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Parkplatz Transform API

Integration Tests

Relevant external documentation

Name Documentation Role
FastAPI docs API Framework
SQLAlchemy docs ORM
Alembic docs Database migrations
PostgresSQL docs Database
PostGIS docs Geo Extensions

Open API Documentation

Autogenerated API documentation can be found here as well as redoc here

Authentication and Authorization

Authentication is done by generating a link and emailing it to a user. The user verifies they have access to the email address provided by clicking the link in the email.

Authorization is done once an email address is verified by an API endpoint. The verification endpoint will return a signed JWT, this can be provided in an Authorization: Bearer XXX header to make authorized requests.

See also:
Passwordless authentication
Passwordless logins in Python

Local Development

If you would like to work on the backend, you can follow the steps bellow:

Clone the repository:

git clone && cd parkplatztransform-api

You will then need to create an .env file in the root directory of this project. It should look something like this:

# The following are optional and only required for testing email

One way to run the API locally is by using docker and docker compose.

To build the containers and install dependencies:

docker-compose build

To start the database and python app:

docker-compose up

Now run the database migrations:

sh ./scripts/

The web server will be available here

Important: Docker & docker compose configuration is not secure and optimised for local development, don't deploy the app using these settings.

If you prefer to run the app without using docker, make sure you have postgresql (with Postgis extension) running locally and set the appropriate value for the environment variable DATABASE_URL. You will need Python 3.9+ and Pip installed. Run pip install -r requirements.txt in the root directory to install dependencies.

Database Migrations

The project uses Alembic for generating some versioned migration boilerplate, however Alembic encourages that you inspect and edit these migration files to your needs. A few helper scripts exist to run migrations scripts inside the docker containers.

To generate a new migration file based off of SQLAlchemy models:

sh ./scripts/

To migrate a database to its latest version run:

sh ./scripts/

Caveats: Changes to enums and geoAlchemy2 fields currently require manual intervention.


To run integration tests for the API endpoints run the following (requires docker & docker-compose):

sh ./scripts/


The application is currently deployed on Heroku and depends on the following third-party services:

  • Mailgun API for sending emails contains verification links
  • Heroku Postgres with the PostGIS extension installed
  • Heroku Redis for session storage

These services should set their environment variables automatically, if not add them manually in the dashboard.

The application uses continuous integration and will automatically deploy the main branch on any commits.