This repository contains the code for the paper Unsupervised classification of congenital inner ear malformations using DeepDiffusion for latent space representation presented at the 26th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2023).
To generate the corresponding pointclouds for each 3D mesh of your dataset and store them in the corresponding dataset in h5 format you must run
The file used to train and evaluate the training is
The saved model and the embeddings of the test set are stored in the output folder which can be used to display different visualizations of the latent space as we showed in our paper as:
We recomend setting up a virtual enviroment for running the code.
The enviroment for running this code can be created by using the following commands:
conda create -n DD_shape python=3.8
conda activate DD_shape
pip install pandas pytorch-lightning pyvista scipy h5py sobol sobol_seq meshio tensorboard pytorch_geometric
The dataset used for the publication which consists in various 3D meshes of normal and malformed cochleas cannot be made public.
If you want to run this code and play with the dataset used in DeepDiffusion: Unsupervised Learning of Retrieval-Adapted Representations via Diffusion-Based Ranking on Latent Feature Manifold. The dataset can be downloaded here:
You should move all the meshes to a data folder and you can generate the dataset using the following commands from the data folder:
python --in_dirname ./ModelNet10/data --n_point 1024 --labels ./labels_train.txt --classes ./classes.txt --out_filepath ./training_set.h5
python --in_dirname ./ModelNet10/data --n_point 1024 --labels ./labels_test.txt --classes ./classes.txt --out_filepath ./testing_set.h5
You can then train a model using the following command from the root directory: