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Planning-to-Practice (PTP)

This repo contains the code for:

Planning to Practice: Efficient Online Fine-Tuning by Composing Goals in Latent Space Kuan Fang*, Patrick Yin*, Ashvin Nair, Sergey Levine. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2022.

Project Page:


      title={Planning to Practice: Efficient Online Fine-Tuning by Composing Goals in Latent Space}, 
      author={Kuan Fang and Patrick Yin and Ashvin Nair and Sergey Levine},
      journal={International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)}, 


Create Conda Env

Install and use the included anaconda environment.

$ conda env create -f docker/ptp.yml
$ source activate ptp
(ptp) $


Download the dependency repos.

  • bullet-manipulation (contains environments): git clone
  • multiworld (contains environments): git clone
  • rllab (contains visualization code): git clone

Add paths.

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/multiworld
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/doodad
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/bullet-manipulation
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/bullet-manipulation/bullet-manipulation/roboverse/envs/assets/bullet-objects
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/railrl-private

Setup Config File

You must setup the config file for launching experiments, providing paths to your code and data directories. Inside railrl/config/, fill in the appropriate paths. You can use railrl/config/ as an example reference.

cp railrl/launchers/ railrl/launchers/

Running Experiments

Below we assume the data is stored at DATA_PATH and the trained models are stored at DATA_CKPT.

Offline Dataset and Goals

Collect a dataset by running

python shapenet_scripts/ --save_path DATA_PATH/ --name env6_td_pnp_push --downsample --num_threads 4

and resample new goals by running

python shapenet_scripts/ --output_dir DATA_PATH/env6_td_pnp_push/ --downsample --test_env_seeds 0 1 2 --timeout_k_steps_after_done 5 --mix_timeout_k

from the bullet-manipulation repository.

Training VQ-VAE

To pretrain a VQ-VAE on the simulation dataset, run

python experiments/ --data_dir DATA_PATH/env6_td_pnp_push --root_dir DATA_CKPT/ptp/vqvae

To encode the existing data with the pretrained VQ-VAE, run

python experiments/ --data_dir DATA_PATH/env6_td_pnp_push --root_dir DATA_CKPT/ptp/vqvae

To visualize loss curves and reconstructions of images with VQ-VAE, open the tensorboard log file with tensorboard --logdir DATA_CKPT/ptp/vqvae.

Training Affordance Model

Next, we train the affordance models of multiple time scales with the pretrained VQ-VAE (Note that for dt=60, we use train_eval.dataset_type='final' to enable goal prediction beyond the horizon of prior data):

python experiments/ --data_dir DATA_PATH/env6_td_pnp_push/ --vqvae DATA_CKPT/ptp/vqvae/ --gin_param train_eval.z_dim=8 --gin_param train_eval.affordance_pred_weight=1000 --gin_param train_eval.affordance_beta=0.1 --dt 15 --dt_tolerance 5 --max_steps 3 --root_dir DATA_CKPT/ptp/affordance_zdim8_weight1000_beta0.1_run0/dt15

python experiments/ --data_dir DATA_PATH/env6_td_pnp_push/ --vqvae DATA_CKPT/ptp/vqvae/ --gin_param train_eval.z_dim=8 --gin_param train_eval.affordance_pred_weight=1000 --gin_param train_eval.affordance_beta=0.1 --dt 30 --dt_tolerance 10 --max_steps 2 --root_dir DATA_CKPT/ptp/affordance_zdim8_weight1000_beta0.1_run0/dt30

python experiments/ --data_dir DATA_PATH/env6_td_pnp_push/ --vqvae DATA_CKPT/ptp/vqvae/ --dataset_type final --gin_param train_eval.z_dim=8 --gin_param train_eval.affordance_pred_weight=1000 --gin_param train_eval.affordance_beta=0.1 --dt 60 --dt_tolerance 10 --max_steps 1 --root_dir DATA_CKPT/ptp/affordance_zdim8_weight1000_beta0.1_run0/dt60

After training has completed, we compile the hierarchical affordance model:

python experiments/ --input DATA_CKPT/ptp/affordance_zdim8_weight1000_beta0.1_run0

Lastly, we copy the affordance model to the data folder:

cp -r DATA_CKPT/ptp/affordance_zdim8_weight1000_beta0.1_run0 DATA_PATH/env6_td_pnp_push/pretrained/

To visualize loss curves and samples from the affordance model, open the tensorboard log files with tensorboard --logdir DATA_CKPT/ptp.

Training PTP

To train offline RL and finetune online in our simulated environment with our hierarchical planner, run

python experiments/ 
--data_dir DATA_PATH --local --gpu --save_pretrained 
--name exp_task0
--arg_binding eval_seeds=0

For our target tasks A, B, and C that we showed in the paper, the corresponding eval_seeds are 0, 1, and 2 respectively.

Visualizing PTP

During training, the results will be saved to a file called under

  • LOCAL_LOG_DIR is the directory set by railrl.launchers.config.LOCAL_LOG_DIR
  • <exp_prefix> is given either to setup_logger.
  • <foldername> is auto-generated and based off of exp_prefix.
  • inside this folder, you should see a file called params.pkl. To visualize a policy, run

You can visualize the results by running jupyter notebook, opening ptp_reproduce.ipynb, and setting dirs = [LOCAL_LOG_DIR/<exp_prefix>/<foldername>].


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