An ebook generator in development. Uses the OpenAI API.
You can:
- Create books
- Generate and edit book content
- Store books in a simple JSON database file
- Export books to text or epub
All books are generated using a simple outline structure. Prompts are naive: individual chapters will reflect content of outline but not content of other chapters.
Clone or fork this repository.
Add your OpenAI API key to your environment as OPENAI_API_KEY
Model and parameters are hardcoded (for now) in autobook/
./run -h
to see available subcommands.
./run <subcommand> -h
to see options for each command.
./run create
to make your first book.
./run create -o "apples" -n 5
to begin creating a 5-chapter book about apples.
./run list
to view all created books.
./run export -f epub 1 apples.epub
to export the book with book_id 1 using the epub format.
- Run the program on the command line:
- Call tests:
- Find anything marked
- Verify type checking:
mypy .
- Clean up formatting:
black .
- Install:
python -m venv venv
in the root folder - Activate:
source venv/bin/activate
- Deactivate:
- Freeze pip requirements:
pip freeze -l > requirements.txt
- Install pip requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Follow Github-flow.
- Update main:
git checkout main; git pull
- Start a new branch:
git checkout -b new-branch
- Work on the branch:
git commit -m message
- Add the branch to the Github repo:
git push origin new-branch
- Go to the repo's webpage and initiate a pull request for the new branch
- Document branch changes in the pull request
- Wait for approval or merge immediately
- Once merged, delete branch on Github
- Delete locally if you're done with the branch:
git branch -d new-branch
- If you're still working on the branch locally, rebase with main (only do this for personal branches)
- Rebase instructions
- Switch to main and update:
git checkout main; git pull
- Since branch and main are now in alignment, have them split off at the current point:
git rebase main new-branch
- Type hints: mypy cheatsheet
- Style guide: PEP 8 (Black should take care of this automatically)