Minispire Loan is a digital platform for providing loans to its users.
Minispire Loan is backend RESTFUL API provider having following 2 user roles:
Client (Customer) User
Admin User
- Can register to the system.
- Can login to the system.
- Can logout of the system.
- Can create the loan with weekly repayments
- Can reyap the loan repayment.
- Can see list of the their own loans only.
- Can login to the system
- Can logout of the system.
- Can update the loan status (approve or pending)
NOTE : It is expected that Apache and MySQL server are insalled in the system.
- git clone
- cd minispire_loan
- composer install
- Create Empty Database with name same as DB_DATABASE value in .env file :
- php artisan create:database
- Migrate the database
- php artisan migrate
- Install and configure dependencies and seed necessary data:
- php artisan passport:install
- php artisan passport:keys
- php artisan db:seed --class=RoleSeeder
- php artisan db:seed --class=AdminSeeder
- php artisan serve
Minispire Loan Postman Collection (Minispire Loan.postman_collection.json) is included in this repo containing all API requests for above mentioned Client and Admin Actions.
- php artisan test --testsuite=Feature --filter UserTest
- php artisan test --testsuite=Feature --filter LoanTest