Project built using:
- Webpack
- Sass
- Babel (es6)
- Single HTML file
- React
- Botkit
- Botbuilder
Whilst in development have variables in the server config file for: 'slackBotToken' - The unique identifying code provided by Slack for your Bot 'database_url' - The URI for your mongoDB. 'luisToken' - The URL to your application on the LUIS natural language service (https://api.projectoxford...)
We've included the exported JSON file containing our LUIS app in server/model which can be used to create a new LUIS app.
To build the bundle and track any changes to the files run npm run dev
To start the server run npm start
Starting the server connects the bot to slack
Remove the links to LUIS, MongoDB and Slackbot and add them as env variables on your host service.
To Webkpack the client side for production run npm run prod
To start the server run npm start
To apply unit tests run mocha
Further end-to-end testing is currently stored in the botTesting branch and utilises a second Slack bot which talks to the main bot and tests the responses.