added receive_single_message_proof_with_dispatch benchmark (#1990)
6540f74dc Remove deprecated code from bridge-runtime-common (#1983)
c4f368be3 minor cosmetic updates (#1985)
bef11ac43 remove invalid weight, returned by send_message (#1984)
28cf5c957 Kusama <> Polkadot relay prototype (#1982)
b195223d1 Bump serde from 1.0.156 to 1.0.157
70caa75d7 ignore binary-merkle-tree (#1980)
3dc640d30 Bump thiserror from 1.0.39 to 1.0.40
8a2729101 Bump subxt from `d4545de` to `ae63d3d`
40937e8a3 Bump clap from 4.1.8 to 4.1.11
d72394c4e Bump finality-grandpa from 0.16.1 to 0.16.2
54147603d Bump serde from 1.0.155 to 1.0.156
b513193e6 Bump anyhow from 1.0.69 to 1.0.70
20867abd9 Bump sysinfo from 0.28.2 to 0.28.3
4d9a45305 Bump async-trait from 0.1.66 to 0.1.67
8a88a7536 Bump trie-db from 0.26.0 to 0.27.1
0add06edd move signed extension stuff from prolkadot-core primitives to bridge-hub-cumulus-primitives (#1968)
7481ce6eb added UpdatedBestFinalizedHeader event to pallet-bridge-grandpa (#1967)
6787cd0cb RBH <> WBH dashboards and alerts (#1966)
036f7be76 enable relayer rewards metrics at bridge hubs (#1965)
a3f07d5dd Fix invalid batch transaction (#1957)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 6343a7d37c32191413be91afb537b8bc6c770285

* dispatch message weight for bridge messages (#2378)

Co-authored-by: Svyatoslav Nikolsky <>

* Fixes

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 6343a7d37..c1d5990e8

c1d5990e8 Try check-rustdoc pipeline (#1782)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: c1d5990e840b8ee4981beb61a8099271ee629ae5

* Removed imports

* Fix compile

* fixed benchmarks compilation

* fix rustdoc

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from c1d5990e8..ecddd4a31

ecddd4a31 Rust cargo doc for all features (#1995)
e0997c14d Fix gitlab-check (#1994)
5284850ef Bump clap from 4.1.11 to 4.1.13
743cd60df Bump sysinfo from 0.28.3 to 0.28.4
dc322bae2 Bump async-trait from 0.1.67 to 0.1.68

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: ecddd4a315470d85135aafbdb96753af9b07b854

* Updated scripts for transfer assets

* Cargo.lock

* Script updates for `ping-via-bridge-from-statemine-rococo`

* Added `transfer-asset-from-statemine-rococo`

* Finished scripts


* Compile fix + log xcm trace all

* Initial version of bridges pallet as subtree of
Added `Bridges subtree files` pr review rule

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from ecddd4a31..d30927c08

d30927c08 Revert dispatch-results (#2048)
fa454c3b4 Remove unneeded files (#2044)
956a2c687 Bump clap from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2
91951583a Bump serde_json from 1.0.95 to 1.0.96
fcf462051 Bump h2 from 0.3.16 to 0.3.17 in /tools/runtime-codegen
b751fb24f Bump h2 from 0.3.16 to 0.3.17
0bf31ab78 update refs (#2041)
a490ecbd3 Fix CI build (#2039)
01139ebbc Define `RangeInclusiveExt` (#2037)
2db2f3fe3 Impl review suggestions from #2021 (#2036)
36292760f fix build step on CI (#2034)
3a2311b7a refund extra weight in receive_messages_delivery_proof call (#2031)
77f1641d1 Boost message delivery transaction priority (#2023)
c23c4e441 Reject delivery transactions with at least one obsolete message (#2021)
68ba699b7 Reintroduce msg dispatch status reporting (#2027)
d1e852cc3 Bump hex-literal from 0.4.0 to 0.4.1
16f25d613 Relay node down alert (#2002)
4bb1a6406 only refund if all bundled messages have been delivered (#2019)
b9acf52bc fail with InsufficientDispatchWeight if dispatch_weight doesn't cover weight of all bundled messages (#2018)
e10097fe2 Remove unneeded error debug strings (#2017)
f5e38f057 enable metrics on all validator nodes (#2016)
c35f1a187 Bump scale-info from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0
04c56977c Bump clap from 4.1.13 to 4.2.1
481371f3c Bump hex-literal from 0.3.4 to 0.4.0
6b9c1400d Bump serde from 1.0.158 to 1.0.159
e71877a2e Bump futures from 0.3.27 to 0.3.28
c019f4faa Bump tempfile from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0
2e6e79ef6 Bump serde_json from 1.0.94 to 1.0.95
0698b1ff9 Bump tokio from 1.26.0 to 1.27.0
35b149830 fix test step on CI (#2003)
0c3acc858 cleanup removed lane traces (#2001)
8bf81749e bump BridgeHubRococo/BridgeHubWococo versions (#2000)
e53bb7f36 MaxRequests -> MaxFreeMandatoryHeadersPerBlock in pallet-bridge-grandpa (#1997)
dfcc09043 Run tests for `runtime-benchmarks` feature only (#1998)
efcc8db17 Run benchmarks for mock runtimes (#1996)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d30927c089bd9e73092d1ec1a62895603cb277a3

* Fixes

* Squashed 'bridges/' content from commit d30927c08

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d30927c089bd9e73092d1ec1a62895603cb277a3

* Updated and (inspired by original

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from d30927c08..d3970944b

d3970944b Small simplifications (#2050)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d3970944b0cfc4ea5226225e1ca07dab234c3556

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from d3970944b..2180797fb

2180797fb Removed CODEOWNERS (#2051)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 2180797fbf8a990490c67853dcffd81bc8dd083c

* Reused `teleports_for_native_asset_works` test to all bridge-hub runtime
Extract runtime_para_id for test
Fix test
Added helper for `execute_as_governance`

* Added test case `initialize_bridge_by_governance_works`

* Added test case `handle_export_message_from_system_parachain_to_outbound_queue_works`
fix script
Removed BridgeGrandpaRococoInstance

* Added test-case `message_dispatch_routing_works`

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 2180797fbf..4850aac8ce

4850aac8ce Removed relayer_account: &AccountId from MessageDispatch  (#2080)
8c8adafd54 Revert "Fix max-size messages at test chains (#2064)" (#2077)
c01a63efd8 Fixed off-by-one when confirming rewards in messages pallet (#2075)
a298be96aa Update subxt dependencies (#2072)
c0eef51eab Fix max-size messages at test chains (#2064)
3a658e3697 Messages relay fixes (#2073)
0022b5ab22 Slash relayers for invalid transactions (#2025)
198104007f Bump enumflags2 from 0.7.5 to 0.7.7
9229b257e5 [ci] Fix rules for docker build (#2069)
660d791390 [ci] Update buildah command and version (#2058)
e4535c0ca4 fix the way latest_confirmed_nonce_at_source is "calculated" (#2067)
dbc2d37590 select nothing if we have already selected nonces to submit or have submitted something (#2065)
a7eedd21fe [relay-substrate-client] Bump jsonrpsee (#2066)
8875d5aeae Bump clap from 4.2.2 to 4.2.4
25f9cf55e2 Another use of RangeInclusiveExt::checked_len() (#2060)
4942c12a5f submit lane unblock transactions from relay (#2030)
c0325d3c9c Test deployments fixes (#2057)
fc7b9b7ed7 Use the new matrix server (#2056)
63bcb5c10b Fixed delivery alert rule (#2052)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 4850aac8ce6c34e5ca6246b88cd14c873a879cba

* Fmt

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 4850aac8ce..66aaf0dd23

66aaf0dd23 Nits (#2083)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 66aaf0dd239dde40b64264061a77c921e2c82568

* Cleaning

* bridge-hub-rococo: minor fixes

Signed-off-by: Adrian Catangiu <>

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 66aaf0dd23..557ecbcecc

557ecbcecc Fix sized messages (Follow-up on #2064) (#2103)
54f587a066 Add weight of refund extension post_dispatch to the weights of messages pallet (#2089)
5b1626f8c4 fix pallet param for nightly benchmarks check (#2099)
ae44c6b7a1 Add millau specific messages weights (#2097)
6ad0bd1f1e Add integrity tests to rialto parachain runtiime (#2096)
6919556de5 Bump tokio from 1.27.0 to 1.28.0
58795fcb75 Bump clap from 4.2.4 to 4.2.5
01bf31085b Bump scale-info from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0
8fe383240d Bump anyhow from 1.0.70 to 1.0.71
8d94e82ad5 deployments: add new BEEFY metrics and alarms (#2090)
e9a4749e7e Bump wasmtime from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2
9d9936c0d9 Bump wasmtime from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 in /tools/runtime-codegen
5d77cd7bee Add more logs to relayer and message pallets (#2082)
75fbb9d3ef Update comment (#2081)
9904d09cf6 Benchmarks for new relayers pallet calls (#2040)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 557ecbcecc585547b744a5ac9fb8d7f3b9de4521

* fmt

* Fix compile

* Fix benchmark

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 557ecbcecc..04b3dda6aa

04b3dda6aa Remove from subtree (#2111)
f8ff15e7e7 Add `MessagesPalletInstance` for integrity tests (#2107)
92ccef58e6 Use generated runtimes for BHR/BHW (#2106)
b33e0a585b Fix comment (#2105)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 04b3dda6aa38599e612ff637710b6d2cff275ef3

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/commands/fmt/"

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_grandpa

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_parachains

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_messages

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_relayers


Signed-off-by: Adrian Catangiu <>
Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>
Co-authored-by: Anthony Lazam <>
Co-authored-by: Serban Iorga <>
Co-authored-by: Svyatoslav Nikolsky <>
Co-authored-by: girazoki <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
Co-authored-by: Serban Iorga <>
Co-authored-by: acatangiu <>

* companion for #13384 (#2417)

* companion for #13384

* update rpc cli

* fix missed stuff

* update parachain rpc commands

* update polkadot and substrate deps

* update substrate & polkadot


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
Co-authored-by: muharem <>

* Companion for #13701 (#2423)

* Set data_path

* fmt

* Updated substrate and polkadot

* Bump parity-scale-codec from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0 (#2523)

Bumps [parity-scale-codec]( from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: parity-scale-codec
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Companion: XCM remote lock config (#2463)

* xcm remote lock config

* rename

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Update DNS names of Rococo Contracts bootnodes (#2524)

* bump zombienet version (#2525)

* bump zombienet version

* fix para registration args

* Make zombienet tests required (#2527)

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Fix Clippy (#2522)

* Import Clippy config from Polkadot

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Auto clippy fix

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* No tabs in comments

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Prefer matches

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Dont drop references

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Trivial

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Refactor

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* fmt

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* add clippy to ci

* Clippy reborrow

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Update client/pov-recovery/src/

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* Update client/pov-recovery/src/

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* Partially revert 'Prefer matches'

Using matches! instead of match does give less compiler
checks as per review from @chevdor.

Partially reverts 8c0609677f3ea040f77fffd5be6facf7c3fec95c

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Update .cargo/config.toml

Co-authored-by: Chevdor <>

* Revert revert 💩

Should be fine to use matches! macro since it is an explicit whitelist,
not wildcard matching.


Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>
Co-authored-by: alvicsam <>
Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>
Co-authored-by: Chevdor <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Bump serde from 1.0.160 to 1.0.162 (#2534)

Bumps [serde]( from 1.0.160 to 1.0.162.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: serde
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Update westmint bootnodes (#2521)

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* companion for #14088 (#2539)

* companion for #14088

* update lockfile for {"substrate", "polkadot"}


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* add set_invulnerables to SafeCallFilter (#2537)

* Substrate 13843 (Asset Freezing) Companion (#2437)

* add migrations

* fix pallet instancing in migration

* migrate by instance

* weights

* remove migrations

* update weights

* update weights

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}


Co-authored-by: muharem <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Prevent name clash with Substrate Pallet Template (#2536)

* Remove cumulus template pallet

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Use substrate template pallet

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Update Cargo.lock

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Revert back to master

Revert "Remove cumulus template pallet"

This reverts commit a6d3566e52e9124c0e9823c12cacea557187c6b4.

Revert "Use substrate template pallet"

This reverts commit fbb8eea28dec5b75e13823762572d24bd9a4b88f.

Revert "Update Cargo.lock"

This reverts commit ee24cb81e5d91d6b8f7ef0c97d0f0fdbfe857c53.

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* pallet-template -> pallet-parachain-template

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Update Cargo.lock

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>


Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Bump quote from 1.0.26 to 1.0.27 (#2548)

Bumps [quote]( from 1.0.26 to 1.0.27.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: quote
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump array-bytes from 6.0.0 to 6.1.0 (#2549)

Bumps [array-bytes]( from 6.0.0 to 6.1.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: array-bytes
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Collectives: xcm base weights (#2550)

* [Backport] weights from 9420 (#2562)

* [benchmarks] Update weights for collectives (#2532)

* [benchmarks] pr with weights

* bump zombienet version (#2525)

* bump zombienet version

* fix para registration args


Co-authored-by: paritytech-ci <>
Co-authored-by: Javier Viola <>

* [benchmarks] Update weights for bridge-hubs (#2533)

* [benchmarks] pr with weights

* bump zombienet version (#2525)

* bump zombienet version

* fix para registration args


Co-authored-by: paritytech-ci <>
Co-authored-by: Javier Viola <>

* [benchmarks] Update weights for statemine/t (#2535)

* [benchmarks] pr with weights

* bump zombienet version (#2525)

* bump zombienet version

* fix para registration args


Co-authored-by: paritytech-ci <>
Co-authored-by: Javier Viola <>


Co-authored-by: Paritytech CI <>
Co-authored-by: paritytech-ci <>
Co-authored-by: Javier Viola <>

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#14080 (#2526)

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#14080

* Update lockfile

* Update Polkadot

* Update Cargo.lock

* Substrate Companion (#2514)

* pallet-sudo-weightinfo

* revert

* s

* runtime-benchmarks

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* companion PR for (#2547)

* companion PR for

* Add missing trait function

* Fix template

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Add missing weight functions

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}


Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>
Co-authored-by: Falco Hirschenberger <>
Co-authored-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* docs: fix build command and some broken links (#2567)

* Bump parity-db (#2559)

* [Substrate Companion] Upgrade to libp2p 0.51.3 (#2429)

* upgrade js-sys to 0.3.61

* update wasm-bindgen-futures

* update zeroize

* update either

* update once_cell


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* [Backport] version bumps from 9420 (#2561)

* Bump crate versions

* Bump spec_version to 9420

* Bump transaction_version (#2520)

* bump trnsaction_version

* revert transaction_version bump for all except the collectives

* make cargo fmt happy again

* Relay-parent digest logs for parachains (#2552)

* add digest item for relay-parent to primitives

* add a relay-parent-storage-root digest as a workaround

* more docs

* deposit log in pallet-parachain-system

* even more docs

* fix duplicate imports after botched mertge

* fix hyperlinks in docs

* clean up match

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* improve docs

* fix typo

* add number to the digest item


Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* Consensus utilities and rearchitecture for more dynamic collators (#2382)

* implement a proposer utility for consensus

* tidy up deps of new proposer crate

* implement a collator-service crate

* rewrite cumulus-collator to use new service struct

* implement a module for relay-chain-driven collators

* adapt start_collator to use the new relay_chain_driven module

* move collator-service to a public submodule

* create an interface trait for the proposer

* begin aura reimplementation

* address review comments

* update substrrate git ref

* update polkadot-primitives refs

* rough draft of aura collation using standalone fns

* add a ServiceInterface

* port aura reimpl to use new service trait

* add an import queue utility crate

* remove import queue crate in favor of module in common

* implement new verification queue for aura

* implement remaining behaviors

* split 'collate' into smaller functions that could be pub

* add telemetry

* fix doc job?

* Specify async-trait patch version

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* remove 'fn@' in doc string.

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* update variable names to be more readable

* refactor proposer errors to anyhow/thiserror

* remove manual span instrumentation

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* make slot_claim private

* fix unused import

* fmt

* fmt

* make clippy happy


Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* remove sp-serializer (#2574)

* remove sp-serializer

* improve

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}

* update lockfile for {"substrate", "polkadot"}


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Bump serde from 1.0.162 to 1.0.163 (#2568)

Bumps [serde]( from 1.0.162 to 1.0.163.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: serde
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump tokio from 1.28.0 to 1.28.1 (#2564)

Bumps [tokio]( from 1.28.0 to 1.28.1.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: tokio
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump anyhow from 1.0.69 to 1.0.71 (#2584)

Bumps [anyhow]( from 1.0.69 to 1.0.71.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: anyhow
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump polkadot (#2585)

* Bump polkadot

* Another bump

* Fix for `GrandpaJustification` + `Debug`


Co-authored-by: Branislav Kontur <>

* Collectives integration tests xcm v3 (#2221)

* Collectives integration tests xcm v3

* remove comment

* review fixs


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* BridgeHubRococo/Wococo nits + updated subtree (#2572)

* Nits (merge before separatelly)

* Small cosmetics for Rococo/Wococo bridge local run

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 04b3dda6aa..5fc377ab34

5fc377ab34 Support for kusama-polkadot relaying (#2128)
01f4b7f1ba Fix clippy warnings (#2127)
696ff1c368 BHK/P alignments (#2115)
2a66aa3248 Small fixes (#2126)
7810f1a988 Cosmetics (#2124)
daf250f69c Remove some `expect()` statements (#2123)
1c5fba8274 temporarily remove balance guard (#2121)
3d0e547361 Propagate message receival confirmation errors (#2116)
1c33143f07 Propagate message verification errors (#2114)
b075b00910 Bump time from 0.3.20 to 0.3.21
51a3a51618 Bump serde from 1.0.160 to 1.0.162
da88d044a6 Bump clap from 4.2.5 to 4.2.7
cdca322cd6 Bump sysinfo from 0.28.4 to 0.29.0

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 5fc377ab34f7dfd3293099c5feec49255e827812

* Fix

* Allow to change storage constants (DeliveryReward, RequiredStakeForStakeAndSlash) + tests

* Clippy

* New SA for RO/WO

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 5fc377ab34..0f6091d481

0f6091d481 Bump polkadot/substrate (#2134)
9233f0a337 Bump tokio from 1.28.0 to 1.28.1
a29c1caa93 Bump serde from 1.0.162 to 1.0.163

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 0f6091d48184ebb4f75cb3089befa6b92cf37335

* Glutton Parachain (#2294)

* Glutton Parachain

* implement collator stuff

* add glutton

* implement missing api calls

* small changes

* use shell-runtime as starting point

* update docs

* Glutton chain configurations

* successfully build

* add local chain config

* chain spec

* update Cargo.lock

* Update parachains/runtimes/glutton/glutton-kusama/src/

Co-authored-by: joe petrowski <>

* Update parachains/runtimes/glutton/glutton-kusama/src/

Co-authored-by: joe petrowski <>

* Update parachains/runtimes/glutton/glutton-kusama/src/

Co-authored-by: joe petrowski <>

* Update parachains/runtimes/glutton/glutton-kusama/src/

Co-authored-by: joe petrowski <>

* explicit indices

* update para_id

* irrelevant docs

* update glutton.json

* para_id as cli argument

* expect

* merge

* update

* fixes

* xcm-builder/runtime-benchmarks added

* benchmarks enabled

* add glutton to bench scripts + nitpick

* remove local bootnode

* ".git/.scripts/commands/fmt/"

* make clippy happy

* fix clippy

* fix chain_spec

* fix chain_spec 2

* fix chain_spec 3

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet glutton-kusama-dev-1300 glutton pallet_glutton

* Update polkadot-parachain/src/chain_spec/

Co-authored-by: joe petrowski <>

* Update parachains/runtimes/glutton/glutton-kusama/src/

Co-authored-by: joe petrowski <>


Co-authored-by: joe petrowski <>
Co-authored-by: NachoPal <>
Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Bump polkadot (#2589)

* Added Dwellir bootnodes. (#2557)

* Bump scale-info from 2.6.0 to 2.7.0 (#2587)

Bumps [scale-info]( from 2.6.0 to 2.7.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: scale-info
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump proc-macro2 from 1.0.56 to 1.0.58 (#2592)

Bumps [proc-macro2]( from 1.0.56 to 1.0.58.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: proc-macro2
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* BridgeHub[Rococo/Wococo] test batched relaying of messages and their dispatch (#2578)

Added some tests that aim to cover the runtime configuration
that is exercised when BH receives relayed complex message.

* checks correct importing of proofs for:
  bridged chain finality, bridged para heads, bridged messages,
* checks relayer extension correctly configured to reward
  submitting relayer,
* checks relayed message is successfully dispatched.

Also moved generic test-utils from
  `asset-test-utils: parachains/runtimes/assets/test-utils`
one level up to new crate
  `parachains-runtimes-test-utils: parachains/runtimes/test-utils`
to be reused by BridgeHubs.

Signed-off-by: acatangiu <>
Co-authored-by: Branislav Kontur <>

* Bump toml from 0.7.3 to 0.7.4 (#2598)

Bumps [toml]( from 0.7.3 to 0.7.4.
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: toml
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump bridges (#2602)

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 0f6091d481..c9dd8b9dfc

c9dd8b9dfc expose test utilities to be used in BH paras (#2142)
334df22361 Ws-port argument has been repalced with rpc-port (#2140)
106173cb91 fix nodes startup (#2138)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: c9dd8b9dfc8b48014d119153032589ac39c18c9a

* tmp

* Removed Cargo.lock from subtreee (#2604)

* [Feature] XCM-Emulator (#2447)

* [Feature] XCM-Emulator

* ".git/.scripts/commands/fmt/"

* rename

* readme

* more rename

* rename directory

* implement AssetTransactor

* Update xcm/xcm-emulator/

Co-authored-by: Muharem Ismailov <>

* address review comments (#2502)

* Update xcm/xcm-emulator/example/src/

Co-authored-by: joe petrowski <>

* Update xcm/xcm-emulator/

* Use 2d weights.

* Point out nearer the failure why it should fail

* Move test-runtime to under examples

* Walk through how to use it

* proof needs to be non-zero

* Apply suggestions from code review

* Update xcm/xcm-emulator/

Co-authored-by: joe petrowski <>

* Improve xcm emulator (#2593)

* folder restructutre

* common created

* make macros repetitions

* messenger traits for relay and para

* default Messenger impls

* messenger traits refactor

* declared two networks

* init network approach works

* queues use HashMap but relay block number

* init and reset refactor

* messengers trait name changed

* relay block number suboptimal

* fix reset hashmap keys

* genesis added

* test ext added for parachains

* genesis added relay chains

* genesis to storage

* new_ext replaced by on_init

* new relay block number approach

* ext_wrapper added

* added types to Parachain trait

* relay chain with types

* restructure

* para_ids working

* replace para_id getter

* replace para_id getter 2

* tests restructure + common variables

* added sovereign and balances helpers

* more helpers + tess pass

* expected events macro added

* added events trait method

* expect_events macro improve

* expect_events macro done

* network traits added

* reserve_transfer test added

* para & relay macro inputs redefined

* added collectives & BH paras

* test restructure

* statemine removed

* nitpick

* rename test folder + events logs

* clean

* weight threshold helper

* update readme

* remove cumulus-test-service dependancy

* fmt

* comment docs

* update e2e tests to xcm v3

* clippy + runtime-benchmark + clean docs


Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
Co-authored-by: Muharem Ismailov <>
Co-authored-by: Squirrel <>
Co-authored-by: joe petrowski <>
Co-authored-by: Ignacio Palacios <>

* Update (#2603)

fix broken link

* Update syn (#2605)

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Switch to `relay_dispatch_queue_remaining_capacity` (#2608)

* Switch to `relay_dispatch_queue_remaining_capacity`

This switches the parachain runtimes to use `relay_dispatch_queue_remaining_capacity` when possible.
If the data is not yet available on the relay chain it falls back to `relay_dispatch_queue_size`. It
will require that all parachains migrate to `relay_dispatch_queue_remaining_capacity` before we can
start removing the call to `relay_dipatch_queue_size`.

Besides that the pr adapts the xcm exumulator to make it work with the message queue.

* Fix test and use correct types

* ".git/.scripts/commands/fmt/"


Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* update WasmExecutionMethod (#2599)

* Bump ruby/setup-ruby from 1.148.0 to 1.149.0 (#2581)

Bumps [ruby/setup-ruby]( from 1.148.0 to 1.149.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: ruby/setup-ruby
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump Swatinem/rust-cache from 2.2.1 to 2.3.0 (#2582)

Bumps [Swatinem/rust-cache]( from 2.2.1 to 2.3.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: Swatinem/rust-cache
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Chainspecs: Fix bootnode address (#2611)

* Update substrate/polkadot + needed changes to compile (#2613)

* Update substrate/polkadot + needed changed to compile

* ".git/.scripts/commands/fmt/"


Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Nfts on Statemint (#2595)

* Try-runtime proper return types (#2615)

* Try-runtime proper return types

* update

* update pallet-xcm

* NFT Fractionalization on Westmint (#2600)

* NFT Fractionalization on Westmint

* Typos

* One more typo

* Undo Cargo.lock

* Point to master

* Referense the first instance of the assets pallet

* Update cargo.lock


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Do not assume `AssetId`s are `Copy` (companion for substrate#14158) (#2586)

* Do not assume `AssetId`s are `Copy`

* update lockfile for {"substrate", "polkadot"}


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Bump Swatinem/rust-cache from 2.3.0 t…
alistair-singh added a commit to Snowfork/cumulus that referenced this pull request Jun 14, 2023
* Changed `query_account_balances` return type (#2455)

* Companion for substrate#13883 (#2460)

* update substrate

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Optimize level monitor reconstruction (#2461)

* Optimize level monitor reconstruction

* Fix counter increment and test

* Struct comments as doc comments

* Bump clap from 4.1.14 to 4.2.3 (#2465)

* Bump Swatinem/rust-cache from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1 (#2456)

Bumps [Swatinem/rust-cache]( from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: Swatinem/rust-cache
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Companion for substrate#13771 (#2410)

* max proposal weight config

* update deps


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Parachain node should not recover blocks while syncing (#2462)

* Address review comments

* [Polkadot Companion] for 7101 (#2470)

* [Polkadot Companion] for 7101


* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Align BridgeHub runtimes with other SP runtimes + reused test for teleport native tokens + some nits (#2449)

* Align BridgeHub runtimes with other SP runtimes

* Reused `teleports_for_native_asset_works` test to all bridge-hub runtime

* Fix import vs doc

* Removed unnecessery deps

* DealWithFees + ToAuthor->ToStakingPot for BH according to the other runtimes

* Update parachains/runtimes/bridge-hubs/bridge-hub-rococo/src/

Co-authored-by: joe petrowski <>

* Update parachains/runtimes/bridge-hubs/bridge-hub-polkadot/src/

Co-authored-by: joe petrowski <>

* Update parachains/runtimes/bridge-hubs/bridge-hub-kusama/src/

Co-authored-by: joe petrowski <>

* Align all desc

* Extract runtime_para_id for test

* Fix test


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
Co-authored-by: joe petrowski <>

* Extract runtime_para_id for test

* Typos

* Added helper for `execute_as_governance`

* Fix test because `UnpaidRemoteExporter` adds now `UnpaidExecution` instruction

* Use `execute_as_governance` function

* [ci] Update buildah command and version (#2479)

* Bump enumflags2 from 0.7.5 to 0.7.7 (#2481)

Bumps [enumflags2]( from 0.7.5 to 0.7.7.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: enumflags2
  dependency-type: indirect

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump ruby/setup-ruby from 1.133.2 to 1.146.0 (#2466)

Bumps [ruby/setup-ruby]( from 1.133.2 to 1.146.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: ruby/setup-ruby
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump ruby/setup-ruby from 1.146.0 to 1.147.0 (#2484)

Bumps [ruby/setup-ruby]( from 1.146.0 to 1.147.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: ruby/setup-ruby
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump actions/download-artifact from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (#1798)

* Bump actions/download-artifact from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1

Bumps [actions/download-artifact]( from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: actions/download-artifact
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

* match hash with version


Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
Co-authored-by: Sergejs Kostjucenko <>

* Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 (#1799)

* Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1

Bumps [actions/upload-artifact]( from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: actions/upload-artifact
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>

* match hash with version


Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
Co-authored-by: Sergejs Kostjucenko <>

* Bump actions/cache from 3.0.11 to 3.2.3 (#2082)

Bumps [actions/cache]( from 3.0.11 to 3.2.3.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: actions/cache
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Companion for substrate#13565 (#2306)

* add default deposit limit

* cargo upd

* Bump actions/download-artifact from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 (#2485)

Bumps [actions/download-artifact]( from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: actions/download-artifact
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump chevdor/srtool-actions from 0.6.0 to 0.7.0 (#2486)

Bumps [chevdor/srtool-actions]( from 0.6.0 to 0.7.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: chevdor/srtool-actions
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2 (#2487)

Bumps [actions/upload-artifact]( from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: actions/upload-artifact
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump actions/cache from 3.2.3 to 3.3.1 (#2488)

Bumps [actions/cache]( from 3.2.3 to 3.3.1.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: actions/cache
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump h2 from 0.3.9 to 0.3.17 (#2451)

Bumps [h2]( from 0.3.9 to 0.3.17.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: h2
  dependency-type: indirect

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Add JSON chainspecs for Wococo and Rococo Bridge-hub (#2473)

* add bridge-hub rococo and wococo chainspecs

* use json chainspec for bridge-hub-rococo and bridge-hub-wococo

* Removed unused functions


Co-authored-by: Branislav Kontur <>

* Companion for paritytech/polkadot#7098 (#2469)

* Companion for paritytech/polkadot#7098

* Fixes

* Add missing benchmarked function

* Fix typo

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* level-monitor: Use prroper log target (#2493)

* level-monitor: Use prroper log target

* ".git/.scripts/commands/fmt/"


Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Bump ruby/setup-ruby from 1.147.0 to 1.148.0 (#2496)

Bumps [ruby/setup-ruby]( from 1.147.0 to 1.148.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: ruby/setup-ruby
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Skip av-store, make consensus task blocking (#2497)

* Bump scale-info from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0 (#2500)

Bumps [scale-info]( from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: scale-info
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump clap to 4.2.5 (#2505)

* [ci] Run gha fmt in docker (#2511)

* [ci] Run gha fmt in docker

* use cargo run instead action

* Companion PR for add events to ContractResult (#2510)

* contracts: adapt to new contracts api

* update lockfile for {"substrate", "polkadot"}


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Bump tokio from 1.27.0 to 1.28.0 (#2508)

Bumps [tokio]( from 1.27.0 to 1.28.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: tokio
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump clap from 4.2.5 to 4.2.7 (#2516)

Bumps [clap]( from 4.2.5 to 4.2.7.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: clap
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Initial version of bridging pallets as git subtree (#2458)

* Initial version of bridges pallet as subtree of
Added `Bridges subtree files` pr review rule

* Squashed 'bridges/' content from commit d30927c08

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d30927c089bd9e73092d1ec1a62895603cb277a3

* Updated and (inspired by original

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from d30927c08..d3970944b

d3970944b Small simplifications (#2050)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d3970944b0cfc4ea5226225e1ca07dab234c3556

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from d3970944b..2180797fb

2180797fb Removed CODEOWNERS (#2051)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 2180797fbf8a990490c67853dcffd81bc8dd083c

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 2180797fbf..4850aac8ce

4850aac8ce Removed relayer_account: &AccountId from MessageDispatch  (#2080)
8c8adafd54 Revert "Fix max-size messages at test chains (#2064)" (#2077)
c01a63efd8 Fixed off-by-one when confirming rewards in messages pallet (#2075)
a298be96aa Update subxt dependencies (#2072)
c0eef51eab Fix max-size messages at test chains (#2064)
3a658e3697 Messages relay fixes (#2073)
0022b5ab22 Slash relayers for invalid transactions (#2025)
198104007f Bump enumflags2 from 0.7.5 to 0.7.7
9229b257e5 [ci] Fix rules for docker build (#2069)
660d791390 [ci] Update buildah command and version (#2058)
e4535c0ca4 fix the way latest_confirmed_nonce_at_source is "calculated" (#2067)
dbc2d37590 select nothing if we have already selected nonces to submit or have submitted something (#2065)
a7eedd21fe [relay-substrate-client] Bump jsonrpsee (#2066)
8875d5aeae Bump clap from 4.2.2 to 4.2.4
25f9cf55e2 Another use of RangeInclusiveExt::checked_len() (#2060)
4942c12a5f submit lane unblock transactions from relay (#2030)
c0325d3c9c Test deployments fixes (#2057)
fc7b9b7ed7 Use the new matrix server (#2056)
63bcb5c10b Fixed delivery alert rule (#2052)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 4850aac8ce6c34e5ca6246b88cd14c873a879cba

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 4850aac8ce..66aaf0dd23

66aaf0dd23 Nits (#2083)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 66aaf0dd239dde40b64264061a77c921e2c82568

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 66aaf0dd23..557ecbcecc

557ecbcecc Fix sized messages (Follow-up on #2064) (#2103)
54f587a066 Add weight of refund extension post_dispatch to the weights of messages pallet (#2089)
5b1626f8c4 fix pallet param for nightly benchmarks check (#2099)
ae44c6b7a1 Add millau specific messages weights (#2097)
6ad0bd1f1e Add integrity tests to rialto parachain runtiime (#2096)
6919556de5 Bump tokio from 1.27.0 to 1.28.0
58795fcb75 Bump clap from 4.2.4 to 4.2.5
01bf31085b Bump scale-info from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0
8fe383240d Bump anyhow from 1.0.70 to 1.0.71
8d94e82ad5 deployments: add new BEEFY metrics and alarms (#2090)
e9a4749e7e Bump wasmtime from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2
9d9936c0d9 Bump wasmtime from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 in /tools/runtime-codegen
5d77cd7bee Add more logs to relayer and message pallets (#2082)
75fbb9d3ef Update comment (#2081)
9904d09cf6 Benchmarks for new relayers pallet calls (#2040)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 557ecbcecc585547b744a5ac9fb8d7f3b9de4521

* fmt

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 557ecbcecc..04b3dda6aa

04b3dda6aa Remove from subtree (#2111)
f8ff15e7e7 Add `MessagesPalletInstance` for integrity tests (#2107)
92ccef58e6 Use generated runtimes for BHR/BHW (#2106)
b33e0a585b Fix comment (#2105)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 04b3dda6aa38599e612ff637710b6d2cff275ef3

* ".git/.scripts/commands/fmt/"


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* BridgeHub Rococo/Wococo runtimes (#2111)

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* cargo fmt

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Update BridgeHub runtime version

* Fixes

* Zombienet for bridge-hub setup

* Fixes

* Remove unused import

* Fixes for gav-xcm-v3 (#1835)

* Fix for FungiblesAdapter - trait changes: Contains -> AssetChecking

* Fix for missing weight for `fn unpaid_execution()`

* Used NonLocalMint for all NonZeroIssuance

* Fix

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fix tests

* Fixes

* Trying to fix sed expression?

* Trying to fix sed expression?

* Use the `relay-headers-and-messages` command (#1913)

* Bridge hubs readme: fixes and additions

* Use the relay-headers-and-messages command

* cargo fmt

* Fix + zombienet

* Parachain ID update of bridge-hub-wococo

* Update bridge-hub-wococo chainspec

* Squashed 'bridges/' content from commit 062554430

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 0625544309ff299307f7e110f252f04eac383102

* Add SafeCallFilter

* Add missing config items

* Add TODO

* Fixes (xcm Superuser + DispatchLevelResult)

* Fix cargo

* Change runtime version

* Unit-tests for dispatch bridging messages and XCM routing on BridgeHubs + HRMP

* Removed Sudo pallet

* Use () as the PriceForParentDelivery

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Update transact_origin to transact_origin_and_runtime_call

* Add ReachableDest config item to XCM pallet

* Add BridgeRejectObsoleteHeadersAndMessages to bridge hubs (#1972)

* Update SafeCallFilter to allow remark_with_event in runtime benchmarks

* cargo fmt

* Update substrate

* Fix worst_case_holding

* Fix DMQ queue unit tests

* Remove unused label

* cargo fmt

* Actually process incoming XCMs

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes - return back Weightless

* Simplify local run + readme

* Added measured benchmarks for `pallet_xcm` (#1968)

* Fix



* Fix

* Fixes for transact benchmark

* Fixes add pallet_xcm to benchmarks

* Revert remark_with_event

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Fixes


* Fix for reserve_asset_deposited

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemine assets pallet_xcm

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemint assets pallet_xcm

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet westmint assets pallet_xcm

* Fix westmint

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_xcm

* Fix for collectives

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* Fixes for bridge-hubs

* Fixes - return back Weightless

* Fix - removed MigrateToTrackInactive for contracts-rococo

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* cargo fmt

* Fix benchmarks

* Bko gav xcm v3 (#1993)

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemine assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet westmint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Change AllowUnpaidExecutionFrom to be explicit

* Turn on more xcm logs for parachains

* Added polkadot-parachain-mint binary instructions

* xcm-v3 benchmarks, weights, fixes for bridge-hubs (#2035)

* Dumy weights to get compile

* Change UniversalLocation according to (Location Inversion Removed)

* Fix bridge-hubs weights

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemine assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet westmint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Change NetworkId to Option<NetworkId>

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>

* remove shift session manager from bridge-hub-rococo (#2047)

* remove shift session manager from bridge-hub-rococo

* also remove from Cargo.toml

* Add event for showing the hash of an UMP sent message (#1228)

* Add UpwardMessageSent event in parachain-system

* additional fixes

* Message Id

* Fix errors from merge

* fmt

* more fmt

* Remove todo

* more formatting

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Updated and scripts/ for sending messages (local, live)

* Allow explicit unpaid executions from the relay chains for system parachains (#2060)

* Allow explicit unpaid executions from the relay chains for system parachains

* Put origin-filtering barriers into WithComputedOrigin

* Use ConstU32<8>

* Small nits

* formatting

* cargo fmt

* Align laneId to 00000001

* Allow receiving XCMs from any relay chain plurality

* Fixes

* Use Rococo/Wococo runtime APIs defined in bridge primitives (#2080)

* Patched dependencies (polkadot, substrate) for xcm-v3 (compiles + tests work)

* Replace serial_test and fix with thread_local

* Very init of script for bumping bridges repo

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 062554430..984749ba0

984749ba0 Define separate signed extension for BHR/BHW (#1776)
72b03d463 update Substrate/Polkadot/Cumulus deps to master (#1775)
3065c7903 Added crate-level docs for the parachains pallet (#1772)
a0f41b2d8 added/updated pallet level docs to grandpa and messages pallets (#1771)
6d69d1f4d docs: add Security Policy doc (#1770)
ff8c0f727 Fix cargo deny issues (#1769)
6fc931d07 Bump xcm-v3 + substrate (#1767)
5840197c3 Define method for checking message lane weights (#1766)
41d91e961 fixed receive_delivery_proof_for_two_messages_by_two_relayers (#1764)
ac0cf7b78 Fix some cargo-deny issues (#1763)
6d9dc6367 `cargo machete` removed unused deps (#1761)
c265b5430 Remove sp-version dependency from bin-substrate (#1758)
1327c9d97 Set `R/WococoBridgeHub` bundle runtime version (#1756)
a3a2a06ae Expose relay version metric (#1750)
13f4a0164 Use indirect runtime calls for RialtoParachain (#1753)
9563f9eee fix nightly clippy again (#1752)
21b75b893 no-grafana-startup-delay option in (#1751)
a5fe0dfc4 Remove TODO (#1749)
6c826a6c3 Deduplicate pallet call structs used for indirect runtime calls (#1744)
e575269e5 fix nightly clippy (#1746)
209cba353 Update project level docs (#1734)
b05cef5b4 Improve relayer initialization behaviour (#1743)
c7b6bae9d Make debug display of LaneId compatible with its previous version (#1740)
221e4e80c Remove CliChain::KeyPair (#1741)
3d9d2907f Use TypedLaneId instead of LaneId (#1738)
6683b8136 Simplify read_client_state() (#1739)
3f7353b82 Expose metrics of on-demand relay chain headers sync from with-parachain complex relays (#1737)
ab65d84e0 Handle `SIGTERM` for the docker containers + relay (#1735)
b9050e90c Replace `BATCH_CALL_SUPPORTED` (#1733)
c28b3ff66 Updated db weights and some experiments (#1732)
023689c6c Do not require new headers if lane is empty (#1725)
bddf1fa19 remove messages pallet owner relay argument (#1728)
ef55226c6 more traces + remove signer override (#1727)
4d50df6ed remove BatchDeliveryTransaction::new and BatchConfirmationTransaction::new to avoid expects (#1726)
15244e53e Batch transactions in complex relays (#1669)
c209bb9ac fix pallet names at bridge hubs (#1722)
036e6696e tests (#1720)
3d56e2089 Check origin? (#1718)
af9abbeb8 Remove SOURCE_PARACHAIN_PARA_ID (#1716)
d1cb5d1a8 fix parachains benchmarks (#1717)
84bdf864b Changed docker image name for substrate-relay (#1714)
5698fb465 Remove WeightToFee (#1713)
9f4106bc1 Fix bridge hub rococo/wococo weights (#1712)
114b1502f Only store header state root (pallet-bridge-parachains) (#1701)
92e86f07b New relayer rewards scheme integration (#1652)
8649d12af Signed extension to refund relayer at the target chain (#1657)
ec6bafaf0 DeliveryConfirmationPayments trait for paying relayer rewards at the source chain (#1653)
fab2344f4 only store header state root (pallet-bridge-grandpa) (#1699)
b5e916f64 fixed benchmarks of relayers pallet (#1700)
5cce3e86d fix clippy (#1698)
f78e8867b removed MintReward and added PayLaneRewardFromAccount (#1693)
0c19db305 added version guards to RBH<>WBH GRANDPA finality (and complex) relay (#1697)
c003b951d removed ESTIMATE_MESSAGE_FEE_METHOD (#1696)
4903b7929 refund_pay_dispatch_fee removed (#1695)
61c3b22ca Replace const parameters types (#1691)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 984749ba021b5b8ec16f65cd1e50b234640d838b

* Fixes after merge

* Fixes

* Use auto runtime version for local runs (#2113)

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 984749ba0..fb3c5ef5d

fb3c5ef5d Add integrity check for signed extensions (#1780)
3959628ff add try-runtime feature to pallets (#1779)
be36ff00c Default impl for some methods in messages benchmarking pallet config (#1777)
68344e329 Relayer reward metric (#1742)
6b455597b Crate-level documentation on finality relays and relayers pallet (#1773)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: fb3c5ef5dae42553522c7eff37678de9bf4f6c67

* Fixed try-runtime

* Fix cargo.lock

* Fix BridgePalletIsNotInitialized (#2114)

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from fb3c5ef5d..e2e9fa7f9

e2e9fa7f9 Expose EXTRA_STORAGE_PROOF_SIZE in bp-bridge-hub-cumulus (#1788)
ba85532b1 Removed unecesserry test + substrate/polkadot (#1787)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: e2e9fa7f94d2f105c1816402a9ae4b85bfc34145

* Fix cargo.toml

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from e2e9fa7f9..d5f95c14a

d5f95c14a use wss to connect to the Rialto node in test deployments (#1809)
722d47b06 fix compilation
a48732676 Bump sysinfo from 0.15.9 to 0.27.7
9a6e8bb1d Bump env_logger from 0.8.4 to 0.10.0
89c5e7981 Bump async-trait from 0.1.61 to 0.1.62
ddd0a5742 Bump fixed-hash from 0.7.0 to 0.8.0
e8b0b8192 Bump impl-serde from 0.3.2 to 0.4.0
c5227460f Bump jsonpath_lib from 0.2.6 to 0.3.0
9f4771d38 Bump parking_lot from 0.11.2 to 0.12.1
dab5d72ae Bump backoff from 0.2.1 to 0.4.0
d7dd3acce Bump strum from 0.21.0 to 0.24.1
c49799017 Bump tokio from 1.24.1 to 1.24.2
db614681e Bump clap from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1
3c155214d update ignored dependencies for dependabot (#1790)
4c791472c No wildcard patterns in Cargo.toml (#1789)
33632313d Remove chain-specific dependencies from crates that will be used in Cumulus (#1783)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d5f95c14a2771d7ad51db95670d08a5d0da526a0

* Fix `send-remark-local` script because of new xcm-v3

* Refactor haul/dispatch xcm stuff

* Add Rococo <> Wococo integrity tests (#1975)

* Remove 1 integrity test

In sync with

* use TargetHeaderChainAdapter and SourceHeaderChainAdapter

* Rococo <-> Wococo integrity tests

* Add message lane weights tests

* Add signed extension integrity test

* Bridge benchmarks for bridge hub rococo/wococo (#2107)

* fix benchmarks compilation and add bridges benchmarks (prototype) to RBH/WBH

* post-merge fixes

* remove duplicate "pallet-collator-selection/runtime-benchmarks"

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_grandpa

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_parachains

* remove methods that are no longer required

* fixed helpers used in bridge hub messages palelt benchmarks

* unused imports

* compilation

* compilation


* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_messages

* use generated weights in pallets configuration

* add mod for new weights

* impl WeightInfoExt

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Ensure governance can call `initialize` with `xcm:Transact` bridge grandpa pallets

* Just in case changed spec_version

* Some scripts for enabling asset transfer on local statemine->westmint

* script

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from d5f95c14a..b39cb0dea

b39cb0dea MaxValues limit for storage maps in the pallet-bridge-grandpa (#1861)
11b3a611d fixed TODOs for weights v2 (#1860)
5a44f9fea Message delivery transaction is not free!!! (#1859)
59a42bd58 fixed BEEFY genesis (#1858)
ab7c7ad0f Use parity-util-mem 0.12.0 (#1856)
8fd346e5a changed some tests for weights v2 (#1855)
c438b9f74 Add separate Cargo.lock for `tools/runtime-codegen` (#1854)
fc55a97d7 Fix `HeadersToKeep` and `MaxBridgedAuthorities` in Millau benchmarks (#1851)
72e64a3d7 Decrease number of GRANDPA authorities in Polkadot-like chains from 100_000 to 2_048 (#1852)
d60a331ed Update Substrate/Polkadot/Cumulus dependencies + weights v2 (#1850)
61b229b65 Bump async-trait from 0.1.63 to 0.1.64
366333108 Bump serde_json from 1.0.91 to 1.0.92 (#1845)
4d917bb3a Bump trie-db from 0.24.0 to 0.25.0
8d919eac9 Bump anyhow from 1.0.68 to 1.0.69
ef9364dd0 Bump proc-macro2 from 1.0.49 to 1.0.51
9ddeebed5 Bump futures from 0.3.25 to 0.3.26
e02eb7573 connect using wss under flag condition (#1843)
99754a07f remove extra tracing on test deployments (#1842)
bdb84cea6 Add tool for auto generating runtime code from metadata (#1812)
86662f263 fix bridge-runtime-common build (#1839)
f656ac77d Change some macro names (#1837)
50f2980e9 Verify partial repo build on CI (#1832)
f70f8231b fix bridge hubs blocks interval (#1836)
ddbe5cddf [ci] change runners (#1833)
45a68ad39 Fix on demand parachains relay when no parachain head at target (#1834)
6dbce7258 Use GitLab env vars to get git commit (#1831)
b1a8161e8 bump bridge hub versions (#1830)
e909595e0 Use specific error for case when para head is missing from the bridge pallet (#1829)
d517da8a2 Do not read parachain heads from ancient relay headers (#1827)
217bc72f5 Reconnect source client (#1826)
47bf5f693 Bump tokio from 1.24.2 to 1.25.0
6b307b48a Bump clap from 4.1.3 to 4.1.4
90bc29a17 Use named parameters for indirect calls (#1823)
986eeb556 Fix: typos (#1822)
450823b01 docs: fix broken link and minor nits (#1821)
3ed01ae31 do not call best_finalized_para_block_at_source for ancient block (#1819)
001956290 Functions to benchmark messages pallet with linked to parachain (#1817)
e9b0a1c48 Remove InboundPayload check (#1816)
873ea4e40 Bump clap from 4.1.1 to 4.1.3
97eccaa8b also ignore the base xcm crate (#1798)
2d3dcd00b Update bundled runtime version for bridge hub r/wococo (#1814)
7167c0067 Bump bumpalo from 3.10.0 to 3.12.0 in /fuzz/storage-proof
067687520 Bump async-trait from 0.1.62 to 0.1.63 (#1811)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: b39cb0dea5751847ea73ab9946667003625eaf1a

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from b39cb0dea..4c4a7eae1

4c4a7eae1 Small stuff from Cumulus integration (#1865)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 4c4a7eae1503aa63a84fb65d56d67599d362d645

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 4c4a7eae1..dcaec27aa

dcaec27aa RefundRelayerForMessagesFromParachain improvements (#1879)
5457f0672 clippy fixes (#1880)
29e8a305c MaxValues for OutboundLanes map (#1871)
5219b56f8 More tests for message pallet weights (#1870)
c4c0c7a1b Bump signal-hook from 0.3.14 to 0.3.15
0ff597b96 Bump serde_json from 1.0.92 to 1.0.93
1c5132eb1 Bump subxt from `20adb19` to `9e2acff`
adb07816b update parachains relay doc (#1874)
972ef3133 Update (#1872)
94648061b MaxValues for maps in parachain maps (#1868)
662267a6f "refund" proof size in GRANDPa pallet (#1863)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: dcaec27aaa6f41070fbdfbfd4fde2029697eb85f

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from dcaec27aa..91e66cfb9

91e66cfb9 Fix clippy issues (#1884)
0bd77f457 Reject storage proofs with unused nodes: begin (#1878)
77a3672f9 Refund extra proof bytes in message delivery transaction (#1864)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 91e66cfb99c1a7b247e435515dd0f62b4058974e

* Fix tests

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 91e66cfb9..d39f563be

d39f563be Make `weights::WeightInfo` pub (#1886)
c67d06aa5 ChainWithGrandpa in primitives (#1885)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d39f563bea57528c16763f458af3036842a0ea5f

* Merge fix

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from d39f563be..78e3357c0

78e3357c0 RefundRelayerForMessagesFromParachain improvements (#1895)
131b17359 optimize justification before submit (#1887)
5bc279ebb use complex transactions on RBH/WBH bridge hubs (#1893)
8f0c09ab9 Bump clap from 4.1.4 to 4.1.6
66429b06a Bump sysinfo from 0.27.7 to 0.28.0
8b329ee8f Bump trie-db from 0.25.0 to 0.25.1
635cfccfd Bump time from 0.3.17 to 0.3.19

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 78e3357c0387c95317b8c3e5c4d9316f3a9f3ef4

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 78e3357c0..5b5627e90

5b5627e90 Rewards refund for relaying BridgeHubRococo/BridgeHubWococo (#1894)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 5b5627e9081640ed5691eb2891182843563fb99a

* Rewards for relayers setup (#2194)

* Rewards for relayers setup

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_relayers

* Setup weight for relayer

* Setup `DeliveryConfirmationPayments` + `RefundRelayerForMessagesFromParachain`

* No need to have more than one collator per parachain

* Setup multi refund signed extensions

* Rewards sign ext test

* test

* fixes


Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 5b5627e90..3c15c3645

3c15c3645 get rid of ChainWithMessages::WeightInfo, because we can't have exact weights for "external chains" (#1899)
8ccaa0213 Wrap confirmation and finality transactions into batch_all in Millau -> RialtoParachain bridge (#1898)
9b7285edb Weight+size limits for bridge GRANDPA pallet calls (#1882)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 3c15c36455f2ad944df6a492a8d82f7e0aaf7e9f

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 3c15c3645..d05a98473

d05a98473 Refund messages confirmation tx (#1904)
e2e8a7198 Relayers pallet: extend payment source id (#1907)
cccf73b3f fix nightly clippy issues (#1915)
a33a91e79 Bump tempfile from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0
1df768a2e Bump time from 0.3.17 to 0.3.20
cf17b424f Bump sysinfo from 0.28.0 to 0.28.1
0b6276b41 Bump jsonrpsee from 0.15.1 to 0.16.2
328dde02b Bump rand from 0.7.3 to 0.8.5
2f302a4b6 Bump trie-db from 0.25.1 to 0.26.0
b5d5d03ab CI add jobs to publish Docker images description to (#1906)
db5168f18 Do not stall on lost transaction (#1903)
2d83d6389 Fix init-bridge (#1900)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d05a98473dc933cfed9e5f59023efa2ec811f03c

* Rewards adjustments

* Update RBH/WBH spec version

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from d05a98473..ce7cf9a49

ce7cf9a49 Removed deprecated `#[pallet::generate_store(pub(super) trait Store)]` according to latest Cumulus (#1964)
897b1c0b2 Bump substrate/polkadot/cumulus (#1962)
7b946da2d Backport xcm bridging extensions to the bridge repo (#1813)
88c1114ec Bump futures from 0.3.26 to 0.3.27
8668f73bf Bump serde from 1.0.152 to 1.0.155
3df8823e1 Bump subxt from `a7b45ef` to `d4545de`
ef1b1bcd0 Some error improvements (#1956)
434c5e014 optimize justifications before they're included into complex transaction (#1949)
7bac365a6 Actually clone client data by reference when cloning the client (#1941)
764ddd4a8 remove lock file after checks are done (#1942)
c18a758f8 Fix invalid messages relay delivery transactions (#1940)
8ad152b06 fix nightly benchmarks test (#1939)
d451b4f84 Bump tokio from 1.25.0 to 1.26.0
8019c50aa Bump async-trait from 0.1.64 to 0.1.66
aa055fcee Bump serde_json from 1.0.93 to 1.0.94
ec2ef31c4 Bump subxt from `1c5faf3` to `a7b45ef`
20026366f Bump sysinfo from 0.28.1 to 0.28.2
fe246d1e3 Bump thiserror from 1.0.38 to 1.0.39
c95e0cf02 Fix deploy step in CI (#1931)
15b41c2dd Improve some relay errors readability (#1930)
792deae5e Added deploy Job (#1929)
d86c3ce21 Reconnect on-demand clients from MessagesSource::reconnect and MessagesTarget::reconnect (#1927)
4161b51f0 get rid of obsolete weight functions (#1926)
9b3b00e0f cargo update -p clap@4.1.6 (#1925)
13ab28c37 Bump subxt from `9e2acff` to `1c5faf3`
bb6171a05 Remove subxt dependency features (#1924)
66d200abb Verify with-parachain message benchmarks on CI (#1923)
b6af2116f Update BHR and BHW spec version (#1922)
d464e78d9 Fix benchmarks (#1919)
74574d53e fix master compilation (#1920)
1b373dff9 Fix multiple parachain headers submission for single message delivery (#1916)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: ce7cf9a4977fe614d35b6a7a84d5057e2c4ccaf5

* fixed npm install call (#2323)

* New weights (#2315)

* New weights

* Fix compile benchmarks

* Fix import

* Fix all weights

* Remove bridge_common_config replaced by bridges impl

* Cargo.lock

* fixed bridge pallets compilation

* Cargo.lock

* fix bridge pallets compilation after substrate+polkadot bump

* BridgeHubs: XCM ExportMessage benchmark - just Rococo now

* bench export_message()

* include Bridge::haul_blob() weight in ExportMessage weight

* fix import

* more build fixes

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from ce7cf9a49..6343a7d37

6343a7d37 bump substrate+polkadot refs and fix builds (#1989)
8efc2b3cc Added receive_single_message_proof_with_dispatch benchmark (#1990)
6540f74dc Remove deprecated code from bridge-runtime-common (#1983)
c4f368be3 minor cosmetic updates (#1985)
bef11ac43 remove invalid weight, returned by send_message (#1984)
28cf5c957 Kusama <> Polkadot relay prototype (#1982)
b195223d1 Bump serde from 1.0.156 to 1.0.157
70caa75d7 ignore binary-merkle-tree (#1980)
3dc640d30 Bump thiserror from 1.0.39 to 1.0.40
8a2729101 Bump subxt from `d4545de` to `ae63d3d`
40937e8a3 Bump clap from 4.1.8 to 4.1.11
d72394c4e Bump finality-grandpa from 0.16.1 to 0.16.2
54147603d Bump serde from 1.0.155 to 1.0.156
b513193e6 Bump anyhow from 1.0.69 to 1.0.70
20867abd9 Bump sysinfo from 0.28.2 to 0.28.3
4d9a45305 Bump async-trait from 0.1.66 to 0.1.67
8a88a7536 Bump trie-db from 0.26.0 to 0.27.1
0add06edd move signed extension stuff from prolkadot-core primitives to bridge-hub-cumulus-primitives (#1968)
7481ce6eb added UpdatedBestFinalizedHeader event to pallet-bridge-grandpa (#1967)
6787cd0cb RBH <> WBH dashboards and alerts (#1966)
036f7be76 enable relayer rewards metrics at bridge hubs (#1965)
a3f07d5dd Fix invalid batch transaction (#1957)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 6343a7d37c32191413be91afb537b8bc6c770285

* dispatch message weight for bridge messages (#2378)

Co-authored-by: Svyatoslav Nikolsky <>

* Fixes

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 6343a7d37..c1d5990e8

c1d5990e8 Try check-rustdoc pipeline (#1782)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: c1d5990e840b8ee4981beb61a8099271ee629ae5

* Removed imports

* Fix compile

* fixed benchmarks compilation

* fix rustdoc

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from c1d5990e8..ecddd4a31

ecddd4a31 Rust cargo doc for all features (#1995)
e0997c14d Fix gitlab-check (#1994)
5284850ef Bump clap from 4.1.11 to 4.1.13
743cd60df Bump sysinfo from 0.28.3 to 0.28.4
dc322bae2 Bump async-trait from 0.1.67 to 0.1.68

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: ecddd4a315470d85135aafbdb96753af9b07b854

* Updated scripts for transfer assets

* Cargo.lock

* Script updates for `ping-via-bridge-from-statemine-rococo`

* Added `transfer-asset-from-statemine-rococo`

* Finished scripts


* Compile fix + log xcm trace all

* Initial version of bridges pallet as subtree of
Added `Bridges subtree files` pr review rule

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from ecddd4a31..d30927c08

d30927c08 Revert dispatch-results (#2048)
fa454c3b4 Remove unneeded files (#2044)
956a2c687 Bump clap from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2
91951583a Bump serde_json from 1.0.95 to 1.0.96
fcf462051 Bump h2 from 0.3.16 to 0.3.17 in /tools/runtime-codegen
b751fb24f Bump h2 from 0.3.16 to 0.3.17
0bf31ab78 update refs (#2041)
a490ecbd3 Fix CI build (#2039)
01139ebbc Define `RangeInclusiveExt` (#2037)
2db2f3fe3 Impl review suggestions from #2021 (#2036)
36292760f fix build step on CI (#2034)
3a2311b7a refund extra weight in receive_messages_delivery_proof call (#2031)
77f1641d1 Boost message delivery transaction priority (#2023)
c23c4e441 Reject delivery transactions with at least one obsolete message (#2021)
68ba699b7 Reintroduce msg dispatch status reporting (#2027)
d1e852cc3 Bump hex-literal from 0.4.0 to 0.4.1
16f25d613 Relay node down alert (#2002)
4bb1a6406 only refund if all bundled messages have been delivered (#2019)
b9acf52bc fail with InsufficientDispatchWeight if dispatch_weight doesn't cover weight of all bundled messages (#2018)
e10097fe2 Remove unneeded error debug strings (#2017)
f5e38f057 enable metrics on all validator nodes (#2016)
c35f1a187 Bump scale-info from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0
04c56977c Bump clap from 4.1.13 to 4.2.1
481371f3c Bump hex-literal from 0.3.4 to 0.4.0
6b9c1400d Bump serde from 1.0.158 to 1.0.159
e71877a2e Bump futures from 0.3.27 to 0.3.28
c019f4faa Bump tempfile from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0
2e6e79ef6 Bump serde_json from 1.0.94 to 1.0.95
0698b1ff9 Bump tokio from 1.26.0 to 1.27.0
35b149830 fix test step on CI (#2003)
0c3acc858 cleanup removed lane traces (#2001)
8bf81749e bump BridgeHubRococo/BridgeHubWococo versions (#2000)
e53bb7f36 MaxRequests -> MaxFreeMandatoryHeadersPerBlock in pallet-bridge-grandpa (#1997)
dfcc09043 Run tests for `runtime-benchmarks` feature only (#1998)
efcc8db17 Run benchmarks for mock runtimes (#1996)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d30927c089bd9e73092d1ec1a62895603cb277a3

* Fixes

* Squashed 'bridges/' content from commit d30927c08

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d30927c089bd9e73092d1ec1a62895603cb277a3

* Updated and (inspired by original

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from d30927c08..d3970944b

d3970944b Small simplifications (#2050)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d3970944b0cfc4ea5226225e1ca07dab234c3556

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from d3970944b..2180797fb

2180797fb Removed CODEOWNERS (#2051)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 2180797fbf8a990490c67853dcffd81bc8dd083c

* Reused `teleports_for_native_asset_works` test to all bridge-hub runtime
Extract runtime_para_id for test
Fix test
Added helper for `execute_as_governance`

* Added test case `initialize_bridge_by_governance_works`

* Added test case `handle_export_message_from_system_parachain_to_outbound_queue_works`
fix script
Removed BridgeGrandpaRococoInstance

* Added test-case `message_dispatch_routing_works`

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 2180797fbf..4850aac8ce

4850aac8ce Removed relayer_account: &AccountId from MessageDispatch  (#2080)
8c8adafd54 Revert "Fix max-size messages at test chains (#2064)" (#2077)
c01a63efd8 Fixed off-by-one when confirming rewards in messages pallet (#2075)
a298be96aa Update subxt dependencies (#2072)
c0eef51eab Fix max-size messages at test chains (#2064)
3a658e3697 Messages relay fixes (#2073)
0022b5ab22 Slash relayers for invalid transactions (#2025)
198104007f Bump enumflags2 from 0.7.5 to 0.7.7
9229b257e5 [ci] Fix rules for docker build (#2069)
660d791390 [ci] Update buildah command and version (#2058)
e4535c0ca4 fix the way latest_confirmed_nonce_at_source is "calculated" (#2067)
dbc2d37590 select nothing if we have already selected nonces to submit or have submitted something (#2065)
a7eedd21fe [relay-substrate-client] Bump jsonrpsee (#2066)
8875d5aeae Bump clap from 4.2.2 to 4.2.4
25f9cf55e2 Another use of RangeInclusiveExt::checked_len() (#2060)
4942c12a5f submit lane unblock transactions from relay (#2030)
c0325d3c9c Test deployments fixes (#2057)
fc7b9b7ed7 Use the new matrix server (#2056)
63bcb5c10b Fixed delivery alert rule (#2052)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 4850aac8ce6c34e5ca6246b88cd14c873a879cba

* Fmt

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 4850aac8ce..66aaf0dd23

66aaf0dd23 Nits (#2083)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 66aaf0dd239dde40b64264061a77c921e2c82568

* Cleaning

* bridge-hub-rococo: minor fixes

Signed-off-by: Adrian Catangiu <>

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 66aaf0dd23..557ecbcecc

557ecbcecc Fix sized messages (Follow-up on #2064) (#2103)
54f587a066 Add weight of refund extension post_dispatch to the weights of messages pallet (#2089)
5b1626f8c4 fix pallet param for nightly benchmarks check (#2099)
ae44c6b7a1 Add millau specific messages weights (#2097)
6ad0bd1f1e Add integrity tests to rialto parachain runtiime (#2096)
6919556de5 Bump tokio from 1.27.0 to 1.28.0
58795fcb75 Bump clap from 4.2.4 to 4.2.5
01bf31085b Bump scale-info from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0
8fe383240d Bump anyhow from 1.0.70 to 1.0.71
8d94e82ad5 deployments: add new BEEFY metrics and alarms (#2090)
e9a4749e7e Bump wasmtime from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2
9d9936c0d9 Bump wasmtime from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 in /tools/runtime-codegen
5d77cd7bee Add more logs to relayer and message pallets (#2082)
75fbb9d3ef Update comment (#2081)
9904d09cf6 Benchmarks for new relayers pallet calls (#2040)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 557ecbcecc585547b744a5ac9fb8d7f3b9de4521

* fmt

* Fix compile

* Fix benchmark

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 557ecbcecc..04b3dda6aa

04b3dda6aa Remove from subtree (#2111)
f8ff15e7e7 Add `MessagesPalletInstance` for integrity tests (#2107)
92ccef58e6 Use generated runtimes for BHR/BHW (#2106)
b33e0a585b Fix comment (#2105)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 04b3dda6aa38599e612ff637710b6d2cff275ef3

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/commands/fmt/"

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_grandpa

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_parachains

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_messages

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_relayers


Signed-off-by: Adrian Catangiu <>
Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>
Co-authored-by: Anthony Lazam <>
Co-authored-by: Serban Iorga <>
Co-authored-by: Svyatoslav Nikolsky <>
Co-authored-by: girazoki <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
Co-authored-by: Serban Iorga <>
Co-authored-by: acatangiu <>

* companion for #13384 (#2417)

* companion for #13384

* update rpc cli

* fix missed stuff

* update parachain rpc commands

* update polkadot and substrate deps

* update substrate & polkadot


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
Co-authored-by: muharem <>

* Companion for #13701 (#2423)

* Set data_path

* fmt

* Updated substrate and polkadot

* Bump parity-scale-codec from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0 (#2523)

Bumps [parity-scale-codec]( from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: parity-scale-codec
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Companion: XCM remote lock config (#2463)

* xcm remote lock config

* rename

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Update DNS names of Rococo Contracts bootnodes (#2524)

* bump zombienet version (#2525)

* bump zombienet version

* fix para registration args

* Make zombienet tests required (#2527)

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Fix Clippy (#2522)

* Import Clippy config from Polkadot

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Auto clippy fix

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* No tabs in comments

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Prefer matches

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Dont drop references

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Trivial

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Refactor

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* fmt

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* add clippy to ci

* Clippy reborrow

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Update client/pov-recovery/src/

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* Update client/pov-recovery/src/

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* Partially revert 'Prefer matches'

Using matches! instead of match does give less compiler
checks as per review from @chevdor.

Partially reverts 8c0609677f3ea040f77fffd5be6facf7c3fec95c

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Update .cargo/config.toml

Co-authored-by: Chevdor <>

* Revert revert 💩

Should be fine to use matches! macro since it is an explicit whitelist,
not wildcard matching.


Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>
Co-authored-by: alvicsam <>
Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>
Co-authored-by: Chevdor <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Bump serde from 1.0.160 to 1.0.162 (#2534)

Bumps [serde]( from 1.0.160 to 1.0.162.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: serde
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Update westmint bootnodes (#2521)

Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* companion for #14088 (#2539)

* companion for #14088

* update lockfile for {"substrate", "polkadot"}


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* add set_invulnerables to SafeCallFilter (#2537)

* Substrate 13843 (Asset Freezing) Companion (#2437)

* add migrations

* fix pallet instancing in migration

* migrate by instance

* weights

* remove migrations

* update weights

* update weights

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}


Co-authored-by: muharem <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Prevent name clash with Substrate Pallet Template (#2536)

* Remove cumulus template pallet

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Use substrate template pallet

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Update Cargo.lock

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Revert back to master

Revert "Remove cumulus template pallet"

This reverts commit a6d3566e52e9124c0e9823c12cacea557187c6b4.

Revert "Use substrate template pallet"

This reverts commit fbb8eea28dec5b75e13823762572d24bd9a4b88f.

Revert "Update Cargo.lock"

This reverts commit ee24cb81e5d91d6b8f7ef0c97d0f0fdbfe857c53.

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* pallet-template -> pallet-parachain-template

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Update Cargo.lock

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>


Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Bump quote from 1.0.26 to 1.0.27 (#2548)

Bumps [quote]( from 1.0.26 to 1.0.27.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: quote
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump array-bytes from 6.0.0 to 6.1.0 (#2549)

Bumps [array-bytes]( from 6.0.0 to 6.1.0.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: array-bytes
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-minor

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Collectives: xcm base weights (#2550)

* [Backport] weights from 9420 (#2562)

* [benchmarks] Update weights for collectives (#2532)

* [benchmarks] pr with weights

* bump zombienet version (#2525)

* bump zombienet version

* fix para registration args


Co-authored-by: paritytech-ci <>
Co-authored-by: Javier Viola <>

* [benchmarks] Update weights for bridge-hubs (#2533)

* [benchmarks] pr with weights

* bump zombienet version (#2525)

* bump zombienet version

* fix para registration args


Co-authored-by: paritytech-ci <>
Co-authored-by: Javier Viola <>

* [benchmarks] Update weights for statemine/t (#2535)

* [benchmarks] pr with weights

* bump zombienet version (#2525)

* bump zombienet version

* fix para registration args


Co-authored-by: paritytech-ci <>
Co-authored-by: Javier Viola <>


Co-authored-by: Paritytech CI <>
Co-authored-by: paritytech-ci <>
Co-authored-by: Javier Viola <>

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#14080 (#2526)

* Companion for paritytech/substrate#14080

* Update lockfile

* Update Polkadot

* Update Cargo.lock

* Substrate Companion (#2514)

* pallet-sudo-weightinfo

* revert

* s

* runtime-benchmarks

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* companion PR for (#2547)

* companion PR for

* Add missing trait function

* Fix template

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* Add missing weight functions

Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}


Signed-off-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>
Co-authored-by: Falco Hirschenberger <>
Co-authored-by: Oliver Tale-Yazdi <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* docs: fix build command and some broken links (#2567)

* Bump parity-db (#2559)

* [Substrate Companion] Upgrade to libp2p 0.51.3 (#2429)

* upgrade js-sys to 0.3.61

* update wasm-bindgen-futures

* update zeroize

* update either

* update once_cell


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* [Backport] version bumps from 9420 (#2561)

* Bump crate versions

* Bump spec_version to 9420

* Bump transaction_version (#2520)

* bump trnsaction_version

* revert transaction_version bump for all except the collectives

* make cargo fmt happy again

* Relay-parent digest logs for parachains (#2552)

* add digest item for relay-parent to primitives

* add a relay-parent-storage-root digest as a workaround

* more docs

* deposit log in pallet-parachain-system

* even more docs

* fix duplicate imports after botched mertge

* fix hyperlinks in docs

* clean up match

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* improve docs

* fix typo

* add number to the digest item


Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* Consensus utilities and rearchitecture for more dynamic collators (#2382)

* implement a proposer utility for consensus

* tidy up deps of new proposer crate

* implement a collator-service crate

* rewrite cumulus-collator to use new service struct

* implement a module for relay-chain-driven collators

* adapt start_collator to use the new relay_chain_driven module

* move collator-service to a public submodule

* create an interface trait for the proposer

* begin aura reimplementation

* address review comments

* update substrrate git ref

* update polkadot-primitives refs

* rough draft of aura collation using standalone fns

* add a ServiceInterface

* port aura reimpl to use new service trait

* add an import queue utility crate

* remove import queue crate in favor of module in common

* implement new verification queue for aura

* implement remaining behaviors

* split 'collate' into smaller functions that could be pub

* add telemetry

* fix doc job?

* Specify async-trait patch version

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* remove 'fn@' in doc string.

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* update variable names to be more readable

* refactor proposer errors to anyhow/thiserror

* remove manual span instrumentation

Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* make slot_claim private

* fix unused import

* fmt

* fmt

* make clippy happy


Co-authored-by: Bastian Köcher <>

* remove sp-serializer (#2574)

* remove sp-serializer

* improve

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}

* update lockfile for {"substrate", "polkadot"}


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* Bump serde from 1.0.162 to 1.0.163 (#2568)

Bumps [serde]( from 1.0.162 to 1.0.163.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: serde
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump tokio from 1.28.0 to 1.28.1 (#2564)

Bumps [tokio]( from 1.28.0 to 1.28.1.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: tokio
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump anyhow from 1.0.69 to 1.0.71 (#2584)

Bumps [anyhow]( from 1.0.69 to 1.0.71.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

- dependency-name: anyhow
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

* Bump polkadot (#2585)

* Bump polkadot

* Another bump

* Fix for `GrandpaJustification` + `Debug`


Co-authored-by: Branislav Kontur <>

* Collectives integration tests xcm v3 (#2221)

* Collectives integration tests xcm v3

* remove comment

* review fixs


Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>

* BridgeHubRococo/Wococo nits + updated subtree (#2572)

* Nits (merge before separatelly)

* Small cosmetics for Rococo/Wococo bridge local run

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 04b3dda6aa..5fc377ab34

5fc377ab34 Support for kusama-polkadot relaying (#2128)
01f4b7f1ba Fix clippy warnings (#2127)
696ff1c368 BHK/P alignments (#2115)
2a66aa3248 Small fixes (#2126)
7810f1a988 Cosmetics (#2124)
daf250f69c Remove some `expect()` statements (#2123)
1c5fba8274 temporarily remove balance guard (#2121)
3d0e547361 Propagate message receival confirmation errors (#2116)
1c33143f07 Propagate message verification errors (#2114)
b075b00910 Bump tim…
ggwpez pushed a commit to ggwpez/runtimes that referenced this pull request Jul 13, 2023
* Fixes

* Undiener

* Undiener

* Undiener

* Lockfile

* Changes for send returning hash

* Include message ID as params to execute_xcm

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Companion fixes

* Formatting

* Fixes

* Formatting

* Bump

* Bump

* Fixes

* Formatting

* Make the price of UMP/XCMP message sending configurable

* cargo fmt

* Remove InvertLocation

* Formatting

* Use ConstantPrice from polkadot-runtime-common

* Fix naming

* cargo fmt

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Add CallDispatcher

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Remove unused import

* Remove unused import

* XCMv3 fixes (#1710)

* Fixes XCMv3 related
Fixes XCMv3 (removed query_holding)
Fixes XCMv3 - should use _depositable_count?
Fixes XCMv3 - removed TrustedReserve
Fixes - missing weights for statemine/statemint/westmint
[DO-NOT-CHERRY-PICK] tmp return query_holding to aviod conficts to master
Fixes - missing functions for pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic::Config
Fixes for XCMv3 benchmarking
Fix xcm - removed query_holding

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Fix imports

* Avoid consuming XCM message for NotApplicable scenario (#1787)

* Avoid consuming message for NotApplicable scenario

* Avoid consuming message for NotApplicable scenario tests

* Add 10 message processing limit to DMP queue

* Add 10 message limit to XCMP queue

* Always increment the message_processed count whenever a message is processed

* Fix formatting

* Set an upper limit to the overweight message DMP queue

* Add upper limit to XCMP overweight message queue

* Fix for missing weight for `fn unpaid_execution()`

* Fix - usage of `messages_processed`

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* cargo fmt

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Remove unused import

* Fixes for gav-xcm-v3 (#1835)

* Fix for FungiblesAdapter - trait changes: Contains -> AssetChecking

* Fix for missing weight for `fn unpaid_execution()`

* Used NonLocalMint for all NonZeroIssuance

* Fix

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fix tests

* Fixes

* Add SafeCallFilter

* Add missing config items

* Add TODO

* Use () as the PriceForParentDelivery

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Update transact_origin to transact_origin_and_runtime_call

* Add ReachableDest config item to XCM pallet

* Update SafeCallFilter to allow remark_with_event in runtime benchmarks

* cargo fmt

* Update substrate

* Fix worst_case_holding

* Fix DMQ queue unit tests

* Remove unused label

* cargo fmt

* Actually process incoming XCMs

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes - return back Weightless

* Added measured benchmarks for `pallet_xcm` (#1968)

* Fix



* Fix

* Fixes for transact benchmark

* Fixes add pallet_xcm to benchmarks

* Revert remark_with_event

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Fixes


* Fix for reserve_asset_deposited

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemine assets pallet_xcm

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemint assets pallet_xcm

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet westmint assets pallet_xcm

* Fix westmint

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_xcm

* Fix for collectives

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* Fixes for bridge-hubs

* Fixes - return back Weightless

* Fix - removed MigrateToTrackInactive for contracts-rococo

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* cargo fmt

* Fix benchmarks

* Bko gav xcm v3 (#1993)

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemine assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet westmint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Change AllowUnpaidExecutionFrom to be explicit

* xcm-v3 benchmarks, weights, fixes for bridge-hubs (#2035)

* Dumy weights to get compile

* Change UniversalLocation according to paritytech/polkadot#4097 (Location Inversion Removed)

* Fix bridge-hubs weights

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemine assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet westmint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Change NetworkId to Option<NetworkId>

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>

* Add event for showing the hash of an UMP sent message (#1228)

* Add UpwardMessageSent event in parachain-system

* additional fixes

* Message Id

* Fix errors from merge

* fmt

* more fmt

* Remove todo

* more formatting

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Allow explicit unpaid executions from the relay chains for system parachains (#2060)

* Allow explicit unpaid executions from the relay chains for system parachains

* Put origin-filtering barriers into WithComputedOrigin

* Use ConstU32<8>

* Small nits

* formatting

* cargo fmt

* Allow receiving XCMs from any relay chain plurality

* Fixes

* update lockfile for {"polkadot", "substrate"}

* Update polkadot

* Add runtime-benchmarks feature

Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>
Co-authored-by: Branislav Kontur <>
Co-authored-by: girazoki <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
ggwpez pushed a commit to ggwpez/runtimes that referenced this pull request Jul 13, 2023
* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* cargo fmt

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Update BridgeHub runtime version

* Fixes

* Zombienet for bridge-hub setup

* Fixes

* Remove unused import

* Fixes for gav-xcm-v3 (#1835)

* Fix for FungiblesAdapter - trait changes: Contains -> AssetChecking

* Fix for missing weight for `fn unpaid_execution()`

* Used NonLocalMint for all NonZeroIssuance

* Fix

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fix tests

* Fixes

* Trying to fix sed expression?

* Trying to fix sed expression?

* Use the `relay-headers-and-messages` command (#1913)

* Bridge hubs readme: fixes and additions

* Use the relay-headers-and-messages command

* cargo fmt

* Fix + zombienet

* Parachain ID update of bridge-hub-wococo

* Update bridge-hub-wococo chainspec

* Squashed 'bridges/' content from commit 062554430

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 0625544309ff299307f7e110f252f04eac383102

* Add SafeCallFilter

* Add missing config items

* Add TODO

* Fixes (xcm Superuser + DispatchLevelResult)

* Fix cargo

* Change runtime version

* Unit-tests for dispatch bridging messages and XCM routing on BridgeHubs + HRMP

* Removed Sudo pallet

* Use () as the PriceForParentDelivery

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Update transact_origin to transact_origin_and_runtime_call

* Add ReachableDest config item to XCM pallet

* Add BridgeRejectObsoleteHeadersAndMessages to bridge hubs (#1972)

* Update SafeCallFilter to allow remark_with_event in runtime benchmarks

* cargo fmt

* Update substrate

* Fix worst_case_holding

* Fix DMQ queue unit tests

* Remove unused label

* cargo fmt

* Actually process incoming XCMs

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes - return back Weightless

* Simplify local run + readme

* Added measured benchmarks for `pallet_xcm` (#1968)

* Fix



* Fix

* Fixes for transact benchmark

* Fixes add pallet_xcm to benchmarks

* Revert remark_with_event

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Fixes


* Fix for reserve_asset_deposited

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemine assets pallet_xcm

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemint assets pallet_xcm

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet westmint assets pallet_xcm

* Fix westmint

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_xcm

* Fix for collectives

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* Fixes for bridge-hubs

* Fixes - return back Weightless

* Fix - removed MigrateToTrackInactive for contracts-rococo

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* cargo fmt

* Fix benchmarks

* Bko gav xcm v3 (#1993)

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemine assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm statemint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm westmint assets pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemine assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet westmint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Change AllowUnpaidExecutionFrom to be explicit

* Turn on more xcm logs for parachains

* Added polkadot-parachain-mint binary instructions

* xcm-v3 benchmarks, weights, fixes for bridge-hubs (#2035)

* Dumy weights to get compile

* Change UniversalLocation according to paritytech/polkadot#4097 (Location Inversion Removed)

* Fix bridge-hubs weights

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemine assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet statemint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet collectives-polkadot collectives pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet westmint assets pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-kusama bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::fungible

* ".git/.scripts/" xcm bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_xcm_benchmarks::generic

* Change NetworkId to Option<NetworkId>

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>
Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>

* remove shift session manager from bridge-hub-rococo (#2047)

* remove shift session manager from bridge-hub-rococo

* also remove from Cargo.toml

* Add event for showing the hash of an UMP sent message (#1228)

* Add UpwardMessageSent event in parachain-system

* additional fixes

* Message Id

* Fix errors from merge

* fmt

* more fmt

* Remove todo

* more formatting

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Fixes

* Updated and scripts/ for sending messages (local, live)

* Allow explicit unpaid executions from the relay chains for system parachains (#2060)

* Allow explicit unpaid executions from the relay chains for system parachains

* Put origin-filtering barriers into WithComputedOrigin

* Use ConstU32<8>

* Small nits

* formatting

* cargo fmt

* Align laneId to 00000001

* Allow receiving XCMs from any relay chain plurality

* Fixes

* Use Rococo/Wococo runtime APIs defined in bridge primitives (#2080)

* Patched dependencies (polkadot, substrate) for xcm-v3 (compiles + tests work)

* Replace serial_test and fix with thread_local

* Very init of script for bumping bridges repo

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 062554430..984749ba0

984749ba0 Define separate signed extension for BHR/BHW (#1776)
72b03d463 update Substrate/Polkadot/Cumulus deps to master (#1775)
3065c7903 Added crate-level docs for the parachains pallet (#1772)
a0f41b2d8 added/updated pallet level docs to grandpa and messages pallets (#1771)
6d69d1f4d docs: add Security Policy doc (#1770)
ff8c0f727 Fix cargo deny issues (#1769)
6fc931d07 Bump xcm-v3 + substrate (#1767)
5840197c3 Define method for checking message lane weights (#1766)
41d91e961 fixed receive_delivery_proof_for_two_messages_by_two_relayers (#1764)
ac0cf7b78 Fix some cargo-deny issues (#1763)
6d9dc6367 `cargo machete` removed unused deps (#1761)
c265b5430 Remove sp-version dependency from bin-substrate (#1758)
1327c9d97 Set `R/WococoBridgeHub` bundle runtime version (#1756)
a3a2a06ae Expose relay version metric (#1750)
13f4a0164 Use indirect runtime calls for RialtoParachain (#1753)
9563f9eee fix nightly clippy again (#1752)
21b75b893 no-grafana-startup-delay option in (#1751)
a5fe0dfc4 Remove TODO (#1749)
6c826a6c3 Deduplicate pallet call structs used for indirect runtime calls (#1744)
e575269e5 fix nightly clippy (#1746)
209cba353 Update project level docs (#1734)
b05cef5b4 Improve relayer initialization behaviour (#1743)
c7b6bae9d Make debug display of LaneId compatible with its previous version (#1740)
221e4e80c Remove CliChain::KeyPair (#1741)
3d9d2907f Use TypedLaneId instead of LaneId (#1738)
6683b8136 Simplify read_client_state() (#1739)
3f7353b82 Expose metrics of on-demand relay chain headers sync from with-parachain complex relays (#1737)
ab65d84e0 Handle `SIGTERM` for the docker containers + relay (#1735)
b9050e90c Replace `BATCH_CALL_SUPPORTED` (#1733)
c28b3ff66 Updated db weights and some experiments (#1732)
023689c6c Do not require new headers if lane is empty (#1725)
bddf1fa19 remove messages pallet owner relay argument (#1728)
ef55226c6 more traces + remove signer override (#1727)
4d50df6ed remove BatchDeliveryTransaction::new and BatchConfirmationTransaction::new to avoid expects (#1726)
15244e53e Batch transactions in complex relays (#1669)
c209bb9ac fix pallet names at bridge hubs (#1722)
036e6696e tests (#1720)
3d56e2089 Check origin? (#1718)
af9abbeb8 Remove SOURCE_PARACHAIN_PARA_ID (#1716)
d1cb5d1a8 fix parachains benchmarks (#1717)
84bdf864b Changed docker image name for substrate-relay (#1714)
5698fb465 Remove WeightToFee (#1713)
9f4106bc1 Fix bridge hub rococo/wococo weights (#1712)
114b1502f Only store header state root (pallet-bridge-parachains) (#1701)
92e86f07b New relayer rewards scheme integration (#1652)
8649d12af Signed extension to refund relayer at the target chain (#1657)
ec6bafaf0 DeliveryConfirmationPayments trait for paying relayer rewards at the source chain (#1653)
fab2344f4 only store header state root (pallet-bridge-grandpa) (#1699)
b5e916f64 fixed benchmarks of relayers pallet (#1700)
5cce3e86d fix clippy (#1698)
f78e8867b removed MintReward and added PayLaneRewardFromAccount (#1693)
0c19db305 added version guards to RBH<>WBH GRANDPA finality (and complex) relay (#1697)
c003b951d removed ESTIMATE_MESSAGE_FEE_METHOD (#1696)
4903b7929 refund_pay_dispatch_fee removed (#1695)
61c3b22ca Replace const parameters types (#1691)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 984749ba021b5b8ec16f65cd1e50b234640d838b

* Fixes after merge

* Fixes

* Use auto runtime version for local runs (#2113)

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 984749ba0..fb3c5ef5d

fb3c5ef5d Add integrity check for signed extensions (#1780)
3959628ff add try-runtime feature to pallets (#1779)
be36ff00c Default impl for some methods in messages benchmarking pallet config (#1777)
68344e329 Relayer reward metric (#1742)
6b455597b Crate-level documentation on finality relays and relayers pallet (#1773)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: fb3c5ef5dae42553522c7eff37678de9bf4f6c67

* Fixed try-runtime

* Fix cargo.lock

* Fix BridgePalletIsNotInitialized (#2114)

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from fb3c5ef5d..e2e9fa7f9

e2e9fa7f9 Expose EXTRA_STORAGE_PROOF_SIZE in bp-bridge-hub-cumulus (#1788)
ba85532b1 Removed unecesserry test + substrate/polkadot (#1787)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: e2e9fa7f94d2f105c1816402a9ae4b85bfc34145

* Fix cargo.toml

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from e2e9fa7f9..d5f95c14a

d5f95c14a use wss to connect to the Rialto node in test deployments (#1809)
722d47b06 fix compilation
a48732676 Bump sysinfo from 0.15.9 to 0.27.7
9a6e8bb1d Bump env_logger from 0.8.4 to 0.10.0
89c5e7981 Bump async-trait from 0.1.61 to 0.1.62
ddd0a5742 Bump fixed-hash from 0.7.0 to 0.8.0
e8b0b8192 Bump impl-serde from 0.3.2 to 0.4.0
c5227460f Bump jsonpath_lib from 0.2.6 to 0.3.0
9f4771d38 Bump parking_lot from 0.11.2 to 0.12.1
dab5d72ae Bump backoff from 0.2.1 to 0.4.0
d7dd3acce Bump strum from 0.21.0 to 0.24.1
c49799017 Bump tokio from 1.24.1 to 1.24.2
db614681e Bump clap from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1
3c155214d update ignored dependencies for dependabot (#1790)
4c791472c No wildcard patterns in Cargo.toml (#1789)
33632313d Remove chain-specific dependencies from crates that will be used in Cumulus (#1783)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d5f95c14a2771d7ad51db95670d08a5d0da526a0

* Fix `send-remark-local` script because of new xcm-v3

* Refactor haul/dispatch xcm stuff

* Add Rococo <> Wococo integrity tests (#1975)

* Remove 1 integrity test

In sync with paritytech/parity-bridges-common#1816

* use TargetHeaderChainAdapter and SourceHeaderChainAdapter

* Rococo <-> Wococo integrity tests

* Add message lane weights tests

* Add signed extension integrity test

* Bridge benchmarks for bridge hub rococo/wococo (#2107)

* fix benchmarks compilation and add bridges benchmarks (prototype) to RBH/WBH

* post-merge fixes

* remove duplicate "pallet-collator-selection/runtime-benchmarks"

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_grandpa

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_parachains

* remove methods that are no longer required

* fixed helpers used in bridge hub messages palelt benchmarks

* unused imports

* compilation

* compilation


* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_messages

* use generated weights in pallets configuration

* add mod for new weights

* impl WeightInfoExt

Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Ensure governance can call `initialize` with `xcm:Transact` bridge grandpa pallets

* Just in case changed spec_version

* Some scripts for enabling asset transfer on local statemine->westmint

* script

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from d5f95c14a..b39cb0dea

b39cb0dea MaxValues limit for storage maps in the pallet-bridge-grandpa (#1861)
11b3a611d fixed TODOs for weights v2 (#1860)
5a44f9fea Message delivery transaction is not free!!! (#1859)
59a42bd58 fixed BEEFY genesis (#1858)
ab7c7ad0f Use parity-util-mem 0.12.0 (#1856)
8fd346e5a changed some tests for weights v2 (#1855)
c438b9f74 Add separate Cargo.lock for `tools/runtime-codegen` (#1854)
fc55a97d7 Fix `HeadersToKeep` and `MaxBridgedAuthorities` in Millau benchmarks (#1851)
72e64a3d7 Decrease number of GRANDPA authorities in Polkadot-like chains from 100_000 to 2_048 (#1852)
d60a331ed Update Substrate/Polkadot/Cumulus dependencies + weights v2 (#1850)
61b229b65 Bump async-trait from 0.1.63 to 0.1.64
366333108 Bump serde_json from 1.0.91 to 1.0.92 (#1845)
4d917bb3a Bump trie-db from 0.24.0 to 0.25.0
8d919eac9 Bump anyhow from 1.0.68 to 1.0.69
ef9364dd0 Bump proc-macro2 from 1.0.49 to 1.0.51
9ddeebed5 Bump futures from 0.3.25 to 0.3.26
e02eb7573 connect using wss under flag condition (#1843)
99754a07f remove extra tracing on test deployments (#1842)
bdb84cea6 Add tool for auto generating runtime code from metadata (#1812)
86662f263 fix bridge-runtime-common build (#1839)
f656ac77d Change some macro names (#1837)
50f2980e9 Verify partial repo build on CI (#1832)
f70f8231b fix bridge hubs blocks interval (#1836)
ddbe5cddf [ci] change runners (#1833)
45a68ad39 Fix on demand parachains relay when no parachain head at target (#1834)
6dbce7258 Use GitLab env vars to get git commit (#1831)
b1a8161e8 bump bridge hub versions (#1830)
e909595e0 Use specific error for case when para head is missing from the bridge pallet (#1829)
d517da8a2 Do not read parachain heads from ancient relay headers (#1827)
217bc72f5 Reconnect source client (#1826)
47bf5f693 Bump tokio from 1.24.2 to 1.25.0
6b307b48a Bump clap from 4.1.3 to 4.1.4
90bc29a17 Use named parameters for indirect calls (#1823)
986eeb556 Fix: typos (#1822)
450823b01 docs: fix broken link and minor nits (#1821)
3ed01ae31 do not call best_finalized_para_block_at_source for ancient block (#1819)
001956290 Functions to benchmark messages pallet with linked to parachain (#1817)
e9b0a1c48 Remove InboundPayload check (#1816)
873ea4e40 Bump clap from 4.1.1 to 4.1.3
97eccaa8b also ignore the base xcm crate (#1798)
2d3dcd00b Update bundled runtime version for bridge hub r/wococo (#1814)
7167c0067 Bump bumpalo from 3.10.0 to 3.12.0 in /fuzz/storage-proof
067687520 Bump async-trait from 0.1.62 to 0.1.63 (#1811)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: b39cb0dea5751847ea73ab9946667003625eaf1a

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from b39cb0dea..4c4a7eae1

4c4a7eae1 Small stuff from Cumulus integration (#1865)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 4c4a7eae1503aa63a84fb65d56d67599d362d645

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 4c4a7eae1..dcaec27aa

dcaec27aa RefundRelayerForMessagesFromParachain improvements (#1879)
5457f0672 clippy fixes (#1880)
29e8a305c MaxValues for OutboundLanes map (#1871)
5219b56f8 More tests for message pallet weights (#1870)
c4c0c7a1b Bump signal-hook from 0.3.14 to 0.3.15
0ff597b96 Bump serde_json from 1.0.92 to 1.0.93
1c5132eb1 Bump subxt from `20adb19` to `9e2acff`
adb07816b update parachains relay doc (#1874)
972ef3133 Update (#1872)
94648061b MaxValues for maps in parachain maps (#1868)
662267a6f "refund" proof size in GRANDPa pallet (#1863)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: dcaec27aaa6f41070fbdfbfd4fde2029697eb85f

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from dcaec27aa..91e66cfb9

91e66cfb9 Fix clippy issues (#1884)
0bd77f457 Reject storage proofs with unused nodes: begin (#1878)
77a3672f9 Refund extra proof bytes in message delivery transaction (#1864)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 91e66cfb99c1a7b247e435515dd0f62b4058974e

* Fix tests

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 91e66cfb9..d39f563be

d39f563be Make `weights::WeightInfo` pub (#1886)
c67d06aa5 ChainWithGrandpa in primitives (#1885)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d39f563bea57528c16763f458af3036842a0ea5f

* Merge fix

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from d39f563be..78e3357c0

78e3357c0 RefundRelayerForMessagesFromParachain improvements (#1895)
131b17359 optimize justification before submit (#1887)
5bc279ebb use complex transactions on RBH/WBH bridge hubs (#1893)
8f0c09ab9 Bump clap from 4.1.4 to 4.1.6
66429b06a Bump sysinfo from 0.27.7 to 0.28.0
8b329ee8f Bump trie-db from 0.25.0 to 0.25.1
635cfccfd Bump time from 0.3.17 to 0.3.19

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 78e3357c0387c95317b8c3e5c4d9316f3a9f3ef4

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 78e3357c0..5b5627e90

5b5627e90 Rewards refund for relaying BridgeHubRococo/BridgeHubWococo (#1894)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 5b5627e9081640ed5691eb2891182843563fb99a

* Rewards for relayers setup (#2194)

* Rewards for relayers setup

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_relayers

* Setup weight for relayer

* Setup `DeliveryConfirmationPayments` + `RefundRelayerForMessagesFromParachain`

* No need to have more than one collator per parachain

* Setup multi refund signed extensions

* Rewards sign ext test

* test

* fixes


Co-authored-by: command-bot <>

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 5b5627e90..3c15c3645

3c15c3645 get rid of ChainWithMessages::WeightInfo, because we can't have exact weights for "external chains" (#1899)
8ccaa0213 Wrap confirmation and finality transactions into batch_all in Millau -> RialtoParachain bridge (#1898)
9b7285edb Weight+size limits for bridge GRANDPA pallet calls (#1882)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 3c15c36455f2ad944df6a492a8d82f7e0aaf7e9f

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 3c15c3645..d05a98473

d05a98473 Refund messages confirmation tx (#1904)
e2e8a7198 Relayers pallet: extend payment source id (#1907)
cccf73b3f fix nightly clippy issues (#1915)
a33a91e79 Bump tempfile from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0
1df768a2e Bump time from 0.3.17 to 0.3.20
cf17b424f Bump sysinfo from 0.28.0 to 0.28.1
0b6276b41 Bump jsonrpsee from 0.15.1 to 0.16.2
328dde02b Bump rand from 0.7.3 to 0.8.5
2f302a4b6 Bump trie-db from 0.25.1 to 0.26.0
b5d5d03ab CI add jobs to publish Docker images description to (#1906)
db5168f18 Do not stall on lost transaction (#1903)
2d83d6389 Fix init-bridge (#1900)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d05a98473dc933cfed9e5f59023efa2ec811f03c

* Rewards adjustments

* Update RBH/WBH spec version

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from d05a98473..ce7cf9a49

ce7cf9a49 Removed deprecated `#[pallet::generate_store(pub(super) trait Store)]` according to latest Cumulus (#1964)
897b1c0b2 Bump substrate/polkadot/cumulus (#1962)
7b946da2d Backport xcm bridging extensions to the bridge repo (#1813)
88c1114ec Bump futures from 0.3.26 to 0.3.27
8668f73bf Bump serde from 1.0.152 to 1.0.155
3df8823e1 Bump subxt from `a7b45ef` to `d4545de`
ef1b1bcd0 Some error improvements (#1956)
434c5e014 optimize justifications before they're included into complex transaction (#1949)
7bac365a6 Actually clone client data by reference when cloning the client (#1941)
764ddd4a8 remove lock file after checks are done (#1942)
c18a758f8 Fix invalid messages relay delivery transactions (#1940)
8ad152b06 fix nightly benchmarks test (#1939)
d451b4f84 Bump tokio from 1.25.0 to 1.26.0
8019c50aa Bump async-trait from 0.1.64 to 0.1.66
aa055fcee Bump serde_json from 1.0.93 to 1.0.94
ec2ef31c4 Bump subxt from `1c5faf3` to `a7b45ef`
20026366f Bump sysinfo from 0.28.1 to 0.28.2
fe246d1e3 Bump thiserror from 1.0.38 to 1.0.39
c95e0cf02 Fix deploy step in CI (#1931)
15b41c2dd Improve some relay errors readability (#1930)
792deae5e Added deploy Job (#1929)
d86c3ce21 Reconnect on-demand clients from MessagesSource::reconnect and MessagesTarget::reconnect (#1927)
4161b51f0 get rid of obsolete weight functions (#1926)
9b3b00e0f cargo update -p clap@4.1.6 (#1925)
13ab28c37 Bump subxt from `9e2acff` to `1c5faf3`
bb6171a05 Remove subxt dependency features (#1924)
66d200abb Verify with-parachain message benchmarks on CI (#1923)
b6af2116f Update BHR and BHW spec version (#1922)
d464e78d9 Fix benchmarks (#1919)
74574d53e fix master compilation (#1920)
1b373dff9 Fix multiple parachain headers submission for single message delivery (#1916)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: ce7cf9a4977fe614d35b6a7a84d5057e2c4ccaf5

* fixed npm install call (#2323)

* New weights (#2315)

* New weights

* Fix compile benchmarks

* Fix import

* Fix all weights

* Remove bridge_common_config replaced by bridges impl

* Cargo.lock

* fixed bridge pallets compilation

* Cargo.lock

* fix bridge pallets compilation after substrate+polkadot bump

* BridgeHubs: XCM ExportMessage benchmark - just Rococo now

* bench export_message()

* include Bridge::haul_blob() weight in ExportMessage weight

* fix import

* more build fixes

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from ce7cf9a49..6343a7d37

6343a7d37 bump substrate+polkadot refs and fix builds (#1989)
8efc2b3cc Added receive_single_message_proof_with_dispatch benchmark (#1990)
6540f74dc Remove deprecated code from bridge-runtime-common (#1983)
c4f368be3 minor cosmetic updates (#1985)
bef11ac43 remove invalid weight, returned by send_message (#1984)
28cf5c957 Kusama <> Polkadot relay prototype (#1982)
b195223d1 Bump serde from 1.0.156 to 1.0.157
70caa75d7 ignore binary-merkle-tree (#1980)
3dc640d30 Bump thiserror from 1.0.39 to 1.0.40
8a2729101 Bump subxt from `d4545de` to `ae63d3d`
40937e8a3 Bump clap from 4.1.8 to 4.1.11
d72394c4e Bump finality-grandpa from 0.16.1 to 0.16.2
54147603d Bump serde from 1.0.155 to 1.0.156
b513193e6 Bump anyhow from 1.0.69 to 1.0.70
20867abd9 Bump sysinfo from 0.28.2 to 0.28.3
4d9a45305 Bump async-trait from 0.1.66 to 0.1.67
8a88a7536 Bump trie-db from 0.26.0 to 0.27.1
0add06edd move signed extension stuff from prolkadot-core primitives to bridge-hub-cumulus-primitives (#1968)
7481ce6eb added UpdatedBestFinalizedHeader event to pallet-bridge-grandpa (#1967)
6787cd0cb RBH <> WBH dashboards and alerts (#1966)
036f7be76 enable relayer rewards metrics at bridge hubs (#1965)
a3f07d5dd Fix invalid batch transaction (#1957)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 6343a7d37c32191413be91afb537b8bc6c770285

* dispatch message weight for bridge messages (#2378)

Co-authored-by: Svyatoslav Nikolsky <>

* Fixes

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 6343a7d37..c1d5990e8

c1d5990e8 Try check-rustdoc pipeline (#1782)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: c1d5990e840b8ee4981beb61a8099271ee629ae5

* Removed imports

* Fix compile

* fixed benchmarks compilation

* fix rustdoc

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from c1d5990e8..ecddd4a31

ecddd4a31 Rust cargo doc for all features (#1995)
e0997c14d Fix gitlab-check (#1994)
5284850ef Bump clap from 4.1.11 to 4.1.13
743cd60df Bump sysinfo from 0.28.3 to 0.28.4
dc322bae2 Bump async-trait from 0.1.67 to 0.1.68

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: ecddd4a315470d85135aafbdb96753af9b07b854

* Updated scripts for transfer assets

* Cargo.lock

* Script updates for `ping-via-bridge-from-statemine-rococo`

* Added `transfer-asset-from-statemine-rococo`

* Finished scripts


* Compile fix + log xcm trace all

* Initial version of bridges pallet as subtree of
Added `Bridges subtree files` pr review rule

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from ecddd4a31..d30927c08

d30927c08 Revert dispatch-results (#2048)
fa454c3b4 Remove unneeded files (#2044)
956a2c687 Bump clap from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2
91951583a Bump serde_json from 1.0.95 to 1.0.96
fcf462051 Bump h2 from 0.3.16 to 0.3.17 in /tools/runtime-codegen
b751fb24f Bump h2 from 0.3.16 to 0.3.17
0bf31ab78 update refs (#2041)
a490ecbd3 Fix CI build (#2039)
01139ebbc Define `RangeInclusiveExt` (#2037)
2db2f3fe3 Impl review suggestions from #2021 (#2036)
36292760f fix build step on CI (#2034)
3a2311b7a refund extra weight in receive_messages_delivery_proof call (#2031)
77f1641d1 Boost message delivery transaction priority (#2023)
c23c4e441 Reject delivery transactions with at least one obsolete message (#2021)
68ba699b7 Reintroduce msg dispatch status reporting (#2027)
d1e852cc3 Bump hex-literal from 0.4.0 to 0.4.1
16f25d613 Relay node down alert (#2002)
4bb1a6406 only refund if all bundled messages have been delivered (#2019)
b9acf52bc fail with InsufficientDispatchWeight if dispatch_weight doesn't cover weight of all bundled messages (#2018)
e10097fe2 Remove unneeded error debug strings (#2017)
f5e38f057 enable metrics on all validator nodes (#2016)
c35f1a187 Bump scale-info from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0
04c56977c Bump clap from 4.1.13 to 4.2.1
481371f3c Bump hex-literal from 0.3.4 to 0.4.0
6b9c1400d Bump serde from 1.0.158 to 1.0.159
e71877a2e Bump futures from 0.3.27 to 0.3.28
c019f4faa Bump tempfile from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0
2e6e79ef6 Bump serde_json from 1.0.94 to 1.0.95
0698b1ff9 Bump tokio from 1.26.0 to 1.27.0
35b149830 fix test step on CI (#2003)
0c3acc858 cleanup removed lane traces (#2001)
8bf81749e bump BridgeHubRococo/BridgeHubWococo versions (#2000)
e53bb7f36 MaxRequests -> MaxFreeMandatoryHeadersPerBlock in pallet-bridge-grandpa (#1997)
dfcc09043 Run tests for `runtime-benchmarks` feature only (#1998)
efcc8db17 Run benchmarks for mock runtimes (#1996)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d30927c089bd9e73092d1ec1a62895603cb277a3

* Fixes

* Squashed 'bridges/' content from commit d30927c08

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d30927c089bd9e73092d1ec1a62895603cb277a3

* Updated and (inspired by original

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from d30927c08..d3970944b

d3970944b Small simplifications (#2050)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: d3970944b0cfc4ea5226225e1ca07dab234c3556

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from d3970944b..2180797fb

2180797fb Removed CODEOWNERS (#2051)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 2180797fbf8a990490c67853dcffd81bc8dd083c

* Reused `teleports_for_native_asset_works` test to all bridge-hub runtime
Extract runtime_para_id for test
Fix test
Added helper for `execute_as_governance`

* Added test case `initialize_bridge_by_governance_works`

* Added test case `handle_export_message_from_system_parachain_to_outbound_queue_works`
fix script
Removed BridgeGrandpaRococoInstance

* Added test-case `message_dispatch_routing_works`

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 2180797fbf..4850aac8ce

4850aac8ce Removed relayer_account: &AccountId from MessageDispatch  (#2080)
8c8adafd54 Revert "Fix max-size messages at test chains (#2064)" (#2077)
c01a63efd8 Fixed off-by-one when confirming rewards in messages pallet (#2075)
a298be96aa Update subxt dependencies (#2072)
c0eef51eab Fix max-size messages at test chains (#2064)
3a658e3697 Messages relay fixes (#2073)
0022b5ab22 Slash relayers for invalid transactions (#2025)
198104007f Bump enumflags2 from 0.7.5 to 0.7.7
9229b257e5 [ci] Fix rules for docker build (#2069)
660d791390 [ci] Update buildah command and version (#2058)
e4535c0ca4 fix the way latest_confirmed_nonce_at_source is "calculated" (#2067)
dbc2d37590 select nothing if we have already selected nonces to submit or have submitted something (#2065)
a7eedd21fe [relay-substrate-client] Bump jsonrpsee (#2066)
8875d5aeae Bump clap from 4.2.2 to 4.2.4
25f9cf55e2 Another use of RangeInclusiveExt::checked_len() (#2060)
4942c12a5f submit lane unblock transactions from relay (#2030)
c0325d3c9c Test deployments fixes (#2057)
fc7b9b7ed7 Use the new matrix server (#2056)
63bcb5c10b Fixed delivery alert rule (#2052)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 4850aac8ce6c34e5ca6246b88cd14c873a879cba

* Fmt

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 4850aac8ce..66aaf0dd23

66aaf0dd23 Nits (#2083)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 66aaf0dd239dde40b64264061a77c921e2c82568

* Cleaning

* bridge-hub-rococo: minor fixes

Signed-off-by: Adrian Catangiu <>

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 66aaf0dd23..557ecbcecc

557ecbcecc Fix sized messages (Follow-up on #2064) (#2103)
54f587a066 Add weight of refund extension post_dispatch to the weights of messages pallet (#2089)
5b1626f8c4 fix pallet param for nightly benchmarks check (#2099)
ae44c6b7a1 Add millau specific messages weights (#2097)
6ad0bd1f1e Add integrity tests to rialto parachain runtiime (#2096)
6919556de5 Bump tokio from 1.27.0 to 1.28.0
58795fcb75 Bump clap from 4.2.4 to 4.2.5
01bf31085b Bump scale-info from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0
8fe383240d Bump anyhow from 1.0.70 to 1.0.71
8d94e82ad5 deployments: add new BEEFY metrics and alarms (#2090)
e9a4749e7e Bump wasmtime from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2
9d9936c0d9 Bump wasmtime from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 in /tools/runtime-codegen
5d77cd7bee Add more logs to relayer and message pallets (#2082)
75fbb9d3ef Update comment (#2081)
9904d09cf6 Benchmarks for new relayers pallet calls (#2040)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 557ecbcecc585547b744a5ac9fb8d7f3b9de4521

* fmt

* Fix compile

* Fix benchmark

* Squashed 'bridges/' changes from 557ecbcecc..04b3dda6aa

04b3dda6aa Remove from subtree (#2111)
f8ff15e7e7 Add `MessagesPalletInstance` for integrity tests (#2107)
92ccef58e6 Use generated runtimes for BHR/BHW (#2106)
b33e0a585b Fix comment (#2105)

git-subtree-dir: bridges
git-subtree-split: 04b3dda6aa38599e612ff637710b6d2cff275ef3

* Fix

* ".git/.scripts/commands/fmt/"

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_grandpa

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_parachains

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_messages

* ".git/.scripts/commands/bench/" pallet bridge-hub-rococo bridge-hubs pallet_bridge_relayers


Signed-off-by: Adrian Catangiu <>
Co-authored-by: Keith Yeung <>
Co-authored-by: Anthony Lazam <>
Co-authored-by: Serban Iorga <>
Co-authored-by: Svyatoslav Nikolsky <>
Co-authored-by: girazoki <>
Co-authored-by: parity-processbot <>
Co-authored-by: Serban Iorga <>
Co-authored-by: acatangiu <>
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A0-please_review Pull request needs code review. B1-note_worthy Changes should be noted in the release notes C1-low PR touches the given topic and has a low impact on builders. D9-needsaudit 👮 PR contains changes to fund-managing logic that should be properly reviewed and externally audited. T0-node This PR/Issue is related to the topic “node”. T1-runtime This PR/Issue is related to the topic “runtime”.
Status: Done

Successfully merging this pull request may close these issues.

XCM: Add support for NFT AssetTransactor Make XCM Instructions with Wild filter weighable.