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IMPORTANT: Master is now the coming 6.0. If you need to a patch release, use the 5.x branch. 6.0 is going to be released sometimes after Firefox 57.
Using you can:
- Test your web site against Web Performance best practices using the Coach.
- Collect Navigation Timing API, User Timing API and Visual Metrics from Firefox/Chrome using Browsertime.
- Run your custom-made JavaScript and collect whichever metric(s) you need.
- Test one or multiple pages, across one or many runs to get more-accurate metrics.
- Create HTML-result pages or store the metrics in Graphite.
- Write your own plugins that can do whatever tests you want/need.
See all the latest changes in the Changelog.
If you use Firefox 55 (or later) please have a look at sitespeedio/browsertime#358. When 57 is released we think there will be a easy way to fix it :)
Checkout our example
Collected metrics from a URL in Graphite/Grafana:
Video - easiest using Docker. This gif is optimized, the quality is much better IRL:
Using Docker (requires 1.10+):
$ docker run --shm-size=1g --rm -v "$(pwd)":/ sitespeedio/ --video --speedIndex
Or install using npm:
$ npm i -g
Or clone the repo and test the latest changes:
$ git clone
$ cd
$ npm install
$ bin/sitespeed.js --help
$ bin/sitespeed.js
We have a special page for you!
All the love in the world to our contributors: