If you cannot use GitHub Dependabot for whatever reason, here is a Maven profile which works like a Dependabot clone to help you accomplish the same goal: keep your pom.xml dependencies always up-to-date
<!-- bind to validate phase to update pom.xml asap -->
<!-- IMPORTANT: plugins can only be updated if their versions are managed using properties -->
<commandlineArgs>versions:update-parent versions:update-properties versions:use-latest-releases</commandlineArgs>
<!-- IMPORTANT: you can customize the commit message -->
<commandlineArgs>commit -am "bump pom.xml versions"</commandlineArgs>
<!-- avoids build break when there is no update -->
mvn clean compile -Pupdate-pom
You could setup your CICD pipeline to build using this profile whenever e.g. a feature
branch is created
Permission to modify and redistribute is granted under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for the full license.
Just create a PR :-)
Useful resources: