A custom component to Home Assistant that read Swedish weather stations (ViVa) serviced by Sjöfartsverket. The component fetch the average wind data for a selected station.
If you have not yet installed HACS, go get it at https://hacs.xyz/ and install.
Then find the Sjöfartsverket ViVa integration in HACS and install it.
Restart Home Assistant!
Inside the configuration folder in Home Assistant create the folder custom_components
if it's not already created. Create a new folder, sjofartsverket_viva
in that folder and copy the files to the folder.
Restart Home Assistant!
Set up the sensor using the configuration file (configuration.yaml
- platform: sjofartsverket_viva
name: Vind
region: 114
scan_interval: 60
- platform: template
friendly_name: "Byvind"
entity_id: sensor.vind
unit_of_measurement: 'm/s'
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.vind', 'Wind max') }}"
The region can be found at Sjöfartsverket (https://geokatalog.sjofartsverket.se/kartvisarefyren/), select a station and view the "stationsid" parameter. Some examples: Vinga/Göteborg is 114 and Gubben/Sundsvall is 153. scan_interval is the number of seconds between requests to ViVa, please do not poll too often. The selected station must have a value for "Medelvind", otherwise the component will not receive any data.
If you want to make an automation, e.g. a warning if the wind is high, do something like the following in automations.yaml
- id: '1585597720358'
alias: Notify if high wind
platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.Vind
above: 18
service: notify.mailsender
title: Warning!
message: The wind is now {{ states('sensor.Vind') }} m/s.