The Pastel CUDA Miner uses the CMake build system. Several dependent projects are used (automatically downloaded and built by CMake):
- LibEvent
- Google Test Library
- spdlog
Use the following presets to generate Visual Studio 2022 projects (Debug or Release):
cmake --preset vs2022_dbg
cmake --preset vs2022
The projects will be generated in [build-aux/vs2022/Release]
or [build-aux/vs2022/Debug]
Run the following command from that folder to build pastel_miner
cmake --build .
The binary will be moved to the [bin/Debug]
or [bin/Release]
Use the following presets to generate Linux makefiles:
cmake --preset linux
cmake --preset linux_dbg
The project files will be generated in [build-aux/linux/release]
or [build-aux/linux/debug]
Run the following command from these folders to build pastel_miner
cmake --build .
The configuration file pastel_miner.conf
is required to run Pastel Miner. The structure is as follows:
# s-nomp server address (default: localhost)
# s-nomp server port (default: 3255)
# Miner address
# Pool authentication password