H1 = White -> opinion closer to 1 -> safe H2 = Black -> opinion closer to 0 -> unsafe
Opinion = Value representing an agent's belief in the correct hypothesis
SProdOp Opinion is continuous, but bounded between 0.05 and 0.95, if the result of pooling or evidential updating produces a number outside of these bounds, it is changed back to the closest bound. i.e. an agent who pools with neighbours resulting in an opinion of 0.01 would change it's opinion to 0.05
BBots Opinion is discrete, can either be 0.05, 0.5, or 0.95: 0.05 - Agent is decided on H2 0.5 - Agent is undecided 0.95 - Agent is decided on H1
DMMD Opinion is discrete, can either be 0.05 or 0.95: 0.05 - Agent is decided on H2 0.95 - Agent is decided on H1
Belief = An opinion which is above 0.9 or below 0.1, which then corresponds to an agent being confident in either of the two states
For example, an agent in SProdOp with an opinion of 0.91 can be said to have a belief in H1.