Copyright (c) 2018 Paul van Haastrecht
As part of a larger project I am looking at analyzing and understanding the air quality. The aim of this project was to better understand the kind of gas-types that are in the air.
I have ported the library to CPP on a Raspberry PI running Raspbian Jessie releaseand Pi-OS (Buster). It has been adjusted and extended for stable working.
BCM2835 library Install latest from BCM2835 from :
- wget
- tar -zxf bcm2835-1.56.tar.gz // 1.56 was version number at the time of writing
- cd bcm2835-1.56
- ./configure
- sudo make check
- sudo make install
In order for this software to run you should NOT enable i2C in raspi-config to load the kernel drivers. It works directly on the hardware, but you’ll have to run program as root if you select hard-I2C
twowire library Obtain the latest version from :
- download the zip-file (clone or download / download zip-file) in the wanted directory
- unzip (*1)
- cd twowire-master
- make install
*1) if you do not have unzip : sudo apt-get install zip unzip
BME680 software Obtain the latest version from :
- Download the zip-file (clone or download / download zip-file) in the wanted directory
- unzip (*1)
- cd bme680-master
- create the executable : make
- To run you have to be as sudo ./bme680m -h ….
- initial release
- fix compile error on Pi-OS (Buster)
Detailed description of the many options in bme680.odt in the documents directory, along with other information
The files BME60C, BME680_defs.h and xxx are original files from BOSCH. The current version is included (19 Jun 2018). They may have different license rights and conditions. For the latest info please check