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💾 Linux RAM disk persistent with Systemd timer, service and suspend v2024.10.102

Bugs are evident™ - MATRIX️

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sudo npm install -g p3x-ramdisk --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root

IntelliJ Speed

Based on:

After all these tricks I tried to open my current project with IntelliJ IDEA 12 … 

Wow!!! It is fantastic! Works like a … sword!!! 

Why sword?! I don’t know exactly. May be because of Darcula theme. This is just first thought what came to my mind seeing the overall results. 

The Intellij IDEA 12 now works as a lightsaber sword, as a weapon of a Jedi Knight, which you can trust in Java world! 


  • Requires tmpfs, bash, fstab, rsync, memory :)
    • Usually, all requirements are available in many Unix flavors
  • SystemD
    • Service
    • Timer
    • Suspend
    • RAM disk to HDD
  • Linux for sure, easy to extend for Unix, BSD, macOS
    • Should might need some tuning, but the functions are there, I just only tested in Linux.

Intel Optane

I think my ramdisk is faster. Ciao!!! (:

Use case

Speed up IntelliJ and development Node. (Tons of files.)
The result is that the development is many folds faster. No waiting at all.




Do not use the $USER variable, use the actual username, like p3x-robot.

So actual install

patrikx3@workstation ~ $ p3x-ramdisk install --help

  Usage: install [options] <uid>

Install a p3x-ramdisk    


    -h, --help               output usage information
    -r, --rampath [path]     The path of the ram disk, default /home/{{USER}}/ramdisk
    -p, --persistent [path]  The path of the ram persistent, default /home/{{USER}}/ramdisk-persistent
    -g, --gid [group]        The gid, it you omit it is the current user
    -t, --timer [minutes]    The timer in minutes, minimum about 10 minutes, Default is 20 minutes, the best
    -s, --size [megabytes]   Ramdisk in size of megabytes, default is 4096 megabytes


Trash is disabled in GNOME with p3x-ramdisk. It will ask for confirm to delete data. You might have it in the previous save. It is possible to enable trash bin, but for me is not important now, so I disabled, memory is not cheap.


Use GitHub for info, NPM hides wide strings.

# of course your data will never be deleted,
# double persistence (current, previouse, saves every 20 minutes)
# load on boot, plus at shutdown and suspend it saves

sudo npm install -g p3x-ramdisk --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root

# install
# if you need less/more memory, add -s 1024 or even more, 10GB is good :)
sudo p3x-ramdisk install {{USER}}    

# Get the output, add to /etc/fstab
echo "tmpfs   /home/{{USER}}/ramdisk tmpfs   gid=10000,uid=10000,size=4096M   0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
sudo mount -a
# you should verify the ramdisk is existing now, you might have to reboot
# on linux it can show your settings, like below:
df -h

# if there is an error, you can 
sudo p3x-ramdisk stop {{USER}}

# if all good
sudo p3x-ramdisk start {{USER}}

# you can work like here (this a symlink, so you can't accidentally delete
# so next time boot, it will re-create the symlink ...)
# /home/{{USER}}/ramdisk/p3x-persistence

p3x-ramdisk watch {{USER}}

# to trigger a savs
p3x-ramdisk save {{USER}}

# you don't need usually to save
# the default is 20 minutes
# the systemd service saves on suspend and shutdown

# to stop the services
# removes sync, so the ramdisk files will be unavailable,
# only be in /home/username/ramdisk-persistent/current
sudo p3x-ramdisk stop {{USER}} 

# your duplicate copies are
ls -all /home/{{USER}}/ramdisk-persistent/current/
ls -all /home/{{USER}}/ramdisk-persistent/previous/

# you are done
# the default use case is to speed up working with IntelliJ and my projects to ramdisk
# if you just want persistent folder and that's all
# there is a special folder, .p3x-ramdisk-link
# everything there is linked into /home/{{USER}}
# if there is nothing in .p3x-ramdisk-link
# no linking is. to test it, you might not need it.

Linkin' in /home

# LINKING - IS NOT REQUIRED, but is good as a sword :)
p3x-ramdisk save {{USER}}
sudo p3x-ramdisk stop {{USER}}
mkdir -p /home/{{USER}}/ramdisk-persistent/current/.p3x-ramdisk-link

cp -avr /home/{{USER}}/.IntelliJIdea2019.2 /home/{{USER}}/ramdisk-persistent/current/.p3x-ramdisk-link

# backup
mkdir -p /home/{{USER}}/backup
mv /home/{{USER}}/.IntelliJIdea2019.2 /home/{{USER}}/backup/ 

# need to delete the originals, since they become symlinks
rm -rf /home/{{USER}}/.IntelliJIdea2019.2

ln -s  /home/{{USER}}/ramdisk-persistent/current/.p3x-ramdisk-link/.IntelliJIdea2019.2 /home/{{USER}}/.IntelliJIdea2019.2

sudo p3x-ramdisk start {{USER}}



patrikx3@laptop:~/ramdisk/.p3x-ramdik-persistence/content/.p3x-ramdisk-link/Projects/patrikx3/ramdisk$ sudo p3x-ramdisk install patrikx3 -s 6144
2018-05-08 00:30:08: terminal install

2018-05-08 00:30:08: terminal copy

2018-05-08 00:30:08: terminal suspend

2018-05-08 00:30:08: terminal reload services

2018-05-08 00:30:08: terminal install done

Settings: {
  "rampath": "ramdisk",
  "persistent": "ramdisk-persistent",
  "uid": "patrikx3",
  "uidNumber": 10000,
  "gid": "patrikx3",
  "timer": 20,
  "size": "4096",
  "home": "/home/patrikx3",
  "script": "/home/patrikx3/.p3x-ramdisk"
Final commands:
1) You only have to do it once, if you haven't done it before

echo "tmpfs   /home/patrikx3/ramdisk tmpfs   gid=10000,uid=10000,size=4096M   0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
sudo mount -a

2) verify that ramdisk is working, see it here

df -h

3) if everything is ok, start the persistent ramdisk

sudo p3x-ramdisk start {{USER}}


Watching the RAM disk

p3x-ramdisk watch {{USER}}
Filesystem                                                 Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs                                                      4,0G  2,0G  2,1G  50% /home/patrikx3/ramdisk

              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:            31G        3,3G         18G        2,0G        9,8G         25G
Swap:          8,0G          0B        8,0G
Load: 2018-05-27 09:01:49  2018-05-27 09:01:56  0 minutes 7 seconds
Save: 2018-05-27 09:20:00  2018-05-27 09:20:16  0 minutes 16 seconds

2018-05-27 09:20:00: timer save, ramdisk to current
2018-05-27 09:20:00: timer save /home/patrikx3/ramdisk/.p3x-ramdik-persistence/content to /home/patrikx3/ramdisk-persistent/current
2018-05-27 09:20:16: timer saved
2018-05-27 09:20:16: timer save done
2018-05-27 09:20:16: timer 0 minutes 16 seconds

5/27/2018, 9:24:45 AM | Persistence 20 minutes | Watch 1 second



LOG info

2018-05-06 02:57:37: boot loading
2018-05-06 02:57:37: boot load /home/patrikx3/ramdisk-persistent/current to /home/patrikx3/ramdisk/.p3x-ramdik-persistence/content
2018-05-06 02:57:47: boot loaded
2018-05-06 02:57:47: boot link
2018-05-06 02:57:47: boot link /home/patrikx3/ramdisk/.p3x-ramdisk-persistence/content/.IntelliJIdea2018.3 to /home/patrikx3/.IntelliJIdea2018.3
2018-05-06 02:57:47: boot link /home/patrikx3/ramdisk/.p3x-ramdisk-persistence/content/Projects to /home/patrikx3/Projects
2018-05-06 02:57:47: boot link done
2018-05-06 02:57:47: boot 0 minutes 10 seconds

2018-05-06 02:57:47: timer save
2018-05-06 02:57:47: timer save, current to previous
2018-05-06 02:57:47: timer save /home/patrikx3/ramdisk-persistent/current to /home/patrikx3/ramdisk-persistent/previous
2018-05-06 02:57:50: timer saved
2018-05-06 02:57:50: timer save, ramdisk to current
2018-05-06 02:57:50: timer save /home/patrikx3/ramdisk/.p3x-ramdisk-persistence/content to /home/patrikx3/ramdisk-persistent/current
2018-05-06 02:57:53: timer saved
2018-05-06 02:57:53: timer save done
2018-05-06 02:57:53: timer 0 minutes 6 seconds

LOG Update

2018-05-06 03:31:51
2018-05-06 03:31:57
0 minutes 6 seconds

Thunder ramdisk persistence

patrikx3@workstation ~/ramdisk-persistent/current/.p3x-ramdisk-link $ ll
total 32
drwxr-xr-x  8 patrikx3 patrikx3 4096 May  7 13:04 ./
drwxr-xr-x  3 patrikx3 patrikx3 4096 May  7 13:02 ../
drwxr-xr-x  4 patrikx3 patrikx3 4096 Apr 25 17:51 .IntelliJIdea2018.3/
patrikx3@workstation ~/ramdisk-persistent/current/.p3x-ramdisk-link $ 

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  • Minor: Set as 4 for releases from January to June, and 10 for July to December.
  • Patch: Incremental, updated with each build.

Important Changes: Any breaking changes are prominently noted in the readme to keep you informed.

P3X-RAMDISK Build v2024.10.102

NPM Donate for Corifeus / P3X Contact Corifeus / P3X Like Corifeus @ Facebook