Releases: paulhoule/centipede
99.6 -- centipedeOptions to configure Spring
This release adds support for
which make it possible to add additional applicationContext.xml files as well as select either lazy or eager loading of beans in Spring.
Bump Spring version to 4.0.3.
99.4 -- rollback to Guava 11.0.2 to match Hadoop
This is the surest way out of "dependency hell"
Bump to Guava 16.0 and Spring 4.0
This brings centipede up to date with major dependencies; Spring 4 means if you hate XML you can use Groovy instead
99.2 -- add dot to local configuration directory
We left out the dot that makes the local configuration directory invisible on UNIX in the archetype definition. This is done now.
99.1 -- synchronize centpede version number
This version automatically includes the current centipede version number in the generated POM when the archetype is built.
99.0 -- centipede-archetype makes command line programs in Java easy
This version of centipede shell introduces an archetype to quickly create Java command line programs.
This version contains a breaking change over the 98.0 in that application names are specified with a @component annotation rather than by adding "App" to the class name.
Add @Required Annotation
Bump Spring Version
This brings Spring up to version 3.2.5 as well as other dependency updates.
Add OptionsParser
This contains the first release of OptionsParser, which introduces annotation driven super-getopt() functionality. See the milestone for a complete list of changes.