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Upgrading to version 4.3.1

Kristofer Carta edited this page Nov 4, 2021 · 1 revision

New environment variable

Name and value

Add a new environment variable named PAYPAL_MIRAKL_OPERATOR_TIME_ZONE, by default its value is UTC.

Where shall I add the environment variable?

If running a Docker installation following our example scripts, add the value to your .env file. Otherwise, if you're running the connector as a regular Java app, add the environment variable in your environment using e.g. export PAYPAL_MIRAKL_OPERATOR_TIME_ZONE=YourTimeZone.

Where can I get my Mirakl Operator time zone?

Submit a request to Mirakl support to get the value of your Mirakl Operator time zone.

What are the possible values to be set on the PAYPAL_MIRAKL_OPERATOR_TIME_ZONE environment variable?

The table in this page contains all the TZ database names that can be used.

For further information, consult the ZoneId Java documentation that further describes the values that can be entered.