Ansible playbook's using BIG-IP ansible modules
- HA: Playbook to create a BIG-IP HA pair using the bigip_command module - "create-ha-plyabook.yaml"
- iApp: Playbook to upload the iApp to the BIG-IP and then deploy the iApp -"upload_and_deploy_iapp.yml"
- Onboarding a BIG-IP (NTP/DNS/Hostname/Provisioning/VLAN/SelfIP) - "onboarding-bigip.yml"
- Node maintenence: Disable a node member ,perform an upgrade on the node, enable the node member - "node_member_maintanence.yml"
- Playbook to spin up BIG-IP in private cloud (vCenter) using govc (vShpere CLI) - "spin_up_BIGIP_vCenter_govc.yaml"
- Playbook to spin up BIG-IP in provate cloud (vCenter) using vsphere_guest ansible module - "spin_up_BIGIP_vCenter_guest_module.yaml"
- Playbook to spin up BIG-IP CFT in AWS - "spin_up_BIGIP_CFT_AWS.yaml"