Provides social network style Friend Requests and Friendships.
Request.prototype.requester() - Get the user instance for the user who requested the friendship.
Request.prototype.user() - Get the user instance for the user who's friendship is being requested.
Request.prototype.accept() - Accept a friend request.
Request.prototype.deny() - Deny a friend request. Request won't be allowed to be re-made for User.restrictRequestDays
Days. Default is 30 days.
Request.prototype.cancel() - Cancel a friend request.
Request.prototype.isDenied() - Check to see if the request has been denied.
Friend.prototype.user() - The User instance for the friend.
This package extends the socialize:user-model package with properties and methods that apply the the user in the context of friends and friend requests.
User.restrictRequestDays - The number of days to restrict a user from making another friend request to the same person.
User.registerBlockingHook(hook) - Register a function that when returns true signifies that a user is blocked. Hook function is passed a User instance to check against and the context is the calling user instance.
User.prototype.requests(limit, skip, sortBy, sortOrder) - Get the requests for the user. Returns a Mongo.Cursor which yields Request instances.
User.prototype.numPendingRequests() - Get the number of requests that have not been responded to.
User.prototype.hasRequestFrom(user) - Check if the user already has a request from someone.
User.prototype.requestFriendship() - Make a friend request from the current user.
User.prototype.friends - Get friends for the user. Returns a Mongo.Cursor which yields Friend instances
User.prototype.friendsAsUsers(limit, sortBy, sortOrder, online) - Get friends for user as the users they represent. Returns a Mongo.Cursor which yields User instances.
User.prototype.unfriend() - Sever the friendship connection between the user and the current user.
User.prototype.blocksUser(user) - Check if one user blocks another. Check include by _id by default. Other blocking checks can be registred using User.registerBlockingHook
This package provides some publictions for convienience.
friends {limit:Number, skip:Number} - Publishes friend records with their related user records.
Meteor.subscribe('friends', {limit:10, skip:10});
friendRequests {limit:Number, skip:Number} - Publishes request records with their related user records.
Meteor.subscribe('friendRequests', {limit:10, skip:10});