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Update subs, audio and console output
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patrickenfuego committed Jul 13, 2022
1 parent af4ce39 commit 33d978b
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Showing 2 changed files with 126 additions and 111 deletions.
208 changes: 116 additions & 92 deletions FFEncoder.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
using namespace System.IO

Cross-platform script for encoding HD/FHD/UHD video content using ffmpeg and x265
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -219,6 +217,8 @@ using namespace System.IO

using namespace System.IO

[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "CRF")]
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Help")]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -646,6 +646,18 @@ function Set-ScriptPaths ([hashtable]$OS) {
Write-Host ""

# Check for existing log - concurrent encodes of same source
if ([File]::Exists($logPath) -and
((Get-Process 'ffmpeg' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -or
(Get-Process 'x265*' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))) {

$logCount = (Get-ChildItem $root -Filter '*encode*.log' | Measure-Object).Count
if ($logCount) {
Write-Host "Existing encode detected...creating a separate log file" @warnColors
$logPath = [Path]::Join($root, "$title`_encode$($logCount + 1).log")

$pathObject = @{
InputFile = $InputPath
Root = $root
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -707,7 +719,7 @@ $console.WindowTitle = 'FFEncoder'
[console]::TreatControlCAsInput = $false

# Import FFTools module
Import-Module -Name "$PSScriptRoot\modules\FFTools" -Force
Import-Module -Name "$PSScriptRoot\modules\FFTools"
Write-Verbose "`n`n---------------------------------------"

# Source version functions
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -991,7 +1003,7 @@ try {
catch {
$params = @{
Message = "An error occurred before ffmpeg could be invoked. Exception:`n$($_.Exception)"
Message = "An error occurred during ffmpeg invocation. Exception:`n$($_.Exception)"
RecommendedAction = 'Correct the Error Message'
Category = "InvalidArgument"
CategoryActivity = "FFmpeg Function Invocation"
Expand All @@ -1016,131 +1028,143 @@ catch {
TODO: Refactor this mess

Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 750
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500

$skipStereoMux = $false
$skipBackgroundAudioMux = $false
$mId = 0
# Check for running jobs
$deeRunning = (Get-Job -Name 'Dee Encoder' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).State -eq 'Running'
$stereoRunning = (Get-Job -Name 'Stereo Encoder' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).State -eq 'Running'
$audioRunning = (Get-Job -Name 'Audio Encoder' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).State -eq 'Running'
# Set the temporary output file
$output = $paths.OutputFile -replace '^(.+)\.(.+)', '$1 (1).$2'

# Handle dee encoded audio. If a stereo track was created, add it as well
if ($Audio -like '*dee*' -or $Audio2 -like '*dee*') {
# Check for stereo and add it
if ([File]::Exists($Paths.StereoPath) -and !$stereoRunning) {
$skipStereoMux = $true
if ($audioRunning) {
Write-Host "Audio Encoder background job is still running. Pausing..." @warnColors
do {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
} until ((Get-Job 'Audio Encoder').State -eq 'Completed')
Get-Job -State Completed -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Remove-Job
elseif ([File]::Exists($Paths.StereoPath) -and $stereoRunning) {
Write-Host "Stereo Encoder background job is still running. Mux the file manually" @warnColors

# Mux in the dee encoded file if job isn't running
if ($deeRunning) {
Write-Host "Dee Encoder background job is still running. Mux the file manually" @warnColors
else {
Write-Host "Multiplexing DEE track back into the output file..." @progressColors
Write-Host "Dee Encoder background job is still running. Pausing..." @warnColors
do {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
} until ((Get-Job 'Dee Encoder').State -eq 'Completed')
Get-Job -State Completed -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Remove-Job

if ((Get-Command 'mkvmerge') -and $OutputPath.EndsWith('mkv')) {
#Find the dee encoded output file
$deePath = Get-ChildItem $(Split-Path $Paths.OutputFile -Parent) |
Where-Object { $_.Name -like "$($paths.Title)_audio.*3" -or $_.Name -like "$($paths.Title)" } |
Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty FullName

$muxPaths = @{
Input = $paths.OutputFile
Output = $output
Audio = $deePath
Title = $paths.Title
Language = $paths.Language
LogPath = $paths.LogPath
if ($skipStereoMux) {
$muxPaths.Stereo = $paths.StereoPath
$mId = 3
else { $mId = 2 }

Invoke-MkvMerge -Paths $muxPaths -Mode 'remux' -ModeID $mId -Verbose:$setVerbose
Write-Host "Multiplexing DEE track back into the output file..." @progressColors
Get-Job -State Completed -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Remove-Job

if ((Get-Command 'mkvmerge') -and $OutputPath.EndsWith('mkv')) {
#Find the dee encoded output file
$deePath = Get-ChildItem $(Split-Path $Paths.OutputFile -Parent) |
Where-Object { $_.Name -like "$($paths.Title)_audio.*3" -or $_.Name -like "$($paths.Title)" } |
Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty FullName

$muxPaths = @{
Input = $paths.OutputFile
Output = $output
Audio = $deePath
Title = $paths.Title
Language = $paths.Language
LogPath = $paths.LogPath
# If no mkvmerge, mux with ffmpeg
else {

$fArgs = @(
if ($skipBackgroundAudioMux) {
$muxPaths.ExternalAudio = $paths.StereoPath
$mId = 3
else { $mId = 2 }

Invoke-MkvMerge -Paths $muxPaths -Mode 'remux' -ModeID $mId -Verbose:$setVerbose
# If no mkvmerge, mux with ffmpeg
else {

$fArgs = @(
if ($skipBackgroundAudioMux) {
if ($skipStereoMux) {
if ($skipBackgroundAudioMux) {
if ($skipStereoMux) {

ffmpeg $fArgs

# Remove the DEE audio file if switch is present
if ($PSBoundParameters['RemoveFiles']) { Remove-Item $deePath -Force }
ffmpeg $fArgs

# Remove the DEE audio file if switch is present
if ($PSBoundParameters['RemoveFiles']) { Remove-Item $deePath -Force }

# If stream copy and stereo are used, mux the stream back into the container
if (($Audio -in 'copy', 'c', 'copyall', 'ca') -and $Stereo2 -and !$skipStereoMux) {
if ($stereoRunning) {
Write-Host "Stereo encoder background job is still running. Mux the file manually" @warnColors
if ([File]::Exists($Paths.StereoPath) -and !$skipBackgroundAudioMux) {
if ($audioRunning) {
Write-Host "Audio encoder background job is still running. Pausing..." @warnColors
do {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
} until ((Get-Job 'Audio Encoder').State -eq 'Completed')
Get-Job -State Completed -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Remove-Job
else {
Write-Host "Multiplexing stereo track back into the output file..." @progressColors

# If mkvmerge is available, use it instead of ffmpeg
if ((Get-Command 'mkvmerge') -and $OutputPath.EndsWith('mkv')) {
$muxPaths = @{
Input = $paths.OutputFile
Output = $output
Audio = $paths.StereoPath
Title = $paths.Title
Language = $paths.Language
LogPath = $paths.LogPath
$mId = 1
Invoke-MkvMerge -Paths $muxPaths -Mode 'remux' -ModeID 1 -Verbose:$setVerbose
# if not mkv or no mkvmerge, mux with ffmpeg
else {
ffmpeg -i $paths.OutputFile -i $paths.StereoPath -loglevel error -map 0 -map 1:a -c copy -y $output
Write-Host "Multiplexing external audio track back into the output file..." @progressColors

# If mkvmerge is available, use it instead of ffmpeg
if ((Get-Command 'mkvmerge') -and $OutputPath.EndsWith('mkv')) {
$muxPaths = @{
Input = $paths.OutputFile
Output = $output
ExternalAudio = $paths.StereoPath
Title = $paths.Title
Language = $paths.Language
LogPath = $paths.LogPath
$mId = 1
Invoke-MkvMerge -Paths $muxPaths -Mode 'remux' -ModeID 1 -Verbose:$setVerbose
# if not mkv or no mkvmerge, mux with ffmpeg
else {
ffmpeg -i $paths.OutputFile -i $paths.StereoPath -loglevel error -map 0 -map 1:a -c copy -y $output

# Verify if temp output file exists and delete it if it is at least as large or larger than original output
if ([File]::Exists($output) -and
(([FileInfo]($output)).Length -ge ([FileInfo]($paths.OutputFile)).Length)) {

Remove-Item $paths.OutputFile -Force

if (!$?) {
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Could not delete the original output file. It may be in use by another process" @warnColors

# Delete background audio file if it exists
if ([File]::Exists($paths.StereoPath)) {
if (!$?) {
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Could not delete the background audio file. It may be in use by another process" @warnColors
# Rename the new output file and assign the name for reference
$paths.OutputFile = (Rename-Item $output -NewName "$($paths.Title).$($paths.Extension)" -PassThru).FullName
Expand Down
29 changes: 10 additions & 19 deletions modules/FFTools/Private/Set-SubtitlePreference.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,39 +11,30 @@ function Set-SubtitlePreference {

if ($UserChoice -match "a[ll]*$" -or $UserChoice -match "c[opy]*a[ll]*") {
Write-Host "** ALL SUBTITLES SELECTED **" @progressColors
Write-Host "$("`u{25c7}" * 2) ALL SUBTITLES SELECTED $("`u{25c7}" * 2)" @progressColors
Write-Host "All subtitle streams will be copied"
return @('-map', '0:s?', '-c:s', 'copy')
elseif ($UserChoice -match "n[one]*$") {
Write-Host "** NO SUBTITLES SELECTED **" @progressColors
Write-Host "$("`u{25c7}" * 2) NO SUBTITLES SELECTED $("`u{25c7}" * 2)" @progressColors
Write-Host "All subtitle streams will be excluded from the output file`n"
return '-sn'
elseif ($UserChoice -match "d[efault]*$") {
Write-Host "** DEFAULT SUBTITLE SELECTED **" @progressColors
Write-Host "$("`u{25c7}" * 2) DEFAULT SUBTITLE SELECTED $("`u{25c7}" * 2)" @progressColors
Write-Host "The primary subtitle stream will be copied"
return @('-map', '0:s:0?', '-c:s', 'copy')
elseif ($UserChoice -like "!*") {
$lang = $UserChoice.Replace('!', '').ToUpper()
Write-Host "** SKIP $lang SUBTITLES SELECTED **" @progressColors
Write-Host "All subtitle streams of this language will be ignored"
$subStreams = Get-SubtitleStream -InputFile $InputFile -Language $UserChoice
if ($subStreams) {
foreach ($s in $subStreams) {
[string[]]$sArgs += '-map', "0:s:$s`?", '-c:s', 'copy'
return $sArgs
else {
if ($UserChoice -like "!*") {
$lang = $UserChoice.Replace('!', '').ToUpper()
Write-Host "$("`u{25c7}" * 2) SKIP $lang SUBTITLES SELECTED $("`u{25c7}" * 2)" @progressColors
Write-Host "All subtitle streams of this language will be ignored"
else {
Write-Warning "No matching subtitle preference was found. Subtitles will not be copied"
return '-sn'
Write-Host "$("`u{25c7}" * 2) $($UserChoice.ToUpper()) SUBTITLES SELECTED $("`u{25c7}" * 2)" @progressColors
Write-Host "Only subtitles of this language will be copied"
else {
Write-Host "** $($UserChoice.ToUpper()) SUBTITLES SELECTED **" @progressColors
Write-Host "Only subtitles of this language will be copied"
$subStreams = Get-SubtitleStream -InputFile $InputFile -Language $UserChoice
if ($subStreams) {
foreach ($s in $subStreams) {
Expand Down

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