Biketastic allows users to mark new and rate existing dangerous locations for cyclists. The web app integrates Weather APIs and Mapxbox.
- Users can use the search bar on the top left corner to nagivate to any city. The current city can also be focused by a current location button on the top right corner.
- This app uses Mapbox' core features to also zoom in and out.
- For marking new dangerous locations, users can click on any point on the map to add a new pin.
- By clicking, the app opens the uploader component, where the user can add name, title, and description as well as might upload a picture. Information is stored in state using Redux.
- Upon completion of upload, a new pin gets added to the map.
- Clicking on a pin brings up the Pin Component (Modal), where users can see the added information of the pin as well as current weather data of the location.
- The current weather data is presented by fetching weather API.
- A button in the Pin Component allows users to increase the awareness/dangerousness of the location.
- If enough users rated a pin/location as dangerous, the pin changes the color to red or even dark-red.