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highlighted milestones

pkivolowitz edited this page Apr 14, 2017 · 6 revisions

These are milestones worthy of highlighting. Please see the blog for details.

04/13/17 pas server quite robust, progress on UIs

Lozord has begun the http server.

Here's a curses-based client driving three DACs simultaneously.

Curses Client


04/05/17 Multi-threaded command architecture running allowing a remote client to issue basic audio commands such as play, pause, etc. directly to the hardware managing thread is running.

04/04/17 Command line client can perform database queries over the network.

04/03/17 Confirmation of being able to fetch / decode / play multiple streams concurrently (second DAC is an AudioQuest DragonFly Black).

04/03/17 Database implemented first in sqlite then in mysql. Media discovery integration done.

04/01/17 Audio playing in prototype / test harness form.

04/01/17 Multi-threaded media discovery running.

03/29/17 Project started on an odroid XU4.

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